All threads partaking in the Expedition must be submitted here. This is separate from reviews, and those should be handled by the normal methods. In addition to other reasons, I will be using this for a Community Driven Calendar, ie, keeping everyone on the same page. So check in on this thread regularly.
Ash 1 - The new arrivals board the Duck.
Ash 1 - And So It Begins - Kaiko arrives aboard the Duck.
Ash 1 - A New Adventure, Together - Yeva and Norani arrive aboard the Duck.
Ash 1 - Forget-me-not - Carina and Imogen reunite when arriving aboard the Duck.
Ash 25 - The new arrivals and Captain Kynne disembark from the Duck.
Ash 26 - He Who Walks the Ocean Floor - Imogen, Avamande, and Aardwalden discuss things.
Ash 26 - Hill Home Pt 1 - Aardwalden begins building his subterranean home.
Ash 27 - Bay Exploring a Slug and a Rock - See Ash 36
Ash 27 - Hill Home Pt 2 - Aardwalden continues building his subterranean home.
Ash 28 - Hill Home Pt 3 - Aardwalden continues building his subterranean home, installs a Magma Lodestone.
Ash 28 - Pot Luck - Food was almost shared.
Ash 29 - Hill Home Pt 4 - Aardwalden continues building his subterranean home. See Ash 44.
Ash 30 - Way of White-Hot Translucence - Aardwalden gets into some body modding.
Ash 30 - Swiftly Flying, Northward Bound - Imogen flies around, fights some Un-snakes, and stabs a tree. See Ash 51.
Ash 31 - On the Third Day, She Rested - Imogen is almost killed by butterflies. Heh.
Ash 35 - Birdhouse in Your Soul - Imogen and Destyn share stories. See Ash 54.
Ash 35 - Birdhouse in Your Soul Pt 2 - Imogen and Destyn have a fun meetup with Fire Monkeys.
Ash 35 - A Boy Named Mr. Me - Imogen and Destyn go crab hunting.
Ash 36 - With the giant crab of the bay killed by Kaiko and Aardwalden, a creature kept at bay has now moved in. Anyone venturing deeper into the waters of the bay will find a giant Metal Squid living there. Additionally, metallic ovular objects are now scattered heavily throughout the reefs of the bay.
Ash 44 - Following the tectonic disturbances of the stone and soil and the installation of the Magma Lodestone, something has moved into the home of Aardwalden. The gnome has disappeared and there is constant heat and warm light emanating from the gnome's home.
Ash 51 - Those who take the time will begin to notice that the trees are stronger against metal and fire than seemingly previously. They are not immune, but it takes much more strain to accomplish the same efforts than before.
Ash 54 - Destyn will find that coconut palms will share stories with him and enjoy doing so. Additionally, anyone in the Expedition that speaks a story aloud near a coconut palm will find that a ripe coconut will fall, if any are available.
Ash 55 - Food, trinkets, clothing and other belongings have begun going missing from all inhabitants of the beach, except Captain Kynne. Tracks indicate fire monkeys.
Ash 65 - So begins the Eclipse. Probably gonna stick around for a while. Shadow Element Aligned flora and fauna are more common and reproducing quickly, and they are greatly enhanced. This could mean they are bigger, faster, smarter or more sentient, or have further developed their abilities. Use your best judgment and enjoy!
Ash 65 - Meditations on a Cloud - A dark day for Imogen and her magic.
Ash 67 - A Pointless Battle - Imogen meets some friendly shadow kitties.
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Timestamp: Ash ##, 122
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