The Valley of Stars and Dew

Wherein Torin is rewarded for his service to Starfall.

Travelers beware, the unprepared are quickly lost to these towering rocky sentinels of the North.

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7th of Glade, Year 123 of Steel
Starfall, Karnor

"And now," Aquilios declaimed, "my lady mother would like to bequeath one more gift before the last feast of these New Year revels."

"People cheered even if the sun in the town square was still marred by the Eclipse." Lamps of Torin's design—and sometimes Mistress Feada's execution—were strung up around the perimeter. Some were powered by native illumite, others by newfound lunicite. Torin was trusted now, and even his fox-haired lover had sworn to keep Starfall's secrets. They didn't hide the rich magical training of the people. There were braziers powered by pyromancers or summoners to keep the bite of early spring's air from chilling the bones of the revelers.

The long tables sat hundreds of people. House Leukos prided itself on feeding everyone at the New Year, and perhaps that was why they required a week of feasting to do so. The previous evening, Kala and Kaus had joined their mother, brother, and their brother's new bride in serving the servants of the house to show their gratitude. There was no raised dais for the ruling family, though the servants had been somewhat discomfited this year knowing their little lady was now a burgeoning goddess. But Kala had served with all due humility, and perhaps that was another reason why fervor grew despite how that discomfited her.

Akshara stood. She seemed all the more hale now, perhaps because when her daughter was present, she received the latest in medical treatment.

"Despite the pall of the Eclipse," she managed, her voice strong, "we greet another Spring. Our home is not a forgiving one, though we love it and have grown inured to our hardships. I am grateful for the gifts I have received this year already, such as my new daughter." Her hand rested on the shoulder of Aquilios' bride. "And the revelations of my daughter Kala, of whom I am exceedingly proud. She represents us in Kalzasi and she, like her brother, has brought us new blood." She looked to Torin, his partner, and his apprentice.

It was Feada who began the table-thumping on Torin's behalf. The others took it up, knowing that his lanterns had been their salvation as much as Kala's efforts. When she was gone, his work kept them alive.

"I am told that in his exploration of our lands, he has discovered a hidden valley. For his services as well as his heroics when the shadowspawn fell upon us, I offer him the deed."

Aquilios handed her a scroll.
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Aurin hadn't ever met nobles like House Leukos. He might have had a higher opinion of the class if he had. But they had always been good to Torin, and then to Timon as well. They had helped Torin achieve stability in his business immediately, allowing his skills to flourish without having to waste his time seeking out clients like most new artisans. Having a noble patron meant that—for all intents and purposes—Torin had it made. Aurin didn't have to worry about him financially. He had Timon to do the books, and the well-meaning Lady Kala keeping an eye out for him as well. Now she was the Kalzasern Vice-Minister of Finance and Torin didn't even realize how clutch that was for him. It could be clutch for Aurin as well, but he was making all efforts not to take advantage of that and jeopardize Torin's business relationship.

That Akshara was sharp as his blades. She had quickly cut to the point and to the bone once the niceties of etiquette were over, and straightaway he was signing a non-disclosure agreement about whatever secrets of Starfall he might bear witness to. He had done similar to earn the trust of the Zaichaeri covens, and it was worth it to do the same for Torin's comfort. The smith had countless times struggled to be truthful with Aurin without betraying the trust of his patrons.

Now he wouldn't have to.

He was already halfway through his second beer by the time Akshara rose to give her last gift of the season. Then, they would lunch.

He blinked, eyes opening wide at her simple pronouncement. Grinning, he turned to look at Torin, who was predictably shocked, and past him to Timon, who was as well.

"Close your mouth, Timon," he muttered through a smile. Then he elbowed Torin in the ribs. "Stand up, boy. Thank the nice lady and take the deed."
word count: 330
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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Torin Kilvin
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The first days of the new year has seen the three of them, Torin, Timon and Aurin wrapped in the generous hospitality that seemed to be the heart of House Leukos. How Torin had ended up with patrons who were the epitome of their class, the young smith did not know, and often marveled at. He might have thought to thank his god, if he'd had one. Then again, he thought as he looked up the table toward where Kala and Kaus sat, perhaps he had thanked his god, or goddess.

It was still strange for him; he'd just gotten comfortable with being genuinely friends, even close friends, with a Lady, then, suddenly, she was lifted even higher. Kala still felt like Kala, stilled acted as herself, and, Torin imagined when he stopped to think of it, the transformation had been likely been as jarring to her as to any one who now knew. It seemed the people of her lands knew, which was some comfort in that he didn't have to fear slipping information that wasn't his to share.

Aurin now being in on all of the secrets that Torin was relieved him a great deal. He was more loyal to his man than to his patrons, but the degrees were close enough to have tugged at his heartstrings and ached in his mind when he'd had to conceal things from either. Not that he was telling Aurin's secrets to the Leukos', but they also weren't asking.

Food and drink filled the tables to groaning under the weight and for once, eating felt as easy as it had before his mind had been attacked. His stomach protested the waiting with so much of the feast already under his eyes, but it was a joyful occasion and he owed politeness to his hosts. Each feast had been begun with thanks and rewards for the many faithful of the fief, but it was a shock when Torin realized that Lady Akshara was speaking to him. He looked first to his sometime mentor Mistress Feada in confusion and then dawning slight horror. Speaking in public was not something Torin had been crafted to do, so he was only at the Aurin's goading that he stood and walked slowly down toward the nobles.

He knew the land that they were giving him, had spent probably too much time there for the time of the year. The idea of owning it nearly brought tears to his eyes and he imagined he looked quite awful enough that Lady Leukos might well change her mind by the time he arrived before her. At least he bowed well, a skill he'd learned from Timon of all people.

For his part, Timon was grinning ear to ear, face still small enough in comparison to his mouth to make the description almost realistic. For all Aurin teased him, he spent more time with Kaus than Torin did with either of the twins and he'd caught hints over the time since the Eclipse blighted the world, that something was in the effing for his master.

The smith rose slowly from his bow, wishing he'd been wise enough to spend some money on finer clothing than the middling level merchant's gear that was his finest.

"My Lady," He said slowly, surprised at how deep and steady his own voice was somehow managing to be, "I thank you." It was the best he could do, and only hoped the awe in his voice made up for his lack of flowery appreciation.
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"You may thank me by kneeling," Akshara said quietly, her voice not extending past Torin and her children. A slight smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, though she did not laugh at him. It would not do to laugh at an honest man for not knowing the rules of courtly etiquette, and House Leukos rarely stood upon much formality here in Starfall.

Aquilios fed him his oath of fealty to be repeated: "I promise on my faith that I will in the future be faithful to the ruler of Starfall, never cause them harm, and will observe my homage to them completely against all persons in good faith and without deceit." The deal had already been struck that allowed Torin to be open with Aurin, and if he had spent any time at all with Aurin, by now he would know that their compact was separate from anything else. He could be a faithful subject to House Leukos; they would not interfere in his personal life any more than the powers that be in Kalzasi would.

When he had complied, Lady Akshara simply said: "I accept."

By now, Torin was well aware that those of House Leukos looked at their leadership role as a stewardship more than anything. Akshara Leukos was promising to care for him and his as much as she might ever demand of him and his. Aquilios handed her a sword, a simple, elegant thing light enough for the weakened woman to hold without her hand shaking.

"We are considered old-fashioned up here in our mountains. While we have many subjects, we have few proper vassals. We are deeding you land, and however you style yourself in the wider world, here you will properly be known as Sir Torin Kilvin, and your peerage will pass down to whatever heirs you may have." She touched the sword to each of his shoulders, then exchanged the sword for the scroll, holding it out for him.

"Here is your deed, Sir Torin. We are pleased to have you among our family."

They didn't require much in the way of speeches from Torin, but certainly all eyes were upon him. It was Feada's voice that boomed out first, a huzzah! followed by many others from other throats, as well as uproarious applause.

Even Timon, who rolled his eyes at Torin more often than not these days, was standing, pounding his foot, and clapping his hands.
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Torin Kilvin
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The smith narrowly avoided looking back over his shoulder to Aurin in his initial confusion. It would have been quite rude to turn his back on Lady Leukos in that moment, and thankfully, Torin had learned at least that much of etiquette. Not knowing what else to do, nor what was happening, he carefully knelt on the floor before the high seat. When Aquilios began reciting an oath for him to repeat the realization finally came to him. To his credit, he was too stunned by the implications to hesitate or protest, speaking the words back as they were stated.

"I promise on my faith that I will in the future be faithful to the ruler of Starfall, never cause them harm, and will observe my homage to them completely against all persons in good faith and without deceit."

The use of faith throughout felt significant and he could not help but glance from Akshara to Kala as he made his vow. Returning his gaze to his new liege Lady he managed to finish the words without breaking from her eyes again. It felt important, however intensely shy he was feeling. Oddly, despite the discomfort being on public display in this way made him, he felt no discomfort either for any other vows he had made, or to make them to the masters of Starfall. Everything about the family and their holdings spoke well of them, and Kala would not allow harm to come to him if she had the power. He believed in those things and had no second thoughts.

He had already been a citizen of Kalzasi; now he had a specific House that could claim his loyalty, the difference wasn't much, and at the same time, for Torin, it felt...

Like a hammer blow. Not in the sense of an attack, but in that of a forge. He'd been struck, and by it, made more whole. The deeding of the land had been a strike, tying him to something concrete in a way his land in the city (which didn't truly belong to him) never had. The oath had been another, giving him not only a group of people above him to whom he owed of himself, but one that he could call on in need. A whole structure of support going both ways as he had craved since he could remember. The title, as it was spoken and literally laid upon his shoulder on the flat of a blade, was the final, ringing stroke of the hammer on what he had been.

Torin had been changing since he'd arrived in the city, but it had been a slow process, as most change is. He hadn't recognized most of the adjustments to his person and personality, but somehow, this moment brought home to him that he was a different man than he'd been walking into Kalzasi for the first time. That boy would have been terrified and overwhelmed, hated what was happening and denied it. But the young man kneeling on the stone floor now felt the weight of responsibility in both directions settling onto his shoulders and it felt...

It felt like a home.

The beginnings of a new shape that he could grow into instead of being repressed by. Unconsciously he shifted his shoulders, his stance, opening himself up so his height and breadth showed true. He usually curled in on himself to disguise both so as to avoid attention, so the change, though also subtle was dramatic in its way. Taking a deep breath, filling his chest as though even he himself had not realized just how much room there really was in it, he reached out and took the offered scroll.

"Thank you, My Lady." His voice was as much surer as his stance, for that moment, at least, and though still humble, the emphasis on the claiming term in his address said he did understand that she was his lady, as he was her vassal. He was not claiming Akshara, but admitting his submission.

Suddenly the hall was filled with shouts of welcome and jubilation and the intensity of the moment was broken. Lowering his eyes again and flushing, Torin was none-the-less grinning wide in wonder (and embarrassment).

Standing he made his way, without tripping over anything, through the feasters, many of whom had risen to their feet to clap him on the back or offer a handshake. Some introduced themselves, these seeming to be the other direct vassals of House Leukos that were present. He thank them for their congratulations but knew he would need lessons, or time, to remember their names. At last he made it to his seat as the eruption died down and he was allowed to sink back between Aurin and Timon.
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Aurin felt a strange sort of pride as Torin became landed gentry. To be sure, Starfall was a remote, isolated little realm and Torin was claiming a remote, isolated valley. They were secretive here, which he could appreciate. He got the sense that now that he had signed a magically binding gag order and Torin had sworn fealty, the size and shape of those secrets would begin to emerge. As a man who loved secrets, he couldn't wait.

The fox knew confidence and braggadocio, but pride in Torin's accomplishments was categorically different. It felt good to have had a hand in helping him up, though the accomplishments were truly Torin's. As the Lady of Stars relaxed her hold on her divine nimbus, it spread out, allowed magic to flow normally, and even though he knew safety was always an illusion, he felt safe. He knew he would feel safe in Torin's valley. He didn't know what to do with that.

But he was beaming like a fool, clapping for Torin as he returned to them, and when the smith sat rather than look at either Aurin or Timon, Aurin sat down, threw his arms around him, and kissed him in congratulations. He had never been so open and careless about his affections.

"Congratulations, my boy," he growled into his ear, arms squeezing him tightly. For a moment, he wished he were as strong as Torin, if only so he could squeeze him harder, condense him down like coal into a diamond with his care.

"Sir Boy," he growled, even softer, so not even Timon could hear it over the conversations around them as the Leukos family sat to break bread with their people. "I am so proud of you."

He nibbled surreptitiously on Torin's ear, then kissed his cheek, hand rough on his shoulder before he slapped him approvingly upon the back. The man turned his body toward his plate. People were serving themselves from trenchers laden with various foods, as much as could be spared given it was unlikely winter would loose its hold upon them until the eclipse was solved.

"Now eat. It's going to take all your strength to settle the land."
word count: 372
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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Torin Kilvin
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Wrapped in Aurin felt safe, even in the tumult that was going on within and without, and Timon's quick hug and warmth on the other side of him, combined to gave him a sense of grounding in a world that suddenly felt unreal.

"Thank you," He said, blushing at the teasing and even at the heartfelt praise. He quite wanted to be alone with Aurin just then, partly to be able to talk out the implications of what had just happened and partly because Aurin showing so much affection in public was giving him feelings that desired very specific expression. There would be time for both later, however, and, despite everything (or perhaps because of it) he found he was starving. Tucking in with intent he let himself be in the moment.

While a large portion of Torin was overwhelmed, another part of him, the builder, was already beginning to unfold a tiny world inside the valley. It helped that he'd already let him imagination wander to what living in such a place might be like in moments when his hands were occupied with work that his mind was not needed for. It had just been a fancy that had taken hold of him when he'd found the place, been enchanted by it's beauty even in the depths of Frost. Now, it seemed, some of it might come to fruition.

He had no realistic idea of what building a house, (let alone a farm, forge, or all else that would be needed to sustain people) might cost, but Aurin would. Maybe even Timon would... The boy had more or less mastered all the math involved in levels of business from local to international and had moved on to learning other things one needed to run a successful merchant empire. Torin glanced him reading books on international tax laws, imports and exports, and other things he understood even less. Sometimes he overheard conversation between his apprentice and his mentor, or his apprentice and his patrons that baffled Torin. He was glad to have so many people around him who understood a much larger picture than he had any interest or natural ability for. Technically he was obligated to keep Timon on as an apprentice until the boy was at least eighteen, but, however small the boy remained, he could likely have already been running his own shop as far as training and knowledge went. Torin had raised his wages to those of a journeyman at the beginning of Frost, feeling it was only fair.

Having Timon, watching him grow and become what he desired to be was one of the most fulfilling things Torin had ever experienced. While he was far from taking credit for most of it, considering his additions to the boy's education to have been almost peripheral, he still felt a pride, comfort, and satisfaction in aiding someone else achieve their dreams. The valley could be used in a similar way. The world was anything but safe or normal of late, and if he could do with his small land as the Leukos' did with theirs; provide a place for people to prosper in safety, it seemed as though it might feel the same as helping Timon had.

He didn't want to profit off the land or the people who might come to live there, he had more money than he knew what to do with as it was, but setting them up to prosper felt right. He could do no better then emulating his patrons... his lieges.

The feast went on, and eventually wound down, guests making their way to their sleeping places. Torin found his was into Aurin's sleeping place and while what they did was certainly engaging it did not involve a lot of talking. It wasn't until the next day, in a quiet moment, that the smith had tentatively brought up the idea of building farms and finding people who deserved them. Once he started it felt like his whole silly fantasy poured out of him; the large forge by the river, the circle of farm houses centering on a common area with a few gathering places, a green, maybe a brewery, a large house for himself and his loved ones when they wanted to be there, or they could each have a place of their own, if they wanted. The idea of making everyone involved comfortable and as well cared for as his intention or money could provide was obvious as he poured his little dream out in language and starry-eyed hope.

He felt a little foolish, like a child playing 'town', but even if Aurin laughed at him, he would let him know how feasible the idea was.
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The people of Starfall soon proved they understood community. Before Torin could even ask, there were people asking about the possibility of helping him settle the valley. They all had valuable skills, as well as martial and magical training per the realm's educational system. Aquilios and Kaus joined Torin, Timon, and Aurin in surveying the land, while the Silver Wings stayed with Kala in Starfall to keep the people safe from the shadows while she was in residence.

Once Aurin knew the slipspace all along the easiest route, he was able to bring others, along with supplies, and the work began. The settlers looked to Torin for leadership, and Aurin gave him good advice: if he didn't know what he wanted or how he wanted to respond, say he would think about it and then they could discuss it privately. Aurin didn't want to undermine Torin's leadership, as even though most of the settlers were around his age, there were a handful of children and elders as well.

Aurin was able to erect dome-shaped wards over all the building sites thanks to the light of Torin's lamps. They would repel the shadows and the worst of the wintry weather so they wouldn't have to spend undue time seeking fuel for their fires. Huntress made friends quickly with the children, and with the adults when she brought a few hares to be cooked in the communal pot.

"If Siv is so good with spirits," Aurin was telling Torin one evening before sleep, "perhaps he can bind a few to the valley. Guardians, you know? Get them invested in the security and production of the valley. The kids'll need all the help they can get this far from Starfall, even though some of their travelers can open portals directly here should things go awry..." He kissed along Torin's neck. "I can send him back the next time I'm in Kalzasi if you don't mind the forge being closed while you're both here. Unless Timon wants to run the shop and get back to the city for a while..."
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The fact that Starfall was a community had been something that the smith was aware of, but it hadn't been a conscious knowledge until others who held titles, or were leaders in that community came to his aid. Wholly without prompting, but very welcome, each offer gave him insight or knowledge into how to step into the role he'd been literally granted.

While most of the questions that Aurin did not know the answers to he could go to Kala with, Torin found himself beginning to ask some of those who had offered advise in the earliest days of his ascension into the lowest ranks of the nobility. A tiny network eventually came into being, organically, made of correspondence and mutual aid. Having grown up in a small country village helped a great deal in itself, as he knew the shapes that a settlement was built around.

The first survey trip that allowed him to more fully understand the scope of the valley and begin to plan for developing it without hindering it's natural beauty of resources. More trips followed, aided my Aurin's ability to take him to his new land whenever he had time to do so. There was timber throughout, land open plains that were yet untouched by plows or herds, and a meandering river that split the valley nearly straight down the middle, north to south. On one trip, as he and Aurin hiked the southern most area they found evidence that might mean there was metal to be mined down below the mountains there. It was something to keep in mind, even though, despite his profession, Torin was not keen on allowing anything so disruptive as a commercial mining operation into the valley.

Glade had arrived, according to the calendar, but the world did not begin to warm. Even this far north and high up, the ground should have begun to thaw, crops would need to be planted as soon as possible, and yet, could not be. The worrying nature of the circumstance, and its seeming connection to the Eclipse were bigger problems than the young smith could have any effect over. He could, however still set people up in a place of safety and stability in a dangerous and unpredictable world.

The plans took up all his spare time and he pulled anyone who was willing to listen into them. Timon threw himself into it as well, seeking out the best suppliers for the goods they couldn't get in the valley itself. Aurin found him excellent crafts people to employ and, by the time the Summoning Stones were ready to be used and had been retrieved workers were ready to step in and begin working the natural timber into lumber for houses, farm buildings and work shops.

Torin felt a little guilty about the luxury of both the house he planned for himself (and his loved ones) and the new Runeforge, powered by the river's flow, but Timon and Aurin reminded him that the lord of the land needed to be a symbol for his people as much as he was a compassionate leader. He accepted this excuse, but prioritized the homes for his new people since he already had a home and a forge that served all his needs.

By the time the large farm houses and outbuildings were nearing completion, with the help of his small circle of advisors, four large families had been chosen to come in and work the land. Actually being able to work the land was another matter. Aurin suggest, and then implemented large negation domes over the areas that would be lived in and planted, but warming them to the point where they could be was another matter.

Torin could afford to, and absolutely would, support and feed the people who had given up their old lives to come work his land, but he would rather they be able to support themselves, as he knew they did. He tried hard not to think about what might happen if the world remained wrapped in Frost so long that there was no food left to buy.

Aurin's suggestion that Sivan might help with his spirits; they performed wonders in the elf's small garden and growing home, offered a solution to the worry. How much magic it would take to bind spirits with enough power to simulate seasons, he did not know, but imagining a place where it was always warm and sunny when it was needed, and the rains came at the right times was such a marvel he determined to ask. He nodded, cuddling back closer to Aurin in their shared bed on the night his fox made the helpful suggestion.

Timon had been eager to get back to the city, to his friends and his job. It seemed he'd formed a close connection with the two members of The Whispered who were his same age. The idea that he could be trusted with the shop alone puffed him up a bit, even as he tried to appear casually confident. So, the plan was made, and, even if Sivan could not help with the spirits, Torin was still eager to show his friend his lands.
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Kala also made several trips to the valley. With the aid of an architect and a builder, she was able to fashion strong foundations for most buildings with her mastery of elemental stone. When thanked, she said she only wished she had been to the Plane of Wood so she could fashion them houses as well. But she had built the strong bones of their buildings: chimneys, steps with enough texture to prevent slipping in inclement weather, and the like. Though Torin would be the leader of this small community, he wasn't alone.

Kaus further explored the valley along with Timon and an illumite lamp.

Aquilios even visited, often with the few other vassals in the small realm, to discuss issues that would face all of them as Kala assured them that spring would not come until the eclipse was solved. She had been to the southron tower, and knew that the others were being seen to. She just couldn't give them a timeline, and so Aurin agreed that his wards and Sivan's spirits would have to do for now. With luck, the valley could be sustainable and even barter for resources and supplies with any surplus they could spare from their magical greenhouses.

"Perhaps," Aurin posited one night with Torin in his arms, "this would be a better place for your... magical orchard. There is more space and it will be more secure than your yard at the forge." He had come to appreciate the people and rulers of Starfall. They had their secrets and kept them. It felt like something he might build if he had centuries to do so, but at least he was peripherally a part of it, his signature given along with his association with the newly noble runesmith.

"To the future, my boy," he murmured into warm blond hair before he fell asleep.
 ! Message from: Hekatos

Experience: 15 XP, available for magic.

Lore: 10

Injuries: N/A

Loot: +1 patent of nobility
+1 Valley of Star and Dew
+4 families

Notes: It finally happened!
word count: 343
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