Kaiko Marina

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Kaiko Marina
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Kaiko Marina

Full Name: Kaiko Marina
Race: Rathari
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5ft 9in
Weight: 140lbs

Birthdate: Searing 14th
Birthplace: small boat on the Crystal Sea

Profession: Song writer/singer/story trailer
Housing: smallish boat.
Partners: none

Titles: none
Factions: none

Fluencies: Common, Korkos.
Conversationals: Valgoth
Ineptitudes: None


Zion: Human

Hair: silver, shoulder length.
Markings: dark blue Line starting at the neck, circling down each arm and palm down her sides and down her legs over her feet. A Cardinal Rune of a slug with shark fins rest on her sholder.

Skin: tanned by the sun.

Lycan: bits of both. 5ft 3 in foot long
Keeps human face, hair changes to a dark blue and more represents bubbled jellyfish legs, than hair. Back of hands gain a layer that looks and acts like the blue sea dragon slug wing. She also gains 3 sets of these wings along her back and tail that replaces the legs and feet. She is also now fully colored like the due dragon sea slug.

Beast: blue dragon sea slug 5 ft long


fear: turtles, fire,

dislikes: cold weather, dry weather, being unable to see the water. Disappointing a crowd. Being in danger. Being called a siren.

Likes: Jellyfish, saltwater, sailing, singing, storytelling, sounds of the ocean. Seeing danger.

Race abilities: sting immunity, potitly venomous sting depending on what she eats.

strengths: swimming, Storytelling, staying sober despite the drink, exaggerating,

temperament: Choleric

unfavorable traits: often lazy and unhelpful, Prideful, exaggerates,


She was born to a family of fishers. Learned how to man a ship the second she was able to walk but found fishing to be quite uneventful and boring. And decided to find something better to do. At 7 she found that she had a good voice and quick wit and decided to use it.

Her first story like most fishermen was a tail of a fish exaggerated to the max. In truth the fish was maybe 3 pounds and the sky was lightly clouded. But for her to tail it is another world. As to her audience the sky was dark with clouds with thunder rumbling and lightning striking inches from the small boat the waves were as tall as montanans trying to flip her boat. The fish a giant shark straight from Davy Jones locker, the fight a legend. But now she eats killer jelly so it's not as impressive anymore.

29 days after her 13th birthday her first transformation occurred. Like a normal person she tried to hide it not understanding what was happening. About a season later she was found out. The familythoughtit a curse. Not happythey looked for a way to get rid of it. A new love for water and strange craving for jellyfish awakened with her inner beast.

15 she stung someone for the first time. Lucky she had been eating jellyfish of lesser potency and the victim survived. They deserved it though.

At 16 she bought her own boat to get away from the smell of fish and constant skepticism. Yes she still visits on holidays but that's about it.

Magic history: Animus. A few months after the family found out about her beast they tried to find a cure to what they believed was a curse. They found a master Animus who said he could help all he needed was a similar creature and the girl. Kaiko loved her ability and was not happy about the arrangement. She decided to be clever and found a nudibranchs sea slug and a young tiger shark and brought them to the magic user. She had explained her discontent to the idea and to her surprise found him willing to help her. They used the slug as the animal for her to transform into. He gave her the Cardinal Rune which took place as the slug. Due to her gift and the fact she chose a similar creature to her beast she was able to easily transform back. As of the shark she was told it best to wait for more experience first.  A year later she would adapt the shark.

Last edited by Kaiko Marina on Thu Sep 01, 2022 7:40 am, edited 5 times in total. word count: 757
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Kaiko Marina
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SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Animus 55/100 Journeyman
Sailing 22/100 Novice
Instrument Mandolin 24/100 Novice
Instrument ten whistle 20/100 Novice
Singing 20/100 Novice
polearm: quarter staff 24/100 Novice
weapon:fan 20/100 Novice
Animal handling10/100Novice

ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
starting pack+100100 0
pc approval+15150
birthday 2022+30300
bad news +880
And so it begins+880
bay exploring a slug and a rock+10(animus)100
Clams and sharks+10(animus)100
Duck Expedition: Pot Luck 10100
ghost stories440
Welcome to the Jungle440
Just Swimming15150
Boredom and Mischief15 (+1 storytelling)160
Monkey business10100
Secound Day (kaiko)10(animus)100
Last edited by Kaiko Marina on Sat Mar 09, 2024 8:26 pm, edited 31 times in total. word count: 121
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Kaiko Marina
Posts: 72
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Items 1. Starter Package Items Here
1 Set of Clothing ( white shirt, dark brown pants, black waterproof, slideproof boots. Brown coat)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel

Iron fan,25gp
Ivory Quarterstaff 4gp
Small dagger 2gp

Mandolin 55gp
Good case 27.5gp
Metal Flute 15gp
Good case 7.5 gp

Ink sticks (10) 3gp
Parchment (50) 2 gp
Tiny detail brush 5 sp
Waterproofing oil (25gp)

Bucket 2 gallon 5 sp
Jar 8oz 5sp
Barrel, 36 gallon 2gp ×4
Preserving kit 5 gp

Map, region 10 gp,
Spyglass 100gp

Fishing net (25 sq/ft) 4 gp x3
Fishing kit 10 gp
Fishing pole 1 gp ×4

Rice 1 gp lb x 25 lb
Ale gallon 2 sp x 36

Skirt4 sp
Shirt1 sp ×2

Uncle's box of stuff
Crab meat (cooked and not)

Housing House description here

Starting package
Druskith ship. (insted of cabin)
bunk, chest, chair, small table and rug.

whatcashremaining balance
starting package +500gp 500gp
shoping trip -321 gp and 4 sp 179sp and 6sp
birthday 2022+3,0003,179sp and 6sp
shopping trip-25 3154
shopping trip-63148
word count: 266
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Kaiko Marina
Posts: 72
Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:37 pm
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Pets and NPC's


Name: fluff
Nicknames: pup, Brownie, snowball, snowflake.
location discovered: South Enoch, Duck expansion.
Species: sea otter
Size: 7 lbs
Fer: white and brown, short, soft, oily, fluffy.
Scars: none
Marks: golden streak that looks like a branch on the left side of its back.
age 2 months. (Pup)
approximate birthday Ash 13th 122
any abilities
Magic: healing, electric attack
Natural: swimming, holding its breath.
Fun facts
Likes: fish, clams, head scratches, water, crustaceans. Face magic tricks, (disappearing/ reappearing coin,) games, milk.
Favorites: Crackers, sea urchin, belly rubs, chase.
Dislikes: predators. Fast movements. Noise. Big crowds.
word count: 101
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