Working Parts [Aurin]

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Torin Kilvin
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Title: Runesmith
Location: Kalzasi
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55 Searing, 122

Although it was obvious that Timon would never become a Runesmith, nor even a blacksmith, Torin still thought it was important that the younger boy understand the basics of both the arts, if not in practice, at least in theory. Major sales were, of course, handled by Torin himself, but Timon was beginning proving to be a shrewd promoter of the products that Kilvin's forge produced, in as much as he understood them. Better understanding could only increase the boy's ability to up-sell the clients that made their way into the diminutive shop that Timon was the undisputed master of. He was well on his way to gaining an indepth understanding of the pricing of the materials most commonly used in either forge, as well as the calculation of what price Torin put on his time. The only thing lacking in Timon being able to accurately give price estimates to customers was knowledge of Runeforging itself.

Once he understood how much aether, and what kind, went into different magical creations, and how much time the levels of power took to create, Torin would be able to really leave the negotiations to his more world-wise and, frankly, more charismatic apprentice.

When he'd discussed the lesson plan (His first real lesson plan, much to his guilt, even though he had been ensuring Timon was given all the lessons he could handle from others.) with Aurin the older man had expressed interest in also learning the basics behind Runeforging. Torin had been happy to include his mentor, more especially since it would give him an opportunity to broach the topic of creating an item that would protect him from any more of Arvalyn's, or anyone else's Mesmer manipulation.

The boy was waiting in the shop for Aurin to arrive, then he would lock up a little early and they would spend a few hours on the lesson that Torin had so carefully mapped out, before retiring to the stew that had been bubbling on the hearth since morning.
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Aurin was still used to hotter, more humid climes, so it wasn't that wearing the cravat during the summer months overheated him—it just felt vaguely like all the nooses he had escaped in his life. So as soon as he walked into the shop and acertained there were no customers present, he began to loosen it. He smirked at Timon; those still passed for smiles with his nearest and dearest and Timon had become, by proxy, one of his people.

Now that he was home—Torin's home, which felt like it belonged to him as well—he doffed his fine coat as well. This wasn't the Golden Peacock; he didn't have to play the peacock to impress anyone.

"Ready for class," he announced.

"Gonna go butter up teacher?" Timon replied without missing a beat.

"Smart ass." Aurin squinted at him, but his smirk remained as he moved toward the back door that led to the garden Torin had started with the help of his elven friend—lover, whatever.

"I learned from the best," he replied, his lisp well under control today. He did seem more confident since Arry's butt boy had given him exercises in diction to work on. Aurin didn't mind a smart ass as long as Timon was smart and wasn't an ass when it mattered.

"Damn straight, you did. Go ahead and close up... work some magic over your stew pot... join us when you're ready. Is Sivan here today?"

Timon shook his head. "He's all yours."

"He's always all mine."

And then Aurin was in the yard, inhaling the air redolent of summer flowers instead of hot garbage that lined some of the streets that mapped the quickest route from the Theater to the forge.

"Are you decent?" he asked after rapping his knuckles on the jamb and entering the forge proper. It was a long-standing joke now, having several times wondered aloud when he was going to walk in and be treated to the sight of his boy in nothing but a leather apron and an honest day's sweat. Aurin set aside his coat and cravat and began to unlace his shirt, unsure whether this lesson was going to involve a great deal more heat than a Kalzasern summer had to offer.
word count: 390
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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Torin Kilvin
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"Fanthy." The youngest member of the family Torin had gathered around himself intoned with playful sarcasm when he saw the outfit that Aurin walked into the shop wearing. While, in most cases, his speech impediment was something he could control, once in a while he used it as sort of a joke with the ones he was most comfortable with, his friends. Aurin was his friend. The two had grown closer over the Frost season, when Torin had fallen down some black well that his apprentice didn't understand, but had very much understood when his master stopped speaking or eating for days on end. The redhead and the pubescent blond had formed a conspiracy of sorts to keep their Runesmith on his feet until whatever had been plaguing him worked its way through. The companionable air of secrets had not faded between them after Torin was sleeping and gaining his weight back, though it felt more like an inside joke now then something dire.

Moving around the businessman Timon locked the front door, put the key away in its place and then said, "If you're done undressing, Torin is waiting for us in the forge."

The banter continued as they made their way into the yard until Timon disappeared into the house.

Torin looked up at the sound of Aurin's voice, reminiscent of how Huntress perked up at the same sound.

"No, Sir." He said, quietly so no one else would hear. If he was attempting cheek of his own it fell on the side of diffidence. Torin was fully dressed, hair pulled back into a messy bun at the back of his head and not even smudged by soot or oil, but something about the redhead's presence made the indecent parts of himself come to fore. He inquired as to Timon's whereabouts and, upon hearing that the boy would be occupied in the house for a few minutes, stepped up and pressed his mouth over Aurin's.

"I'm so glad you're home." The smith's mentor hadn't really been gone that long but it had felt long to Torin, even if it had given him more time to spend with Sivan setting up the new Alchemical lab, among other things. This wasn't the first time he'd seen Aurin since his return from Zaichear, of course, but it still bore saying.

"I didn't stoke the forge today, no need for what we're doing." The blacksmithty lay quiet and no warmer than the air outside it, for once. It might be confusing, sometimes, listening to Torin speak of his work, since he refereed to both magical and mundane forge by the same word more often than not, but he gestured to the one he meant, at least, in this case.

When Timon walked up, one hand dramatically held over his eyes and stopped at the threshold to say,

"Are you decent?" In accidental mimicry of Aurin's question, Torin flushed, of course, but he also laughed and the embarrassment fled almost immediately.

"Yes," He answered, "Or, at least, I am." A brow raised at Aurin as if to say the man should answer for himself. When the younger lad was persuaded to lower his hand and enter, Torin led both his students into the magical side of his work space.

"Alright," He said, pulling up the lessons he'd taught the youngest other apprentices before he'd finished his own training. He began by pointing out the basic items required, the aether forge, the kiln, the Scrivened work table, and explaining in basic terms what each was for.
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Aurin liked the effect he had on Torin, and didn't hide it. He accepted the kiss for a moment, and then took control of it, devouring his boy, stealing his breath and his wits, at least for a few moments. But they had work to do, and there would be time for indecent proposals later. He didn't say much; he didn't have to. Alone, he let himself radiate his own quiet joy at being home and Torin knew by now that he always stoked Aurin's forge, so to speak.

His smile wasn't diminished by Timon's arrival. He didn't look at their friendship too closely, but he supposed if he was ever going to have paternal feelings, they belonged to the lisping wunderkind. The boy's own snark kept things at a safe enough distant that Aurin's trauma didn't rear its ugly head.

"Torin doesn't like me to be decent," he said. "But we'll have the birds and bees talk another day."

Aurin was a bit different since returning from Zaichaer, but he wasn't introspective enough to figure out how just yet. Clockwork thoughts went on behind his smirk and his ever-amused hazel gaze. But once Torin began to teach them in earnest, clever eyes cut to his drawings and he took things in. Much of it he knew piecemeal, but having Torin connect the dots for him allowed him to see the bigger picture to some extent and he nodded along, and let Timon ask his questions first, only asking his own when it didn't seem that Torin would supply the information on his own. In the end, Aurin was fairly certain he was following along.

He didn't have the patience to become a runesmith, even if he turned out to have a knack for it. But he did want to help Torin fashion his wonders, and it would help to know the basics of what they were doing so he could more effectively offer his tricks. After Torin's poor reaction to the Rune of Semblance, he might have outright vetoed any attempt ot mark his boy's skin and soul again. If he feared anything anymore, it was the loss of one of his people.

And Torin was entirely his creature.
word count: 388
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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Torin Kilvin
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Timon asked the majority of questions, taking fastidious notes in a little leather bound book that he had acquired for the lessons he took from Kala and the tutor Torin had hired for him. It pleased the smith that the boy seemed to be taking his lessons as seriously as he did those of master financiers. Torin supposed he was getting close to being called a master of his own craft, but, unless he joined a craftsmen's guild, which he did not intend to, he would never be given any higher official ranks then journeyman. Eventually, his reputation would get around, over years, and he would be known as a master, but he was more than happy to wait for that.

When Timon's curiosity on a subject was exhausted, sometimes Aurin would ask a question that showed both his intellect and his understanding. Torin was happy to answer all questions, finding comfort in the fact that all the answers came easily to him, even the ones that were based on some misconceptions.

By the end of the afternoon he was able to quiz both his students and get satisfactory answers. Neither would likely ever attempt to work the craft on their own, but Timon would be able to explain the work involved to any potential customers who had questions themselves and Aurin would have a better grasp of what, exactly, he was doing when he lent his runic magic to Torin's work.

When the sun was only it's own height over the horizon Timon said he needed to check on dinner and Torin declared the lesson at an end. Both the younger and the older man knew they could come back to him if they discovered gaps in their knowledge. If he thought of anything he had somehow overlooked, or wanted to give a more detailed tutorial about one of the aspects of Runesmithing, he could hold another lesson. It had been a good day, leaving Torin with a sense of accomplishment and the idea that, maybe, he actually was well trained enough to hold his position on his own two feet after all.
word count: 365
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Lore: 8 Each

Points: 10 Each
Either may use for Runeforging or Semblance

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: Knowledge!

word count: 46
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