Glass Cathedral

Hector's Plot Notes

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Location: Gel'Grandel, Gelerian Imperium
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Looking through shattered dreams and cracked memories, what will go here?

Heavy WIP.
Additional content will be added with time.
Last edited by Hector on Thu Aug 18, 2022 5:56 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 76
"And as you lay down your grace to me,
the skies begin to bleach red,
and the stars begin to fall,
I feel myself changing,
as my world starts dividing–"
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Bin for Approved NPCs.



N P C: Vergil Lapera

Race: Human, Vampyre
Age: 53
born Searing 27, 68 AoS
Height: 6’5"
Weight: 265 lbs

Occupation: Chirurgeon, Phlebotomist
Title: Necrodoctor
NPC Type: Companion
Influence: 6


Exp Log:
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-> Soft Spoken, Empathetic, Intelligent, Studious, Attentive, Patient, Stoic, Introverted, Austere, Passionate, Loyal, Vigilant, Gentle

Quiet and Introverted, Vergil has a tendency to keep to himself the overwhelming majority of the time. As a result, he spent the majority of his childhood buried in books which instilled into him a lifelong love of learning. Though he often comes across as academic and cold on the surface, this is not the case. Rather, he simply prefers to stifle his emotions and avoid displaying them.

Vergil is also something of a natural caretaker and protector towards that which he holds dear. By most, he is considered an amiable gentle giant. These things woven with a desire to help and heal led him down a path in the field of medicine where he is beloved by his patients for both his skill and temperament.

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N P C: Al'Kassis

Nickname: Tirspi
Sphere: Eldritch
Current Level: Greater
Length of Contract: Permanent - Aidolon

Composed of what appears to be strange, viscous black liquid, it can shift its actual shape into whatever it sees fit– the creature, however, is about as tangible as an early morning’s mist. Usually, it picks a shape that benefits its purpose. For example, when it first appeared to Hector, it surrounded him in its fog and condensed into the shape of a human figure to appear more relatable despite having no ties to mortal races whatsoever.

Empowered now by having spent ample time entwined with Hector, the spirit is able to flex between standard, shapeless black smog and a fully solid corporeal form.

Not much has been gleaned about the personality of this spirit. Other than the fact that it has a deep desire for power and claims that it wants a symbiotic relationship with Hector, there is little that has been expressed. This is likely because the creature is trying to hide its true motives– whatever they may be.

Despite having been connected for years, Hector has not managed to uncover much of this eldritch spirit’s storied origins. It, however, has grown notably more excitable and talkative as it has grown in strength.

In late Ash 122, it was found that the spirit is grandchild to Lyra, child to Kirva.


Leech Life:
If the spirit somehow managed to gain access to the material world through one way or another– in function, its attachment to Hector– it has the ability to leech the vitality of mortals in order to begin the slow journey of self empowerment. As it is now, it may siphon from any living thing.

Anything that lives caught within the black shadows of its form is susceptible to being leeched. Though it depends on the tenacity of the creature in question, the speed at which it will drain something to death has increased to about the same as a vampyr thieving vitality through harvest.

If the spirit envelopes any creature in its mist, they will feel the fingers of paranoia gently begin to tug at their thoughts, terrifying whispers scratching at the back of their heads. These whispers are specific and personal to the target of the haunting. For somebody of sufficient wisdom or strength of mind, this can be ignored, but the strength required, at this point, would be somebody with magical resistance at or above master level– a grandmaster being capable of resisting, a master would struggle, and the average person has little chance to dispel the noise.

In addition, it can cause hallucinations within the darkness– flashes of things gleaned from a person’s memories, things evocative of only the most profoundly negative emotions. The hallucinations cannot cause harm in and of themselves but are visceral in their vividity.

The spirit can create darkness without requiring the use of its body. Within a 50 meter circular radius, the spirit may engulf this area in complete darkness that absorbs or snuffs out all sources of light within. In addition, people within the radius will hear the spirit's voice as well as the sounds of bells and an incomprehensible chorus of odd feedback sounds and whispers. Lastly, the spirit itself will be able to see with perfect clarity during nightfall, insofar as being able to detect the aura of living creatures through solid structures.

Within the boundaries of its own form or the darkness created by Nightfall, the spirit can mute all sound from crossing in or out of the effect.

Corporeal Form
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Having spent sufficient time gaining strength in the material realm, the spirit can now manifest for himself a 'mortal'-looking body. He can interact with the world as any other mortal mage can this way.

Bloodline: Kirva’s Descendant
Al'Kassis is son of Kirva, mother of monsters, grandson to Lyrielle. Though it was revealed to him that he was a descendent of Lyrielle, he remains unaware of who his true parents are– nevertheless, he still bears the gifts of his kin.

From her, he inherited the ability to further condense the miasma he's composed of into a viscous, slime-like ooze. This sludge is not unlike miasma in and of itself, but it is a primordial form with unique properties extended from Kirva herself. The ooze he creates is black, yet reflects and refracts light in a way that often results in a chromatic sheen. Further, it is odorless, tasteless, and completely benign on its own.

In a manner not unlike the Thaumaturgy of blood magic, Al'Kassis can manipulate this slime as a conduit for his own abilities. It may be slung at a target, left behind on surfaces as a parting gift, used as a poison, so on. The magic within the substance will persist until the slime itself dissipates or is otherwise manually removed. Potent as Al'Kassis has become from continuously feeding on Hector, the slime can persist for months if left alone. The duration of the effects once activated, however, depend on the skill imposed into the substance.
Last edited by Hector on Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:23 pm, edited 36 times in total. word count: 2058
"And as you lay down your grace to me,
the skies begin to bleach red,
and the stars begin to fall,
I feel myself changing,
as my world starts dividing–"
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Medical Records


*Specific records prior to Searing 122 were lost in the aftermath of great disaster.

5 Sun's Zenith, Searing, 122
Severe trauma from being clubbed by a grotesque abomination's mallet-esque arm; the arm as roughly the size of the average adult human male and patient made impact with a stone slab when he landed. This resulted in numerous broken bones, torn and bruised muscles and connective tissues, damaged organs, and dislocated joints.

Surgical repair done by Vergil Lapera later on 5 Sun's Zenith and completed on 6 Sun's Zenith.

19 Sun's Zenith, 122
Relatively minor flesh wounds, large amount of blood loss.

Both issues resolved with a combination of patient's own Vitalis rune and that of Vergil of Lapera.

*both of the above included Vergil reinforcing Hector's muscle and bone density in the process of the repairs, making him more durable.


*Specific records prior to Searing 122 were lost in the aftermath of great disaster, though his Vitalis initiation will forever be burned into his head.

7th Sun's Zenith, Searing 118
Fully body reconstruction as made possible by successful initiation into the ranks of the Vitalitasi.

The following changes were made:
-Hormones adjusted to that of what one would expect from a typical biological male.
-He opted to not regenerate his breasts, instead leaving his chest as one would expect on a biological male.


*Specific records prior to Searing 122 were lost in the aftermath of great disaster, though his Vitalis initiation will forever be burned into his head.

File penned by [redacted].

Patient is emotionally volatile; facilitating his development as a mage and giving him Inquisitorial power is not recommended. If it is to be insisted upon, he and his companion, Vergil Lapera, should not be separated as he is the source of what stability Hector does possess.

7th Sun's Zenith, Searing 118
Fully body reconstruction as made possible by successful initiation into the ranks of the Vitalitasi.

It would appear that this has hindered the patient's impulse control skills; might be resolved in time as his brain continues to develope.
He is also less capable of controlling his own emotions than before.

5 Sun's Zenith, Searing, 122
The destruction of Zaichaer will likely be etched into the young patient's memories for many years to come, possibly spanning the majority of life; this is only debatable due to the potential for vampyres to live very, very long lives.

Patient has developed PTSD over this incident.
Patient also appears to have lost his sense of self, his identity over this incident.
He is continuing to be monitored for evidence of a full ego death.
Many other existing issues were also made worse, including his problems with anxiety and tendency to become overstimulated.

As of around Glade 60th, Hector and Vergil both have completed simulacrums housed within Vergil's Imperial Laboratory.
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word count: 1048
"And as you lay down your grace to me,
the skies begin to bleach red,
and the stars begin to fall,
I feel myself changing,
as my world starts dividing–"
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