A Tower for Learning

Wherein Kala seeks answers in the broken tower to the south.

Travelers beware, the unprepared are quickly lost to these towering rocky sentinels of the North.

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Kala Leukos
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If only Lyren would respond to her call...

Venetia's didactic tone didn't bother Kala, who had spent her life with tutors and then professors and other masters of various crafts and studies. Asallon took out a little leatherbound notebook and began to take notes, however. He was keen to use the archives with his lady's clout, and she was only too happy for him to take notes for later discussion. For her part, she was listening, but also meditating upon the patterns with her mind and her magic.

If only Naori would respond to her call...

But the Gods helped those who helped themselves, and she didn't suppose she was above that adage. Her eyes followed Venetia's direction; the woman obviously knew more than she did on this subject. Keeping her mind clear and open was necessary as well. They didn't want to fall into one rut of thinking, after all. That was no way to solve a problem.

"To every action, there is always opposed an equal reaction; or, the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts." She had paid attention in physics, mostly to understand flight and how magical energies followed similar rules as more mundane energies. It seemed the Vastian scholar hadn't invented the idea. Then Kala fell silent and let Venetia ruminate as well. There was no sense getting her hopes up when Kala wasn't sure she could reach the dragon she knew.

But she could feel the stars here, and she could sense the Aetherium. She didn't know if Nessena remained in Atoria or swam through the dark places or hunted in Ransera. All she could do was reach out, and see.

Sena? Perhaps someday they would share a Coalescence and could reach farther for each other, but it would be presumptuous to ask. All the same, she hoped the young dragon would hear her. If nothing else, Kala needed someone to teach her draconic so she could fully decipher Garel's grimoire.

It occurred to her then that she did know one other dragon—apart from Aoren, who might or might not speak the language—and she tried him as well. Nessena's many times great-grandsire was ancient and powerful and would, perhaps, be able to hear her more easily than the hatchling.

Lord Somavion? Lord Scythe-Keeper. Nessena. If you can hear me, I am investigating the southron tower that appeared with the eclipse. I have need of draconic aid.
word count: 426
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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At first there was silence but then there came a stirring in the winds. The relic bestowed upon her by the Ara of Midnight Mourning became warm. A breeze that fluttered over the needles of the pine trees that surrounded the lake. It was followed by the flapping of wings. Over the tops of the trees a large shape appeared. Scales as black as midnight and a long reptilian form that was as graceful as it was powerful. A black dragon soared through the air until it came to hover at the edge of the island upon which the tower stood. Familiar eyes stared at Kala before the dragon lowered herself onto the ground. The dragon Nessena extended her neck until her snout came to press against Kala’s stomach. A calm, cool voice entered the young demigoddess’ thoughts.

I have come Starlight.

Nessena flapped her wings then folded them upon her back. She had grown since the last time that Kala had seen her.

Tell me your troubles.

Venetia was staring at Nessena with open wonder, clearly as awed by dragons as anyone else. She was clutching her staff with both hands with a look of such open longing that it was shocking to see on the face of the otherwise enigmatic woman. She quickly composed herself then looked to Kala.

“You keep very interesting company, Lady Kala.”

word count: 257
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Kala Leukos
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If Kala remained serene, it hid a surge of joy when she felt Nessena's approach, as well as a flicker of satisfaction at Venetia's reaction. She had grown up chronically underestimated, and while she had meditated until the chip on her shoulder fell away, there were still hints of validation that she enjoyed.

At the nudge to her belly, her hands came up to caress the dragon's face. A loose embrace conveyed her affection without entrapping her. Kala hoped that she would eventually get to spend enough time with the dragon to learn how to make her purr like a housecat, but so far, there meetings had been far too brief.

"She was smaller than I was when we first met," she said, amused and nostalgic. "But Lady Saedene wouldn't let me keep her."

Kaus laughed. He and the other Avialae bowed respectfully toward her, but Asallon knelt. That his Lady could call a dragon to aid her only further solidifed his faith; it was strange how she could pass herself off as a normal woman when she was anything but.

"Thank you for coming, little one," she said, then she laughed. "If only I had grown as you have." I wish you would visit more often so you could teach me the tongue of your people, the better to decipher the Necromancer's grimoire, but for the time being... "We need your help to decipher the draconic here so we can unlock the Elliador Gate and get to the bottom of this eclipse. The pictographs themselves I can decipher... and I see the logic to the geometry... but I don't want to complete the glyphs armed only with educated guesses."

Perhaps when things calmed down, she would be able to spend time lounging and learning with Wraeden's young dragon, or taking to the air and flying together, but they might both be ancient by the time things calmed down. There was too much work to be done. Perhaps that was why Mother Naori had armed her with a spark of the divine. First Arcas reborn in Talon, then Kala, and then Rickter—clearly the Dragon King and the Masked Queen felt the mortals needed more demigods walking among them for the times ahead.
word count: 380
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Nessena nuzzled gently before withdrawing her snout to peer at Kala as she spoke both mentally and verbally.

We all have our tasks, young goddess. The Grimlord has had his work increased tenfold in days of late.

That was all the black dragon said but it was enough. Nessena regarded those around her with her typical curiosity before observing the Elliador Gate. The dragon’s eyes went unfocused for a moment as she crept forward, tail gently swishing back and forth, the tip twitching in catlike curiosity. After a long pause, Nessena quirked her head.

Have you crossed the final threshold, Starlight?

Swinging her head back around, the dragon regarded Kala and snorted.

No. You have not. To open this door, you will need the help of one who can cross the threshold that divides mortals from gods. To wield the Old Magic. To put it simply, you must be able to unite this plane… One of Nessena’s wings swepts upwards, gesturing to everything that was around them. ...with its reflection. Unity woven beneath darkness and starlight to move this mirror into the prime material realm. Only then will you be presented with the symbols needed to unlock the door.

Nessena sat back from the doorway.

I am afraid that is not something I can do, Starlight.

word count: 246
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Kala Leukos
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Kala allowed herself a sigh of frustration. The boys looked on patiently, to varying degrees aware of her emotional state and thoughts depending upon the depth of their bond with her. Venetia, at least for the time being, was silent as the young lady communed with her draconic friend.

"She says," Kala explained for the others, translating as best she could, "that it will require archmagic or, perhaps, reach the Aetherium...? To reveal the key."

The young goddess considered her options. Naori might answer her call for aid, but the Great Goddess was likely burdened with unknowable responsibilities at all times and Kala felt guilty at the thought of running to her whenever she couldn't figure something out on her own. It felt unworthy of one who had been given so much. She could pray to Talon, but she didn't know if he was free to come or if he was still in the power of whomever had kidnapped him. Aoren hadn't told her the details of his imprisonment and she had been too polite to ask. Through Marda Ahtivin, she had a link to Ioniri, who had witnessed her divinity and welcomed her, agreeing to keep things under wraps while she got her proverbial feet under her.

She considered, not sure how to read the look in Nessena's eyes.

With another sigh, she knelt, and began to meditate. This was old hats to her and it didn't take long to still her mind. There were several threads that connected to her now, not only Kaus'. The thinnest one was the farthest stretched, but she reached out across it to Marda, a priestess of Ioniri. Back in Kalzasi, the woman likely felt a touch like feathers upon her, not nearly so strong as her bond with the Drægir. Kala felt understanding, and through the tenuous link, she could feel the priestess praying alongside her—leagues and leagues away.

Sister Ioniri, I seek to remedy this shadowy disease upon the land. I cannot safely open the gate into the southron tower without archmagic. Will you aid me in my quest?

For all the power she had been given, it rankled that she was still fraught with impediments. But she was also Unity, and it seemed fitting to seek aid in her quests.
word count: 387
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Reaching out across the distance of one plane to another was no easy feat, the lesser Bond that Kala shared with Mother Ahtivin allowed no such translation of thought to the Demigoddess of Healing. But there came an answer nevertheless.

And how shall you use that power, Young One?

His voice held within it the gentle warmth of a man giving needed comfort. At first, his silhouette was a pitch blackness against the backdrop of the midnight sky. Where his eyes should have been, burned two red stars that soon illuminated a handsome face. He appeared no taller than Kaus might have been but his build was solid, giving the impression that there was an immovable steadiness to him. His hair was long, with the dark black strands flowing gently in an unseen wind. There was a preternatural stillness to his form. Unmoving. Unshakable. Eternal. He was dressed in varying shades of black and grey with but one exception in the form of golden scaled bracers wrapped around his muscular forearms. Immediately, for any who looked into his eyes, they would be visited by the ghost of but one of their possible deaths or, in the case of the neverending, the long road that was the burden of immortals.

Nessena bowed, extending her neck to press her head against his chest. The man ran a hand over her scales.

You honor us, Grimlord.

Wraedan, the Dragon God of Death, pressed his brow to Nessena’s. His eyes closed briefly before opening to turn that molten gaze upon Kala.

Nessena.” There was a soft admonishment in his voice. The dragon flinched and drew back to sit on her haunches. She hung her head, looking very much the part of a child about to be scolded by her elder. Wraedan looked from her to those gathered. Venetia was white as a sheet. She slowly lowered herself onto the ground, setting her staff down and adopted a reverent pose which she remained in stiffly. Wraedan narrowed his eyes slightly at her prompting an even greater stiffness in her body but he otherwise made no further acknowledgement of her. He turned his attention to Kala.

I have no desire to see you walk into my embrace so soon, Young One. Nessena is correct. What she overlooked, however, was the toll such an act would exact upon you in your current state.” If a dragon could look embarrassed, Nessena certainly did. Wraedan looked at her and there was an apparent fondness in his gaze.

She is strong, Grandsire.

Wraedan nodded.

Yes. She is.” He slow blinked at Kala, not an ounce of disagreement with that statement. “But this is not a matter of strength. It is a matter of dominion.

Wraedan folded his arms over his chest, still staring at Kala with inhuman steadiness.

Do you know how to use it, this power you asked for? Do you know how to use the power you have?

word count: 519
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Kala Leukos
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Her stomach roiled; no, not that—the sensation was not physical, not exactly. Death was nigh, and He did not wear a mask to shield them, not as Naori had done. For an eternal instant, Kala experienced life eternal with half her heart cut out, Kaus' ashes scattered to the winds like prayer flags, and with him dying what remained of her mortality. Unity could be a sin. Anything could be twisted, perverted. She might become a blessing or a curse: there was potential for both. At the same time, she experienced Kaus' death throes through their bond, his heart pierced by a Kathar blade as the slaves of the Obelisk devoured his sister. Thankfully, her bonds with the others were not so deep else she would have had to experience too much even for her strong mind to bear at once.

Ceran cried out. They all of them fell to their knees. The bauble at Kala's wrist shone fit to burst at the presence of Saedene's Master.

It was said that dead Nazam was the son of the Nightlord; she felt a tremor run through her. She had impossible shoes to fill.

"I do not seek power, Nightlord," she protested. She never had. Wings and divinity had come without her asking, attached to strings and responsibilities and quests. Of course, she would give her utmost to see them through. "I seek only to plumb the secrets of this tower, to put an end to the unnatural eclipse that threatens my people with unending cold and hunger. If it is Your will that we fall into Your embrace so soon, then my efforts will come to naught. Until then, I can but try to improve the world to the best of my abilities."

She was aware of Ceran's pain, heard him attempting mightily to stifle his tears. Indric's hand was upon his shoulder as they continued to kneel before the reaper of souls. She would have to embrace him, help him through whatever trauma he had just experienced while processing her own. If they required her to live forever without Kaus, she would figure out a way to do so, but she knew it would be a bleeding wound for longer than she cared to imagine.

While Garel had gifted her with his grimoire, divinity had not come with a textbook. Even the Necromancer's text had come in a language she wasn't sure how long it would take to master. Perhaps she was asking for power without realizing it; knowledge could be power, access to whatever lay within the tower could be power.

"I suppose..." she ventured, knowing she had to be honest with herself if she was to be honest with the God, "I seek the power to end the eclipse, Dark Lord. No power to keep for myself."
word count: 476
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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He offered no judgement of her in his countenance. Death was no judge of those who lived. He was the Shepherd. He was the inevitable end to a journey that even the divines were sometimes forced to contend with. If he had thoughts regarding Kala’s mantling of the dominion that his son once held, he revealed none of them. His appearance, however, might have been a sliver of insight into those thoughts in and of itself. He turned his gaze skyward, face softening as he regarded the light of the stars.

Power consumes.” He turned his attention back to Kala. “Strength provides.

He walked forward. Where his boots touched upon the earth, the dirt became ashen and grey and as he passed by those same places, droplets of golden dust fell from the bracers around his forearms restoring that which had died to life. He walked until he was but a pace away from her then extended his hand. Should Kala take it, as soon as she touched his skin it was surprisingly warm. Immediately a weakness would flow through that was soon banished as a flake of golden dust from the bracers drifted lightly over to her. The touch of Wraedan would feel oddly familiar. Like the guiding hand of a companion that was forever by one’s side. For in some way, Wraedan walked with all of those who lived, waiting for the inevitable day that he would walk them across the threshold from the realm of the living into the realms that awaited the dead.

Gently he walked both of them forward until they stood directly in front of the Elliador Gate.

Have you decided what Unity means?” He looked at her quizzically.

word count: 315
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Kala Leukos
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"As you say, my Lord," she acknowledged. "I seek strength to provide, to succor, and to protect."

The grace of Raella seemed bound in His bracers, renewing life where His movements ended it. There was fear in her heart when she took His hand, but she was resolute. If she did not do this, who would? Few were as well equipped as she to tackle such monumental problems. She would be a poor demigod if she made no effort. She rose when He took her hand, feeling her knees almost go out from under her until the golden light suffused her.

Even Kaus seemed to fade into the background of her mind as the Grimlord took up the breadth of her awareness. She worried He was saying too much, that Venetia would learn her secret. But she would not defy Him, and if the woman figured things out and spread that information before Kala was ready, she would adapt. These towers were too pernicious to be allowed their effects upon the world, and that was more important than her safety.

He asked a question she still wasn't prepared to answer. She could feel it even as she could feel the heartbeats of the stars; it was not something she knew how to articulate.

A hand rose to her breast as she dared make eye contact with Him.

"Unity is where I cannot tell where I end and Kaus begins. It is the Coalescence of Atoria, where my people are individuals, but also more than the sum of their parts. It is sacrifice for a greater good. It is the domination of the Gelerian Obelisk. It is a cult of personality. It... Unity has infinite variations. Some are good, some are bad. I haven't the wisdom yet to discern the difference sometimes, nor where it brings healthy order or is merely a precursor to dangerous chaos.

"I suppose my final answer must be my first: to me, Unity is were there is no Kaus or Kala, but Us."
word count: 339
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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And therein lies the answer.” His eyes trailed over the elaborate patterns carved into the surface of the tower. “The privilege of who we are is to decide the meaning of that which is bound to us. The duty that falls to us is to be an example of that definition.

He glanced to Venetia. The woman had managed to gather some of herself and was clutching her staff as though it were the only thing keeping her from falling over. Her eyes were fixed upon Wraedan.

She looks upon me with an all-consuming fear, desperately searching for what most do when confronted with me; their reason to continue living. A dread grips her soul with iron teeth. It is all she sees. It is all she hears.” There was again, the slight narrowing of his eyes but he said no more.

Mortals will flock to you, Kala. Whether you conceal yourself or not. You are a goddess. The meaning you give to the dominions you embody will extend outward from you because it is the way of the Aetherium to do so. Unity. Stars. The final path you choose in the future ahead of you, these things are not merely words you have pinned to yourself. This world, this universe, those things that you have claimed, they will reshape themselves to suit what you require them to be. Because you have not merely claimed them, you are them.” He let those words settle upon her before continuing. He gestured to Ceran, Indric and Asallon.

Those who believe in the meaning you have chosen will come first. The rest will stumble as they seek to learn that definition and on that road, there you will see the branches.” He lifted the hand that was not gently holding Kala’s. He looked at the golden scaled bracer that wrapped around his forearm.

Some choose to smite those who defy the meaning they have chosen. Others choose only to shepherd. The only right way is the way you decide is right for you.” He lowered his hand.

If you have not yet decided what Unity means at its core…” He looked at Kala and cocked his head slightly. “...decide what it means to you in this moment.” He chuckled and spoke almost as an afterthought.

Worry you not about becoming a tyrant. Queen Naori provides enough excitement that mortals will always make up their own minds.” He shook his head as if enjoying some private joke.

Now, is this space united with its reflection on the material plane or is it not?

word count: 459
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