Highlords of Kalzasi: A Revelation of Wings

Wherein Kala observes the succession debates and reveals one of her secrets.

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Kala Leukos
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The Chambers of the Elder Council
1st of Ash, Year 122 Steel

As her mother's proxy in Kalzasi, Kala was present for the first round of debates regarding the succession. As a lord and her twin, Kaus was also in attendance. She wished Ceran and Indric could accompany them, as well. Since the Warrens and Atoria, they had become some of her nearest and dearest. Her brother, her boys, they all walked taller now, suffused with a confidence born of her nascent divinity. This made her anxious on the one hand; on the other, it looked good on them. These days, she meditated nearly as much as she had as a girl when her temper threatened to get the best of her. Self-knowledge had become a great challenge.

Thankfully, Kaus stood out, and with Torin's clever cloak hiding her wings from prying eyes and runes. She could fade into the background, which made her more comfortable.

They had not spoken. They merely observed, listening to arguments and gauging the flow of power around the room.

The Traditionalist faction seemed most likely to support Talon Novalys even without knowing his whereabouts. Kala wondered if there were any way she could find him with the powers Mother Naori and Lord Garel had bequested. But as much as she liked the Shinsei, she wondered whether he was the right candidate now. He was more powerful than any previous Shokaze, to be sure, but he was also a greater target and the enemies of Kalzasi had proven he was not invulnerable. There was no telling what tortures he might have undergone, some no doubt contrived for the express purpose of twisting a draegir. She had wept for him, even with the return of Lord Aoren. She could not imagine what she might be twisted into doing should someone threaten Kaus.

The Constitutionalist faction seemed most likely to support Karam Senue. Much had been made of the fraught relationship he had shared with his father, whether that made him a better or a worse candidate to those who supported whichever rival Great House. He had seemed like a good man in her few, if sometimes intense, interactions with him, but she was yet young and it was entirely possible he was just a wunderkind of politics and seemings. Though House Leukos owed fealty to Great House Briathos and the Queen-Regent, a Briathos, was Talon's mother, she didn't know whether that loyalty extended to the vote she would cast. She had to think of who would be the greatest leader for their people in this time and going forward. Change was a constant in life, and while tradition could help, it could also hinder the growth of a people.

The Monarchist faction was playing its cards close to the chest, though Kala got the sense that they would put forth Sahfri herself, which once again called into question whether loyalty to Great House Briathos ought to include maneuvering to put the true crown upon her. Rien did not seek the crown of his father. She didn't know the prince personally, but she could empathize with several reasons why he might wish to avoid personal participation in politics. There were still times Kala wished she could toss responsibility to the winds, and dance upon the world's stages while Kaus wrote his poetry. But they had been born both to priviliege and responsibility, and now her yoke was even heavier.

Perhaps you ought to become the Monarchist candidate. Though Kaus didn't even look at her, she could sense his humor even as she recoiled at the thought.

If I question the value of a God-Shokaze in Talon, who was raised to rule, how much more critically should I question the value of a Goddess-Shokaze who was raised to support?

The rest passed in a language of twins, one that couldn't truly be translated.

If anything, she wished what no one here present wished: for the seat of the Shokaze to be open to those of other races: the Orkhan who had built Kalzasi; the various others who made it their home. Nobody would unite behind that sentiment, though. She only feared that at some point, the people would feel compelled to take rights from the ruling class rather than wait to be given them.

Unsurprisingly, no consensus was reached on that first day.

There was a brief recess before other matters were brought before the Elder Council and the Queen-Regent. It was likely that had she not put in an urgent petition for audience, the Elders would have quit the premises. Certainly most of the court had left, assuming nothing of importance would follow. But Kala was pleased that her obscure House received its due attention; they would hear her. After all, House Leukos hadn't brought anything to the attention of the Council for quite some time. If they called a thing urgent, then it was likely so, they who were as mysterious in their way as their patron House.

Perhaps an ascendant demigod ought not to have felt nerves, but then she remembered Talon Shinsei and his grilling by these selfsame potentates. She could understand how he felt in that moment a bit better now, though she did not claim to know his mind or his heart. She felt nerves, though she had been running a litany through her mind all the while, fingers fidgeting upon the relic Saedene had left her. It was strange to realize that she was perhaps more powerful than the Ara now; certainly, she was nowhere near as wise. That was a thing she ought to remember. Mother Naori and Lord Garel had given her power and knowledge; wisdom would be up to her to grow within herself.

Keela bless me.

Kala wondered if the Dragon Goddess would hear her prayers more powerfully than others'.

The council came back to order, the room's population much diminished. The Speaker called the proxies of House Leukos to stand. Tizan Veyl looked at her curiously; they had met and had some interactions. She thought she might have impressed him with her work on behalf of her House's finances, expanding the family zaibatsu into runeforging, soldiers, and international shipping when, upon their first meeting, she had merely managed to ask cogent questions as a newcomer to political economy.

Marda Ahtivin pursed her lips as she regarded the twins; perhaps she approved of them standing together now as they had come into the world together, much thanks to her help. Twin births were dangerous for the Avialae, and she had called them a sign, though a sign of what, she still kept to herself. Kala wondered what omens she might draw from what Kala would reveal.

When she spoke, it was in fluent Synnekar as she planned to share something vital to her race. After making all due respects to Regent and Councilors, she spoke.

"My time in Kalzasi, let alone the world, has not been long by some accounts, and yet almost since my arrival here, strange things have happened. An Ara visited my brother and me when we were paying our respects to our departed father from the Temple of the Fallen Skies." The relic at her wrist might have caught the light just then; she wondered if she would grow to know Saedene well enough to understand her sense of humor. "Later, she came to me in order to deliver a quest that seemed impossible: to find Mother Naori on the other side of the Boundless Gate. I shared my little revelations with Talon Shinsei, and he encouraged my attempt to find the path that had been laid out for me.

"It took time, study, and risk, but finally, I followed a clue down into the Warrens. My brother and I, along with trusted friends, reached the Third Deep, where I intended to ask the Monument for guidance. I thought perhaps the Boundless Gate was one of the Hytori Rift Gates, hidden deep and deeper into the Warrens. Instead, we found an airship captain, who took us across the Haunted Reaches to what was, indeed, a Gate. We risked the Aether Sea and found Atoria."

There were gasps, though there were plenty of glances askance. She was young. She came from an obscure House. It was entirely logical that she might be telling stories.

"Atoria thrives. The descendents of many Firstborn remain there. Indeed, the spirits of the Firstborn abide there as well, along with our race's progenitor, the Necromancer Garel." She paused. She took a breath. "I spoke to the Masked Queen. She called for Unity among our people, and She and Garel between Them changed me."

Kaus stepped forward and removed her cloak. Her wings unfurled and spread wide, strong from midnight flights with him in which he taught her how to move through the air with control and grace, lest she prove clumsy and dishonor the gift she had been given. She would not reveal her godhead, not yet, but she had wings and a womb that would create new Avialae of any gender when the time came and she chose to do so. And there was also the book, which would allow her to pull forth the wings from those with Avialae blood once she mastered the requisite magic.

"They made me a Firstborn, and the power to make our race whole again."
word count: 1588
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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The eyes of every highlord of Kalzasi were upon her. The silence that stretched on as they beheld her wings was deafening. Sahfri examined her with a careful distance born from years of practiced control. Seated as she was in the throne of the Shokaze, she appeared a cold and lonely figure. Perhaps she was.

“You have been to Atoria.” It was not a question. A white haired man appearing in his middle years and possessing the features of a Siltori elf spoke. From his back sprouted two silver feathered wing, wings that his grandson had inherited. Briathor IV, looked at Kala intently and with all seriousness. He looked neither surprised nor affronted, simply interested. A scoff broke the silence.

“What is this? You expect us to believe, with no proof, that you have found the Isle of our ancestors? That you spoke with the progenitor himself? That you were graced with an audience with the Lady Herself?” Tizan Veyl looked thoroughly unimpressed. He stared at Kala with open skepticism.

“And these wings? How are we to know they are not some manifestation of Animus? Hm? Wings alone do not make one an Avialae.” The Speaker of the Council was known to be a man not easily persuaded by passing evidence. His knack for being shrewd and skeptical was what had assisted him in maintaining his authority on both the council and in his position as one of the foremost merchants of the realm.

“I admit that I, too, am not so ready to believe my own eyes.” The wise Haruhiro Dahshida, appearing a little more aged than in days of seasons past, was regarding Kala with curious eyes. His gaze was not unkind but it was heavy with the scrutiny of an individual who had seen too much and was not so ready to believe so easily.

“These claims are easily proven.” Karam Senue interjected, his voice steady and calm. He too was regarding Kala curiously. “The core of being an Avialae is the Bond. It is what makes us who we are. It is our strength even if our enemies would seek to make it a weakness.”

“This would be the quickest way to affirm the truth of what you speak, Lady Kala.” Vako Zatrian, often a quiet voice in the council chambers, seemed far more eager to be present than was typical for him. His heart rest in the pursuit of knowledge and before him stood a question few ever thought to be answered.

“Can you form one, child? Will you form one?” Lady Marhda Ahtivin was leaning forward slightly in her seat. There was the shadow of hope in her eyes. The sight of Kala’s wings seemed to have stirred something in the elder woman.

Among the council, only two figures remained quiet. Sahfri remained attentive and was clearly studying Kala. The other figure was the weary yet powerful form of Aoren, who was seated in the chair representing House Novalys. Since his return there had been a quiet shift in the dynamics of the upper echelons of Kalzasi’s political spectrum. Sahfri’s regency had immediately been called into question. The nobles became more outspoken as their calls for these very debates grew. The Sky Guard had seen a swelling of their ranks and Aoren had become more active among the politics of the city, clearly having stepped into the role of House Regent in the absence of his husband.

Most notably however, had been the two revelations surrounding the former soldier. The first being that as soon as he had situated himself as the leader of his husband’s household, the Dawnmartyrs had come out of hiding, swearing fealty to the missing Daizoku not because of his nobility but because of his divinity.

The second thing? Well, many were still whispering as to whether or not such a thing could be true.

The warrior’s fiery gaze remained fixed upon Kala.

word count: 686
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Kala Leukos
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She met the gaze of Briathor IV; though his words were rhetorical, he was her mother's liege lord and so she offered a nod of confirmation.

To Speaker Veyl, she might have asked if there were not a Master Sembler among them to strip her bare in search of a Rune of Animus, to examine the wings she still held mantled for their various eyes and see the patterns of their progenitor's Craft. She did not, nor did she fault him for his scepticism. They were sentient creatures, given the gift of reason and while there were times for faith, there were also times for doubt.

Kala made eye contact with each of them who spoke, and with those who did not: the Queen-Regent; the Shinsei's husband. The former might have been a politic choice, but she was Briathos and would not want her secrets laid bare to some slip of a girl. Karam Senue was handsome, and she had imagined a bond with him in the past, but he too was to important in the game of chess being played for the throne. Even Aoren, who burned like a smoldering coal with need for his lover, might have benefited from another bond to help him through his trials, but he belonged to Arcas-cum-Talon, and while she was new at divinity, it seemed that might be impolite.

In the interest of Unity, then, she turned toward Daizokura Ahtivan. While she was a High Priestess of Ioniri, she was also the woman who had eased Kala and Kaus into the world, ensuring their survival and that of their mother. She was wise, a woman of faith, and a voice of reason. She had forgiven House Novalys for its treachery and fostered wisdom in House Senue—an arbiter, a peacemaker, a unifier.

She reached out with her soul as she had to Ceran and Indric, forming the lightest of bonds. Then, using what she had learned in Atoria, she strengthened that until it was as profound a connection as she had shared with her twin before she was self-aware. It was as slow and gentle as she could manage with the weight of so many expectant gazes upon them. It was a subtle magic, invisible to any without some proficiency with specific magic, but it was life-altering for those involved.

When the connection was made, Kala nearly bent over at the ineffable weariness of so many years and so much responsibility, but the hope within the woman was a wonderful thing. Marda understood the need for faith and for reason, and so Kala answered her first prayer, though it was to no follower of hers. She made every effort not to dig deeper into the woman than was appropriate, and offered her what she could.

You gave me life, Mother. I give you Atoria.

The gleaming city floating in the Aetherial Sea. The spires and arches. The incredible diversity of Avialae, male and female, large and small, from so many parent races. The face of Synnar. The hands of Garel caressing his precious book. A flurry of black petals and a sense of sacred gravity. It was strange; she could not share the face that Naori had shown her. Perhaps it was not hers to share, though Kaus had been allowed to see through her eyes. But that black flower was still braided into her hair, undying despite the months since she had returned to Atoria from Naori's Presence.

Kala found she could not entirely hide her spark of divinity from the woman; her pulse quickened with fear.

Please. Further revelations will come, but I am not ready to be revealed. But for now, the Mother's plan requires them to see these wings and believe. When I have mastered the Necromancer's bequest, you will be the first woman to fly after me. And then your daughters and your granddaughters if they wish to take to the skies as well. For now, bear witness to our Bond, and I will now release you.

Carefully, while the old woman was still processing all that she had shared, Kala did what she had never done. It was an intuitive process, and she found that her soul did not wish to be released from this. Marda Ahtivan was a woman of surpassing wisdom, faith, and dedication, a woman upon whom Kala would model herself. It had been easy; they were kindred spirits already. But she managed to cycle the bond back down, leaving only the lightest of bonds so that the shock of separation wouldn't unduly trouble the woman. Kala had been made to understand that she could form and break bonds without dire consequences, but all the same, she wanted to be gentle with the woman whose hands had first touched her.

She wasn't certain how much time had passed, but the eyes were still upon her. Kaus was, of course, still beside her. His lips were parted, his eyes wide. Though he hadn't personally bonded with Marda, he shared in so much of Kala's experience that he was touched, moved, and he bowed formally to the Daizokura.

"Mother," he whispered, using the Synskrit word that held so many more connotations and nuances than did the Common translation.

"Will you speak on my behalf, my Sister?" She used a word in Synskrit that was no less respectful, but implied the bond that had bloomed and then folded its petals back in on itself rather more quickly than any bond in living memory—though she imagined the Coalescence of Atoria might contain more.
word count: 942
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Marhda Ahtivin went wide eyed as her eyes welled with tears. She brought weathered hands up to her face, hands that had bestowed much healing and even greater comfort to the populace of the city she loved so dearly. Reaching deep into the old woman’s soul, a well of many things unfurled before Kala. Nothing was hidden, the old priestess had little to hide and even less of a desire to once the spark of Kala’s divinity became known to her. Inside of her, Kala would find a few things. The woman still mourned for her family and though the years had dulled the pain of so many losses, that grief had been used to spur her into even more compassionate work. It had been from that grief that the desire to open more Healing Houses, expand the hospital, and many other good works, had sprung. What Kala found within the old Daizokura was a good woman who missed her family but who was secure in the knowledge that one day, when Wraedan himself came for her, she would see them all again.

Of all the things inside of the priestess that there was to be found however, nothing was so potent or powerful as that of the ancient and glorious wellspring of Life that flowed within her and into the world around her. This fount of Life moved with purpose, reaching out into the world around it in order to soothe pains, ease suffering, and mend that which it touched. As Kala’s consciousness brushed against it, Kala was acknowledged. The wellspring took shape and within her mind’s eye, Kala found herself looking into the eyes of an elven woman. Her skin was a rich earthy brown, her hair hung down to her waist in silken ringlets. Flowers, beads, and even feathers were woven into the curls. She wore a gown in earthen colors of green, tan and accented with gold. Her amber colored eyes were filled with the majesty of Life itself. Marhda Ahtivin was there too, the old woman’s stooped shoulders were gently clutched as though the Daizokura were precious to the Dratori elven woman.

Both Ioniri and the old priestess smiled at Kala, joy apparent in their faces.

In the waking world, the Daizokura closed her eyes as a tear fell down her cheek. She breathed the sigh of a woman who had finally found something she had not realized she had lost. Touching a hand over her heart she looked at Kala with knowledge and understanding. Kala was safe with her, the woman who had helped usher her into this world.

“When you have lived the life that I have, when you have spent your years facing suffering that you might heal it, you forget that you too need healing when all is said and done.” The old woman rose from her seat. She was unsteady on her feet. Immediately, a figure materialized, literally, at her side. The flutter of raven wings revealed Aoren offering his hand and arm to the Daizokura who accepted it gratefully. Together, the two of them walked forward until Marhda stood before Kala. She looked at the young woman with such unfettered joy and hope. She reached out, grasping for Kala’s hands, squeezing them.

“Truly, our people are blessed by the gods to have such miracles walk among us. In our Shinsei, I saw a warrior to defend our people. A protector to keep us safe from the monsters that would seek to destroy us. But in you, Kala, dear, blessed Kala, in you I see a way for our people to finally be as we always should have; together.” She looked back at the others who had not wavered in their attention throughout the whole exchange. The Daizokura did not need to say anything. There was no doubt in any of the eyes that beheld them.

“So, Lady Kala, what now?” Tizan Veyl’s attention remained fixed upon her.

word count: 693
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Kala Leukos
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Perhaps she should have expected Ioniri's Presence within Marda Ahtivan. In any case, she was glad that the draegir did not seem upset; in fact, she was the first Kala had met on relatively equal footing, though the healing deity was long-established. It felt comforting to leave the light bond in place, like a hand upon her heart. She would let the Daizokura break it or, perhaps, it would remain and they would grow closer. It was a hint of Unity, after all, and not strong enough that either of them could influence the other overmuch. Then Aoren helped the woman over and she had her hands.

Kala smiled at her, unshed tears in her eyes. It felt safe to be seen for who she was and what she had become, also knowing that she would not be forced to reveal more than she was ready to reveal. A winged woman was enough of a shock for her people, as well as the news she brought from the Aetheric Sea. A part of her might continue on, though, long past when everyone here present had gone to the Grimlord for eternity or to be spun out into new life. That would take longer to prepare for.

"Thank you for your kindness and your faith, Daizokura," she said quietly, bending to touch her forehead to the healer's gnarled hands.

When the Speaker spoke, she released one hand, holding onto the other for a bit longer. Perhaps Marda could sense that for all the importance of her message, she was trying to project confidence she didn't entirely feel. It was Mother Naori's message that mattered here, but these were the most powerful people in the realm, those she had been raised to respect.

"I can only share what was shared with me, Lord Speaker," she said. "The Mother calls for unity for our people. I believe that the Avialae women, those with wings, were taken away because... as powerful as our people are, there are those who can subvert us. If they... if we are to return to Ransera, then I suspect it will take all of us to free our Kathar cousins and ensure the Imperium holds no sway over us. I believe that we must rescue our Shinsei, whether he is destined for the Shokaze's throne or not. He is one of us, and even his divinity was not enough to protect him from the world. If he can be subverted, is it no wonder our people were not allowed to remain whole?"

She paused. "I recognize that there will be political and religious repercussions to this day, but I did not come here for a throne or to claim that I know or that I have the weight of divine mandate to choose our leader or to lead myself. I am a young woman, and I have been rash. I have been to Gel'Grandal, seeking any information about our Shinsei or his husband," and here she turned to look sadly upon Aoren, "who I am happy to find safe. I have risked my brother and our friends to the Warrens, a Rift Gate, the dangers of the Atheric Sea because I believed that Lady Saedene had brought me a true quest from the Masked Queen. There is much that I don't understand, so I have come here to offer what I have and to help the highlords and ladies of the Synnekar to make informed choices. Lord Synnar himself wanted to come back, asked after all of us. I need your wisdom." She squeezed Marda's wizened hand.

She paused again. It was difficult to maintain the order of her thoughts under all this pressure. She had prepared, of course, but for some things, no amount of preparation was enough.

"I was sent to tell you that the Crystal Lady, our benefactress, wants us to focus on the unity of our people. I was changed, I think, in answer to a short lifetime's worth of prayers, and because they coincided with Her plan for us. The Necromancer taught me how to bring the gift of wings to our women, to those of our men who were passed over, as well. It will take me time to master the requisite skills, however." She found her gaze pausing on Briathos, on Vako Zatrian, wondering if they might have the tomes on alchemy that would help her. She thought Mother Naori would approve of them uniting behind her in this task.

"But also... as Firstborn, I can dissolve bonds without grave repercussions. I opened myself entirely to Daizokura Ahtivan, and then brought our connection down to something light and safe. We are both unbroken by this. I believe I can free the Kathar from the Obelisk, one by one if necessary, but many of them are true believers. I spent time with Ser Baudric and it wasn't until he spent time among us that he saw that everything he had been taught was a lie. I could possibly reach the Obelisk alone and untether our cousins from it, but then they would be lost and adrift, laboring under the illusion that they were now loose cannons, mad dogs who needed to be put down. They will need our help and our love.

"I cannot speak for our entire people, nor mobilize them. You can. I have been given tasks, and I will complete them to the best of my ability, but the best of my ability will not be enough without you."
word count: 930
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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“In all of my years…” Her voice was soft and quiet. Every eye in the chamber turned to regard the stoic Iron Queen. Her hands rest in her lap, knuckles white with the tightness of her grip. The rest of her body was artfully poised and though there must have been a storm of things running through her mind, her face was calm in expression.

“Wonders you have seen, Lady Kala. Wonders you offer to us and our people.” Sahfri kept a steady gaze on Kala. “You are a wonder.”

Shaking her head, the Iron Queen thought quietly to herself for a moment. The arrival of Kala and the gifts that she offered fundamentally altered the dynamics of not just Kalzasi but the Avialae across the world. The power to manipulate the Bond to its highest extent without injury or fear of crippling sorrow? Her heart still ached incredibly where there was now an empty space where Savien should have been. Many were the nights she still went to bed weeping, comforted only by the closeness and the sobbing of her sister-wives whose thoughts she could no longer feel or hear in her soul. It was only through the grace of her power as a Mesmer that they had not all gone mad with grief. Her gentle Rien had offered to give a Bond to his mothers but he had been gently turned down. She would not burden her younger son with such a weight.

“They will need the Bond.” It was Aoren who spoke. He gave a bow to Kala. He was staring at her as if he had found the answer to an impossible amount of questions. “I am a Kathar. I spent my life among them, more years than you know. I was also once sent to hunt them down when they escaped. Often there was not much left to hunt. The Obelisk is more than a power to control. It is a pillar of purpose. It coerces the Kathar to move, to function, to act all in the interest of serving the empire. It gives function and its loss leaves those free of it completely unmoored. For the first time in their lives, they suddenly no longer have a quiet will directing them at all times.”

He suppressed a shudder. The feathers of his wings ruffled slightly before settling. They rose and fell, adjusting position.

“It is a maddening silence that turns many who break free into husks. The Bond can spare them of that fate. They will cling to it. They will need it, absent of very firm guidance.” He looked to the rest of the council. Briathor spoke once he was finished.

“We shall assist you, Lady Leukos. Our House still safeguards many things. Some of which our founder uncovered in his studies and travels.” Beside him, Vako Zatrian was nodding as well.

“Knowledge and Wisdom will be yours to aide you, Lady Leukos.”

“But first, we must settle the matter at hand.” Karam Senue sat straight-backed and attentive in his chair. His eyes stared at Kala curiously, without malice or hunger, simply interest. “If we are to be a united people, we must be a people united behind a new King. The choosing of a Shokaze is now more important than ever.”

Surprisingly it was Daizoku Zatrian who spoke sharply.

“You would turn this into another ploy for the throne, Daizoku?” The Highlord Senue shook his head.

“On the contrary, good Daizoku. It is apparent to me that Kalzasi is lacking the unity we require in order to bring this vision to fruition. How can we be expected to face the might of the Imperium and unify our people if we ourselves are divided?”

“It is a fair and just point.” Tizan Veyl concurred with Karam. “These deliberations are more important than ever. The Regent Queen has been a competent steward but now is the time to pass the crown to its rightful successor.”

“And who might that be, Speaker?” Vako posed his question. Others began speaking and the Highlords became engrossed in their conversation that was quickly turning into a debate. Accusations of manipulations were posed and dismissed. Old grudges began to assert themselves.

“Enough.” Daizoku Dahshida spoke clearly and firmly. All eyes turned to him. Haruhiro Dahshida had remained largely silent. He was still staring at Kala and her wings. “Let us adjourn for the moment. We have much to consider. Wisdom must prevail and it would be wise for use to contemplate the weight of our way ahead.”

He gestured to Kala.

“A blessed daughter has shown us a way forward that none of us had ever considered. We must consider what that means not just for the Synnekar but for our brothers in the Imperium as well. Whomever we choose, must be able to guide us through the coming challenges with not just unity but with wisdom and clarity. Would you agree, Mother Ahtivin?” He looked to the woman who was still standing beside Kala, gently petting the young woman’s hand as she clutched it to her bosom. The old priestess stirred as though from a trance. Though by years she was younger than several of the Avialae on the council, in wisdom there were none who compared. As this was a matter that clearly had implications of spirituality and faith, it was no question that the Highlords looked to her.

“Always you speak wisdom, Dahshida-san.” The two elders smiled and the Daizokura nodded. “Let us adjourn for now and weigh the wisdom of our way forward.”

The old priestess gave Kala’s hand a squeeze before releasing it. One of her attendants shuffled forward and took the hand she extended.

“Lady Leukos.” The Iron Queen was descending the dais, gliding forward with grace. “We would have words.”

Aoren offered an arm to Kala.

word count: 1007
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Kala Leukos
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The hairs on the back of her neck rose at the weight of Sahfri's gaze. She didn't know what the woman felt or intended, other than the echoes of her grief. Whatever the case, Kala knew her news and her presence would shift things, and she knew it might gain her enemies she wouldn't anticipate. Still and all, Naori's message mattered more than her political standing and eventually, perhaps, she wouldn't need political standing at all. She would be a goddess.

That was strange and she had been focusing on coming to terms with her wings, not even having the ability to touch on divinity.

Kala bowed to the Queen-Regent, and then fell quiet as the furor began. She nodded to Aoren. There were so many lines of connection that she could see, perhaps the stuff from which bonds were created. The Queen-Regent's grief resonated down channels even her Semblance didn't show her, but Kala could sense it. Aoren's bond to Talon; the remains of his bond to the Obelisk. How hadn't she seen all this before?

She nodded gravely to Aoren, thinking of her friend Baudric, as well.

Whatever Sahfri thought, Briathor offered support, as did House Zatrian. She had House Ahtivan, she knew that through the faint bond that remained. Karam Senue made a move, others countered. She had watched the ebb and flow of politics for two years now, but she was hardly a master of it.

She could reach out and bond each of them, from the Queen-Regent to the Highlords to their heirs. She could unify them into a single Coalescence, and she could inspire them to work together under her guidance—


Kaus was correct. Power could corrupt, and a daughter of chaos might always be tempted. She furled her wings, unsure what her course of action ought to be. She understood now better than most how coin moved, how investment strengthened, and how economies shifted. She wondered if, should she bond to Tizan Veyl, Avenna would meet her as Ioniri had when she bonded to Marda. It made sense other demigods would keep tabs on this court given Talon had ascended and now so had she, though not quite so high. And as far as she knew, she wasn't some rebirth, but something new. That in itself was terrifying.

Kala offered a smile and a returned squeeze to Marda's hand as the old woman joined the other Highlords in adjourning. She supposed she shouldn't have been surprised when the Queen-Regent took that opportunity to isolate her.

"Yes, Your Majesty," she acquiesced, then smiled to Aoren before taking his arm. "Thank you, my lord."

Kaus frowned, taking this as a tacit invitation not to join them, but he smoothed his features and would await her return. It wasn't as though their bond would break for distance.
word count: 489
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

Aoren kept his touch upon Kala’s hand gentle. Being several heads taller than her, he had his arm at a lower position than he might otherwise have naturally held it but he did not mind. He was not sure what the Queen-Regent had planned but he knew Sahfri well enough to know that she likely had no ill intent for the young woman. They reached a more private room, what appeared to be an office that was lined with what appeared to be books pertaining to council matters. Clerks jumped up at Sahfri’s entrance but she waved them off, gesturing to the doorway and threading it with a gentle nudge of mental command.

“Aoren.” Sahfri spoke his name and he already knew what she desired. He raised a hand and snapped his fingers establishing a ward to dissuade eavesdropping via magical means. While there were already wards in place around the council hall in general, it was never unwise to reinforce them. He could feel the tingle of Sahfri’s mental presence spread through the room and extend just beyond it in order to further dissuade others from prying. The Queen-Regent turned and leaned against a desk, eyes leveling upon Kala.

“You should have stayed in Atoria, Lady Kala.” Sahfri’s tone was conversational as he folded her arms over her chest, considering the implications of what Kala’s presence meant for the city. More than that, for their people.

“Philosophical and theological questions aside, your presence will not go unnoticed for long.” The woman shook her head and let out a long sigh, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

“The Houses will try to make their moves to ally with you.” Aoren spoke matter of factly. Sahfri however, shook her head.

“It is not the Houses that concern me. I have watched you long enough to know that while you are young, there is some wisdom in you, Kala. Most of these lords are doddering fools barely worth a glance from you. I expect you will not be swayed by their petty ambitions. No.” Sahfri smirked slightly but pressed on.

“What concerns me is what the Imperium will do when they find out, if they have not already.” Sahfri looked away from them both, slightly into the distance.

“I have not fought this hard, for this long, to see all of this work undone so swiftly.” Her voice was soft and she seemed to be speaking more to herself than anyone else. Aoren felt a chill sweep through him.

“Sahfri.” He did not use any titles. The two of them were long past such pretenses. “What are you saying?”

The Queen-Regent of Kalzasi was silent for a long moment before she spoke.

“I was not unaware of the destruction that visited Zaichaer. Rather, I was not blind to the plans made by those who brought it about.” Aoren blinked at her.

“You mean, you could have--” Sahfri interrupted him.

“Warned them? Yes. Stopped it? No. More precisely, I had no desire to stop it. As is abundantly clear now, Zaichaer was in league with the Imperium. The empire only wanted my son. Zaichaer used it as an opportunity to murder my husband and kill hundreds of innocent people distracted by the joy of the wedding. They sought to destabilize us. What they did not know was that Savien and I were aware of their maneuvering. We just…we did not expect another to get involved.” Sahfri regarded Aoren and Kala almost casually.

Aoren felt a thin horror go through him. He had not visited Zaichaer yet. He had only heard about the devastation and the hundreds of thousands who were killed. The city, if it ever recovered, would never be the same.

“So you would sanction the deaths of thousands? For what? Revenge?” He stared at her. Sahfri remained unmoved.

“I would have obliterated every last Zaichaeri off the face of Ransera if I had to.” Aoren felt slightly sick.


“Do not play ignorant with me, Captain D’Maliet! Or should I say, Legionnaire D’Maliet? Bloody Hand of the Emperor. The Emperor’s Wrath.” Aoren winced and drew back as if he had been struck.

“This is not right, Sahfri.” The Regent-Queen inclined her head.

“No. It is not. It is, however, necessary.” She drew in a breath, folding her arms over her chest as she regard Kala. “Which brings me to you.”

She eyed the Avialae woman in front of her from head to toe, gaze lingering on Kala’s wings.

“Have you any idea what you mean? To us? To them?” The Queen-Regent scoffed softly and shook her head. “No. Of course, you do not. Allow me to elaborate. For both of you. Perhaps then you will see why I could not let Zaichaer’s treachery stand.”

“Do either of you know, truly know, just how powerful my son is?” She clasped her hands behind her back and turned to regard some of the book shelves. “Even before his ascension, he was a sorcerer of great puissance. A prodigy in some ways. The pride of House Novalys and House Briathos. Then he awoke and became a Draegir. Not just any Draegir.”

The mask upon Sahfri’s face wobbled slightly.

“My Talon, Arcas Reborn. The God of Justice, Light and Hope. Draegir of Legend.” She looked at the two of them, her gaze sharpening. “Son of Eikaen. Prince of Dragons.”

She spoke those last two parts pointedly. Aoren breathed.

“Yes, I know his titles--” Sahfri hissed.

“They are not merely titles!” She cut a hand through the air. “Have you any idea what being the Reborn Son of the Dragon King means!? Do you!? Arcas was said to have been able to summon to his side legions of dragons who rallied to his aid at the behest of his divine father. He was a Demigod who could bring even Lesser Gods to their knees! All of these things and more, combined with my son’s skill and power as a sorcerer, all of that, the Imperium now has in their control!”

Sahfri whirled and pointed at Kala.

“And now you are perhaps one of the only Avialae, true Avialae, women on Ransera.” She held up a hand. “For years, the empire has been working to guarantee a way to grow the Kathar Legion. To make them faster, stronger, more lethal.”

She gave a grim smirk to Aoren.

“And from what you have told me, they have forced my son to become father to their next generation of warriors.” Aoren winced. His jaw flexed. Sahfri then looked to Kala. “They have one part of the equation they are working so desperately to solve.”

Sahfri pushed off the desk and stepped forward, leaning in to look at Kala.

“All they need, is the second half.” She let that sink in before she looked up to meet Aoren’s gaze.

word count: 1186
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Kala Leukos
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Title: Lady
Location: Kalzasi
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=933
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Kala was used to keeping pace with those taller than her, and seemed to glide along beside Aoren as if her feet weren't touching the floor. She remained quiet in Sahfri's wake, and settled to stand before the woman and take in all she had to say. Perhaps it was her diminutive stature, but being seen and not heard—as if she were still a child—was often the wisest course for her. There were things Sahfri said that she refrained from commenting upon, whether because they were rhetorical or she was acting on a higher authority than the throne of Kalzasi's. She could not stay in Atoria when Naori Herself bade her go forth.

But she could go about her quest with a greater understanding of international politics.

The revelation of Sahfri's knowledge should not have surprised her, but her face remained impassive, at least compared to Aoren's visceral reaction. It was easy to say she would have done differently in the Queen-Regent's shoes when she had never tried them on for size.

Son of Eikaen. Daughter of Chaos.

Thankfully, she wasn't Shaeoth reborn, but had the Holy Mother raised her up to complement Talon or to challenge him? Was he better off dead than a slave to the Imperium? She did blanch at the knowledge that Talon had been used like a prize stud to breed more powerful slaves. Of course, she had known what it meant to her personally to have the wings that had always felt like phantom limbs, and she knew to some extent what her appearance would mean for her people and those who sought to use them as pawns, but of course Sahfri knew it more harshly, more fully.

"Unless the Imperium had spies in the council chamber a moment ago and can communicate across vasty distances in the blink of an eye, then they cannot know yet, your Highness. If your lord father will open his libraries to me, perhaps I can master the alchemy necessary to make myself... ubiquitous among our women. I will one way or another, but 'twould be a swifter and more thorough education with help."

She imagined Akshara with swan's wings, Marda with owl's. What manner of raptor Sahfri would represent was a mystery to her.

"If you wish the Sky Guard to circle the Pavilion, to guard its halls, we will, of course, acquiesce. Help bolstering our wards and protections would also be welcome."

If she suggested pregnancy, however, Kala would dissent.
word count: 426
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

Sahfri waved off Kala’s statement as though it were little more than wisps in the wind.

“News will travel.” She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “They will know soon enough.”

Dropping her hand, Sahfri regarded Kala as one might regard a curiosity. She did not appear angry so much as perturbed. She folded her arms in front of her, idly tapping her chin with the tips of her fingers.

When Kala offered to explore the mysteries of the tome given to her by Garel more rapidly, the Queen-Regent sighed and shook her head.

“You still do not get it.” Before Sahfri could elaborate, it was Aoren who spoke up.

“When an Avialae pairs with a woman born of the Skyborn lineages, the chances for her and her children to live is much higher than with any other. Avialae, Kathar especially, struggle to sire children.” He looked over Kala’s wings, a slow realization coming to him. “But paired with an Avialae mother, a true Skyborn mother…?”

“Every child will be an Avialae. Every time.” Sahfri finished flatly. Aoren looked at her.

“How do you know all of this?” The Queen-Regent was silent for a moment before responding.

“Atoria and its location have remained a secret for many centuries but it was never truly lost.” That was the only response she gave before pressing on. The implication that she and perhaps House Briathos, had known the whereabouts of Atoria for centuries lingered in the air.

“More Skyborn women would only accelerate the Imperium’s hostility against us. Instead of sending small numbers, they would declare outright war and march upon Karnor. They would make good on the belief that Kalzasi is little more than an errant province that needs to be brought back into the fold. The rest of the Free Cities would fall before their armies as we are too fractured to withstand the full might of the empire.” A worried crease crossed the Siltori woman’s brow as she considered the implications.

“The cities loyal to Zaichaer would turn on us. While those loyal to us would be overwhelmed. The Vykul Hordes to the north would use the opportunity to invade the east. The Warrens would go unchecked. It would be a disaster. In the end, every Avialae they could get their hands on, man, woman, and child, would end up in a collar.” Aoren shivered, his wings folding in more tightly as if to hug himself. That was when he stiffened.

“Talon! You don’t think…?” His eyes were wide. Sahfri stared at both him and Kala seriously.

“That the Imperium intends to use him as an arbiter of their will to conquer the north without sparking the intervention of the Alliance?” The Queen-Regent quirked a brow. “I think that is exactly what they intend to do once they finish with whatever business he is seeing to, in the south. He is the Crown Prince of Kalzasi. A native royal of our region. If, in the aftermath of his father’s murder at the hands of Zaichaeri assassins, he chose to rally a full campaign to conquer the Northlands in full? Who is to stop him? And if the Imperium just so happened to offer its carefully orchestrated assistance to the winged-prince? It is not an invasion. It is an answer to a call for assistance.”

She looked at Kala again. Sahfri sighed, letting out a breath through her nose.

“Such things are concerns for another day however. In front of us is a dilemma of a different sort. You are the answer to a question many have been asking, Lady Leukos. For that specific reason, we cannot let you wander about unguarded. The Sky Guard are stretched thin as it is. So, we invite you to a position that will empower you to fund your own greater levels of protection.” Sahfri walked around the desk, picking up a piece of paper. She grabbed a pen and seated herself to begin writing in a swift but elegant script.

“Your progress with coin has not gone unnoticed. I have it on good authority that Speaker Veyl intended to approach you about potential business ventures. Whether you accept his negotiations is up to you. However, we shall appoint you as our Minister for Finance. You will see to the Crown’s treasury until such time as the new Shokaze may deem to appoint another. Lord Minister Tianoch was looking to retire anyways.”

word count: 777
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