Boredom and Mischief (Open)

The southern highlands of Ecith, largely undiscovered.

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Destyn was not altogether certain why his reflexive response to the captain's altered scansion was awe, when such things were not uncommon amongst poetical circles, but that was how he reacted in spite of himself. Wide-eyed he listened to the answer posed to his direct query. Now the awe felt more earned, as he came to understand more about his task and its mythic implications.

He'd grown up on tales of the First Tree and his heart swelled with the sudden comprehension that his endeavour, which always felt important albeit in some vague, ethereal way, now bore a colossal gravity hitherto unknown. Moreover, the knowledge that The Duck was hewn of the First Tree's bark lent enlightenment to contextualise the woes over which he'd first bonded with the ship. It was like unto discovering he had unknowingly communed with a god. Having recently done so knowingly with Talon-Arcas, the weight of this was not lost upon him.

As Kynne spoke on, it seemed that he and Imogen were the first to carve out a semblance of clarity from the cryptic. Each of them was on a path... Hers of 'metal' his of 'wood'. As a wooden die rose up from the sands before him, he knelt to pluck it up, allowing it to lay in the palm of his hand as he rose from the ground. His wings flitted ever so slightly, energised by the excitement of all the news of the day.
Boredom and Mischief
word count: 338
“Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?”
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The bookworm settled on the beach with her ankles tucked beneath her form, as the sand cushioned her seat like it always would when she would settle on it. She had much to listen to, much to consider even, when the captain answered everyone in the same tune as before. There came the remark of danger, a hint that something was yet to be revealed. The change in his demeanor puzzled Kayleigh, nevertheless, she observed while the coconut drink rest in her lap.

'The goal, in words thin, find what was done.'

Something correlating to their original purpose with The Duck she concluded, but what exactly he meant by 'what was done' remained cryptic as before. His address to Kaiko all the more perplexed her, though, that did not last for much longer when a glance had been cast at Kayleigh herself. Was it going to be so easy? An inquisitive mind teemed with questions, and with one such as hers, there was no real direction on where to take them. But Kyne's words did not fall on deaf ears tonight, especially when the bookworm herself had a plethora to share.

Destyn's turn had come next, who Kayleigh genuinely smiled toward when she saw him, and after his bit with the rhyming; the Captain had a rather informative bit to the tune he carried. A seed that Destyn had planted elsewhere it seemed, something with a greater purpose that also played a role once before. Kayleigh's eyes widened a bit at the information of this seed, and the story in which Captain Kyne told when sharing it as a whole. It sounded as though everybody present had a chance, an opportunity even, to fulfill some great or destined role presented to each of them.

As a whole, it sounded like a shared group effort, even if some might had to diverge on their own paths. Had Kay not noticed a good number of those from before already gone, she might've figured their paths had already done so in the beginning. With another snap of his fingers and it seemed more doors were appearing, waiting to be opened so that somebody might cross their threshold. The bookworm noticed the door behind her and pondered, for a moment, what exactly she might find if she allowed her mind to give way. Curiosity was a fickle thing, and she currently had several things nagging for her attention now. Dies were created with the blink of an eye, from an array of colored wood, for the ones who had already found their chosen paths.

A pair of plain-colored ones formed from the sand before her then, as Kay breathed deeply before taking another brief sip from her coconut. So in other words, she had not chosen her path yet, her true calling as to why she'd come out here. Was what Kyne offered to her that and more? Or merely a means to guide her to the discoveries she yearned for? A reluctant hand reached down to scoop the die from the sand next to her, before the bookworm rested her cup on the beach to inspect them closely.

"I seek, I yearn, I wish to grow..." She finally started out when Imogen had her bit to say, "But there literally so much that I don't know." The secret of the sea the Orkhan had mentioned was a true part of that nature, an inquiry that burned inside her heart just as the drink warmed her soul.

"From two worlds born, I know I must choose,
But tell me Kyne, what's going to happen when chaos ensues?

I can say with certainty that there is a fear,
but also motivation for knowledge that is oh so dear.
I guess, good captain, is a path littered with truth,
and filled with wonder for a girl with such youth."

She had always lived in a world that feared and spited magic, in every shape or form, and ever since her venture here that had lingered with her. No matter how innate her curiosity drove her, Kayleigh never really found the will or capacity to act on it. From what she understood though there were those present already on their own path, understanding it from a different perspective than the destruction Kayleigh understood. Perhaps it was time for her to finally let that fear of hers go, and no longer distract her from what was really going on in the world around her.

Therefore, after one optimistic glance at the stars, she sighed and held tight the die in her hand.

"I seek to know the powers of old,
Lead me to the mystics, and into the unknown."

Her path would finally be set.

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"Common" "Kathalan"
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Captain Kynne moved to speak, seemingly ready and enthusiastic to continue this game of rhyme and verse, when Yeva's words, unheard by the rest, stopped him, his face an emotional test. Surprise, wonder, annoyance and shame, jesting and besting, and love all the same crossed that visage of his until something in the air changed around them.

"I would've thought the smart one would solve that riddle, but it seems they couldn't be bothered to show up to the party today. Seems I owe a lemur a few silvers now."

He looked over at Yeva that none of the others can see, though his words would be heard by all, "But it seems you've cracked the mystery of the host of this adventure. And for that, a reward simple. For during the rest of this collaboration, you can choose how the rest may perceive you. I do not have the power to pull you through fully myself, but a voice, an image, a scent or taste or touch I can manage. Once you've made your choice, it will start."

He looked back at the rest of the group, first to Imogen, "Well it seems that Syren is not among you and is not interested in my latest attempt at seducing her. Been chasing those skirts for years." He chuckled lightly to himself, "Plainly spoken though I suppose it is time to put some skin in the game."

Eyes locking on Imogen's own, holding her stare regardless of her drunkenness, "My purse is bountiful, know this to be true. Picking a favorite secret is difficult, for I have two. One I give to you as reward for putting up with me, it is rather exhausting. I must do so all the time, for millennia now. Secret the first, is a city of gold, leftovers of a people long gone, that hides in the seas and the skies at the same time, and only the finest sailor can hope to find it. I left my mark there but gold only interests my favorite drinking buddy in Cathena. Secret the second is one I've learned but not managed to uncover fully, for she's a tricky one. If you can survive sailing east long enough, you'll reach a storm, an understatement really, that is so large it cannot be sailed around. I believe it larger than all of Ailizane, and I believe that it holds secrets far greater than a mere demigod like myself can uncover alone, even if I'm the greatest sailor in the world. Probably. Of the seas mind you, I've heard there's a Sky Sailor out of Zaichaer that really is up and coming."

A sly grin, "Help to complete these paths, and I'll escort you personally to the first, and should you ever pursue the second, myself and the Duck are yours."

His gaze passed from Imogen to Kaiko. He held the stare for a while, then his face grew annoyed and he huffed, "Fine, if you don't want in on the fun, speak plainly." He grouched and grumped, "Children are so stubborn sometimes."

Passing his gaze over to Destyn he smiled softly, the young Fae might be able to see the love and loss and heartache in the demigod's eyes, "You carry her eyes, and her wonderful curiosity. I wish you the best of luck on your Path. Let your friends, old and new, help you."

His eyes sidled over to the bookworm, he smiled, "As a child of Chaos, the whole point is to not know what will happen. To know all that will is to lose so much of what makes you mortals, and us slightly less mortals, so magical, so interesting, so special. Chaos exists to balance out the chains of Order. Without one, the other will destroy. As for your desire," his eyes glinted and his smirk grew, and Kayleigh would feel the sand beneath her butt grow a bit more dense and uncomfortable. "You've long lived out fantasies and worlds in the books you love so dear. The Duck has now given you one to make fantasy into reality. If you're clever enough, that is." He looked to move on, before pausing, "Did you enjoy the book I wrote? I drew those pictures you and the Orkhan lass were drooling over."

His hands came up, a common gesture of openness and good will, "I have spoken the truth, and should I be lying now, may He smite me down, yet again. I have told all of you truths, all of this time, even if they felt like lies, were unhelpful, or downright ridiculous. Figure out the secrets here," he glanced at Imogen, "Find yourselves," his eyes passing over Kaiko, "Ease the Suffering," as glanced at Yeva, "Grow your family," as he winked at Destyn, "And become who you wish to be,"
as he settled on Kayleigh. "I can bury a mountain in mortal treasures if you so wish, should you help with this. But some things are simply more important than tricks, than treasure, than anger and frustration and deep, dark revenge, are more important than the trees of this world and more important than us gods meant to steward it."

He cast his eyes around to each member of the group now.

"Find what that is for me, and you will know what that is for you, and you will have the strength to never have it taken from you as it was from me."

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Vhexur looked at her with an unreadable expression. She did not understand what he spoke of regarding a lost bet to a lemur, and was unsure if he insulted her intelligence, but she clearly understood the second reveal. She had cracked the riddle of the host - him - and the hand she had held the dice with withdrew in a flash, her closed fist to press against her gasping lips, "Really?" she inquired, wishing very much to believe his reward, "Do you promise?" So much hope poured from the woman, Yeva felt her eyes begin to mist. Others around her began to react, hearing how he spoke to her now. Her heart began to pound so suddenly, she wasn't sure if she wanted to jump or cry or dance. She felt breathless, and it did not matter that she spoke openly now to the demigod of lies. She wanted so terribly to believe him, nothing else really mattered other than this chance.

Yeva did not know how long she had been trapped in the Astral Sea, but she had already travelled thousands of memories, moments in time, it was beginning to feel like an eternity. An eternity without anyone else... What a lonely existence, "Touch," she nearly shouted from the sidelines, scrambling to tuck the dice into the pouch that hung at her waist. Her fingers fumbled with the drawstring and the cubes nestled among her cards, "I want Touch!"

Her voice carried in the background, the veil between worlds, and yet, as secrets were shared, Yeva felt a small weight, the sinking of herself into the sands, and looked down to see that she now left two footprints where she stood. Her toes curled and the sand shifted. Her mouth dropped and she jumped, bits of grit casting into the air, this time to be seen by all. She felt choked, leaping over to throw her arms around the Captain, "Thank you! Thank you, thank you!" he was impossible to understand half the time, fickle as the wind, and yet in that moment, he had given her a great gift. In her mirth, and with the first tears falling from her eyes, she kissed his cheek, dancing away to pick up great fistfuls of sand and throw it like confetti into the air.

There was so much revealed and yet so much to do. How long would this last?

Yeva had to move quickly. Those here she did not know well, and yet she made her away around the group, her footprints in the sand following her as she went. She wiped her face, all smiles as she tentaviely reach out to Kayleigh, brushing her hand against the scholar's, stepping back to observe the reaction. I am here.

The Seer moved one by one, tapping shoulders, touching hands, placing a palm on another's back as she moved around the group. Some would react strangely, and likely would not even know who was present. But that did not matter. Once the Captain had finished speaking, she needed their attention, for she had a very important concern weighing on her heart. Grabbing at her coconut again, Yeva observed the doors and drank deeply once more, this time in celebration. Then, stepping away from the group to a clear spot on the beach, she sat and used her finger to write in the sand.

N - O - R - A - N- I -?

She looked up, over her shoulder to see if any had noticed her writings. They could not hear her, and yet she spoke anyway, seeking their faces for answers, "Where is she?"

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The revelation of Kynne's identity didn't phase Imogen, though scholars debate to this day whether this is because of her cool head and stout heart or because she was so drunk that she didn't consider the implications of being in the presence of Happenstance. She did seem a little bit smug about having won the rhyming battle--it was a very traditional pastime for warriors drunk off their assses, after all--and so ventured to give him advice:

"Seduce Syren with song?" Imogen had never met the goddess, although she had heard her perform, but she was still positive that this was wrong, "Captain, surely you know that nobody hates music like a musician."

The witch listened, bemused, as the god revealed his two secrets. "Between the sea and sky, huh. Like what's hidden between the day and dusk, or the hidden between this world and another. Seems like the first place anyone thinks to hide their treasure is between other things." She seemed almost more interested in that than in the promise of fabulous wealth, though she filed that fact away, too, for consideration by her sober mind.

The second secret, however, caused her brow to furrow. She seemed almost upset by the news. In her memory, she heard the old words:

Storms in rivalry are raging
From sea to land
From land to sea
In frenzy forge the world a girdle
From which no inmost part is free

But she made no remark, except to stare at Kynne for a moment, mouth pursed. After a moment, she spoke: "Well, asked and answered, thanks."

Imogen sat back, listening half-heartedly as Vhexur spoke to the rest of the erstwhile crew, still apparently lost in thought about something. She did not react to the ghostly tap, apparently not yet having put together the connection between the Captain's words and Yeva's disappearance. Well, she'd never met Yeva, and was bad enough at keeping names and faces straight for those who she knew and who had names and faces. Truly, the Unknown had a very able ally in Imogen Ward's memory.

But when the letters appeared on the beachfront, Imogen watched them with interest, brows knotting together as they formed a name:

N - O - R - A - N - I

"Norani..." the witch muttered, "Yes, she said she had a special friend from Zaichaer, didn't she? When was that...?"

Without warning, fanfare or explanation, Imogen materialized her zweihander and stuck it into the sand until the blade was buried halfway. The sword barely wobbled as she released it, so thick was the blade, and the surf bubbled beneath the heat of the silver flames limning it. Imogen reached into the air, physically pushing through the veil, and dug around for a moment, looking perplexed. A second later, she bit back a swear and withdrew her hand, clutching a large metal ant, which itself was biting into the skin of her finger. She ripped it out of her own flesh with an annoyed hiss, then placed it on top of her sword. The ant scuttled about in circles, looking for a way down, but did not dare to approach the nova-flame.

"That was it. Yes. She was here, excited to see the land and practice her elementalism, and then she was gone. But I remember her, so she wasn't taken."

The drunken witch mused more on that. She didn't know where Norani had gone, of course, but that didn't mean she had no answer. "Only two real directions. North, to the jungles, then the mountains, then the desert beyond. Or south." Imogen didn't know what happened if you went south. Maybe the sea went on forever? Maybe you wrapped back around and found yourself in Lake Udon? She'd asked some of the seagulls once, out of curiosity, but she hadn't managed to get them to understand the question.

"Well, not to worry. I told her to call on me if there was trouble and she hasn't, so there mustn't be." The ork seemed unaccountably satisfied by that spurious logic.

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Captain Kynne seemed to respond to an unspoken statement as he looked off toward no one in particular, despite the several people in their gathering. Destyn furrowed his brow in bemusement, and he might have posed a question about whom 'the smart one' was (though he suspected it was Avamande, because Destyn deemed them very clever) and what this 'riddle' was. The captain seemed very fond of riddles and games. He was whimsical, and brought out parts of Destyn he'd tried to suppress since they got his clan into mortal trouble. Once he'd been a mischief maker himself, but the cost had been dire... This trip was the first time he felt the pull of the prank once more.

At his subsequent comments, Destyn surmised he may have been talking to someone the rest of them couldn't see. Perhaps they were trapped in that state, because he seemed to be offering some sort of conduit via which to be noticed by the others.

As Kynne spoke to Imogen, Destyn tried to listen. He really did. He knew the captain was important to their mission and to The Duck, but sometimes he spoke at length on matters beyond Destyn. He wasn't very worldly or well-read, and his frame of reference was provincial and specific to a small subgroup of a scattered people. So, with all that said, he sort of zoned out until one little tidbit was leaked. His eyes snapped to the nearest person,

"He's a de-..." Finding it was Kaiko, his eyes snapped to the subject of his surprise, "You're a demi-god?!" He gaped, wide-eyed. This was the second of that ilk who'd altered his life. Arcas had saved his body, and this one... whoever it was, for Destyn dared not venture a guess... was feeding his soul.

He squinted the eyes Kynne referenced when he was addressed.

"Who, though?" He pouted, his gaze trailing downward where, eventually, he saw the sands parting, seemingly of their own volition! With gaping eyes he pointed as they started to form character. "G-g-g-g-g-ghost!" He exclaimed in a high pitched yelp.

Boredom and Mischief
word count: 452
“Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?”
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Kaiko could feel the presence of someone. And when she did she felt a little less sad. But when the captain so blatantly called her a stubborn child she gleaned back as she wanted her turn to speak. And she would give an answer the best she could without screaming.

“I came to help the duck. I came to escape loss. I came for an adventure that is song worthy. And yet we are here without guidance. We are simply surviving if you can say that. People are disappearing left and right. And yet you talk of more adventures and legends. I can't go in the water without the squid eating me and land living is not for a sea slug like me. I Want to help but I don't know what paths there are to choose from. And forgive me for not rhyming. I have not slept since the eclipse started.”

Honestly the realization that he was a god did not help at all. It kinda enraged her more. A god should have helped them before the shadows became a problem. Kaiko would have a grumpy look on her face as Dragonfly boy almost talked to her. He was her but she did not actually like him. Most of the people she liked were gone. When she noticed the word she again felt sad.

“I wish she was here. I don't know where she went or I would have gone with her. At least then I would know what to do to help a friend.” Kaiko said. She gleaned at the god for a moment before she downed the drink and ripped the cup in half to start eating its white flesh, she would offer one half to the otter who would smell it then turn away
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Kayleigh listened closely as Captain Kyne continued to rapport on the group's different takes, as she grew a little curious as to who exactly he meant by 'the smart one' out of those gathered. She knew a bit about Avamande to refer him in that regard, namely, because he was one of the several who hadn't shown or lingered on the beach here for too long. Quite a few people had either left or simply disappeared, and with the doors that were present, it was hard to imagine why Kayliegh herself didn't want to do the same.

More importantly, though, who solved what riddle just now? And what were these secrets that Kyne started going on about? More riddles? Between the amount of thinking and, probably, the rum she had drank as is; her mind started to spin from the questions that rose in turn. When it came to her being addressed, however, the shift of sand beneath her prompted the lady to stir and shift a bit. Her living in the fantasies of her own books?! The gall! She almost wanted to look offended, but instead, rested her coconut drink aside to adjust her legs a bit.

When she tucked both of them beneath her for more comfort in the sand, he then inquired about the book which she was shown aboard the Duck. The very one that Norani had shown her when they first met, when the poor girl found herself flushed at the cheeks over such vivid detail. The startling realization brought back such a reaction from her, mixed with a look of sheer surprise that almost matched her feigned revulsion. "Ever the artist, good Captain." The bookworm murmured as she looked away for a bit, allowing the blush in her cheeks to recede as she listened to everyone else.

Clearly, she had a decision to make tonight. Despite how she felt there was some merit to everything she heard, even with the riddled secrets that Kyne did share. In her moment of introspection, however, Kayleigh noticed the placement of footprints within the sand. Strangely she didn't recall seeing them there before, and the sand literally shifted as though someone invisible stood there now. Soon after, sand started to fly into the air, leading Kay to cover her mug from the tiny grains which rained down around her.

Someone else had figured something out about the good Captain it seemed, and now they were interacting with the world from somewhere else. Kayleigh barely understood it, but somehow, the sensation of another's touch brought her to briefly gasp in awe. What sort of magic was this? Truthfully, she wanted to understand but it remained beyond her, but even so, her lips turned into a soft smile as she looked around her form. Following the line of footsteps in the direction they followed, she wanted to know who this person was exactly. Why she couldn't see this individual was also an important question, with that aside though, it seemed there was yet another question to be had.

Norani's name had been written in the sand, leading everyone else to ponder the inquiry, once those like Destyn weren't baffled by the presence of the invisible visitor. "I've not seen her since we landed here..." The girl muttered to herself before hearing what Imogen had to say, a little more at ease knowing that the Orkhan was out there somewhere on her own path. Kayleigh had been at least very amused with the Fae's claim that a ghost was present though, and looked about to guess at where the individual might've stood.

"I'm sorry there isn't more to go on, but, I'd like to help out in any way I can." She confirmed with a heartfelt smile, along with a look back to her trunk of belongings underneath the tented canopy still in place. The bookworm wondered if she might've had any writing utensils, as there should've at least been one or two empty books for her to write in. What Kynne had said didn't entirely motivate her, then again, that wasn't at all the point he was trying to make. If she wanted to learn, to discover what the unknown was, then she needed to take that plunge herself then.

"I guess my research starts here then." She finally caved with a sigh, the coconut beneath her hand lifted so that she might sip from it once more, and the door which rested behind her no longer an afterthought as she started up at the black orb in the sky. It had been rather dreary since that damnable thing appeared, but she hoped that one day the sun would return, and that shadows would no longer threaten their little slice of 'paradise'.

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"Common" "Kathalan"
Last edited by Kayleigh on Mon Aug 07, 2023 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 836
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He smiled at Yeva's joy, at being noticed again. The exuberance of the Seer-to-be reminded him of Her. Maybe he'd be lucky enough for her to hug him as Yeva was doing now. As the redhead danced around her companions, he sent forth a whisper, "This reprieve will last until the stars come out. Enjoy."

Looking over at Imogen, "I've been trying for so long now, she'd grow concerned if I stopped with sending her poems and songs." A smirk, "Although that might get her attention..."

Chuckling as Destyn squealed about the ghost, "You should've seen her before she went south, certainly pale enough to be confused for a ghost." A twinkle in his eye, an upturn of a playful smirk, "Complete your path and they will make themselves known to you."

The captain sauntered over toward Kaiko, plopping himself next to her, guzzling from his ever refilling coconut. "Look lass, you're of the seas. You've learned at a young age that the seas are harsh, they are vast, and they can be lonely. Simply surviving this long is a feat of itself." He gestured around them with his coconut, sloshing the incredibly strong cocktail into the sand a bit, "What is important to you? Or whom?"

He pointed at the invisible Yeva, "She's chasing the stars in her eyes and the star in her heart, a fireball soaring across the sky." Toward Imogen, "Seeking self improvement and understanding and the hand of a saucy little lass." At Destyn, "Friendship, family, and love." At Kayleigh, "Knowledge unfettered."

He looked directly at Kaiko, "A path will appear to you once you've figure out what you want from this mortal life. You carve your own path in this world by your desires and needs." Then he gestured wide to the entire group, "Plenty of help can be found, if one asks." Then a smirk, "As for the squid, have you tried asking it nicely to leave you alone? Or to help you out?"

Then he looked over toward a door that stood behind none. He frowned. He could feel that that door would not open, not from either way. The Duck had summoned it, but even she couldn't reach everywhere. He watched as a brightly colored hummingbird, flew over to investigate the door, little arcs of electricity zipping around it as it flitted about.

The captain leaned back on a single arm, drinking from his coconut, watching the little bird, then cast his gaze out to sea, dark clouds beginning to form there. "Well what are the odds...?"

 ! Message from: Aegis
You all may continue to post to your heart's content. I will only continue with Vhexur if he's asked something direct or other similar actions. I may reply with a mod note in your post so you may continue on, or a full post as normal. When everyone has agreed upon an ending point, I will review. Enjoy!
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The reactions of others to her presence were quite varied.


The redhead twisted to watch Destyn scream in horror and the very sight sent her into a fit of giggles, "Not a ghost," she managed, clutching her side. He was so genuinely concerned, "Just Yeva. Oh, don't be scared." After a pause to compose herself and allow him a reaction, she smirked. One word sculpted into the sand, B-O-O. ♥

Yeva practically buzzed where she was crouched, eyes jumping to each of participant of the little gathering, rolling sand granules between her fingers in anticipation. A pretty orc spoke first, her dark brows furrowing in evident thought. Imogen's voice was low, muttered more to herself, but picking up as she tried to call forth memory, "...she said she had a special friend from Zaichaer, didn't she?"

Vhexur was the only one that would hear her, and yet it mattered not to the elf. She spoke on impulse. Her excitement was too great, "That's me! I'm the special friend!"

Yeva leapt up, jumping towards Imogen. She was bright and smiling, warmed by the mention. Norani told others of her? The Seer looked back in time to see a strange blade arcing in her direction, and the early fluttering of butterflies in her stomach was cut down in unison. Yeva went yelping and scrambling backwards as the orc swung her blade and buried it in the sand with ease. In seconds, a metallic ant was being carved free and she stared in horror.

"That was it. Yes. She was here, excited to see the land and practice her elementalism, and then she was gone. But I remember her, so she wasn't taken."

Sand shifted as she hurried away, and shortly after, a new word quickly scratched itself for those to see. Her heart was still pounding, but for new reason: C-A-R-E-F-U-L!

She eyed Imogen carefully now, but considered what she had said. So... Norani had left some time ago. North or south.

That wasn't very helpful, was it? Yeva was frowning now, afraid Norani might have been looking for her, but Imogen rationalized her throught process, reassuring any fear of Norani's fate. The Seer wasn't so convinced and chewed the skin of her bottom lip until it stung.

Kaiko spoke up now, “I wish she was here. I don't know where she went or I would have gone with her. At least then I would know what to do to help a friend.”

The Rathari had clearly been having a rough go of it. She hadn't slept since the eclipse started? Yeva looked back to the sky, suddenly more curious about the phenomena than she had been. So many strange things happened in the astral sea. How long had it been this way? How long had she been gone?

The morning that Galetira had found her, the sun had been shining brightly. She remembered the strange shadow that had fallen over her when she had been bathing near the stream, and how the strange breeze of warning sent her racing to the hut she shared with Norani to grab a weapon she did not know how to use.

I should have been here, Yeva thought, the taste of metal rising to her lip. Kaiko did not have direction, she needed guidance. If they had a Seer... maybe....

Yeva looked to Vhexur, shaking her head. Kayleigh, who had looked flustered - a sentiment she clearly understood - mumbled a strange compliment tried to answer the inquiry of Norani as well, after the others had spoken, "I've not seen her since we landed here..."

Really? "...but, I'd like to help out in any way I can."


Yeva sighed, trying not to lose hope as she began to pace. Her balance felt off. The drinks and the speed of which she drank them might have started to affect her more than she initially believed. North or south? So many pathways and doors. This day was a maze, in more ways than one. Her stomach was a warming oven filled with coals, but she went to retrieve her coconut for another sip.

Strangely, a hummingbird flitted in her vision and Yeva stilled.

Dark clouds were forming, but she could not pull her eyes away from the colorful avian that darted with electricity under its wings. Her own palm pressed against the tattoo on her skin and thunder rumbled in the distance.

Without a single care, Vhexur, demigod and local hellion of this expedition, spoke easily, lounging now. The words echoed to the Seer, who could feel something more than a storm on the horizon. She stepped towards the water.

"...What are the odds...?"

Maybe it was fate.
word count: 830
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