The Fool

Filled with people both proud and poor, the Imperium is a land of ambition, glory and a belief in the power of the mortal spirit.

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Location: Gel'Grandel, Gelerian Imperium
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=3187
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?t=3339
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=3335


TIMESTAMP: 31 Calid March, 122
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It was early morning and a stray bit of sunlight crossed over Hector’s eyes at just the right angle to wake him up. Groggy and unsure of the exact time, the young mage dragged himself out of bed. Not entirely sure whether or not he'd anything to do that day, he figured he might as well put clothes on and very lazily dressed himself.

Hector wore a white, button-down dress shirt with billowing sleeves that cinched at the wrist along with a darker, cool mid-toned grey lavender vest and a matching bow tie. For pants, coal colored slacks in a similar grey tone as the vest. Finally, he puts on simple black socks and black oxford shoes before grabbing a silver chained pocket watch and leaving his room.

Vergil was sitting in the living room reading on the couch. He always managed to wake up earlier than Hector…every single day, no matter how early the younger man thought it was. Yellow eyes lifted languidly to look at the elf before drifting back down to his page, although Hector was quite distracted by this point.

"Um, Vergil, do you not see that??" The question was asked with great confusion and an exasperated tone. The elf pointed towards the entrance of their apartment as he spoke. Next to their front door sat…another door. It was a sturdy wooden door, just like their original door, only a slightly different shade of varnish. Looking up again, the older vampyre squinted before a look of confusion overcame his features as well.

Vergil blinked a few times before snapping his book shut and setting it down. He knew Hector would want to go through it…much as walking through strange, arcane things like that is an incredible risk.
"Hector…please don't touch it, let me-..."

Oops, too late. The elf was already on his way to the door. Given Vergil's fast reaction time, he was able to catch up to his foolish friend but not before the younger one was able to grab the handle and push open the door. The white-haired one was both bigger and stronger than his companion, but Hector was crafty.

At first, both men froze as they peered into what lay beyond the threshold of the mysterious door. A nearly empty room– something that looked almost like a cabin with a table, two chairs, a few candles and the scent of the sea. Very strange. Very mysterious.

Lavender irises flit back and forth for a few seconds between the room and his companion who held onto him. He waited just a moment for when Vergil would make the mistake of assuming he'd been subdued. When he felt the other's grip slack as he was examining the room, Hector lunged forward, tripping them both beyond the threshold and making a point of kicking the door closed as they fell.

Both men toppled to the floor as a result, but the elven mage got what he wanted. Both sets of eyes, lavender and gold, looked up and saw that a stranger, an elven man, had appeared in the chair farthest from them. Tan skin, dark eyes, generally handsome features, but his tattoos pulled more of Hector's attention that anything else. He spoke a casual greeting to the pair.

"Welcome to The Duck. I am Kynne. Thank you for coming. Please, what is your name?"

His grin grew a little, "And if you would be so kind, surprise me."

It took a second, but once Vergil fully internalized what had happened his expression shifted from surprised to very, very annoyed…but he said nothing, only let go of Hector, rolled onto his back, and let a deep sigh roll from his lungs. On the other hand, the more curious of the pair scrambled to his feet, and with a tilt of his head,
"A surprise, huh?"

The mage stood there for a second, appearing to think before his face snapped back to the stranger's as if he'd forgotten something. "Oh! Names. I am Hector...and the one of the floor, Vergil. Don't mind him. It can sometimes take a second to convince him to embrace the unknown," Hector spoke with a bright tone and a bit of a laugh.

Now, back to that rather ambiguous request. The room itself was bland, lacking in tools to do much with. All the elf had at his disposal, really, were his words, body, and magic. He also had no idea for what purpose this request was made, though he cared remarkably little about that fact. Perhaps he should just go with something simple to match the simplicity of the room itself? Doing something to hurt the stranger would likely be unwise…and while wisdom was never the mage's strongest attribute, he didn't want to risk angering a god or something.

Ah, of course. Tirspi, his aidolon, should be present to witness…whatever this was. With a flex of aether, Hector summoned the spirit, manifesting space for it between the cracks in the wooden floorboards. Thick, inky fog slowly seeped from the wood, an aura of something akin to hunger filling the room.
"Blind us," the Summoner spoke.

With that single command, the spirit slowly began to disperse. The fog thinned greatly as the spirit began to fill the room, though its body would still absorb all light cast onto it. Within a matter of, say, thirty seconds, the entire room was pitch dark, nobody could see anything.

"Surprise! Vision is gone." That is, unless the other had some sort of magical sight, but still.


"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Mythrasi Tongue/Speech"
"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
Aidolon Speech
word count: 1020
"And as you lay down your grace to me,
the skies begin to bleach red,
and the stars begin to fall,
I feel myself changing,
as my world starts dividing–"
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Kynne sat there, a curious, smug grin on his face, watching as Hector introduced himself and Vergil. As the inky fog began to fill the room, Kynne reached out, and just before all vision was reduced to darkness, Hector could see that the man was petting it gently, and it seemed to be responding positively to the man's touch.

A moment later the room was dark.

A moment after shouting that vision was gone, Hector would feel something small bounce off the bridge of his nose, right betwixt his eyes. It was not hard enough to hurt more than a light sting. Hector would hear words being spoken by the man, words in a tongue entirely foreign, words that did not sound natural whatsoever. And one word in the phrase would certainly stand out.


The dark fog of the room reduced to a smaller form, one that Hector was quite familiar with. Kynne was looking at him now, an amused playfulness in his eyes. On the floor in front of Hector, a tiny, rolled up ball of paper. Kynne slapped his thighs and stood up, "Come, allow me to give you a tour of The Duck."

A door suddenly appeared behind Kynne, where there had simply been a wall previously. With the appearance of the door, Hector would now begin to feel the world around him moving, a lighter rocking. "The Duck is the ship I captain. We've been together for a long time and she and I are the closest of friends."

The door opened on its own as Captain Kynne approached it, "I have an offer for you. One that is most likely going to result in all three of you dying." A coy grin, "But maybe you'll surprise me again and survive, and we'll achieve something greater."

Kynne gestured to the doorway, which led down a wooden hallway with hundreds of doors leading off to either side. Some of the doorways were opened, some closed. Within the open rooms, well lived in and adorned apartments. Some had people lounging on beds, some exercising, practicing hobbies. Every room had a porthole showing deep blue ocean outside. Some of the people waved, others looked on curiously, and a few ignore them entirely.

"You see, I'm building a crew. One for a single task. And the crew is nearly complete, just need a few more members. The Duck presented its Door to you because you share that extra bit of curiosity we require here."

They came to the stairs at the end of the hallway. Far sooner than physics said they should've. Up the stairs Kynne went and at the top, another door opened, and a wash of ocean air flooded in. Out on the deck, Hector would be able to see endless ocean in all directions. The crew was busy at work, the sun was warm and bright.

"Every person here, myself included, was picked by the Duck. She's a special ship, just as alive as you and me." Kynne walked over to one of the three masts, patting it gently. "But she's saddened. She's not from Ailizane or Ecith like you and me. She's from somewhere else, and she longs to return home." He turned to smile charmingly at Hector, "And that is the task of the crew. To get ready to take her home."

Turning away, looking eastward, "I must meet with the last of those the Duck is reaching out to, so I apologize for the briefness." A door opened up in the mast of the ship now. "This will take you back from where you came. On Ash the first, a door will present itself to you exactly one time. To go through that is to join the crew, a binding agreement with the Duck. It will be dangerous, there is no promise of treasure or wealth at the end of this journey, even if we're successful. But this I can promise,"

His eyes twinkled teasingly, "You will never cease to be amazed and surprised."

The door in the mast opened up, "Think on it. Prepare yourself if you wish to join us. If not, it was a pleasure to meet you three, Hector, Vergil, and Terspi," nodding at each of them in turn.

word count: 737
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Location: Gel'Grandel, Gelerian Imperium
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=3187
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=3335


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The two followed on behind the stranger through what they would soon discover was a boat. Hector looked mystified, fascinated. Vergil seemed…a lot more subdued. Both listened in curious silence as Kynne spoke. Though his explanation was vague, from what he said, it sounded to them as if returning through the door would be a fairly large commitment. Vergil was not a fan of making commitments to the unknown. Hector, however…? Well, he was quick to have made a pact with his aidolon and to this day, he still knew next to nothing about its nature or true intentions. He'd not even bothered to revisit the subject and he's fed the thing so much blood by now that it had grown quite fat.

Interest was clearly written all over the younger vampyre’s face. The older one looked at him with a bit of annoyance, eyes narrowing.

“Your words will be considered!” Hector spoke, voice filled with enthusiasm and eyes wide with wonder.

Vergil stayed silent and shook his head. Then, the two passed through the door that was opened in the mast, returning back from whence they came.



Abrupt, that’s all Vergil said.

Hector seemed taken aback for a second, “...whyever not? Imagine all the possibilities—”

“That’s precisely the problem; there’s far too many and the majority aren’t good, Hector,” he sighs, “, think about it. Who knows how long we’ll be gone. Do you really think that the Inquisition will be happy with us if we abruptly disappear so early on in our tenure? It’s just…really not a good idea. I’m not trying to crush your dreams, I promise.”

Vergil was not without his empathy towards his companion’s more adventurous and whimsical spirit. It wasn’t that he was no fun, no; it was that of the two, he was far more practical and pragmatic. To his response, Hector simply huffed.

“Don’t even think about going through that door without me, either. Or I will find you, and I will hurt you.” Ooh, he sounds serious!

Hector giggled, impish in expression. “Fiiine~! I suppose your logic makes sense, at least. We…probably would lose our jobs and be hunted upon our return if we just up and left, and well, I don’t want to be responsible for your death in any way.”

To this, he did have to specify. The elf didn’t really care much about himself or his fate, but as for Vergil? He cared a great deal, and he had no desire to put the other man at risk, so unfortunately, the two of them would have to sit this venture out…at least, for now.

The Imperium’s strictness in some ways was a bit of a killjoy, but living here was still much better than it had been for them in Zaichaer.
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Aidolon Speech
"Kathalan Tongue/Speech"
"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Mythrasi Tongue/Speech"
word count: 607
"And as you lay down your grace to me,
the skies begin to bleach red,
and the stars begin to fall,
I feel myself changing,
as my world starts dividing–"
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Lores: 8 Skill Lores

Loot: None
Injuries: None

Points: 15, may not be used for magic

Comments: Vergil is the true hero in this story.

Aegis - 1 post = 2 Exp granted to Norani

word count: 75
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