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"The truth cuts far more deeply than any blade."

Ever since mortals began to grace this world with their presence, there has been a whorl of truth and deception, of fear and courage, of illusion and illumination, of delusion and clarity. A world where deciphering these things in others, oneself, in the world around was a nigh impossible task. Then Raxen cut through it all, bringing Truth and Courage to the world.

Those that are marked by Raxen are known as Arbiters and they have been a known force in the world for several ages. Arbiters walk the world, wielding Truth to reveal and destroy lies and deception, to inspire Courage in others and help them to conquer their fears, to help any who wish to improve themselves to grow stronger. Arbiters have been used to help lift forgotten people out of cycles of fear and weakness as well as have provided guidance to kings and leaders when conducting negotiations between nations. The Truth of Raxen is wielded by the Arbiters to improve the people of the world.

The Emblem of Raxen is one that cannot be covered by illusion or masking of any sort. It is the Truth of the Arbiter and all will see it and all will know what it means. The mark runs down the center of the Arbiter’s chest or back and is a perfect replica of the Arbiter’s Named Blade. If the Named Blade changes, so does the mark.

Attracting Divine Attention

Raxen is not overly particular about whom he chooses to bear his mark, so long as they meet the basic requirements of having the desire to reveal the truth, to cease speaking and spreading deceptions, to face ones own fear in a neverending battle, and to constantly improve oneself. To do these things is to invite Raxen.

Once Raxen has selected a candidate, he brings them into the Arena, along with any available Arbiters to bear witness. Within the Arena, the candidate must undergo Three Trials. Simply defeating the Trials is no guarantee of receiving Raxen’s approval, nor is being defeated by them. He calculates the worthiness based on the efforts put forth, the bravery shown, and the willingness to maintain one’s own Truths.

The First Trial calls for the Arena to generate the candidate’s greatest fear. This creates a very real scene, empowered by Raxen’s Truth. This scene can be touched, felt, can cause real harm. The candidate must face their greatest fear in whatever way they can, and their efforts are judged by Raxen and the Arbiters. Upon completion of the First Trial, each Arbiter speaks one Truth they learned about the candidate.

The Second Trial calls for the candidate to face their own lies. Every lie, lie of omission, deception and delusion they’ve ever told or shared part in will be illuminated in their mind. They must speak these lies before the eyes of the Arbiters and Raxen, and as they do, the Arena generates the scene that came with these lies. After each lie is spoken, the candidate must then determine and speak what the truth of it actually is, and will see the change in the scene from it. Following completion of the Second Trial, every Arbiter will speak one Truth they learned of the candidate.

The Third Trial calls for the candidate to face Raxen in one on one combat, using their bladed weapons. Any powers the candidate has are allowed to be used. Although none have ever done so, defeating Raxen is not a requirement for completing this trial. Rather, Raxen will push the candidate to their limits, and force them to grow past them or to fall. He will test their fear in the face of an overwhelming force and certain death, and he will make them either embrace their personal truths or forsake them. It is not uncommon for candidates to be injured or killed during this trial. At some point, Raxen will call for the trial to be closed. He will then speak three Truths about the candidate, the third always being whether or not the candidate is ready to be an Arbiter.

Age of Wonders

Raxen was born during the earlier years of the Age of Wonders, coming into his powers with a ferocity never before seen. He quickly became a War Chief of the Orkhan people, leading a bloody contest to vanquish those that lived in worlds of lies and fear, and uniting and lifting up the Orkhan people out of their Suffering.

The first of the Arbiters existed in Ecith and roamed the continent to help strength and free the Orkhan from themselves. They were heroes, mentors, champions, and were vital force in claiming the continent for the Orkhan people. Arbiters have always been revered and accepted in Ecithian cultures.

Age of Conquest

During the Age of Conquest, Arbiters began to spread and appear in other lands. They were heroes of Truth, toppling kings and leaders that built their thrones on lies and fears. They were great warriors that have taken part in nearly every conflict that has occurred in every land, many times on both sides, representing opposing Truths. Arbiters often fulfilled the roles of advisors, mentors, diplomats and leaders.

Age of Sundering

The role of the Arbiter changed very little during the Age of Sundering, other than having more work to do to defeat fears and lies and to help strengthen the peoples of the world.

Age of Steel

In the Age of Steel, the Arbiters hold the same responsibilities but in a more modern sense. They are now able to wield their duties in a way that benefits themselves personally as well as the doctrines they represent. They are government leaders, shrewd businessmen, great warriors, teachers, artists. They speak their truths bravely in this new world and they share it with all.

Applying for Arbitration

Requirement: A Bladed Melee Weapon Skill at Competent

Raxen isn’t especially particular about those he chooses to represent his domains, as he knows the journey to Truth and Courage means coming from a world of lies and fear. He looks for great determination and a desire for self improvement.

Tenant of Truth

Truth and lies are an interesting thing. Deception is often used as a shield, as armor, to protect oneself from others, from one’s own fears, as something to hide behind. The Truth is a blade, cutting through the lies, through the reveal, giving one the ability to fight back against the corruptions of the world, the taints that affect the heart and mind.

Many believe that Truth is or isn’t. But Truth comes in three distinct forms, something that all people know, but not many realize. One of the responsibilities of Arbiters is to help teach the differences. There’s the Absolute Truth, what something is. There’s also the Perception Truth, what people see and hear and know to be true. Finally, there’s Personal Truth, what people know to be true, even if others can’t see why.


Her eyes are Green. ~Absolute Truth

To an observer, her red hair and the shine of sunlight in her green eyes make them appear green with golden accents. Hazel, perhaps. ~Perception Truth

She believes her eyes are green but change hue throughout the seasons. Combined with her flaming red hair, it makes people think they see a spectrum of colors. ~Personal Truth

But her eyes are still green.

Gift of Truth: Truthspeaking

Passive Within close proximity of the Arbiter (as defined by range of physical touch, whisper speaking / hearing, near sight, etc), deceptions reveal themselves. All mundane deceptions such as spoken/written lies, lies of omissions, fraudulent items, etc well be known as deceptions to the Arbiter. This does not automatically grant the Truth to the Arbiter, however, magical or divine deceptions will be revealed only if they are of equal or less power than that of the Arbiter’s Emblem.

Active The Arbiter can active Truthspeaking at any time. This creates an aura of close proximity around the Arbiter This aura must be tasked at its creation to follow one of the Three Truths; Absolute, Perception, or Personal. While within the aura, all aspects of the world are revealed based upon the Truth that has been selected, and is revealed to all who are within the aura. Without a power greater than the Arbiter’s Emblem, no lies can be spoken, no truths hidden, no aspects masked, no illusions or delusions held. Truthspeaking is the most taxing of the Arbiter’s abilities due to its affectation of the world in such a prominent way and Arbiters are usually left physically and mentally exhausted for twice the length of the time this ability is active.

Tenant of Courage

Courage is not the absence of fear. Rather it is the presence and acknowledgement of fear and the utilization of determination to continue on in spite of one’s fear. Courage is an active state, one that must constantly be worked upon and improved upon, endlessly. Courage is inspired and inspires, and it allows people to do and become more than they ever thought possible.

The Gift of Courage: Inspire

Passive The Arbiter is always drawing upon the Courage of those around them and also having their Courage drawn upon. It is a system of ebb and flow that when empowered, allows for the Arbiter and those around them to achieve greater things than when held down by fear. The energy that is shared by the Arbiter and those around them is converted into a heightened focus. The Arbiter may select 1 Skill that may be used at 1 Tier higher of skill while surrounded by the courageous energy of others; and while the Arbiter maintains their own Courage, those around them will find 1 Skill affected in the same way. However, if Fear spreads through either those around the Arbiter, or in the Arbiter themselves, the skill will be temporarily lowered by 1 Tier than normal.

Active The Arbiter has access to a pocket dimension known as The Arena. This is a shared space accessible by all Arbiters and Raxen and accessing it is as simple as acknowledging the truth of its existence. An Arbiter can bring outsiders into the Arena if they are within close proximity. While in the Arena, the Arbiter can manifest any of their own fears, or the fears of those that they bring into a real and tangible experience. The Arbiter does not do this to inspire fear in those that they bring, but rather to show how one can better face their fears, with the help of the Arbiter. Many Arbiters use this for themselves to help conquer their own fears, and use it with others to teach lessons and help to inspire courage. It is not uncommon for an Arbiter, or guest, to be defeated by their fears in the Arena, however, as it is a shared space, this often invites the aid from other Arbiters or even Raxen himself. Leaving the Arena returns all parties to where they came from.

The Tenant of Swords

To wield a blade is to both protect oneself and to inflict harm upon others, to maintain a balance of offense and defense, to not allow oneself to be attacked freely, to be vulnerable to harm. The Tenant of Swords is about the growth one gains while mastering not just combat with blades, but the care for them, mastering when to draw one’s blade and when to stay it. One must hone their mind, their emotions, and their body just as much as they must sharpen their blade.

The Gift of Swords: Everlasting Edge

Passive The Arbiter, when initiated, has their soul cut in two, and helps to forge their Named Blade. This Named Blade is sentient and chooses its own name. It is both an extension of the Arbiter and its own being, sharing one another’s senses, knowledge, and powers. The Named Blade can use all of the Arbiter’s skills, abilities, magics, etc independently of the Arbiter and it has its own energy pools to draw from, creating a powerful partnership. The Named Blade and the Arbiter can communicate to one another through an empathic telepathy, though the Named Blade can also communicate vocally. The Named Blade cannot otherwise move on its own unless it has a power or ability from the Arbiter that allows for it. Reaving can be applied to a Named Blade.

Active The Arbiter can turn any part of their body or anything non-living that they are touching into a sharpened / honed edge without physically altering the shape of the part/object. The strength of this honed edge is dependent upon the Arbiter holding the Truth of the change steady within their heart and mind. This allows for them to achieve things such as catching or parrying blades with their arms, using sticks as swords, etc. At higher tiers, the Arbiters can apply this edge to non-physical concepts such as their gaze, their words, their thoughts, etc, and allows for them to also cut such concepts.

Faith of the Arbiter

Raxen demands no faith be given to himself. Rather, he demands that the Arbiters believe in themselves and their Truths. To believe that they can conquer all through Truth and Courage, that they can and will always improve themselves and those around them.

Acolyte The Acolytes of Raxen are still very much students, and often have a higher ranked Arbiter as a mentor. These mentors do not necessarily live alongside the Acolyte, often conducting meetings and communications within the Arena.

Truthspeaking. Limited to Close Proximity (as defined above). Will reveal / apply to magical or divine deceptions of Apprentice / Acolyte level or lower

Inspire. Limited to Close Proximity. Can enter the Arena once per day, may bring one guest.

Everlasting Edge The Named Blade may use any skills or magics of the Arbiter up to Apprentice/Acolyte level. The active ability can be used to cut any mundane object or being, and can cut through magical/divine defenses of Apprentice/Acolyte level.

Avowed The Avowed are those who have inspired bravery, are stalwarts of truth, and have improved in their swordsmanship. This is when the Arbiter transitions from student to an independent Arbiter, traveling on their own, to better learn and define their own Truths.

Truthspeaking. Limited to Far Proximity (defined by the natural range of one’s vision/hearing/etc). Will reveal / apply to magical or divine deceptions of Expert/Avowed level or lower.

Inspire. Limited to Far Proximity. Can enter the Arena three times per day, may bring three guests.

Everlasting Edge. The Named Blade may use any skills or magics of the Arbiter up to Expert/Avowed level. The active ability can be used to cut any mundane object or being, and can cut through magical/divine defenses of Expert/Avowed level.