Imogen Ward

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Title: Most Unemployed Janitor In The World
Location: Ecith
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets:

I M O G E N - W A R D

Full Name: Imogen Ward
Race: Orkhan
Sex: Female
Age: 25
Height: 6'6
Weight: 210lb

Birthdate: 44 Frost 96 AOS
Birthplace: Zaichaer

Profession: Honest Work With A Little Smuggling, As A Treat
Housing: Small room rented in the city, how much could that even cos-

Factions: Sunsingers, Pfenning Theater

Fluencies: Common, Ecitherese
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None

Imogen is tall, even for Orkhan, with more than the ordinary amount of muscle and streaks of scaling down each limb. She wears simple clothes, made to bend and breathe for any job, and keeps her hair braided, pinned, and out of the way. Her face is bright and open, strong eyebrows framing iridescent eyes over a petite mouth with equally miniature tusks protruding over the lip. Her gait is slow, and her every movement is deliberate, as though she were listening to the direction of a distant soul, rather than living within her own body. Even in desperate times, Imogen is relaxed, and none of her adult acquaintances can recall so much as a scowl darkening her honest face.

A solid worker with an impudent tongue- that’s what Imogen’s employee evaluations would say, if they did evaluations for smuggling. The Orkhan sunsinger is calm and teasing in all things, which often makes her seem disconnected from whatever is happening. Imogen is almost comically slow to anger, but this should not be confused for either ignorance or forgiveness of slights; she is simply very patient in seeing them repaid.

In all matters, Imogen walks a fine line between down-to-earth practicality and moon logic, taking great pride in her (somewhat hypothetical) professional and staid evaluation and approach to each problem but being invariably called to unintuitive action. She is extremely gifted at devising uncouth and unintuitive approaches to solve difficult problems on the fly, and she is liable to complain about being forced to do so the entire time.

Imogen despises fair fights, preferring cautious exploration until she understands what she's up against, and engaging only if victory is overwhelmingly likely. Like all Sunsingers, she abides by an ironclad code of honor, but is unbothered by the commission of crimes which do not offend it, placing no particular respect in the edicts of monarchs and governments. After choosing to accept citizenship in Ecith, she willingly abides by the tenants of the Commonwealth, but reserves to herself the right to interpret them loosely.

Song -
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Imogen Ward had a frustratingly uninteresting childhood for someone who has technically always been a fugitive. Valmont and Euvettia Ward were both Sunsingers, one by birth and one by choice, and Imogen spent over a decade in the Sanctuaries run by her mother, moving from time to time in the dark of night. A hardy and driven child from the start, Imogen made her father train her in the sword from a young age, always pestering him with colorful and bloody tales of what could happen if the Order of Reconciliation caught up to them some dark and moonless night.

To the young Imogen’s great disappointment, this never happened- her mother’s cunning and care in taking clients proved a sufficient shield against detection- and the orkhan girl came of age without a single climactic battle against a tide of sneering police. In truth, she spent only a few years within the city itself, and the chance of some sort of dramatic confrontation was naturally slim.
Nevertheless, Imogen was delighted when she was finally trained in the ways of Reaving, and the harsh training and even harsher instructions which attend all initiation into the Sunsinger’s art. With this initiation, she was sure, her every heroic dream would begin.

It would be unfair to say that the initiation broke Imogen. She was well-prepared, and certainly strong enough to come through with sword and soul both whole. When she gained her sword, however, she lost some part of her youthful dream of the invincible hero. Exiting her trial, she found herself more cautious, less interested in the excitement of battle and more concerned for the safety of the spirit she found in her hands. She began to work under the direction of a superior officer, Ansel Gerhard, who trained her for several years in the arts of the Coven while he largely oversaw minor smuggling operations in his twilight years.

As a Sunsinger, Imogen Ward strove to emulate her mother’s care, and eventually decided to make her contracts as scarce as possible. She settled on a singular source of coin after being hired for a job alongside Railrunners employed by Fianci Heron, whom she found impressively professional. After a few easy jobs guarding clients and goods for the Railrunners, Imogen became increasingly taken with their art of movement and displacement, and resolved to learn from them as she could.

To maintain both availability to her only client and an excuse for employment within Zaichaer proper, Imogen took up the job as a day laborer within the Pfenning Theater, cleaning and maintaining the stage and rooms, doing what odd jobs are necessary to keep such an institution in working order. This ended during the destruction of Zaichaer, while Imogen was overseas on a mission to pick up a relic for Master Gerhard. She spent some time trying to find her girlfriend Carina, but the two were eventually reunited by the mysterious Captain Kynne, who charged Imogen with the commission of a series of confusing jobs for a cabal of elemental spirits.

After the witch's return, she spent some time guarding refugees on the roads out of Zaichaer, culminating in a battle against the great white dragon Exathun, who tasked her and her compatriots with retrieving a stolen entity.

Last edited by Imogen on Mon Dec 04, 2023 11:09 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 1047
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Posts: 522
Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:21 pm
Title: Most Unemployed Janitor In The World
Location: Ecith
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets:

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Two-Handed Weapons (Blades) 100/100 Master
Reaving 100/100 Master
Animus 100/100 Master
Two-Handed Weapons (Polearm) 100/100 Master
Meditation 100/100 Master
~ ~ ~
Resistance 75/100 Journeyman*
Traversion 75/100 Journeyman*
Storytelling 75/100 Journeyman*
Flying 75/100 Journeyman*
Body-Building 75/100 Journeyman*
Shields 75/100 Journeyman*
Negotiation 50/100 Journeyman
Unarmed 50/100 Journeyman
Stealth 50/100 Journeyman
Running 50/100 Journeyman
One-Handed Weapons 50/100 Journeyman
Ranged Weapons (Bow) 50/100 Journeyman
Bee-keeping 50/100 Journeyman
Singing 50/100 Journeyman
Climbing 50/100 Journeyman
Elementalism 30**/100 Journeyman
~ ~ ~
Survival 39/100 Apprentice
Scrivening 25/100 Apprentice
~ ~ ~
Leadership 10/100 Novice
* Marks a skill which requires Help Forum application before raising in level
** Marks a skill which was obtained at that level without ordinary levels of experience
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Character Approval+1515 15
The Lost And Found+88 23
Gods Of The Theater, Smile On Us+88 31
Cold Bones, Warm Draughts+88 39
Pt 1: The Student of Impulse+88 47
Pt 2: It Forced Her Along+88 55
Pt 3: Her Conduct Still Right+88 63
Pt 4: With Her Argument Wrong+88 71
Pt 5: Still Aiming At Honor+88 79
Second Verse, Same As The First+88 87
A Day On Which Little Of Special Note Occured+88 95
The Slave of Duty+1010 105
Pas de Trois+1010 115
Website Update 6/16/22+5050 165
Behind The Stage+88 173
You Who Sit Up There, Stern In Judgment+88 181
Red Sky At Morning+88 189
Black Sand - There Probably Aren't Many Snakes In This Thread+88 197
Jungle Adventure - Monkey Business+1010 207
Jungle Adventure - Unelected Lizard Tyrant+88 215
Jungle Adventure - The Liar+88 223
All Things Bright And Beautiful+88 232
All Creatures Great And Small+88 239
All Things Wise And Wonderful+88 247
The Call+1515 262
The Trial of Vitality (pt 1)+1515 277
The Trial of Vitality (pt 2)+1010 287
The Orkhan Patient+1010 297
Nothing Comes From Nothing+88 305
An Inauspicious Arrival+1515 320
Not Strong Enough To Fail+88 328
The View From 300 Feet+88 336
The Stars Were Made For Falling+1010 346
In The Arms Of The Lemurs+88 354
Some Say The World Will End In Fire+88 362
Some Say Ice+88 370
Whistling In The Dark+1010 380
Because You've Missed The Plot+1010 390
Birthday Redemption 2022+9090 480
Terms And Conditions May Apply+1010 490
I Armed Myself Against Justice+1010 500
Swiftly Flying, Northward Bound+88 508
On The Third Day, She Rested+88 516
The Prodigal Sunsinger+1010 526
Who Hath Made All things Well+88 534
forget-me-not+1010 544
Back Into Madness+2020 564
A Prosaic Tale+88 572
Birdhouse In Your Soul+1010 582
Birdhouse In Your Soul [Part II]+1010 592
Horse Trading+88 600
Meditations On A Cloud+88 608
Breaking Out In Hives+88 616
A Boy Named Mr. Me+1010 626
Biologic 101+88 634
A Pointless Battle+88 642
A Point of Order+88 650
He Who Walks The Ocean Floor+1010 660
Duck Expedition: Pot Luck+1010 670
NaNoWriMo Reward+100100 770
An Inauspicious Arrival+1010 780
Blink And You'll Miss It+88 788
Words And Their Meaning+88 796
Ghost Stories+1010 806
Part Of You Wants To Believe Me+1010 816
Enter The Dragon+2020 836
A Power Still Higher+88 844
The Black Sands of Labor+1010854
Economies of Scale+1010864
Animal Magnetism (I)+1010874
Animal Magnetism (II)+1010884
Animal Magnetism (III)+1010894
You Have My Sword...+1010904
Boredom and Mischief+1717931
Unobtanium Pt 1+1212943
Unobtanium Pt 2+1010953
Unobtanium Pt 3+1616969
Riddle of Steel Pt 1+1010979
Riddle of Steel Pt 2+1010989
Riddle of Steel Pt 3+12121001
Encountering An Ork And Some Ants+10101011
Foraging In The Jungle+10101021
Only One Thing That I Know How To Do Well+10101031
The Hammer And The Anvil Song [Pt 1]+10101041
The Hammer And The Anvil Song [Pt 2]+10101051
The Hammer And The Anvil Song [Pt 3]+10101061
The Hammer And The Anvil Song [Pt 4]+10101071
The Hammer And The Anvil Song [Pt 5]+10101081
The Hammer And The Anvil Song [Pt 6]+20201101
Makes The Whole World Blind [Pt 1]+881119
Makes The Whole World Blind [Pt 2]+881127
Makes The Whole World Blind [Pt 3]+881135
Biologic 201+881143
The Witch And The Wardrobe+10101153
Stairway To Heaven+881161
NaNoWriMo 2023 +2502501411
Three Days Left+10101421
Eye of the Storm+30301451
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Last edited by Imogen on Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:39 pm, edited 62 times in total. word count: 787
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Title: Most Unemployed Janitor In The World
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Janitorial Duties
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Last edited by Imogen on Sun Jun 04, 2023 9:00 pm, edited 28 times in total. word count: 3319
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Title: Most Unemployed Janitor In The World
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Cardinal Runes
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Misc. Magic
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Last edited by Imogen on Sun Mar 03, 2024 1:20 pm, edited 20 times in total. word count: 2625
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Title: Most Unemployed Janitor In The World
Location: Ecith
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Prologue - ???
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Frost 121 - Introit
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Glade 122 - Adventure
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Searing 122 - Fire
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Ash 122 - The Unknown
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Frost 122 - Meditation
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Glade 123 - Metal Mysteries
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Searing 123 - Hammers and Anvils
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Ash 123 - Downtime
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Frost 123 - Dreams In Iron
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[googlefont=Cinzel]Medical Records
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Last edited by Imogen on Sun Mar 10, 2024 1:16 am, edited 26 times in total. word count: 2400
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Title: Most Unemployed Janitor In The World
Location: Ecith
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1. Starter Package:
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2. Greatsword (Pact Weapon) (-50 gp)

Imogen is presently without a permanent domicile. (Common lifestyle)

1. Starting Gold, +500 gp.
2. Greatsword -50 gp
3. Partisan -20 gp
4. Huge Wool Cloak - 30 gp
5 Tower Shield - 30gp
6. 1,247 paper leaflets
7. Composite Longbow - 100 gp
8. Longbow Arrows (x 60) - 3 gp -
9. Income [Frost 121] - +689gp
10. Compass - 75 gp [stolen]
11. Rations - 84 gp [eaten]
12. Canoe - 10 gp
13. Lantern - 5 gp
14. Tent - 10 gp
15. Guidebook - 20 gp
16. Rope - 1 gp
17. Water Trap - 45 gp
18. First Aid Kit - 10 gp
19. Bug Repellant - 10 gp
20. Website Update 6/16/22 - +1000gp
21. 122 Glade Income - +1372
22. Quarterstaff - 1sp
23. Greater Somnosyte - 2000gp
24. 122 Searing Income - + 17475
25. Greater Illumite - 1,250 gp
26. Compass #2 - 100 (lost) gp
27. Compass #3 -100 gp
28. 2x winter coats -60 gp
29. Insect Repellant - 10 gp
30. 2x scarves - 10 gp
16,897 gp Total.
Last edited by Imogen on Tue Sep 20, 2022 9:59 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 293
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Posts: 522
Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:21 pm
Title: Most Unemployed Janitor In The World
Location: Ecith
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Kitty - Pet
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Ansel Gerhard - Mentor NPC
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word count: 591
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