Fighting words

The Jewel of the Northlands

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She had not mentioned to invoke a reaction when she said slave. She would never consider doing such a thing. Honestly she probably would slice the throat of anyone participating in such a dark trade. But she could only get herself to nod in agreement. "Honestly, I'd rather die than even consider it," She said. That said she also just thought that slaves were only rumors and pages in history books. She completely dropped the subject.

When he mentioned not having anything blunt it registered that he may have thought she was ready to spar now. "I was removing the tip for other reasons. Including, I did not want to accidentally cut anyone as we are heading into a more heavily populated area." She said leaving out that if she had done the scrivening right she might catch the sole if someone got stabbed. Though it was unlikely to work and she had not tested it yet. "That said it would probably be best to do it somewhere no one else could get hurt and your place sounds fine to me." She said

The noodle dish she had chosen was chicken Yakisoba. It smelled amazing and looked oddly similar to the dish her companion got. She would follow as he led the way to a covered area with tables and seats. She sat down and was about to eat when he asked the question. That was a complicated one to answer.

"Bonzi, my half brother, and I got here specifically by accident. I was trying to go home after the mist storms but Bonzi was worried about me traveling alone. So I convinced him I could use scrivening to teleport. He had no faith in me and hired a mage to teleport us. He doesn't know I know this." She said then took a bite from the kabob. Once she was done chewing she continued "I'm not mad about coming here though. It was on my list after all."

Talk of the devil and they shall appear or something like that. Bonzi sat on the other side of the table with new gear and a rice bowl of sorts. "She came to grow stronger in arms and magic so that she could one day kill Vich’uvi and advinge her mom. I'm here to keep her from ending herself before that can happen." He said

Vinsue ate her food as Bonzi talked. Seemed he was in a much better mood. She dug the other kabob out of her bag and unwrapped it before giving it to Bonzi.

"Talking of magic, how do you get pact weapons? I mean it would be nice to be able to summon my sword and spear." Vinsue said
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As a mercenary in Kalzasi and in the vicinity of other free cities, encountering slave traders of various sorts was not actually that rare. Sometimes, he'd be approached by them, even, because they wanted to hire him as a guard. These offers would be declined. Other times, he'd take jobs meant to free those who'd had the misfortune of being taken and oftentimes he'd do that for free. It was actually a bit surprising to hear from the other that it was not something she often even thought about, though from his knowledge, he imagined such a thing wouldn't actually be common in the Ecithian Commonwealth. He acknowledged what she said with a shallow nod and allowed the subject to slide.

Listening to her explanation as for why she removed the tip of her spear at precisely that moment, it made sense. Carrying arms around civilians alone was often enough to unnerve others simply because of accident risk. Jae-Seong himself only had his swords at his hips when he was out of the city for very similar reasons.

"I live in the northern part of the city," he tilted his head in the direction of the mountain– up towards Adira's Promenade and the buildings that adorned the rocky cliffs above. "...bit of a walk but it's not that bad."

Vinsue answered the question he'd posed shortly after they sat down, explaining that Bonzi was a half-sibling. He supposed that made sense. As for how they got here, that was a more interesting answer– this destination had not been intentional? It was known that teleportation magic could do unexpected things for those unfamiliar with using it, though he found the idea of ending up in a random place both fascinating and inherently unnerving.

"I've not left northern Karnor myself– teleportation is an interesting concept but I've always preferred to wander on foot." And while this was so, one can only go so far on foot. If he wanted to see more of the world, he really would need to seek out alternative modes of transportation.

The fact that somebody had approached the table wasn't a surprise to him as Jae-Seong had heard the footsteps, but he was a bit surprised that it was Bonzi– he'd somehow managed to find them rather quickly, though the two of them walking off and ending up in the same place wasn't actually that much of a coincidence in this part of the city.

While the two Orks spoke, the swordsman listened in relative silence while eating his food. The question about magic was an answerable one, if not a tad odd. Had they not heard of Reaving? Granted, he wasn't sure about how widespread Cardinal rune magic was in Ecith.

"Those weapons are bonded to me through Reaving," as he said this, he lifted his right arm, gesturing to the fact that it was so vibrantly colored in ætherial blues and pinks. "Most Cardinal runes are small, easily concealed but mine ended up enchanting my entire arm for…whatever reason. When you are initiated into the magic, you do so by bonding with a weapon of your choice. Then as you train with the magic, you can bind more as well as other useful skills. Is Reaving not widespread where you are from?" Of this, he was curious. Magic was everywhere in Kalzasi for those willing to look.

"But also, who, or what, is Vich'uvi?" That was not a name the swordsman had heard before.
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She looked up towards the mountain. Who said walking around the capital of Enoch was useless? "Been putting together Darthera since the mist storm. I think I could handle the walk." Bonzi would love to see the different styles of mountain and mountain buildings. 

She smiled at his admittance of nor leaving the region. "Honestly, this is my first time away from Enoch myself. Though styles and faces are different the basic actions are the same. Like the location for food being busy at this time of day. Or some people stop to watch a potential fight as others act like nothing's happening."

Vinsue looked at the markings on his arm. They were different than any she had ever seen. Though just as cool nonetheless. Bonzi answered the next question like a true brother. "It is common enough. But Vinsue is not usually one to interact with people. Her mom raised her mostly in the jungle away from others which is not custom." He said looking at Vinsue to gauge how far he was pushing her. "Funny enough agent stereotype, the Orkhen has the brains and the Dragon born has the bronze. I tend to do the research and she tends to pick flights."

Vinsue didn't react. Because it was partially true. Bonzi was a true nerd, and it has helped him greatly. Vinsue on the other hand would last longer away from civilization. She would also fare better in a fight. Bonzi realized he was toying too much and decided to be more serious. "Any chance you're a strong enough mage to be able to do an initiation." Bonzi said. He knew that was her end goal. She didn't have any Rune Magic and was not very good at the only world magic she knew.

"Vich'uvi, The Shadow Viper. A primal snake of the shadow plain. Longer than Oktai tree of Ounakt Nora, and powerful enough to eat dragons. Its bite melts one's shadow slowly killing the known cure. But I hope to find a cure." Bonzi said. 
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Ah, yes. People were much the same by nature anywhere, weren’t they? Gawking at an unusual sight, meal times being roughly similar, settlements built into mountains. The finer practices and aesthetics of any given culture could be starkly different, and yet people would always be people when boiled down to their simplest forms.

“True enough…though I do wonder what Enoch and the wider breadth of Ecith looks like. I imagine it’s not nearly as cold as it gets here in the Frost, is it? Being so far to the south and all…” Jae-Seong had heard that Ecith was a jungle, for the most part. He’d seen drawings, he’d even seen some bards and traveling performers use Masquerade to paint stunning illusions from their memories. Of course, memories can be fallible, though– so one must always take these recreations with that knowledge in mind.

Bonzi’s commentary on his half-sibling’s social etiquette had the swordsman exhaling a bit of a laugh. Siblings and their rivalries also knew no borders, it would seem. He’d watched many of his own family bicker the same way. “That so? I suppose that makes sense…magic is conferred from one to another; can’t really get runes if one never bothers to seek out somebody to train them. I was the same way for a while, actually. I haven’t had my runes very long. Insistent that all I needed was swordwork, which, while that is still the skill I rely on most– I’ve since come around to how useful magic can be.” Despite his youthful features, the man was in his early forties and had dismissed the idea of learning magic for the vast majority of his life.

“Are Ecithian Orkhan known for being scholarly? The Orks up here vary greatly in terms of their interest in academia…and truthfully, I’ve met very few dragonborn.” Despite the infinite mix that was Kalzasi, dragonborn were exceedingly rare even here where one would see so much variety.

Regarding initiations, “...unfortunately, not at the moment. If you stick around, I should be able to get there soon enough. Like I said, I’m a bit new to the Craft, too. If you’ve a mind to stay in Kalzasi for awhile, you can stay in my family’s guest house on my word, too– that is, unless you find somewhere else you’d prefer.” It was a shame to admit, really, but one needed just a bit more skill in order to successfully impart a rune onto another than Jae-Seong currently possessed.

The monster they mentioned sounded more like a beast of legend than one’s standard hunting fare. Destroying it would be a long journey, but from the way such a thing was described, doing so would be worth the effort if success were found. “Fascinating. Have you a way of traveling to other planes? Or do you plan on figuring that out after you gain strength?”
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"It can get hot back home and a little cool when it rains but never this cold." Bonzi said

"Home looks nothing like this. There are so many trees you can't see the sky. The fruit is fresh and the building styles are completely different." Vinsue said. It was true everything was different at least at skin level. It was colder here. The people were different. The plants were way smaller here. The style of building was way different. 

"It's not that I don't look for teachers, it's more that when I find a magic I could use, to ask would be inappropriately timed. I find out someone can summon weapons when they do so. Like when you were ready to spill blood. Or when under attack from some jungle monster." Vinsue said. It wasn't like she wanted the magic Bonzi possessed. She needed magic to help her defeat the primal, not heal the sick. 

"In Ecith children learn as they wish what they wish. If you want to learn, the door is open and there's someone willing to teach you. If not then you are not required to attend. So we can vary greatly in intelligence. " Bonzi began. 

Vinsue smiled a little. "That is why we are good at what we want to be good at.  But Bonzi was referring to an inside joke. Once a few foreigners stumbled into the two of us and had to test some stereotypes they were told. They challenged Bonzi to a wrestling match and asked me questions. Once we were both proven not able to complete the challenge we decided to laugh at each other and switched. We proved much better the second time." Vinsue said. She left out the fact that they only switched because of an argument of who was better. 

"I can be patient, and If it's not too big of a bother that would be great." Vinsue said to his offer of logging "looks like your not going to be stuck in a tent again tonight" Vinsue said towards Bonzi. 

"I'd like to see the different healing ways of your culture, and not going to lie, a real place to sleep is much appreciated." Bonzi replied. 

"One can travel to other planes?" Vinsue asked. This was nothing she had ever considered possible. Or, well, possible for people. Bonzi held back a laugh at his half sister's lack of knowledge. But before he could answer she began speaking again. "Can a traversion mage do that?" She asked and Bonzi nodded. "Yes but you're going to want to be much stronger before you attempt anything like that."  

Vinsue thought about it for a second. Traveling to different planes could be very useful but also very dangerous. Perhaps- Bonzi gave her a look. One that immediately stopped her thoughts. "You worry too much." She said and he raised his left brow a little. Ok maybe he was right this time. "I will not try to enter another plane until I'm stronger. Promise" She said, crossing her heart. Satisfied with the answer, Bonzi continued eating.
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Jae-Seong really didn't have a frame of reference for what a jungle might be like. The very most he'd seen were recreations both magical and mundane, but nothing so grand as to mimic the weather or atmosphere of a land so far away. In many ways, he was curious. The unknown was fascinating to him, but one must always wonder which paths of curiosity are wise to follow and which will lead only to folly.

"I've never been anywhere quite like the way Ecith is described…the lush overgrowth sounds beautiful and I can only imagine what fauna one can find, but…I'm not sure how well I would handle the humidity." Though he pondered this aloud, he did know himself well enough to realize a summer in Ecith would be utter suffering for him.

At the description of how magic is passed around, the swordsman tilted his head in thought, expression passive. "It's…sort of like that, here, too. Finding somebody to confer you a rune can be both very easy and very difficult. It really depends on who you know, but without ties to other people, it can be hard to know who to ask. My family tried to teach me magic when I was younger, but…I was so stubborn, back then…" he sounded sort of wistful; perhaps he felt a pang of regret.

By the time Bonzi explained what the joke between him and his sibling was, Jae-Seong had finished eating. He was right about one thing, at least. A lot of people did, admittedly, assume that the Orkhan weren't the most intelligent of beings. Which, while unfair, the majority of mortals– of any race– weren't quite that smart, thus making it a hard stereotype to dispel.

Regarding the conference of his own rune onto his newfound companion, he didn't mind. "If you have the patience, I have no qualms with giving it to you. I am just not sure how long it'll take; magical growth is an odd thing in terms of speed." All you needed was talent and effort, yes, but even then– some people made great strides seemingly out of nowhere when compared to others.

"Regarding healing, there's…plenty of doctors and apothecaries and the like. Many who use magic and many who do not…I know a few, but do you have a preference for methodology? The list is a long one– traditional herbalism, alchemy, necromancy, those who've adapted their runes for healing and so on." Some people did a mix of many things, others specialized.

"I believe there's more than just traversion, but beyond that I am ignorant as well. It would make sense for you to hone your skills first before one seeks out such a mage, though. I doubt even I could kill some inter-planar monstrosity at the moment." And while he was loath to admit weakness, it was important to know one's limits.

After the others finished their food, Jae-Seong stood. "It's not far to get back to my home, but it is a bit of a…vertical walk, so to speak."
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"For the most part the humidity makes hair frizzy, and you can combat the heat by swimming. Just gotta watch out for poison snakes and biting fish. Though they usually stay away from popular swimming spots." Vinsue said. "You could always come in the rainy season. It's not as bad then." 

Vinsue understands that a magic teacher may be hard to come around, but on the first day here she found one who was willing if they became able. That was something. "As long as there is someone here I can't beat in a fair fight I shall stay. As I can still learn and become stronger." She knew they would stay a few seasons. She also knew Bonzi had a lot he wanted to learn. 

Bonzi seemed to light up a little at the knowledge of possible teachers in the various medical fields. Perhaps he too could benefit from the adventure. 

"No preference as I'm sure I will have lots of time to learn. But to start out, herbalism would be great then those with adapted runes would be great." He stopped talking for a second then thought about his biggest goal. "Actually, anyone that specializes in healing snake bites or shadow inflicted illnesses would be my preference." He said. He had to find a cure for Vich’uvi's shadow melting bite before his sister felt ready for that fight. 

"I'm sure I'll find a way to the shadow plane once I'm ready. For now I'll stick to hunting big cats and wolf packs," Vinsue said.

Food finished, they stood up ready to be led to Jae-Seong's home. "I don't think it's as bad as walking the steps in Enoch to get to Bonzi's place," Vinsue said. Or well she is hopeful it's not as bad as that walk. Talk about a workout. Any time she wanted to improve her leg strength she could simply climb the oversized steps. 
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Jae-Seong was notably not a fan of humidity. It made the air feel heavy, almost suffocating, even, and then there was the fact that it made any type of clothing feel claustrophobic. Overall, if he were to visit Ecith, it would be in the company of a Traversion mage and such trips would be quite short. He simply did not have the right, well, constitution for it.

"That so? I'm not sure how I'd fare with an atmosphere like that," and though he spoke politely, there was a the slightest bit of an awkward lilt to his voice. "...and when it comes to fighting, you'll find plenty. There's innumerable warriors and mages in the city proper and then, if one were to go below…well, what one would find in the warrens are all more monster than man."

The seemingly endless caves of the warrens were always a point of fascination for the swordsman, though it was a place he rarely ventured. Almost all of his trips outside of the city proper were above ground as opposed to not. There wasn't necessarily a reason for this outside of familiarity and perhaps a fondness for being able to see the sky above.

And as the conversation switched gears to the concept of medicinal specialists, Jae-Seong thought for a moment at the mention of antivenin specialists or somebody who knew a lot about combating shadow. He knew a few people that would be able to help, or he thought he did, at least. "I'll ask around about those two things in particular, but a botanist is certainly somebody I can help you find."

And once the three of them were stood, the disguised Rathari made his leave towards the upper parts of the city at a reasonable pace. The path wasn't necessarily a long one, but it certainly was quite steep in certain places. "This place was originally built by and for Avialae, hence why it is…not exactly the friendliest of climbs for those who are not quite as avian." Of which Jae-Seong actually was. Should he choose to, he could shed this shape and take on that of a dire crow– but such a thing would not help his traveling companions and would also involve dropping everything he currently carried upon his person.

After a time, the odd looking trio arrived at the Palace of the First Wind. Jae-Seong acknowledged it with little fanfare despite its grandiose nature. Nodding towards the guards at the gate and leading his guests through the entryway and 'round the back where they would find a stretch of cleared ground. Looking around, it would be obvious enough that this space was used for martial training given an assortment of dummies and related paraphernalia in the vicinity.

Turning to face the two newcomers, he spoke. "Have you any questions or requests before we begin?"
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More monster than man. It was a simple phrase that caught her attention. Fighting a beast or monster would be better practice for facing the snake. But she really wasn’t picky. Practice was practice and she needed all she could get. “Talking of atmosphere, how much colder does it usually get up here?” Vinsue asked. Bonzi shook his head at the remembrance of something. Something that became clear as he pulled a fur coat out and handed it to Vinsue. “I forgot. But I may have spent some of our coin to get us better equipment including a coat to keep you warmer,” Bonzi said. Vinsue immediately took and put it on before grabbing the rest of her gear.

As they walked, she found herself shedding the coat as the climb raised her body temperature. The explanation given for the path made since, and though it was a harsher climb than the steps back home neither of the two slowed from the pace set by their guide. Though both had to focus to keep their breaths from growing shallow and rapid. It would also be apparent on the steeper climbs as they talked less.

At the sight of the palace Vinsue took quick mental notes. Like the size of the place. The walls, the gates, the guards. Seames, they didn’t bump into some random nobody. Seemed he was a big deal kind of person. But she remained mostly unaffected by any of it. Bonzi on the other hand, was in complete ah. His eyes wide as he took in the sight. He even smiled at the guards.

As they stopped at the training grounds, Vinsue dropped her gear near Bonzi and took out her water bottle. Bonzi did the same. They drank some of its continents. Vinsue put hers on top of her gear, knowing she would need it soon. Bonzi put his gear down and sat down, and leaned against it signifying that he would simply watch. Bonzi was funny like that. He preferred to analyze rather than fight. Vinsue on the other hand was more than willing to charge headfirst into a fight and figure it out along the way.

When asked if they had requests or questions Vinsue smiled, grabbed her spear without its head and took a few steps away from her brother. She took a light stance best for avoidance and quick attack then said, “Don’t hold back.”
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Lore: 15 grilled lores
Points: 10, non-magic
Injuries/Ailments: x
Loot: None


Lore: 14 lores; steamed
Points: 10, skill debt
Injuries/Ailments: x
Loot: None

Notes: Vin and Bonzi make their first Kalzasern friend :>
word count: 81
"And as you lay down your grace to me,
the skies begin to bleach red,
and the stars begin to fall,
I feel myself changing,
as my world starts dividing–"
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