
An ambitious soul looking for immortality

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"Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, it seems to me most men should fear, seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come."
Full Name: Phozenzia Len’Nagarath Læbirius
  • Mixed Blood {Re’hyæan Hytori Father/Human{Vastian} Mother}

Sex: Male
Age: 23
Height: 6'
Weight: 166lbs

Birthdate: 45th of Ash, Year 99, Age of Steel
Birthplace: Kalzasi

Profession: Cleric, ???

  • Prince of Bones

  • Immaculists


Partners ???
Sexuality: Polyamorous

Fluent: Common, Vastian
Conversational: Vallenor
My Mind is a Labyrinth
  • Things I Like:
    Necromancy| Magic| Training| Honing his talents| Adventuring| Testing his limits| Researching| Poisonous Creatures| Green and its many shades and hues
  • What Pisses Me Off:
    The Uneducated| Narrow-minded people| Those who hinder his research| Most of the Nobility| Recklessness
  • My Virtues:
    Compassionate| Perceptive| Charismatic| Determined
  • My Detriments:
    Callus| Nihilistic| Unempathetic| Obsessive

Læbirius is an enigma, as his personality holds many facets born from his upbringing and trauma. Some facets he displays openly but there are darker notes that are kept locked away, hidden beneath his facade. If one were to delve a little deeper, Læbirius has several personality traits that set him apart from most.

  • Charismatic: From the allure of his eyes, the seductive tone in his words, or the inviting langue his physique hints at, Læbirius is a charmer through and through. As the main facet that most who meet him experience, Læbirius is known to be that one friend you can come and spend hours talking to. Being that he is not from the lands of his father, the mixed blood does his best to meet new people, and his charm allows him to draw people in to get to know them better. His manner is pleasant and soothing, something he learned watching his mother when she dealt with her patients.

    Bloodthirsty: Somewhere deep down under the surface of his peasant exterior stirs a thirst for bloodshed. It was first noticed by his foster father when they killed the bandits that took his mother. His first time spilling blood was the first time he was able to vent and express the hatred he had for the bandits and the grief he never got to deal with from losing his mother. Killing those who deserve it most is not so much a want, but more so a need as it's a drug for him, and in some ways cathartic.

    Obsessive: After the tragic death of his mother, Læbirius develop an obsession with the powers of life and death and delves deep into the ways of necromancy and soul research. When he is excited about discovering something new within his macabre research, he can act over the top, showing exaggerated emotions. Despite his usual appearance brimming with confidence and determination, Læbirius is not above tearing himself down calling himself a fool or idiot if he misses important information or details.

    Not Himself: Finally, as a note, those who have witnessed it, have accounted that there are moments when Læbirius's demeanor does a complete shift. He becomes, sadistic, having the playful charm of a predator teasing its prey. Those who witness this have noted that whenever this occurs his eyes blare bright with glowing amber. In this state, Læbirius is truly unpredictable, as he can be nearly as ruthless as he is gentle, as passionate as he is harsh, and as sadistic as he is empathetic. These moments most notably take hold if he has used his Mesmer rune frequently.

Do I Turn You On?
  • Læbirius is a slim but athletically fit young man. He has butter-pecan brown skin, and a near-flawless complexion, save for his face which has lightly speckled discolorations. He has an athletic build sporting a very visible set of abs and a semi-pumped-up chest and well-toned arms and legs. His thighs and glutes are a little thicker than his arms are chest, due to running and climbing on things. The most notable feature about Læbirius is his eyes, a hazel-like amber that can take the breath away from most onlookers. Some even say they hold an otherworldly glow of gold about them.

    Rune Magics

    Rune of Summoning - Apprentince
    • The Rune of Summoning rests on the back of his left hand. It glows an ethereal and vibrant hue of emerald green.

    Rune of Mesmer - Apprentince
    • The Rune of Mesmer rests on the back of his right hand. It glows an ethereal and hauntingly chilling hue of green.

    Trials & Tribulations

    "I honestly can't say how my life before coming to the Solunarium would have ended up as, I was too young to really care after what I had been subjected to. For the longest time, it was just me and my mother as we traveled across the Region of Karnor, a woman of peerless beauty and a big heart. She would give the clothes off her back if she could. She was a doctor, using medicine and magic to soothe the pain of others. She taught me many things, how to survive on my own, how to tend to people and animals, and most importantly the power of kindness.

    My mother often spoke of a foreign land full of beauty and wonder. It's how I learned to speak the language of her homeland. If there was something I wanted I had to ask in either Vellonor or Vastian. Because it was a language others hadn't heard before, I often would use it to make fun of the other kids that would pick on me sometimes. Learning that along with some of her culture brought me and my mother close, a bond that helped us get through the hard times together.

    I soon learned however the world we lived in wasn't as kind as she would have made it out to be. It was when I had turned ten that I began to see the world for what it was. This is because a group of bandits, led by an ork, ransacked the village we had been staying in, as my mother was assisting them with a sickness that had broken out. I sat there as my mother's last breaths left her body, too shaken to move, to think, to do anything really. The loss of the one person who loved me was crippling, that being the least of my troubles. The bandits took me, using me as a scout to help them raid other small settlements and farms. Each day was brutal, and I was beaten and abused for quite some time.

    It was by a stroke of luck, hell maybe even fate that one day I was able to escape my brutish wardens. I was a teenager now, and I ran for my life and got as far as I could before collapsing from exhaustion. When I awoke I was in the home of a lone stranger, a solitary man who lived out in the wilderness of the Wild Kings Forge. He never pressed me about what happened and why I was in the first alone, but he assured me that whoever I had fled would never find me.

    He become like a father figure to me, and soon he was teaching me the art of being a warrior of shadows. I trained day and night, for as long as I could till I couldn't anymore. I found that out of all the weapons my foster father had at his disposal, I took to the scythe. Something about it called to me, it spoke to something in my soul. By the time I was 18 had forged myself in the way of combat and was ready. I didn't know what I was training for, but that night, I found out.

    That night the both of us tracked down the bandit group I had escaped from. Slipping into their camp we waited till night had fallen. As they rested in their camp of debauchery, my foster father and I slaughtered them all, filling the night air with their screams. It was, at least to me, the most beautiful sound I had ever heard before in my life. More importantly, I was enamored by the final looks on their faces, the last moments of their pathetic lives flashing before them. That moment was the most beautiful thing for me.

    By the morning I was basking in the sunrise with the blood of those bastards on my face, and my foster father was pleased with the potential he saw. For the next three years, I trained under him, honing my basic understanding of martial arts as well as researching the different methods of necromancy that are practiced. He also initiated me into my first magic, Mesmer, though something happened during the initiation process that spooked him, but he would never tell me what had happened.

    By the time I was 23 years old, I came to the cottage we lived in, only to find that everything was gone. Everything except a man standing there. He was of foreign descent, with skin kissed by the sun, and hair as golden as the sun. He had a stare so intense I felt like I would crumble under the pressuring gaze. He told me to pack my things as he had come to take me home. Confused I protested but he soon proved to me that I had no choice but to return with him......as he claimed to be my birth father. I didn't see any other way out of this as he made it clear that I was going to be leaving with him whether I came willingly or not.

    Packing my stuff up, my foster father left me a parting gift, a collection of his notes in necromancy, as well as a manuscript on how to use a scythe in combat. Now I find myself in a foreign land, struggling to keep my head about the water, but doing my best to make the most of this while trying to build something with the father I never knew existed. Upon arrival, I came to learn my father, an elven man named Mælor, held quite the standing here.

    He was of old elven noble blood and seemed to have much influence in the political and information circles. That was evident as he noted he had always kept tabs on me and my mother since my birth. He knew many things about me that only someone who kept close tabs on me would know. To that end he quickly a private tutor come and educate me in the history of the Solunarium. As I studied the history of this place my father would help me find my place in society. So far I've been assisting him in his many businesses, acting as an impromptu liaison between the store and my father. To add to that my father introduced me to the church and religion of this place, noting my fascination with death, as I would help in administering death rites to the dead. It is my only solace as I try to navigate such unknown territory."

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I'm Not Like You
A Descendant of Lyra:
  • Cal'anai's Lineage - Those with the blood of Lyra, specifically being descended from her daughter Cal'anai, learn that they have the innate ability to create and manipulate smoke to suit their needs. With this smoke, they can channel other magics through it. It also acts as a secondary sensory organ to them allowing them a certain level of awareness within the space the smoke occupies. The smoke can appear in any color, and in Læbirius' case, it appears an inky black with hues of electric green dancing through it like lightning in thunderclouds when condensed, and a hazy fog when spread over an area.
Raella’s Grace:
  • The Hytori are blessed by the Dragon Goddess of Life and are thus rendered completely immune to mortal diseases. They are resistant to most poisons but they are not immune to them as they will still suffer poisonous effects albeit to a lesser degree depending on that poison’s potency. Magical afflictions affect them just as much as they would any other person. Hytori enjoy longer periods of youth and vitality and only suffer the ill effects of old age when nearing the final stages of their lives.
Arcane Anomalies



☠ Apprentice - Mark of the Haunted
  • {Cosmetic, Summon}
    - At this level of awakening, the rune has taken its first step in imprinting on Læbirius's soul. This manifests as his arms{from shoulder to fingertips} & legs{from his outer hip down to his toes}are covered in thick inky black covering. Within this black coloring, his hands & feet glow an eerie opalescent green with lines extending down his arms and up his legs in a pattern that mimics tree branches. This cosmetic change comes with the trait that whenever Læbirius is in an area teeming with death or spirits or anything related to the area, they glow brighter than normal, sending a chill up his spine and causing his breath to become visible. While in this area of death or spiritual presence, the ability of Summon uses the marks on his limbs as a beacon of sorts to call forth the spirits of his respective sphere to appear before him so he may choose which spirit to form a contract with.

☠ Journeyman - Demonic Disharmony
  • {Utility}
    - Læbirius can swap his aetheric signature with that of a demon he has summoned. Once the swap is done, any aethereal traces that Læbirius leaves, through magic use, through detection upon him, and other such things will appear to be the work of the demon and will lead to the demon should one follow them, even after Læbirius has swapped the signature back.

☠ Expert - Chains of Betrayal
  • {Cleave}
    - Expanding to expert, this awakening changes the way Læbirius uses the ability of Cleave. Instead of severing the bond between a rival summoner and their spirit, he releases demonic chains with a collar to latch onto the spirit's neck, and extremities. Once caught, if Læbirius is of greater strength than the spirit or summoner, he can in turn cause the spirit to betray their summoner and leash it to his will instead. If the spirit or summoner is of equal skill or greater, Læbirius can expend aether in the difference between them. It then falls to the spirit to decide which summoner they wish to serve.

☠ Master #1 - Withering Legion
  • {Grand Summon}
    - As a master of Summoning Læbirius finds that his connection to the demons of his particular taste is manifested in how his body is compatible with spirits, as the way he wields Grand Summon is fundamentally changed. Instead of Grand Summon calling forth spirits into the material plane, they are called forth into Læbirius's body, so much so that he is able to form a symbiotic bond with them. The number of spirits sharing the same body can differ under various circumstances. While within his body, Læbirius can cycle through the spirits he has called, allowing for him to have a variety of abilities to fit whatever situation it is called for.

    Læbirius is also able to see the line between reality and the realm of spirits while inhabited by the summons he calls, allowing him to find places where the veil is the thinnest or where spirits gather the most. He has a hard limit of seven spirits that he can have in his body at once. Once that limit is met, his body will naturally ward off any that come after. The detriment to this quirk however is that Læbirius runs the risk of losing himself to the inhabiting spirits. Without a high meditation & resistance skill, Læbirius will slowly find himself becoming more susceptible to possession if he uses Grand Summon excessively. If things go unchecked he will be no more and all that will remain in his place.......is Legion.

☠ Master #2 - Grip of the Dammed
  • {Utility, Hook Summon}
    - At this level of awakening, Læbirius finds that the skeletal & gaunt demons he is used to working with place their touch on this awakening. He is able to grow four skeletal spine-like tendrils from the middle of his own spine. Using his soul as a fuel source, they can reform if damaged, and with enough aether feeding into them, they can endure even the most critical damage. These skeletal whips can be maintained for up to an hour.

    Reaching lengths of 10ft, and 4ft in thickness, they can yield formidable striking & piercing power being able to pummel, constrict, or lash at foes within reach. He can also bind them together to fashion two larger, stronger tendrils. Because they are made of aetheric energy, it makes them comparatively weak to aether-canceling items or forces. This will disarm him no matter how much aether is poured into them, leaving him at a disadvantage when using them on the defensive.

    Additionally, these tendrils, when using Hook Summon, will latch on to the first spirit they come in contact with allowing him up to four chances to call a spirit. Because there are four of them, Læbirius can sacrifice them, either one by one or all at once in order to sustain the spirit{s} called. If all four are given up the Hook Summon will most often if not, grab a spirit stronger than the normal Moderately powerful spirit, however in doing so, Læbirius is guaranteed to overstep as a result of this.

10th of Searing, Year 123, A.o.S

  • 25 years from Lifespan. approx 200 years reduced to 175.

5th of Glade, Year 123, A.o.S

  • The Blood Oath of Carmine - An eye carved into the flesh of Laebirius' chest. A "Seer's Eye" must be retrieved and given to Carmine. Starting on Glade 1, 124, if this oath has not been fulfilled, this wound will break open and become festering with infection, and will spread. This can only be treated, temporarily, by Master+ healing skills or magics, however, it will return and worsen on the first day of every new season the oath goes unfulfilled.
  • The Blood Oath of Sable - A sword carved into the flesh of Laebirius' back. An "Arbiter's Sword" must be retrieved and given to Sable. Starting on Glade 1, 124, if this oath has not been fulfilled, this wound will break open and become festering with infection, and will spread. This can only be treated, temporarily, by Master+ healing skills or magics, however, it will return and worsen on the first day of every new season the oath goes unfulfilled.
  • The Blood Oath of Atra - Burst left eardrum and scarring on the left side of the neck. His "Father's Dying Screams" must be retrieved and given to Atra. Starting on Glade 1, 124, if this oath has not been fulfilled, this wound will break open and become festering with infection, and will spread. This can only be treated, temporarily, by Master+ healing skills or magics, however, it will return and worsen on the first day of every new season the oath goes unfulfilled.

43rd of Frost, Year 123, A.o.S

A fissure along the scar wound issued by Sable upon Laebirius' back. This festering fissure needs immediate medical attention if it is not to worsen. Master+ healing skills or magics will be required to offset the effects.
Note: 6 - A medic can be found who can completely heal the fissure for a moderate price. If Laebirius gives the healer all the money he possesses, she will offset the Sable scar effects until the preordained time. However, the healer works quickly and he will be able to participate in the next trial.
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Grandmastered Skills:
  • SkillSkill Level
Mastered Skills:
  • SkillSkill Level
SkillSkill Level
SkillSkill Level
Unarmed Combat(10/100)
Animal Husbandry{Reptiles}(5/100)
Animal Handling{Reptiles}(5/100)
SkillSkill Level
SkillSkill Level
SkillSkill Level
Saved XP
Mundane XP32
Necromancy XP8
Mesmer XP0
Summoning XP0
Scrivening XP0
Runeforging XP0
ThreadPoints AwardedRunning Total
General SP+1000
Character Approval+150
The Ides of Wither{Extra Rewards}+410
The Craft Ⅰ+80
Call of the Damned ❶+80
Call of the Damned ❷+80
Body Forging ⓵+80
A Midway Point+150
The Craft Ⅱ+88
Body Forging ⓶+80
Body Forging ⓷+80
Primal Solutions Ⅰ+80
Some{Plants} Like it Hot+100
Fighting For Your Life!+80
Saved XP+100
NaNo 2023 Rewards+200
Primal Solutions Ⅱ+1515
An Encounter of the Unknown Kind+1025
Saved XP-250
One of Us+1515
Come All Ye Faithful+1025
Saved XP+250
Through Stolen Eyes ⓵+88
Through Stolen Eyes ⓶+816
Through Stolen Eyes ③+824
Through Stolen Eyes ⓸+832
Test Your Might {Part 1}+100
Starting Package | 100 points
  • Mesmer - 25
    Necromancy - 25
    Unarmed Combat - 10
    Scythes - 10
    Acrobatics - 5
    Stealth - 10
    Runeforging - 5
    Animal Husbandry - 5
    Animal Handling - 5

Character Approval | 15 points
  • Scrivening - 15

The Ides of Wither | 41 points
Extra Rewards Link
  • Necromancy - 25
    Politics - 8
    Etiquette - 8

The Craft Ⅰ | 8 points
  • Resistance - 8

Call of the Damned ❶ | 8 points
  • Summoning - 8

Call of the Damned ❷ | 8 points
  • Summoning - 8

Body Forging ⓵ | 8 points
  • Axes{Broad Axe} - 8

A Midway Point | 15 points
  • Axes{Broad Axe} - 5
    Shields - 10

Wildfire | 10 points
  • Saved XP - 10

The Craft Ⅱ | 8 points
  • Saved Necromancy XP - 8

Body Forging ⓶ | 8 points
  • Axes - 8

Body Forging ⓷ | 8 points
  • Shields - 8

Primal Solutions Ⅰ | 8 points
  • Research - 8

Some {Plants} Like it Hot | 10 points
  • Summoning - 10

Fighting For Your Life! | 8 points
  • Axes - 4
    Shields - 4

Saved XP | 10 points
  • Shields - 3
    Investigation - 7

NaNo 2023 Rewards | 20 points
  • Runeforging - 20

Primal Solutions Ⅱ | 15 points
  • Mundane XP - 15

An Encounter of the Unknown Kind | 10 points
  • Mundane XP - 10

Mundane XP | 25 points
  • Axes - 25

One of Us | 15 points
  • Saved XP - 15

Come All Ye Faithful | 10 points
  • Saved XP - 10

Saved XP | 25 points
  • Bodybuilding - 25

Through Stolen Eyes ⓵ | 8 points
  • Saved XP - 8

Through Stolen Eyes ③ | 8 points
  • Saved XP - 8

Through Stolen Eyes ⓸ | 8 points
  • Saved XP - 8

Through Stolen Eyes ⓶ | 8 points
  • Saved XP - 8

Test Your Might {Part 1} | 10 points
  • Summoning - 10

Last edited by Læbirius on Thu Oct 10, 2024 3:53 pm, edited 36 times in total. word count: 521
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Dragon Dynasty Prince, Arvælyn
Arvælyn: Is the prince of the Draconic dynasty
Arvælyn: Wields Mesmer like me
Arvælyn: Found love with Finn in Kalzasi
Arvælyn: Is half dragon
Arvælyn: Is intimidating
Arvælyn: Was kind and genuine with me

First Impression:
  • He was in awe, from seeing him during the Centennial Jubilee to the party in his honor and stealing his attention from the other party guests, Læbirius feels that they could be kindred spirits as he too was born outside of the Solunarium. He also admires how quickly he could grasp Solu society and strives to adapt just as well as Arvælyn.

Character Standing & Influence:
  • CategoryInfluenceStanding


Master of Song, Finn
Finn: Plays wonderful music
Finn: Is the Amatas of Prince Arvælyn
Finn: Found love with Arvælyn in Kalzasi
Finn: Is also a Mesmer like me
Finn: Seems playful and nice
Finn: Skilled mage

First Impression:
  • He was in awe of Finn's skill with music, and ever since then he finds himself to be an avid fan of the musician and his work, often going to the venues to hear him play. He is less nervous around Finn and also admires him for his ability to assimilate into a new culture so well.

Character Standing & Influence:
  • CategoryInfluenceStanding


The Angelic Herbalist
Hilana: Was helpful
Hilana: Is Vastian
Hilana: Reminds me of my Mother
Hilana: Is a mage like me
Hilana: Can help me with a night terrors
Hilana: Is an herbalist

First Impression:
  • A sweet and kind girl who showed him such kindness in a strange land. She has offered to help calm his night terrors and has assured him his acclimation will go smoothly. She also reminds him of his mother which is a plus.

Character Standing & Influence:
  • CategoryInfluenceStanding
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Motif - Miasma of Doom

  • With the Rune of Mesmer, Læbirius will begin to mold himself into a mesmeric force of nature, where many use the magic to empower and bolster, he will instead use it to inspire reverence out of fear, terror, and dread. One of the most sure-fire ways of generating that crawling feeling of paranoia is to enshroud one in a dense, opaque mist. Because one knows anything could be hiding in there...your greatest fears, regrets, & torments. All songs and symphonies are revealed within the mists and that is the power in which Læbirius, pulling on those strings and songs playing as loud as possible as no one can hear your screams within the fog within the Miasma of Doom


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Motif - The Withering Archdemon

  • The Rune of Summoning etched into the back of Læbirius's hand is unique as it fuses with his soul, spurred and called by the demons of decay & rot. Fascinated by the line between life & death as well as witnessing the final moments of a person's life, the rune will invoke Læbirius to seek out places of death and areas rich with spiritual activity. As Læbirius grows in proficiency he will soon begin to exhibit instincts innate to an entity of death and decay such as the ones he summons. His thinking patterns and tactics will now mimic that of these entities of atrophy, both grand and unfathomable. By the end of his journey, Læbirius will find himself becoming a force that heralds the coming of decay and one's inevitable end, groomed to become the Withering Archdemon


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Summoned Spirits

Minor Spirits
1} ☠ Urelp Parm, Steeds of Spite ☠
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2} ☠ Vrelp Phiad, Hounds of Despair ☠
► Show Spoiler

3} ☠ Dinok Jot, Ravenous Scavengers ☠
► Show Spoiler



Necromantic Path

Necromantic Path - Way of Souls

  • Perhaps one of the most renowned, and hated, forms of necromancy is the Way of Souls. The world magic is famed for its ability to enable the practitioner to directly manipulate not just the aether of the body or parts of carcases but the very soul of subjects. In the most benign use of this form of necromancy, the practitioner is an exorcist who uses their skills to combat the presence of malignant spirits, ghosts and other less desirable entities. Controversially, the practitioner of soul based necromancy is capable of binding souls, trapping them in vessels of their choosing, fusing them together to form new essences altogether and even using souls as a source of power to boost their own.

Tools & Methods

  • [*]The Soul Totem
    While its shape varies, the soul totem of the necromancer is the cornerstone in their work of interacting with souls. It begins by taking a dragonshard and carefully inscribing it with pictography centered around the concepts of creating a focal point of not just aetheric power but of interacting with the soul. The pictography must also incorporate ideas centered around absorbing and interacting with the raw essence of things both living and dead. While the type of dragonshard is not important, utilizing any type other than basic aetherite can have interesting consequences. The wizard then prepares a bowl, typically fashioned of bone, that has also been inscribed with pictography focused on the same concepts done on the dragonshard. The bowl must be filled completely with the blood of the necromancer for whom the soul totem is intended. Fresh blood is advised. The dragonshard must be completely submerged within the blood and the bowl is to be placed within the center of a carefully drawn pictography circle that reinforces the concepts drawn upon both the bowl and the dragonshard itself.

    The next step varies in length depending on the skill of the necromancer and the materials used but it typically takes no longer than three days. The dragonshard will be ready when all of the blood within the prepared bowl has been absorbed by the crystal. The prospective totem will then be considered “primed” for the final stage in its creation.

    The wizard must ingest the crystal. Once the crystal is ingested they must seat themselves within the center of the pictograph circle reinforcing the concepts they have been working with since the beginning. During this stage, the wizard must meditate on infusing not merely their aether but a very fragment of their soul into the crystal. This process usually takes up to twenty-four hours but more skilled necromancers can shorten that time by up to half. In all instances, the necromancer will know when a piece of their soul has passed into the crystal. It will have a physical reaction in the body that can be likened to being poisoned. Nausea, fatigue, pain and even convulsions have been recorded as signs of the transition. It is crucial that during this stage, the necromancer regurgitate the crystal or they risk serious harm to themselves. In most instances, the wizard prepares a medicinal concoction to induce vomiting.

    Success is verified in the creation of a ghostly white crystal that is cold to the touch and that emits a light mist at all times. If a dragonshard other than aetherite was used in the process of creation, the gemstone may exhibit additional properties and may indeed transfer those properties to things the totem is utilized in, if desired. The soul totem is considered stable at this point and cannot be altered except through the creation of an entirely new totem. At this point, many necromancers have their totems fashioned into amulets, rings, or even put onto staves or wands for ease of use. Provided that they are afforded time to recover, the necromancer’s soul will mend over time. It is ill-advised for even the most skilled necromancer to create more than a handful of soul totems every few seasons or so. As a result, soul totems are approached with extreme care and are tools that the wizard guards with extreme jealousy.

    Ichor is the substance used by necromancers that enables them to interact with spiritual entities as though they were beings grounded in the physical realm. While all entities possess aether and can thus be affected by powers, items etc. that affect aether, some beings are more resistant than others. This is where ichor comes into play. In its unaltered state, ichor is described as a doughy white substance that is cold to the touch and leaves a misty trail in its wake whenever moved. It is created by mixing the necromancer’s blood with strips of chilled flesh. The flesh does not have to be the necromancer’s. At times, some necromancers include various herbs that are known to have an effect on ghostly or spiritual entities (i.e. rosemary, mountain ash tree bark etc.) in order to make it more potent. The necromancer mashes the mixture together, usually with mortar and pestle, until it resembles a congealed gelatinous substance. They then pour the mixture into a container and place their soul totem inside allowing it to set overnight. Once the mixture adopts the doughy white appearance with properties described above, the ichor has been created successfully. The necromancer can then remove their soul totem safely. Left out on its own, ichor will decay after a few days. This can be avoided by storing it in containers specially crafted to handle the substance.

    Ichor can be used to a variety of effects. It can be smeared across the body, onto weapons, armor and other objects. In all instances, it will be absorbed by the item it comes into contact with. Following this event, the item in question can then interact with ghosts, spiritual entities and even have an effect on undead. Exactly how the interaction takes place is dependent upon the object being used. Placed upon the body, the part affected can interact with the ethereal as though they were physical objects. Placed upon weapons and armor they can then be used to inflict harm or defend against the same. Precisely how long these effects last depends on the skill of the necromancer who created the ichor. Necromancers have become very creative in their application of the uses of ichor depending on their individual objectives.

    [*]Ghost Dart
    Typically taking the form of needles or even arrows, Ghost Darts are simply projectiles that have been coated in a necromancer’s ichor enabling them to interact with and pin down spirits and ghostly entities. Exactly how potent and long-lasting the effects are is dependent upon the skill of the necromancer whose ichor is used in their creation. They can be made and used by necromancers of all skill, from novice to master.

    [*]Ghost Wine
    Ghostwine is an extremely controversial and dangerous brew that only a necromancer can prepare. It must be created in a bone chalice or container that has been inscribed with pictography centered around concepts of release, exploration, and the opening of the senses or eyes. Ichor must be placed within the container and then allowed to soak in the fresh blood of a living thing. Most necromancers utilize either their own blood or the blood of the intended recipient to ensure greater safety when drinking it. Water must also be added to the mixture. Finally, the necromancer places their soul totem within the mixture and allows it to sit for a few hours. The more skilled the necromancer, the less time this takes. Success is verified once the mixture becomes completely translucent, emitting a ghostly glow and a mist from its surface. The soul totem may then be safely removed. So long as the liquid remains within the container it was created in, it will retain its properties until drunk.

    Imbibing ghostwine allows the drinker to detach their own soul from their body and walk the physical realm in ethereal form, for a time. This is a dangerous endeavor as, without protection, their body is left vulnerable to things that might wish to possess it. The wise necromancer only partakes of ghostwine only when their physical body has been afforded adequate protection. The duration of their ghostly state depends on the skill of the necromancer who prepared the concoction. If the drinker possesses runes of magic, they are still able to utilize their runes of magic as the Cardinal Runes are imprinted upon the soul, not just the physical body. However, users are warned that while in this state, they are just as vulnerable to the powers of a necromancer as would be any other ghostly or spiritual entity, perhaps even more so.

    In any instance, the individual must return to their physical body prior to the duration of the ghostwine’s effects expiring. Failing to do so will have adverse effects upon the physical body as it begins to die without its soul.

    [*]Soul Binding
    Binding is an extremely controversial practice that, in some places, is outright banned and punishable by death if discovered. Binding can be performed on either the living, the souls of the dead, and other spiritual entities if the necromancer is skilled enough. The first step in binding is achieved through a variety of ways depending on the subject to be bound. For the living, it involves carving pictographs directly over their heart and along their spine. These symbols must be centered around concepts of servitude, domination, a linking or joining of souls, and other such ideas. For ghosts and spirits they must be placed within a circle that reinforces those same ideas. In all instances, the pictographs must be touched by the power of the necromancer’s soul totem. Following this, the subject to be bound must ingest large quantities of the necromancer’s ichor. The more powerful and strong willed the individual, the larger the amount of ichor required.

    The necromancer must carefully prepare a dagger, typically fashioned of bone, that has been allowed to soak in their own blood, ichor and the power of their soul totem for no less than 30 days. This requirement cannot be lessened no matter how skilled the necromancer. The dagger will emit an off-white glow and have the trademark chill associated with necromancy tools once successful. It should be inscribed with pictographs tied to the concepts mentioned above. Generally speaking, most necromancers prepare the dagger well in advance.

    The subject to be the recipient of the binding will fall into a comatose state, their body will adopt the ghostly chill and mist will emanate from their form when they are adequately primed for the final stage. Once the subject has reached this stage, the necromancer must place their soul totem inside the body of the subject. In the living it is usually ingested before falling comatose when they are in a lucid state and more amenable to the suggestions of the necromancer. For ghosts and spirits it depends on the manner of being one is dealing with how the totem is placed inside them.

    For the living, once the soul totem is inside them and they are comatose exhibiting the signs stated above, the necromancer must plunge the dagger into their heart and leave it there. For a period of not less than twenty-four hours, the dagger must remain in place. Following this, it can then be safely removed. The wound will heal and the subject will suffer no adverse physical effects provided all things worked accordingly. The individual must then regurgitate the soul totem. For ghosts and spirits, the dagger must make contact with the soul totem inside their forms. The same length of time and process is then applicable. Success of the binding can be verified once the necromancer is capable of accessing the emotions, thoughts, and will of the intended recipient of the binding.

    Soulbound individuals are subject to the will of the individual they are bound to. While many exercise varying degrees of autonomy within that spectrum, in the end their souls and thus they, are subservient to the individual they are bound to. Provided the individual necromancer has the willpower to continue to control their soulbound subjects, the binding will remain intact. Necromancers are cautioned that binding too many to oneself exposes them to being overwhelmed by the combined willpower of those who are bound to them. While the very nature of the soulbind affords the necromancer an advantage over their bound subjects, it is not an infallible and unbreakable link.

    The creation of a Thrall requires first that the necromancer possess a soulbound servant. The necromancer can force their soulbound servant to possess the body of a dead thing and puppet it as they would their own body. In the case of living soulbound servants already in possession of their own bodies, the necromancer can have them drink ghostwine to achieve this effect. The thrall is akin to wearing a piece of cloth. The soulbound servant can be compelled to leave the body of that which they are possessing at the whim of the necromancer. If they possessed an original body of their own, their soul will return to that body. If they are a spirit or a ghost, they will merely return to the side of their master. Users be warned that while the souls possessing a thrall feel nothing in the way of the physical realm while performing the possession, they are still subject to more aethereal powers, perhaps more so because of the vulnerable state of their soul while performing this feat.

    [*]Soul Gems
    Considered a decidedly dark practice by most, the act of creating a soul gem is an unpleasant one for the subject. The necromancer must write in blood upon their hands pictography centered around concepts of rending, tearing and grasping. They then coat their hands and arms with ichor that will be absorbed into the skin. Once this is achieved, the necromancer must plunge their hands into the body of the subject, often violently, and are then capable of physically ripping out the soul of the individual. The necromancer can then store the soul into prepared container. Most utilize common gemstones and crystals such as malachite, quartz or in the case of more elaborate containers, a diamond. The container does not need to be a dragonshard but it can be utilized. Exposure to the aether of a dragonshard may have unforeseen consequences, careful study is advised before using them.

    The vessel must be inscribed with pictography centered around concepts of absorption, binding, utilization and other such ideas. Each vessel must have been submerged in the necromancer’s ichor for no less than a period of twenty-four hours, longer if the intended soul is particularly powerful. Following this, each vessel must be sufficiently saturated with the power of the necromancer’s soul totem. One hour at a minimum is necessary. The necromancer can then store souls they have grasped into each gem.

    Once bound to the gemstone, the soul inside can be used as a fuel source for other purposes if the necromancer so desires. Or it can simply serve as a prison for the individual’s enemies. Soul gems emit ghostly white glows and exude the trademark mist associated with necromancy practices.

    [*]Elegant Possession
    Necromancers can voluntarily allow themselves to be possessed by ghosts and other spirits. Unlike the common person who is dominated by the invading presence, the necromancer is capable of forming a symbiosis with it. This is achieved merely through the ingestion of their own ichor and the careful grasping of their soul totem. By opening their minds up to the spirit entering their body, the necromancer is able to create a bridge between themselves and the spirit. This allows them to retain control of their body while also benefiting from the presence of the entity now within their body, if such a benefit can be conferred. Hostile entities can be trapped by the necromancer in this same way but caution is advised as the spirit, unless adequately coerced, will undoubtedly continue to seek forceful control at all times.

    Advanced practitioners of the elegant possession techniques are able to switch between taking a back-seat and being actively engaged in the possession so to speak. They are able to allow the spirit to take over full motor control of their forms, while willingly offering up support and guidance to the spirit operating their body, including allowing it to utilize any Runes of Magic they might inherently possess. The necromancer is able to seamlessly switch between being in control themselves and allowing the spirit inside them to do so without issue until such time as they chose to expel the spirit from their body, if at all.

Thralls - 0


Soul Forger

Motif - Soul Forger

  • ???

Tools of the Trade

  • Hammer - Hammers for runeforging come in all manner of sizes. They are all the products of runeforging themselves. Each hammer is designed in such a way that when they strike the surface of the object being worked upon, they create a ripple within the aether flow of the item. These ripples can then be guided through careful use of both tongs and other hammers to structure the aether flow in such a way as to enable the properties that make runeforged artifacts magical.

    Chisel - Chisels are used to refine very detailed magical pathways into the object that is being worked upon. Alternatively they can be used to break away portions of the object and its pathways in order to be restructured with more extreme precision.

    Tongs - Specially crafted tongs that are designed to take hold of the item being worked upon without damaging the fragile aether pathways that are being structured and built into the item. Tongs come in many sizes for uses pertinent to the runesmith’s intentions.

    Tonal Fork - Runesmith tuning forks are designed to resonate at certain frequencies that can both guide the magical pathways in an object or confer insight into the status of an object’s stability when crafting.

    Mortar and Pestle - For when the likes of a full aether forge are unnecessary, the runesmith’s mortar and pestle can grind up smaller materials into their raw aethereal state for use in crafting.

    Aura Glass - Typically crafted from auralyth dragonshards, aura glass is designed to be positioned in front of or around the object that is being worked on. Through it, the runesmith is able to see the item’s aura in order to monitor it for potential problems.

    Sorcerer's Glass - Crafted from different types of dragonshards, the purpose of sorcerer's glass is to pass various types of energy through the materials placed either within an aether forge or equivalent. This in turn breaks down the affected reagents into their raw aethereal state so that it may then crystallize into viscerite. Most runesmith's use ordinary aetherite, which is just crystallized aether dragonshards without any significant properties. Other types can be used in order to give added effects to the reagents being broken down.

    Anvil - A runesmith’s anvil is typically has a base that is forged from mundane iron that has been covered in pictography designed to charge and assist the forging process. The upper half of the anvil is usually made from aetherite, the most common form of dragonshard available. Aetherite is the preferred dragonshard material due to it being able to channel aether without adding any predetermined properties to the objects being worked on. The upper half of the anvil is removable and can be swapped out for different dragonshard type pieces.

    Runesmith’s Workbench - Consisting of a stone slab that has been heavily inscribed with pictography designed to enable the runesmith to work with the raw aether of objects placed upon it. The runesmith’s workbench can be made of any material rightly available to the individual so long as it enables them to perform the tasks they have in mind.

    Aether Forge - A special forge designed to break apart that which is placed within it into its raw aethereal state. It requires very careful monitoring and incorporates various aura glass panels to gauge the state of the energies swarming inside of it. It is equipped with the means to dispense molten viscerite into the appropriate containers. Most runesmiths have prepared molds that the molten viscerite can be poured into. These molds are the products of master level Scrivening and are designed to allow the molten viscerite to cool without damaging its potential to be worked with.

    Aether Kiln - An oven that has been reinforced with various forms of pictography in order to handle the various energies at work inside of it. The interior can be affixed with differing forms of sorcerer’s glass that pass differing energy types through the objects placed inside the kiln. The kiln has an aura glass incorporated into it to enable the monitoring of the reactions taking place inside of it.

    Basin - Used to cool down items that are considered complete by the runesmith. These basins come in all shapes and sizes as would be suitable for the runesmith’s needs. They are filled with water and are outfitted with pictographs that stabilize and solidify the magical pathways that have been built into the artifact that is placed within them.



Soul Forger

Reality Writer

  • ???

Tools of the Trade

The tools required to perform Scrivening are among the most common and easily acquired when it comes to the Schools of World Magic. While some of the more advanced tools are more expensive, very few of the materials needed to practice Scrivening are particularly dangerous or arduous to retrieve.
  • Dragonshard Foci Common among the schools of world magic, is the dragonshard foci. Their shapes are many with some being as simple as a ring, an amulet, a wand or even a staff. It does not matter the shape of the tool in question. These tools are often inscribed with pictographs themselves in order to more accurately control and direct the energies inside them. While this is not required, it often becomes standard practice for most world mages to use more specialized tools in their work. The primary purpose of these tools is to be used as the method by which a world mage’s pictographs are awoken to the presence of aether.

    Spellwright’s Ink Created by Runeforgers, the Spellwright’s Ink is highly coveted by practically every Scrivener in existence. Freeing Scrivener’s of the requirement to awaken their pictographs to the presence of aether themselves, the Spellwright’s Ink is already magically infused and can be used quickly to draw pictographs of varying degrees of power and efficacy. The higher the quality of ink, the more advanced the runes that can be written or drawn with it.

    Sorcerer’s Sand Created by Runeforgers, the Sorcerer’s Sand is used in much the same fashion as Spellwright’s Ink is. The difference being where the ink is often applied specifically to parchment or smaller surfaces for more finely detailed rune writing, Sorcerer’s Sand is spread across a broader surface area and used to either draw symbols in at large or to craft the shape of the symbols directly. It is most commonly used to serve as the canvas upon which ritual circles are drawn. As with the ink, the higher the quality of Sorcerer’s Sand, the more advanced the spellwork one can achieve with it.

    Miscellaneous Regardless of whether magical or mundane, the only thing a Scrivener needs to practice their art is the ability to draw a pictograph and to awaken it to the presence of aether. The drawing or writing of the pictograph can be done with a mundane ink and quill, hammer and chisel, blood or just symbols drawn in the dirt or sand. So long as the symbols are awoken to the presence of aether, they can be used toward magical work from there.

Art of Pictography

Scrivening is the School of World Magic that is devoted solely to the application and study of the Art of Pictography at large. Some of the most learned magical scholars in history have been masters of Scrivening as the school lends itself to a deeper understanding of World and Personal Magic. At its fundamental level, the art of pictography is nothing more than the study of and application of lines, patterns and symbols in order to redirect the energies of either magic directed at them or the aether inherent in the objects they’re drawn upon. While a broad subject, its implementation is built upon rather straightforward concepts.

In general, pictographs are always temporary. Once the purpose for which the pictograph has been created has been met, the energies in the pictograph dissipate unless in its writing or drawing the symbols have been made permanent through clever means.

All Scrivener’s from the humblest beginner to the most practiced master can perform the techniques described below. It is merely the efficacy to which they apply them and the skill and speed at which they can string more complex pictographs together that changes.

  • Mirror The Mirror is a symbol whose sole purpose is to absorb, copy and reflect the aether directed at it. A cornerstone of most magical crafting practices, the mirror has seen many powerful uses both to the detriment and growth of mages worldwide. A mirror will immediately release the aether that comes into contact with it without delay unless augmented with other techniques described below.

    Path A path is exactly that, it is a path affording the corresponding energies produced by the inherent object, a direction they will most likely travel. It is typically carved into the surface of the object using a hammer and chisel. Conversely it is drawn upon smoother surfaces. The path is nothing more than a line travelling vertically, horizontally or diagonally across the surface of whatever it is drawn upon. The more powerful the aether coming into contact with the path, the more difficult the energies are to redirect and the more powerful the tools needed to redirect them.

    Convergence A convergence occurs when two paths cross. This is done to achieve a variety of outcomes. Firstly, it creates a focal point that serves as a junction through which the energies flowing through them can meet and then be dispersed in a more controlled fashion. Secondly, a convergence can serve as a point of redirection when implementing a more complex pattern across any surface.

    Continuum A continuum is a more advanced form of a convergence. The difference is that while a convergence is intended to redirect and disperse the energy that flows through it immediately, the continuum is meant to capture that energy. The continuum then feeds that energy into itself in order to build the highest momentum of focus possible for the energy flowing through it. Additionally, it can be enabled to capture energy added to whatever it is drawn upon. Users should be warned however, that every object has a threshold of what can be contained within it. Caution should be used before applying continuums to such a degree as to breach that threshold.

    Vortex The vortex is employed in more complex patterns. It is a stabilizing tool used to accomodate for errant energy that might escape the various paths, convergences and continuum’s. The purpose of the vortex is to draw those energies into their focal points and then redistribute them back into the pictograph in order to mitigate the chances of things going awry.

    Glyph The glyph is the most complex form of pictography in a Scrivener’s arsenal. Consisting of many paths, convergences, continuum’s and vortexes, the glyph is often very artful is appearance. Rarely are any two glyphs alike. The energies handled by each and every pictograph, while similar, are all unique and thus require different patterns to accommodate. Glyphs are used when the energies being used are only to be released in very precise and controlled manners with as minimal chance for deviation from that purpose as possible.
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Noble Combatant Starting Package

Basic Items


1 Fine Cloak
1 Pair of Black Leather Boots
1 Waterskin
1 A backpack that contains:
- 1 Set of Toiletries
- 10 days of rations
- 1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
- Flint & Steel


Deathly Solace

► Show Spoiler

Good Quality Axe

► Show Spoiler

Good Quality Shield

► Show Spoiler


1 Set of Casual Clothing{SP}

► Show Spoiler

1 Set of Fine Clothing{SP}

► Show Spoiler


Emerald Veil{SP}

► Show Spoiler

Treasures & Artifacts

Signet Ring

► Show Spoiler

The Bracelet of Death

► Show Spoiler


Starting Gold +300 GP 300 GP
Test Your Might Injury -300 GP 0 GP
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Memory Threads
??? ??? ??? ???
Dream Threads
A Dance of Smoke & Magic Sometime 122 Collab Complete
Year 122


The Ides of Wither 75th Modded/Collab Graded


The Craft Ⅰ 1st Solo Graded
Wildfire 22nd Collab Graded
A Midway Point 71st Modded Graded
Call of the Damned ❶ 4th Solo Graded
Call of the Damned ❷ 4th Solo Graded
Some (Plants) Like it Hot 15th Collab Ongoing
Body Forging ⓵ 6th Solo Graded
Body Forging ⓶ 73rd Solo Complete
Body Forging ⓷ 74th Solo Complete
Come All Ye Faithful 47th Collab Ongoing
Year 123


??? ??? ??? ???

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Names on the Tombstones



Race: Human - Vastian
Age: 36
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 187lbs

Occupation: Cleric of Divinity, Archaeologist, World Mage
Relation to PC: Mentor
NPC Type: Mentor
Influence: 4

Description: Varinios appears as an energetic and quirky man of intellect, with a unique way of conducting himself and his work. However, he is able to keep a level head in dangerous situations while making quick, solid decisions; ordering those below them while simultaneously showing concern for their well-being and the success of the endeavor he has embarked upon. Varinios is considered among his peers as a genius, using his brain for the benefit of the crown.

When put as a leader of a group, he excels and is able to easily figure out complex problems and create plans for the group to carry out. However, despite his cheeriness, those who know him believe Varinios to be one the scariest people to meet when angry. This change of character is often marked by Varinios calling someone "Lambkin".

Varinios is the most calculating, cunning, and analytical soul as he is always thinking ten steps ahead in any given situation. He is able to carefully look past his feelings and see the real situation at hand, which has been demonstrated on many of his excursions out into the desert looking for ruins and lost knowledge. He is extremely perceptive and able to quickly recognize the patterns and mistakes that others make, which gives him an edge. In battle, while his preference is to concoct strategies based on the deduction of his opponents' fighting abilities and style, his natural battle instincts are also highly tuned over the years.

However, his care for his friends and family is the backbone of anything he does, as he would sacrifice just about anything to protect them and thus making him a reliable teammate despite the misleading front he puts on.

Business ManagementJourneyman



Race: Mixed Blood {Hytori & Orkhan}
Age: 41
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 205lbs

Occupation: Attendant, Bodyguard
Relation to PC: Companion, Bodyguard
NPC Type: Companion
Influence: 6

Description: Taidryn is an upstanding warrior with a strong character. Striving to live a warrior's life, he seeks ways to improve himself. He feels obligated to return any kindness given to him and will work hard to repay their feelings in kind. He came to admire Maelor's character and, though they first meet as enemies, he treats the noble lord as his friend despite their stations in life. He is probably the retainer closest to Maelor as he can usually comprehend the reasoning behind his lord's actions. His hardened and undeterred mindset gains the respect of those that meet and come to know him, particularly Laebirius find his unwavering resolve something to look up to.

Filled with the pride of a warrior, Taidryn is a straightforward man who believes in making his future with his own power. A firm believer in the potential of oneself, he always declares his intentions in battle for all to hear. While his charisma and honesty win him followers, his overzealous nature in battle can sometimes earn the ire of others, as he occasionally neglects to consider others while reveling in the throughs of battle.

Regarding Laebirius, Taidryn exhibits some fatherly tendencies with the young mage, due to the promise he made to Maelor that he would protect the man's children. Taidryn is patient with Laebirius's somewhat timid behavior at times and insists that he be confident in himself, much to others' surprise. Taidryn becomes irritated at stagnation, although he ultimately lets others do as they please, provided it doesn't infringe on one's growth or the growth of others.

  • Life for Taidryn was not as pleasant as he has it now. He was the unfortunate offspring of a Hytori mother and an Orkhai father. He found himself being orphaned at a very young age. Angry & alone he wandered the wilderness of Ecith and the desert outside the Solunarium struggling to survive. He was soon taken in by a couple passing through as they couldnt watch as he suffered. He lived in a small hut near the port of the Solunarium with his new family.

    For most of his childhood, he was fortunate enough that his Hytori genetics seemed to be at the forefront. It wasn't until he started going through puberty that his orkhai side began to flare up, and it would cause trouble for him. He became a pariah in the neighborhood. He would be bullied and picked on, and much to his own dismay he could never defend himself out of fear of being killed or enslaved to his aggressor. His adoptive parents showed him how to control that frustration and anger so he wouldn't bring any more trouble to himself or his family.

    Unfortunately, Taidryn would have his hand forced when a group of men harassed his mother and even went so far as to attack her one day. He lost it, blacking out to only find himself covered in blood and his mother urging him to flee. Fleeing he knew he couldnt return as he had no choice but to brave the harshness of the wilderness once again. He traveled the southern part of Ecith, raiding vastian caravans and merchants alike for several years.

    His reign of terror was bloody, leaving nothing but a visceral trail of death and destruction in his wake. One day he was beset by an elven man, one who outmatch him in martial skill and magical talent. The elf was sent to hunt Taidryn, and crushed the half Ork easily. He was given a choice. He could work under the elf as muscle for hire, or perish. Seeing how Taidryn had never lost a fight he was impressed by this man, and swore to protect him and his family should he be needed, and upon the Arrival of the elven man's estranged son, he headed the elf's call without hesitation.

    Now, he spends his days looking after his ward, though there are days when he is tested. Even now at his current age, he still is subject to scrutiny and abuse for his blood as he could never erase the sharp fangs and tusk that protrude ever so slightly. Unless physical harm comes to him, he merely brushes off the ridicule and dirty looks with meditation and blocking them out.

Unarmed Combat50Journeyman
word count: 1161
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