A New Adventure, Together (Yeva)

The southern highlands of Ecith, largely undiscovered.

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Ash 1, 122

Norani closed her diary, a new book she got yesterday in preparation for this trip. She looked up, seeing the sun starting to rise over the distant mountains. She felt a little bit better after writing in the book. She glanced back over at her shoulder, seeing Yeva there still sleeping. She'd be up soon, stirring as much as she had been. Norani cast her eyes back forward, looking from her platform over Nora. She was leaving all of this. It was beautiful, the way the shadows of the grass lands stretched across the deep blue lake, how the sunlight broke through, sending them scattering. To the east, the deep, grey mountains, barely a blur, and to the south, the deep green jungles.

A hand set upon the branch fungus that her hut was built upon. She was thankful to have this space, first for Yeva, and then for herself. Her family had been concerned when she had it built, thinking it was a strange phase. And for the couple years since then, Norani had barely ever used it. She just had thought it would be fun to have.

But it made a space for Yeva.

And she knew that Yeva loved having a space she could go to be alone. If anything, the last half season or so, Norani felt that she had been imposing a bit on Yeva, using a space she'd given her friend. Soon, she'd be leaving it behind for a year, maybe more. She looked over at Ruvaf, also stirring in his nest made from the dried grasses around them, smiling softly.

No, she was simply making new memories, with her new family. One she chose. One who wished to be with her.

One who wouldn't lie to her.

With a mild grunt, she stood herself up. She'd never been on a real ship before. No one sailed on Nora, barely anyone even rowed. Most just swam. This could be fun. It would be fun. She wanted it to be fun, if not for herself, than for Yeva. She knew how important traveling and learning was to Yeva, and she didn't want to be the fleas in her dress. She turned to look back in the hut, the rising sun behind her as she pushed through the stringed beads, a soft smile on her face as she watched Yeva for a bit.

Norani wouldn't have made it to this point without Yeva, she was sure of it.

Quietly, Norani began to tiptoe around the hut, making the final preparations for their departure. She didn't see the Door yet, so she still had time. She was knelt next to the bed, slowly sliding out a travel pack, when she stopped, seeing Yeva's serene, sleeping face there, facing her, having rolled over.

Norani swallowed to abate the tightening in her throat that was spreading across her chest. She crawled into the bed they shared, sliding beneath the thin sheet that gave comfort but no warmth on the hot Searing nights, facing Yeva. Her free hand rested on Yeva's freckle covered bicep, and a deep green flush spread across Norani's cheek bones and the tips of her ears as she closed her eyes. She started to lean forward, to touch her nose to Yeva's. She was a breath away.

And she stopped.

Shame overwhelmed her, a fairly new emotion for the young woman.

Not like this.

She took her hand off of Yeva, and slid back out of bed, as her shame opened up to guilt, and she put herself back to work prepping for their trip. She was less quiet now, part of her hoping Yeva would wake soon. She turned away from the sleeping elf, dropping to a seated position, her back resting against the bed, her face burying into her palms, tears falling quietly off her face.

This was not an uncommon sight for Yeva to discover after the last season.

Norani's guilt grew as she inwardly beat herself up. She had almost sought to take from Yeva, just to dull the pain she felt. To feel anything else. As she cried, she wondered if maybe Yeva might be better off without her. If maybe she wasn't strong enough to protect Yeva from everything in this world, herself included. If maybe Yeva shouldn't put her trust in her. She wasn't worth it.

She was just someone worth lying to.

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Ash 1, 122

A soft brush of air on her face. Sliding sheets. Yeva gave a small sound of acknowledgment, afloat on dreams. The warmth of contact and its sudden removal left a growing coolness to mark its absence on her skin. Then, the sound of sorrow. Soft, barely a whisper, then a less stifled sob of shame.The land of Nod faded and the strange masses of shadows formed shapes in the morning dusk. An opened sack, supplies for travel. The muscled back of a woman hunched forward.


Yeva pushed upwards from where she laid on the mattress, watching her friend with a sad expression. Once when she was a small girl, her brother had found a nest of baby bunnies, one of which had been injured by a dog. Knowing that the helpless creature needed warmth if it was to survive, Yeva placed it with the others, and continually, when she would return to check on it, the injured bunny was outcast, having crawled away or been pushed out from the nest. It had died not long after, in pain. Alone.

The orkan's face was buried in her hands, limbs pulled close, shut off as sobs wracked her body. Closed off, shielded behind a barrier of her own making. Yeva scooted to the edge of the bed, feet first, pulling the sheet behind her. She lowered to her knees, placing a gentle hand on the orc's back, gauging her response, "Norani," she whispered, trying to peek between the fingers that covered Norani's eyes in the dark room, "Why don't you come back to bed?"

The sentence sounded strange coming from her, as if expecting to have said it in a different context. In a different place. Yeva looked over at the belongings half packed, believing that part of this upset could have been caused by the conflicting emotions her friend felt by leaving Ecith, not understanding the full complexity of the matter. She was so sure Norani wished to leave, but maybe that earlier conviction made it difficult to relay any doubts now, "We... we don't have to leave if you've changed your mind," she offered, trying to find the middle ground, "You just have to tell me what you need," she soothed, running a hand down Norani's hair, the other trying to wipe away the tears,"You are my very best friend, my closest ally."

Yeva's throat tightened, biting her bottom lip to keep from tearing up herself. Many nights she had awoken to Norani's torment. It was hard seeing her friend hurt and being so helpless to stop it.

She swallowed, bowing her head, "Fate can only cross our paths. Our friendship, our bond - that is a choice we've made. That is what I want still. Let me help you. Let me ease this burden... Please don't hide your face."

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Norani sniffled, trying to stifle a sob as she heard Yeva moving. She had woken her up, she was sure of it. She felt Yeva's hand upon her back, and instinctually pressed closer to the physical touch, leaning a bit closer to Yeva. She felt a few of Yeva's curls tumble upon her own head as Yeva came close, beckoning her back to bed. A single, dark eye, half filled with tears looked over at Yeva, one more tear streaming down her green cheekbone.

At her offering that they didn't have to leave, Norani's hands slid from her face, and she shook her head. She sought to know what Norani needed. And as she ran a hand over Norani's hair, the Ork's eyelids grew heavy, the action relaxing her a bit, as she leaned closer still to Yeva. She allowed the tears to be wiped away by Yeva's deft fingers.

Norani was silent for a long moment, pressing her head into the crook of Yeva's neck. And she listened. Whenever Yeva spoke, she always listened, and writing every word upon her heart. Yeva was here for her. She was always here for her. Norani pulled her face from Yeva's body, looking her dear friend in the eyes, not hiding any longer.

Norani tried to speak but her throat was tight, and she had to cough, clearing it into a hand away from Yeva. Yeva wanted to know what Norani needed. Wanted to know how to help. And Norani would tell her, or at least as much as she knew, as much as she could figure. But first...

In a bare whisper, ashamed, her eyes downcast, "I have not been a good friend to you. While you slept I almost," she paused a moment, "Iuk no'uv you." She wanted to turn away, to hide her face, but Yeva had asked her not to do so. She didn't think to elaborate on that, for she bore her guilt openly. To rub noses was an intimate gesture in Ecithian culture, one that always demanded consent. "I am sorry."

She was scared. She was scared that maybe this would drive Yeva away. It would be understandable, to Norani. She didn't want to be alone, to be without Yeva. But she wasn't going to lie or withhold from her either. And she realized she needed to continue.

"You are the dearest of friends." A pitiful smile, her eyes looking up to find Yeva's once more, "You are family-around-me." Something about opening up like this, to Yeva, even with the shame and guilt, gave her strength to continue. Words that she had written just earlier now found their way onto her tongue, "I am happy with you, even when I am not happy. When you put your arms around me, I know I am safe. When I see you scared, I grow braver. When you laugh, my heart sings. And when the sun shines upon you," another pause, "My cheeks darken, like yours did the day we met."

A deep breath, "If you can forgive my trespass, I swear to never keep you safe, even from me." A swallow to try and clear her tight, dry throat, "I wish to travel with you still. My heart feels less broken when I am with you." She wiped the lingering tears in her eyes away, her hands finding Yeva's finger tips and holding them gently, "You are the Lotus-on-my-Heart, Yeva Bleu."
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Norani's voice wavered, trembling on shame. She struggled to speak, and Yeva tensed, straining to listen to the faint whisper, nervous about whatever could be troubling the woman so, "I have not been a good friend to you. While you slept I almost..."


Yeva did not move, holding her breath. The pause that followed seemed to suspend the two.

"Iuk no'uv you."

The mystic blinked, mouth dropping in surprise, "W... what?"

Norani was fighting with herself, turning her face away to hide, before attempting to adhere to Yeva's request, "I am sorry."

Rub noses? Had she heard correctly? Yeva was quiet, trying to sift through her understanding of Ecith, while the woman she comforted sought forgiveness. She was being so open, so vulnerable, so apologetic. Norani sniffled, wiping away her own tears now and took Yeva's fingers in her hands, "You are the Lotus-on-my-heart, Yeva Bleu."

An understanding of what Norani was speaking of clicked in her mind, recalling the sign of affection. It was not far off from when they put their foreheads together, at least not to the elf, who started to smile, barking a sudden laugh, "Oh, Norani!" she exclaimed, exhaling loudly. She lifted the orc's hand to press it to flat to her collarbone, where the fast drumming of her heart could be felt, "I thought you... ah!," she laughed again, not at her friend, but in relief, hoping to calm the orc with a smile, "Is this what's upset you so? It's alright, I'm not angry. I... am a bit confused."

How could she best explain this?

"I appreciate your concern for me, but there is nothing to forgive. To me, there are far worse things you could have done," Yeva dried her fingers, still wet from tears on the sheet. She pulled back to look at Norani's face, bemused by how she could be so dismissive of nudity and shared beds, and yet so anxious about touching noses. Was she missing something? While not a common practice, Yeva had done that as a girl and were childlike displays of affection. Often done with giggles, followed by butterfly kisses shortly after, "Here," The redhead leaned forward and gave a small nuzzle of her nose to Norani's smaller one, a sweet and brief touch, lingering at the end to look into Norani's eyes, smiling easily. She was unbothered. This felt rather easy to the elf, all things considered, "See? I'm not upset. Hytori call them fox kisses. There's also the butterfly kiss."

Yeva lifted her hands to cup Norani's jaw, gently turning so that their faces were still touching, this time favoring cheeks and brow. Their noses brushing aainst one another, in better lighting, they'd have been able to see the details of each other's eye. Yeva felt Norani's tusk poke against the corner of her mouth and blinked in quick succession, her lashes brushing against Norani's damp ones.

The redhead grinned, hoping she had eased her friend's heavy heart, pulling back, "No trespass, no offense. Alright?"
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There was a pit in Norani's stomach, she had seen the surprise on Yeva's face. Dread was building, this was it. Yeva would leave and with good reason.

And then the woman smiled, laughing suddenly, catching Norani off guard. Her damp eyes widened, confusion growing, not expecting this response at all. Her hand was placed on Yeva's collarbone, and she could feel the rapidity of her heart. It was matching Norani's own. But the smile on Yeva's face showed that everything would be okay. And as Yeva spoke, Norani unwound, some of the tenseness dissipating in her furrowed brow, her clenched jaw, her tightened shoulders.

Yeva explained that she did not begrudge Norani for what she'd almost done. And Norani found herself staring back into Yeva's brown eyes, her heart beating in her ears. She watched as Yeva started to lean in close and Norani closed her eyes. As Yeva touched her nose to Norani's own, the Orkhan woman thought her heart might burst from her chest. This was the first time she'd been intimate with anyone, ever.

And she was happy it was with Yeva, and felt safe there as it ended, opening her eyes to see Yeva's once more. Norani's cheekbones and ears were flushed dark green, as Yeva cupped her face, bringing them back together once more. And as Yeva rubbed her nose, intimate and close, Norani leaned into it, a yearning desire as she enjoyed this first experience of hers. When her tusk poked against Yeva, a flash of worry ran through her, not having expected that to happen or be an issue. And she felt Yeva's lashes fluttering against her own.

She could see why they were called butterfly kisses.

As they pulled apart, Norani's tears were entirely stopped, and Yeva reaffirmed her stance on Norani's near transgression. Norani nodded, smiling, laughing a bit in surprise and disbelief, her head a bit down but her eyes looking up through her lashes at Yeva. Every worry and fear she had, for the moment, was gone. All that was left was the friendship and love and bond she shared with Yeva. She reached out, squeezing Yeva's hand firmly.

"That was my first time doing fox kisses. And butterfly."

Her voice carried just how much that meant to her, and she gave another little squeeze of Yeva's fingers.

"Thank you for helping to stop my tears."

She raised her face once more, when she saw something in the corner of her eye. A bright smile grew upon her face. She nodded just past Yeva's shoulder. "It came back." There, set against the tree, slightly to the side of where it was last time, was the Door.

"Should we get ready? Or do you want to wait a bit?"
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It was good to hear Norani's laugh.

Yeva leaned back, snorting at the impassioned response to their nuzzling. Norani's eyes twinkled in the dark, exuding the usual excitement she held towards new experience, "That was my first time doing fox kisses. And butterfly."

"Really?" she tried to hide her surprise, having assumed it as easy as breathing in a touch dominated society as Ecith, "I'm glad you enjoyed it," she said, growing a bit embarrassed by Norani's ever intense response. She looked down, nodding with a smile when her friend thanked her for the help. So many times in her life, Yeva had felt awkward and out of place. It was good to know that she was able to do something useful and it come easily for once. It gave her hope that maybe she'd be able to do something for others in the future. Solutions might not be as simple as a bit of Ecithean kisses, but each day she grew more confident in her capabilities, the more she grew confident in herself.

Yeva looked up when Norani pointed at the door. She let go of Norani and twisted, spotting the same door after squinting.

"Yes..." Just on time. Always just before morning tea. The mystic was reminded of Kynne's rotted face and she began to stand, grimacing, "We should go, sooner rather than later... I'll.. go get ready."

Having packed the night before and sleeping rather fitfully, Yeva did not speak much more for the remainder of their morning while preparing to depart. She went to relieve herself and freshen up as usual, washing face and body, rubbing oils through her hair. She had not been on a ship for some time and was unsure of what to wear, but opted for an Ecith style. A chest band, not unlike Norani's, but with a white skirt, slit at the sides but still long enough for modesty in comparison to Norani's classic loincloth. Yeva finished her look by slipping on a series of bangles, followed by a pair of earrings that she was fastening to her ear when she fetched her bag.

"All ready?" she asked, waiting for Norani's confirmation before knocking twice, and opening the door.
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With a curt nod, Norani was up and putting the final touches on packing while Yeva readied herself. She stepped outside, waking up Ruvaf, who raised a curious eye to her, able to feel that something different was happening. She groomed him thoroughly, talking to him all the while about the trip they were about to go on. Once readied, and Yeva knocked and opened the door, Norani's eyes went wide. Ruvaf couldn't fit into the hut! Speaking to the Door in Common, for she didn't know if the Duck spoke Ecitharese, "Can you move the Door outside? And make it bigger? Ruvaf is coming with us."

And for a long moment, nothing happened.

Then the Door slammed shut and Norani's eyes went wide. Had she upset the Duck? Was she not going to let them come on the journey now? Her panicked eyes went over to Yeva for a moment before she heard a startled scree from Ruvaf out on the platform. Norani was quick, rushing through the beaded doorway of her home, to see a larger doorway, already opened, right on the edge of the platform.

A wave of relief came over her while Ruvaf inspected the intruder, tapping at the doorframe with his beak. Norani grabbed her heavy travel pack, which had all of the belongings she was choosing to bring, and the leather strap she used for carrying her journal and diary. Yeva looked ready, and a small darkening grew on Norani's cheeks as she quickly peeled her eyes away. The Ecithian fashion looked especially good on Yeva.

Stepping back out on the platform, "Ready," a delayed response.

And without further waiting, Norani strode through the Door first, appearing on the deck of the Duck. She whistled for Ruvaf who nervously crawl-walked through it, skreeing confusedly when he found himself on the surface of a ship, in a completely different part of the world. Norani was immediately by his side, gently guiding him away from the Door so that Yeva could come through. She was cooing softly to Ruvaf, stroking his neck and beak, calming him.

Norani had never been on a ship either and she felt the excitement growing. She watched the Door, not fully relaxing until she watched Yeva stride through. And once she had, the Door disappeared. It was sunny already here in whatever waters the Duck was sailing upon, a light breeze blowing the ship easterly. The crew was busy, bustling about, as Norani gently guided Ruvaf over to the nearest railing. She could see Captain Kynne on the uppermost deck, eyes forward, arms crossed, pure determination on his face.

She too couldn't forget his cursed face. A horrible and ugly existence. She didn't know anything about curses, but she would do whatever she could to help. Hopefully Yeva knew something, or they could figure it out, together. Norani looked over the rail at the water crashing against the ship's hull. There was a school of dolphins there, swimming along with the ship and she gasped excitedly. She hadn't managed to see any dolphins while she was in Drathera, but she'd heard about them.

And dolphins meant fish.

Turning to Ruvaf, guarding her tongue around the crew members by speaking Ecitharese, "How about you go hunting, Ruvaf? Lots of fish in the sea!" She gave the signal she used for Free Hunt toward him and he stretched, peering curiously over the water. Two large flaps of the wings and a loud skree and he was off, flying off the ship, circling around it. She knew he was determining the safety of this new nest that Norani had chosen. She watched him, holding her arms to her torso, smiling. Another skree and he broke off his circling pattern, diving down toward the water and with a deft jab, plucked a massive fish out, wriggling and writhing. A quick jerk of the head and he swallowed it whole, and flew up to the main mast, perching on one of the beams at the top, looking curiously at the crew spotter up in the crow's nest.

Norani took off her pack, setting it next to the railing, and pulled her journal out of the strap. She climbed up on the railing, sitting atop it, her legs hanging off over the ocean, as she grabbed her charcoal pencil. And she set to sketching the dolphins. Such beautiful creatures. They seemed to communicate to each other in similar ways to the Ci'uvan. She looked over her shoulder to find Yeva once more, and once she did, she smiled at the woman. A real smile, a confirmation that despite all the problems she had had recently, and still did, she was okay. And to make sure Yeva was okay too.

Norani found herself wondering if she should try Yeva's practice of having some alone time. Norani was raised to constantly be surrounded by loved ones, and when that was cracked, she was devastated, and felt so alone in her world, save Yeva and Ruvaf. She looked down at her journal. She could be alone in her recording what she saw. Just her and her books. That didn't seem so scary.

And it helped that she knew that she still always had Yeva and that she was never alone.

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"It listens," she said with admiration, following Norani outside to find the door had moved. After Norani entered, Yeva waited and followed suit.

Bag slung over her shoulder, Yeva grimaced as the sun poured over her vision. She winced and lifted a small hand to block the light, feeling its warmth upon her skin. The sounds of footsteps hurrying about and barked orders were immediately loud and the mystic blinked, sidestepping to allow Norani and Ruvaf more room to emerge. The two pulled towards the railing, out of the way, Yeva's own feet hesitating as she watched the inner workings of such a well oiled crew. Once her eyes had adjusted, she slipped out of the way, feeling the buzz of excitement from the men and women checking supplies, adjusting sails, reminded briefly of her arrival to Ecith.

A seaman tied off a rope on a large metal piece she did not know the name off. Taking a personal inventory of her mental state, she had more curiosity than concern. Her nerves were surprisingly light. She trusted fate, and her own decisions more. In comparison to her first day of Ecith, she had been terrified at being unprepared, while she struggled to keep up with the warriors around her. So unsure of herself, of her path.

Now, she carried only a few changes of clothes, her toiletries, herbs that could alleviate seasickness, and divination tools. There was a sense of trust - not in Kynne or the strangers she had yet to meet - but in herself. It steadied her. The changes in herself felt unseen and swift. At what point had she stopped running after Norani for confidence? When had she learned to make decisions, to be the woman who comforted instead of requiring comfort? And how long would it last?

Yeva looked at the sky, at the shape of the clouds. She felt the wind and its direction and how the light played off the waters. She listened to the squeal of dolphins. Sunshine and good omens. On the other side of the deck, Ruvaf screeched and his wings beat as he took to the skies. Yeva saw Norani grinning at the water, perched upon the railing without a care. She held a book in her arms, and the worries of the early morning seemed to have faded for now.

Ruvaf continued to circle the Duck widening the flight as something in the water caught his eye and he dove to retrieve his prize. Yeva clapped, watching water splash from his wings as he rose back up, his catch triumphantly held between his beak. Good omens, indeed.

The redhead sighed, holding her hands together, when she felt a pair of eyes on her. She stilled, looking up to see the Captain's dark figure peering down at her with crossed arms and an unreadable expression. Memories of his curse, his seething anger and the cold that accompanied his irritation played in her mind. No one had ever been been so upset as she had described her dreams or the reading of a card. Perhaps she had come too close to the truth, or maybe he did not like the art of divination. Yeva matched his scrutiny with her own.

It listens, she mused again, muttering this time under her breath, "And he watches."

She finally broke away to look out among the water, at all the possibility. Captain Kynne had refocused his determined attention on the rest of his crew and guests, but Yeva couldn't quite shake the whispers of warning. Something beneath the water. Something to uncover. She patted her cards in reassurance.

A new journey had begun.
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Points: 10 Exp, not magic



Lores: 8 Lores of your Choice

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Points: 10 Exp, not magic


word count: 79
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