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War. It is a driving force in mortal life. When disagreements become bitter disputes, when the need for resources cannot be peacefully negotiated, when prejudice and all manner of twisted beliefs take root, conflict is inevitable. Few know the thrill, the horror or the cost of war better than a Reaver. For make no mistake, Reaving is a magic dedicated to mastering this terrible, and for some, glorious endeavor.


Reaving is a decidedly controversial magic with its exact origins being a complete mystery to most. For millennia the magic was considered a lost art, sparse stories and records of it existed with the majority of those sources being little more than folklore. Tales of warriors able to summon mystical blades, mighty shields or awe inspiring bows of legend, to most in the arcane community these were believed to be early depictions of Runeforging. The existence of Reaving was dismissed as historical inaccuracies. Until the Sundering. The Order of the Dawnmartyr reintroduced the magic to the world and with it, they became the foremost battlemages in all of Ransera. It was with this magic, one that no living soul had ever witnessed up close before, that they pushed back the influence of the Cult of Mending and helped to restore many parts of the world to peace. The Dawnmartyr’s never revealed the origins of the magic, though they seemed highly knowledgeable of its capabilities. Most ascribed this to years of secretive use. With the destruction of Ailos and the extinction of the Order, the origins of Reaving may well and truly be lost to the world.

Initiation and Threshold Sickness

Reaving is a magic of war and conflict. This truth is reflected in its initiation process. Reaving can only be inscribed by a Journeyman or higher in the art. The Rune of Reaving must inscribed upon the flesh of the recipient with a Pact weapon after which point in time, the initiate must immediately go into battle with their chosen Pact weapon. Pact weapons are described in the sections below. This fight must be between the wizard doing the initiating and the initiate, no other will satisfy the trial that begins. The fight, is one of the most grueling that the initiate will ever face. It is the first introduction to the Reaver’s most fundamental power and it is also a lesson in the cost of that power. Throughout the fight, the initiate must accomplish three things:

First, they must never drop their weapon. To do so means death. The soul will be ripped from the body and drawn completely into the failed Pact weapon.

Second, they must fight and they must fight to win though what constitutes as a victory is subjective. The arduousness of this fight is two-fold. Unlike normal pact weapons, the initiating weapon does not shield the aspirant reaver from experiencing every blow as it is delivered. The aspirant reaver will feel every cut, every hit, every maneuver performed with their initiating weapon until the fight is over.

Finally, they must hold onto their own soul. The process begun with the initiation seeks to bind the Pact weapon that is chosen to the wielder’s soul. But to wield Reaving requires an iron will and a breach of that willpower means the initiate’s soul will instead be bound to the weapon. At their peak, the Order of the Dawnmartyr kept these weapons as artifacts and as lessons. The fate of this cache of unique weaponry is unknown following the fall of Ailos.

The fight lasts until the initiate satisfies these conditions with hallucinations on top of forming a Pact weapon making the feat all the more taxing. By the end of this trial, the initiate will be exhausted. Their Pact weapon will be emblazoned upon their soul. Whatever wounds they received as a result of the Pact, will heal as though they had never been. Those wounds they received as a result of their own carelessness in battle, will remain until they heal naturally, a memento to the trial endured.

OOC Note: In order to remain reasonably consistent with lore and to prevent the unprepared from being initiated, any aspirant Reaver must first be at least Apprentice level in the use of their chosen Pact Weapon prior to being initiated.


Reavers are unique in that they have a very good gauge to tell when they are nearing their limits. Their Pact weapons become brittle and feeble, the effects of using Pact weaponry increase. On the lowest end of the spectrum, pain, the manifestation of spontaneous but minor wounds, body aches, and nausea are common. As the Reaver pushes beyond these limits, ignoring them, their summoned weaponry becomes less pristine, becoming rusted, rotted and broken. Bloodlust, blind rage, and madness are the ultimate result with the Reaver’s death being inevitable.

How It Works

Reavers are warriors, fighters, archers, or some manner of formidable combatant. Reaving is not a magic that suffers dabblers well and thus those who do wield it, do so powerfully. The Rune of Reaving allows the mage to dematerialize and rematerialize weapons and shields using their aether through what is known as the Pact. The chosen Pact weapon will be emblazoned upon the Reaver’s soul, with their rune often incorporating a stylized depiction of it in its appearance. Once this is achieved, the Reaver can then summon the weapon at will. It will remain physical and material for as long as the mage has the strength to maintain it.

The Pact

The Pact is simple in theory, it is always exhausting and the first Pact is the only one that is fatal if failed. The Pact of the Reaver is one that is made with their chosen weapon. It is achieved by extending one’s aether to the weapon that the mage has decided to incorporate into their rune. The wizard must meditate and continue to funnel their aether into the weapon, usually for at least an hour and a circumstance similar to their initiation will begin. In every instance, once this process has begun the wizard must then immediately take their chosen Pact weapon into battle. During the course of this fight, they must hold on to their own soul while drawing the weapon into it and while not suffering the hallucination and rigors of their initiation, it is no less taxing. Again, the mage must remain in physical contact with the weapon the entire time and during the ensuing fight, they must fight to win.

Failing to satisfy these conditions will result in a failed Pact, the consequence for which is always medium to heavy amounts of overstepping. Recovery from a failed Pact is always slow and thus the undertaking of forming new Pact weapons is done carefully.

Because of the unique conditions of forming Pacts, this has resulted in Reavers developing very unique fighting styles for weaponry that wouldn’t traditionally be used in close-quarters combat. Once the Pact is successfully made, the wizard can then summon their Pact weapon at will so long as they have the strength and ability to do so.

Pact Weapons

Pact weapons, once bound to a wizard’s soul, become inherently magical artifacts capable of eventually wielding and channeling any other personal magic at the wizard’s disposal. As a rule, a pact weapon should always begin as a mundane weapon. Attempting to forge a Pact with a pre-existing runeforged artifact or objects of similar nature is a recipe for disaster that even the most powerful masters of the magic shy away from. The only exception to this rule are failed initiation weapons. For more information regarding this style of pact weapon, see Soul Cairn Artefacts.

A pact weapon is a powerful tool that will remain in operable condition so long as the wizard possesses the aether and ability to maintain it. There is a price to wielding them however. Reavers are, every one of them, formidable combatants because attempting to form a Pact with a weapon in which they are unskilled is insanity. Flailing around with an unfamiliar weapon is a road to a swift defeat in battle and thus a failed Pact, a situation that can be deadly under the right circumstances. In exchange for their versatility however, the Reaver suffers from the use of them.

Every blow a pact weapon receives or gives, the Reaver feels also. Pact weapons are an extension of the wizard and thus what the weapon suffers, they suffer though it is to a limited degree. When the wizard dematerializes their Pact weapon, all the damage and every blow dealt with that weapon will be experienced as pain for the mage. This is because the wizard is drawing the weapon back into their soul, putting it back in place within the very fabric of their being. All that the weapon has experienced will thus be imprinted on their soul and by extension, will then be experienced by the wizard. The Rune of Reaving prevents things such as burns, bruises, and cuts etc. from manifesting with it funneling the experiences as simply pain but this protection is not foolproof. The closer a wizard is to overstepping, the less they are insulated from said experiences and the more severe the pain brought back into their soul. As one progresses, however, the soul and the body learn to withstand this pain - though never entirely.

Heavy bouts of overstepping will see this protection deteriorate until it does result in the physical manifestation of wounds and other injuries.

Soul Cairn Artefact

A weapon created as a result of a failed Reaving initiation is a unique and powerful tool. The weapon houses the soul of the failed initiate, a soul that has been touched by the power of Reaving. The soul remains dormant until such time as either a reaver attempts to form a Pact with it or perhaps a runesmith or other world magic practitioner engineers the circumstances necessary for the soul’s awakening. Once awoken, the reaver attempting to form a Pact with the weapon is in for an immensely difficult struggle. Often time the last memories a soul within this artefact has is that of their failed initiation. The experience, a traumatic one, unleashes a torrential flood of emotions as all of it comes rushing into the mind of the reaver. Not only must they contend with the normal circumstances of forming a Pact, they must now calm, subdue and weave into their own soul, the soul of another once-living being.

This is no easy feat and thus only Masters of Reaving are even capable of attempting such a Pact.

If successful, a soul cairn weapon is incredibly powerful. Not only does the mage now have the aether of their own being with which to fuel their magic, but the soul within the weapon can lend their assistance as well. Additionally, whatever knowledge the soul within the weapon once possessed can be learned by the reaver, that is, if the soul is willing to share it. The reaver does not have open access to the soul’s thoughts, feelings and experiences though many of these things are willingly shared as the two form a relationship. Furthermore, the pain experienced as the wizard draws the weapon back into their own soul can be stymied by the soul housed within the weapon itself.

The soul within a soul cairn weapon exists in the space provided for it as made by the Rune of Reaving. It is a unique bond wherein the soul can communicate with the reaver, should the reaver decide to leave that line of communication open. The soul cannot take possession of the reaver’s body and cannot manifest on their own unless some outside force allows this to take place. If the soul once possessed other runes of personal magic, the Rune of Reaving acts as a barrier to the manifestation of that magic. The soul of the reaver is dominant in this circumstance and thus magic can only be manifested through the runes the reaver themselves might possess. Obviously the soul will have knowledge of that which they practiced in life and have the ability to share that knowledge, if they choose to do so.

It should be noted, that once made, forming a Pact with a Soul Cairn Artefact is permanent and cannot be undone except by a god. The bond formed between the reaver and the artefact is so integral to both that even Necromancy couldn’t hope to undo it. As a result, deciding to make a Pact with one of these artefacts is something only done after much consideration.

The soul within a soul cairn artefact can only be released by Shattering the artefact. This can either be done voluntarily or it may happen as a result of a failed Pact. Failing a Pact with a soul cairn artefact will destroy it, releasing the soul and inducing heavy overstepping on the reaver.

Shattered Pact

The horror of any reaver and a traumatic one to say the least. A shattered pact is a broken pact weapon. Whether because it met an exceptionally powerful artifact greater than what the reaver could stand up against or because the reaver pushed themselves into heavy overstepping, this is a nightmare for any of them. At the end of the day, the pact weapon is held together and materialized as a result of the wizard expending their aether to sustain it. While simply manifesting the weapon is simple and expends very miniscule amounts of aether, using other magic, other powers afforded by Reaving and certainly the exertions of battle itself, draw upon the mage’s stamina.

This can lead to the pact weapon becoming vulnerable. It is only as strong as the wizard’s ability to sustain it in the material world. If that wavers, the weapon can be broken. If the weapon is broken in this manner, it is an excruciating experience for the reaver as they have just essentially lost a significant piece of themselves. The weapon is then lost forever.

A shattered pact will always leave the reaver in a state of overstepping, typically anywhere from medium to heavy levels.

Power and Abilities

Reaving is powerful but the cost of wielding it is too high for many practitioners of magic. As a result, while known, it is not as widely practiced as it once was. It is not a magic meant for study or for more creative and reflective pursuits, it is a magic of war and battle. The abilities it bestows upon a mage reflect this and for many, Reaving is less of a magic and more of a lifestyle. It is an art and a philosophy that leaves a very deep mark upon the wizard’s soul and psyche.


Acquired at Novice. The foundation of a reaver’s powers is the ability to form the Pact. A Pact should only ever be performed on a mundane weapon or soul cairn artefact. Attempting to form a Pact with a pre-existing runeforged artifact and other such objects is a recipe for disaster and something only the most esteemed masters can hope to achieve, even then there is only a slim chance of success. Reavers gradually grow to be able to maintain several Pacts as they progress in power. Pacts can be formed with: Blades, Bows, Maces, Polearms, Arrows, Shields, even Guns. If a player has a question about whether or not an object can be formed into a Pact Weapon, ask a moderator. The rule of thumb is that it should be something that is intentionally designed to be an instrument of war and battle. Pact weapons are an extension of the reaver. They spend a considerable amount of time doused in the wizard’s aether and even being housed within their very soul. As a result of this, they are very unique magical objects. Over time, a pact weapon’s appearance will begin to take on physical traits that reflect beliefs that the wizard may hold or certain attributes about them. While purely aesthetic, a reaver’s pact weapon says a lot about them and their journey as a reaver in general.


Acquired at Novice. By tapping into the power of their rune, the reaver opens the door for their weapon to manifest in the physical realm. It costs a reaver next to nothing to simply manifest their individual pact weapons. A materialized pact weapon will remain in the physical world until it is actively dismissed by the wizard, shattered or dematerialized.


Acquired at Novice. The wizard recalls their pact weapon into themselves. Many reavers brace themselves as the weapon instantaneously dematerializes in totality once recalled. They are then subject to the full force of the pain induced by the act. If able, most reavers meditate before recalling their pact weapons into themselves in order to mitigate the severity of the experience. As a result of this, most reavers build up extensive meditation skills and develop a high tolerance for pain. A pact weapon will dematerialize on its own if too far from the reaver.


Acquired at Novice. Pact weapons are continually tied to the wizard they are bonded to. By reaching out across this bond, the wizard can return their pact weapon to their side at will unless unable to do so. The pact weapon does not inherently possess the ability to pass through solid objects and thus it can be blocked from returning to the wizard’s side if summoned in this manner. It does not dematerialize and then rematerialize in the wizard’s hand unless they actively will it to do so. Dematerializing a pact weapon will induce its effects on the reaver, always.


Acquired at Apprentice. Projection is a means by which the reaver can channel their awareness through their pact weapon. It becomes a proxy for their sight and hearing though they are only capable of perceiving up to a limited range. The pact weapon must be placed wherever they are attempting to project their awareness. While projecting, the wizard is blind and deaf to their immediate surroundings until such time as they cease projecting.


Acquired at Apprentice. An evolution of dematerializing but one that requires a specific set of circumstances, the power of sanctuary was developed to lessen the effects of dematerialization with pact weapons. The reaver initiates this by stirring their aether into motion and slowly opening up themselves to recalling their pact weapon into themselves. In order to mitigate the experiences written upon the aether of the blade and thus reduce the amount of pain one feels upon recalling it, the reaver must give the weapon new experiences. This is achieved by entering a slow, meditative series of steps with their weapon. The sanctuary lasts as long as the wizard has the strength to sustain it but must be undertaken for double the length of time of the fight in which the pact weapon was used. It is a strong tool but one that must be balanced with the mage’s own fatigue and overall wellbeing. There is a time and place for this technique and in the heat of battle is not one of them.


Acquired at Apprentice. The ability through which a reaver can channel other forms of personal magic through their pact weapon. The reaver must be touching their pact weapon in order to first bestow a varnished ability upon it. Channeling the power of the Rune of Reaving, the reaver partially dematerializes the pact weapon. They then subject the pact weapon to the magical effect they wish to varnish it with. The aether of the weapon will retain this arcane form of programming and will then be able to reproduce that specific ability until it is fully dematerialized. The varnish will only allow the weapon to manifest the specific ability it is varnished with. The properties of dragonshards can be applied in this same manner. All varnishes will dissipate once the weapon is next dematerialized and must then be reapplied upon being materialized again. Activating a pact weapon’s varnished ability is the same as using the ability oneself in terms of aether expenditure.


Acquired at Apprentice. A Reaver's relationship over the weapons with which they form a Pact is a unique thing. Nothing quite displays this uniqueness than the ability of Morphosis. Through Morphosis, the reaver can alter the physical structure of the weaponry they have formed a Pact with. The reaver partially dematerializes their pact weapon and morphs its physical form into the shape desired. The caveat to this is that it must be of the same family of weaponry and it must be a weapon that the reaver has knowledge of in terms of use. For instance, a reaver can take a basic longsword and introduce a serrated edge to the blade provided they have used or studied a longsword with a serrated edge. This ability, above all, is a key reason why reavers tend to be so diverse in their knowledge of weaponry and fighting styles.


Acquired at Journeyman. Through Transmute, the Reaver can alter the composition of the weaponry they have formed a Pact with. This is done by meditating over the desired pact weapon and partially dematerializing it. The reaver then takes the material they wish weave into the makeup of their pact weapon and carefully begins to channel it into their weapon. When done successfully, the chosen material will become part of that specific pact weapon and the reaver will be able to transmute their pact weapon into that material at will. At more advanced stages, the reaver can even blend together the properties of different materials they have integrated into the makeup of their pact weaponry. For instance, giving a sword the appearance of wood while retaining the sharpness and sturdiness of steel.


Acquired at Journeyman. The power to create duplicate copies of their pact weapon is an iconic ability among reavers. The mage must be physically touching their pact weapon. They then extend their aether and use it to replicate a copy of the pact weapon. Duplicated pact weapons always manifest as mundane weaponry and behave as such. They are not the original pact weapon and thus lack any of its inherent abilities and strengths, they are merely copies. As they are not the original pact weapon, dematerializing a duplicate is akin to simply dismissing an aether construct.


Acquired at Journeyman. A reaver and their pact weapon are as one, nothing displays this more than the ability to Dance with those pact weapons. As previously mentioned, a bridge exists between the reaver and their pact weapons at all times while it is materialized. By extending their power and awareness into this bridge, the reaver can manipulate their pact weapons remotely. Dancing requires extensive amounts of practice and training to truly master and the further the weapon is from the reaver, the more draining it is to Dance with.


Acquired at Expert. The power of Rebuke is a passive ability with great impact to the Reaver. It is less of a power and more a result of the reaver’s bond with their pact weaponry. The reaver’s pact weapons have been doused within the aether of the wizard’s soul, housed within the essence of their very being. As a result, some level of rudimentary sentience has bled off into the pact weaponry at a reaver’s disposal. The power of Rebuke manifests as the pact weapon actively working to protect and defend the reaver. Each instance of this manifestation counts as casting a spell or using an ability and thus is draining upon the reaver. However, a pact weapon that enacts Rebuke may very well save a reaver’s life. Through this ability, the pact weapon may move itself into the path of an oncoming blade, it may deflect an arrow that might have been lethal, or it may even activate a varnished ability that it has been imbued with. In any instance, the Rebuke works toward protecting the mage from harm. A Rebuke is a single, immediate, life saving action that once performed, is finished, with its purpose having been served.

In order for Rebuke to take effect, the pact weapon must already be physically materialized. A pact weapon will not materialize as a result of this ability. It must be within the wizard’s immediate vicinity where the action provoking the Rebuke takes place. In order to activate a varnished ability, that ability must have already been applied to it. In the case of a soul cairn artefact, the soul within the pact weapon can even go so far as to Dance in defense of the mage.


Acquired at Master. A Reaver's "Arsenal" is the manifestation of their Pact weapons - all at their disposal - only to duplicate them en masse, creating at first tens, then hundreds of these fabricated weapons typically overhead and beside themselves to be launched at a foe. Arsenal is often an ability that moves in a straight line, launching these weapons at a high velocity within the designated radius. Its area of effect, however, is versatile; it can be conal, can follow multiple straight lines, and can even launch in odd formations such as variating crescent shapes. The weapons of the Arsenal can be guided to briefly follow after individual or multiple targets, making evasion and defense more difficult. Arsenal's weapons fade a few seconds after impact is made, though the ten original pact weapons may return to the Reaver's side, allowing for a smooth transition into the next ability.


Acquired at Master. Myriad is among the Reaver's most powerful tools - all ten of their Pact Weapons will circle around them in powerful aethereal form and can be transitioned to instantly, dematerializing and rematerializing in fractions of a second. The Reaver can therefore exchange the weapon they are wielding and utilizing fluidly. They can even switch mid-motion, as well as dual wield these weapons if they desire. Thrown weapons will immediately return when willed to, and the Pact Weapons surrounding them can even be made to violently dance around them, placing vast pressure on any nearby foes. There are effectively two versions of Myriad, and each has their own associated costs. The Myriad in which all ten Pact Weapons are persistently dancing, chasing after foes and attacking in formation is certainly far more powerful, but expends considerable aether and over-use can quickly lead to overstepping. The Myriad that allows for constant weapon-swapping, more commonly utilized by master Reavers, can be sustained for much longer periods of time and tends to be a part of a master Reaver's general arsenal of abilities.

Tier Progression

Novice (1-24)

The neophyte reaver has their work cut out for them. Having survived their harrowing initiation, the journey to becoming a masterful reaver is one that they realize is a long one. The vast majority of the novice’s time will be spent becoming comfortable with Materializing their pact weaponry. This is then followed with building up a resilience to the effects induced when a pact weapon is Dematerialized. Learning how to explore the unique bond between them and their pact weapons using powers such as Returning becomes a staple in many Reaver’s combative techniques. A novice reaver can form (2) Pacts and can have (1) Pact Weapon materialized at a time.

Apprentice (25-49)

Apprentice is the level at which the relationship between the reaver and their pact weaponry begins to evolve into a much more intimate one. Gaining the ability to enact Sanctuary is a much welcome relief to every reaver. The freedom to slowly and methodically dematerialize one’s pact weapon without having to immediately suffer debilitating amounts of pain greatly reduces the stress one endures as a result of using this magic. With the ability to Project through their pact weapon, the perceptions of a reaver expand in ways not available by conventional means. Through their pact weapon, an apprentice reaver is able to see and hear events taking place in a 10 ft. radius around the weapon. In gaining the ability to Varnish their pact weapons, the apprentice introduces a level of versatility that makes them truly deadly in any encounter. Their Varnishes are capable of manifesting up to Apprentice level abilities of any other personal magic they might possess. Reavers gain the Morphosis ability at this stage. They are able to alter the shape of their weapon provided it still falls within that particular family of weaponry. They are only capable of maintaining (1) Varnish at a time. An apprentice reaver can form (2) Pacts and can have (2) Pact Weapons materialized at a time.

Journeyman (50-74)

Gaining the ability to invoke Duplicity, the journeyman reaver becomes a living armory. While being able to invoke Duplicity numerous times, the duplicates do not stand up well after landing or receiving more than a few strikes. They are imitations of the real thing and thus do not possess a real weapon’s and certainly not a pact weapon’s strengths. A duplicate will dissipate in very short order after being conjured. The journeyman reaver can only maintain (3) duplicates at any given time. With Dancing, the reaver’s finesse with their pact weaponry is truly tested. While requiring much skill and practice to master, once refined, the power to Dance with their pact weapons becomes as vital to the fighting style of the reaver as basic mundane maneuvers. The journeyman can only Dance with (1) Pact Weapon at any given time. The radius of their Projection increases to 30 ft. The journeyman reaver can maintain (2) varnishes at a time and are now capable of manifesting Journeyman level abilities. At this stage, the journeyman reaver can begin to experiment with transmuting the form of their pact weaponry by integrating different materials into their composition. They can only utilize mundane materials at this stage. Their ability to use Morphosis has grown, allowing them to make greater alterations to the structure of their weapons, provided those alterations fall within the same family of weaponry. A journeyman reaver can form (3) Pacts and can have (3) Pact Weapons materialized at a time. At this level, a reaver can perform an initiation into Reaving.

Expert (75-99)

Caution is advised to any combatant coming face to face with an expert in the art of Reaving. These warriors have gained a level of kinship with their pact weapons to such a degree that their pact weapons are afforded a rudimentary form of sentience, or in the case of a soul cairn artefact, a free will to act. With the power to Rebuke opponents, the relationship between the mage and their pact weapons is such that they move and act with a fluidity bordering on inhuman. An expert reaver can maintain (5) duplicates at any given time. They are able to Dance with (2) pact weapons simultaneously. An expert reaver is capable of maintaining Expert level varnishes at this stage. The radius of their Projection increases to 50 ft. At this stage, their ability to transmute the composition of their weaponry has grown to a degree that they can blend together the different properties of materials they have introduced into their weapons. Their expertise in Morphosis is such that they can alter the structure of their pact weaponry rapidly even in the middle of combat. An expert reaver can form (5) Pacts and can have (5) Pact Weapons materialized at a time. They can maintain up to (5) Varnishes at a time.

Master (100)

Woe unto any who crosses paths with a master of Reaving. A master in the art of Reaving is an individual who has won many battles and has suffered through much in the evolution of their relationship with their pact weapons. While they have gained the ability to unleash their Arsenal, few masters resort to this awe inspiring power. No, what a Master of Reaving displays is peerless understanding of the relationship between reaver and pact weapon. This understanding has progressed to such a degree that they are now capable of forming a Pact with a Soul Cairn Artefact should they ever encounter one. A master’s power is such that even their Duplicates, while still not holding up much to real combat, are able to be imbued with all other abilities at a reaver’s disposal. The master reaver can maintain dozens of duplicates at a time. They are able to Dance with (5) pact weapons simultaneously. A master reaver is capable of maintaining Master level varnishes. Their ability to transmute their pact weaponry is such that looking at the weapon of a Master is akin to looking at a piece of artwork as they can seamlessly blend materials together without difficulty. At this stage, a Master Reaver can even incorporate arcane substances into the composition of their weapon (i.e. a dragonshard). Their ability to morph the shape of their pact weaponry is advanced to such a degree that they can change the shape of their weapons mid-swing if so desired. The radius of their Projection increases to 100 ft. A master reaver can form (10) Pacts and can have (5) Pact Weapons materialized at any given time unless they unleash their Arsenal. They can maintain as many Varnishes as they have the energy to do so.