Khyan of the Void (Aeros and Khyan)

Travelers beware, the unprepared are quickly lost to these towering rocky sentinels of the North.

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Aeros would awaken in his own bed, in his family estate in the Umbrium. His eyes were burning and his vision was blurred a bit, and no amount of blinking, rubbing, or otherwise attempting to deal with it would abate the blur. He'd be able to feel the void of his missing Semblance Rune, clawed off of his soul, and he'd be able to remember everything leading up to when he'd touched the Monolith. But now he was somehow back in the Umbrium, in his bed, and no memory of how he'd ended up here. There were fresh clothes and a wash basin prepared for him, delicacies were laid it if he wished to break fast in private.

A servant knocked upon the door, entering the room, providing all the proper etiquette befitting their station. When given permission to speak, "Dominus, Khyan Nykara is requesting an audience with you." Beyond that, beyond the effects of a missing rune, however, Aeros would find that his day, from the servants, the family members, all of the normalities of an entirely normal day in his life.

However, any attempts made at asking about his journey to the tree would be met with confusion and ignorance. As far as any were concerned, he'd never left, nor considered having left. He'd been here, all along, performing his normal duties, hobbies, and proclivities. And he would find that any attempts to access his missing Semblance Rune would be met with excruciating pain and his vision blurring further and growing dark for several minutes before returning back to its normal, slightly blurred state.

Otherwise, it was an entirely and perfectly normal day.
 ! Message from: Aegis
Aeros' Semblance rune has been removed from him, leaving a painful void upon his soul and applying several strains of personal magic upon his person (for you to show as you see fit), lessened by his Journeyman resistance. You may post to your heart's content until it comes time to meet with Khyan, if so desired. At such a time, Khyan will take over in a special capacity granted by me in this thread, which will continued to be overseen by me until such a time as it is deemed completed, one way or another.
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Æros might have considered all that had happened to have been a dream if not for the fact that generally, his dreams could not encompass that length of time. He’d gone to Tertium prior to attend the camel derby at Hilana’s behest, which had taken place over several days before he’d gone to seek out the northern tree. Then there was the fact that he couldn’t see; well…at least not well. When he rose, he sat up and blinked repeatedly, but nothing changed. His vision remained blurred. And were contexts different, he might think himself especially hungover, but no– what else he felt was more reminiscent to threshold sickness than anything else.

And that realization in combination with what he’d remembered of the tower filled the horned half-fae with immense panic. Connecting the dots, he realized he’d watched his Semblance segue from him into the shadow of his lover. And then, he remembered the words on the monolith,

Upon my stone, a hand be placed
To the Void, intent given free
A realm of the lost and erased,
A gate opened for three

Faex, Æros hissed. None of this could be real…but where was he?

Getting up, he did opt to both dress and bathe, hoping, delusionally, that the water would bring clarity. If nothing else, the time spent did give him time to think– but all that did was cement his realization that nothing before him was quite as it seemed. He did not, however, eat. As Fae-ethalan, his natural metabolism functioned quite differently than most mortals, and he could slow it enough to avoid hunger for time extended beyond the standard. In part, this was because his anxiety sapped his appetite, but he was also paranoid; if reality wasn’t what it seemed, he desired not to potentially poison himself. Granted, that very same Fae blood provided some resistance in that regard, but why risk it?

One thing he did have time to really feel, however, in this brief interim, was…anger. He should’ve taken pause to explore other options before blindly following suit and resting his palm on the monolith; the possibility that there was another way haunted him, the fact that he’d lost his Semblance, a gift from his beloved, the fact that he was…well, wherever this was– he was infuriated. But at least he’d maintained his Mesmer, and with it, he managed to at least, for the nonce, quell his rage. To find his way out of this, he’d need a clear mind.

When the servus entered, he’d just finished dressing himself. The woman was the picture of somebody he recognized, one who worked more often with him than not, and her statement that Khyan wanted to see him filled him with a sense of ominous dread. All he could think of was the abyssal-eyed Khyan that had stolen his sight; a cruel facsimile of his beloved.

But he didn’t let this show.

Æros inquired about his trip to Tertium first, wanting to test the ‘rules’ of wherever this was. The woman acted confused, as if he’d never left at all. He wasn’t quite sure if it mattered, but he did use Mesmer to warp her mind immediately after, causing the woman– fake or no– to forget he’d ever asked that question.

Looking to her, “...let Khyan know I’m happy to see him.” Æros’ tone was a bit flat, but he imagined this was the path forward he’d have to take.
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"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 720

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Khyan Nykara
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"Æros!" Khyan came bounding through the door, wearing a broad smile. The fæ would be hard pressed to remember the last time he'd seen Khyan look so happy without the aid of Mesmer nudging his Symphony toward the positive. He wasn't dressed in his typical livery, nor was he collared. Instead he was wearing the sleek, black uniform of a Silver Sentinel.

"I told your staff to alert me as soon as you woke and thank the Founders you did!" He drew up to draw his amatus into a taut embrace. "They say Arcas himself brought you back. Whatever happened put you out of commission for weeks, and... Gods, so much has changed, Æros. Let us sit and I can fill you in..." Khyan gestured and, though he no longer donned the trappings of a servus, he moved to fetch a flagon of wine and cups all the same.

"I know a lot of this will be jarring, but in the end I think you'll see it's to the good." His smile was profuse and, though his Symphony seemed blurred somehow, there was an overarching sense of cautious care... As if he was worried about Æros' state of mind, and pushing himself to stay upbeat so he wouldn't leap to poor conclusions. He poured for Æros first, then himself and joined him at the table.

"Finn contrived to have the Umbrian Crown pardon Gens Nykara. We've all been freed and my father has been instated in the Umbrian Senate. He may even run for Consul Minor next session! In gratitude, I elected to join the Vigilia Argenti and lend my services to the Crown that saw fit to save me from bondage and return me to my proper station. But there's more, Æros! I went to the Templum to make my sacrifices with Finn, and... They appeared to me. The Founders themselves descended from on high!" His eyes glinted silver, and the shadow of a chainlink collar seemed to materialise momentarily at his throat.

"I have been blessed by the Mistress of Chains!"
word count: 350
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When Khyan first entered the room, Æros blinked several times fast, hoping to assuage the blur in some way, but to no avail. At first, he thought he was seeing things, so he stepped closer to the boy; no– Khyan was donning a Sentinel’s uniform, and he looked truly ecstatic to see the senator awake. A very tumultuous befuddlement began to overtake Æros, anxiety and confusion snaking ‘round his organs like vines.

He could not find words, but thankfully, he didn’t need to– Khyan immediately began to explain whatever the situation was. Though when Khyan embraced him, Æros was quite stiff; this wasn’t because of any dearth of affection, but rather because his mind was reeling, and then the mention of Arcas having rescued him only made that worse.

“...I…need to sit.” Æros spoke in a murmur when his amatus let him go, and shortly thereafter, he moved to sit down at the table nearby. The alcohol Khyan brought was a welcome sight, and though he wanted it, for now he willed himself to abstain; he still didn't trust any part of this situation was real, and, as such, he was deeply paranoid about consuming...anything.

What Khyan had already said alone was enough to spark endless questions within his mind. But before he could manage to open his mouth and string together enough words for one of these questions, his beloved continued with yet more extraordinarily jarring news.

In truth, Æros wanted to be happy. He really did…but he didn’t believe this was real. There would be a rather long pause before he’d say anything in response.

“I–...can you…let’s…let’s start at the beginning. Arcas…? Brought me back…? From where? What tale did he tell? I don’t…remember that.” He spoke slowly, his mind not as adept as it would be– the threshold sickness from having his rune stolen caused brain fog on top of the way his emotions were making his mind reel.

But then, he felt the need to add, “...the rest–...we’ll get to that, but I want you to know I’m…happy for you. Really.” Then, he laughed a bit, “...though I will sorely miss your servitude.”

If what Khyan had said were true, then he would, genuinely, be happy for the boy– of course, the entire array of emotions he felt was multifaceted and contained quite a bit of depth, but the sum total was positive. It was just…was this true?

It could be. The magic of the tower was unknown to him. It could’ve taken his rune and thrown him into some situation he didn’t remember, one where Arcas had been his savior? That was patently bizarre; he’d not even know where to start with exactly how Arcas would’ve been in the right place at the right time in that case. But if that happened, him losing consciousness for a period of time and waking up like this might not be entirely unreasonable. Part of him did want to believe this was real.

But how could it be?
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"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 646

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Khyan Nykara
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Khyan sighed, and offered a wan, sympathetic smile.

"It's a lot to take in, I know..." He furrowed his brow and lifted his cup of wine, "To your health, love." He raised it a bit higher, but didn't wait for Æros to drink before gulping down a few sips of his own.

"Do you not recall where you went? It was a whole big thing. Your adventure with Hilana? Gods, I wonder if she's woken up, too..." He shook his head. That was a matter for another moment, "Anyway, I'm sorry to say I wasn't there when you were brought back. The Sentinels seem to consider that information classified, but Finn mentioned that Hilana is friendly with Arcas. Maybe she called out to him somehow when you got into trouble, I... I know you lost the Rune I gave you somehow, but the Vigilia Argenti is not known for being forthcoming. I'm sorry I can't tell you more, but I expect they'll be wanting to debrief you soon. Maybe you get glean more information from the Sentinels." He took another sip of wine, and just settled himself to stare into Æros' eyes at length... like he was relishing the chance to do so, because he wasn't sure he'd ever have the chance again.

"Thank you for that. I'll still serve you after a fashion, of course..." He lifted a hand to touch the Emblem at his throat, which glowed again to life, "We are all of us Servi, and you are my social superior even now, but at least my life has focus... purpose." He paused, eyes widening slightly and glazing over with silver.

"Do you think that He took note of you, while you were there? It showed real Ambition to embark on such a dangerous exploit knowing so little about what you'd find... You're far bolder than I, as we learnt in our attempts at treasure hunting." He noted with a chuckle, "I know She sees through my eyes now... what do you think She beholds right now as I look at you, my intrepid adventurer?"
word count: 361
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Æros gave himself to fate when he’d gone on that intrepid adventure with Hilana. His heart, his fear, his faith, his very soul– everything. He’d done it happily, too– though he was, admittedly, vexed at Hilana’s very brash choice to touch the monolith right away, he…in some ways found this exhilarating; he was thrilled by the unknown, and he very much intended to weave his way through this one way or another.

Even still, the ache of his missing Semblance pained him. That rune was…sentimental. Special. Of what Crafts he bore, Mesmer and Semblance were the two most important to him, and now…one was gone; but instead of giving to despair, to anger, he felt motivated to push forward.

Very little of him believed that this was real, and seeing Khyan so happy here made him feel…forlorn, sad. He wanted this fate for his lover and the creeping suspicion that this was a facade made it hurt. For the nonce, however, he didn’t feel like it was the time to reveal that he thought this was all a farce– he kept his suspicions hidden, making use of his Mesmer to smooth his emotions, to guide his gestures in an effort to conceal.

Still, when it came to consuming anything, he hesitated. Æros toasted insofar as raising the glass, but he didn’t drink. “I…the idea of consuming anything makes me…nauseous, but…I appreciate the sentiment, love.” To be entirely fair, this was half true. His threshold sickness did give him an ample supply of nausea.

When Khyan spoke vaguely due to the way the Silver Sentinels were oh so very fond of their secrets, Æros nodded. Much as his naturally curious personality was put off by this, he understood the necessity thereof. The mention of Hilana concerned him.

“I…I recall that Hilana and I wanted to explore the bounds outside of the Sceptre’s protection, and when…when we did, we saw a tree in the distance– unnatural, as if composed of crystal? Ice? Hardened aether? We couldn’t tell, but we were curious; it must have something to do with the Eclipse, no? Curiosity got the better of us.” He’d stop there. He wasn’t sure how much was even worth recounting. “Is…is she well?”

Even though he didn’t believe this was real, he still felt compelled to ask; he cared about her, despite her recklessness. If he were honest, it was in large part due to that Wildness of hers that he admired her– even though it was a dangerous trait.

At the notion that Khyan felt as if he had purpose now, Æros smiled, hiding his melancholy. “So sweet of you to be willing to play that role even though it’s no longer writ in law that you’re mine…” his words were soft. “...though I suppose it means more that it’s a choice now, rather than a compulsion.” In truth, that’s part of what had him afraid of freeing Khyan before– that the boy would leave him.

The mention of the Founders gave Æros pause.

“I…know not if He saw, though I hope He did, in retrospect. Our curiosity certainly led us to strange waters.” He said with a slight smile. “I just…I was hoping to find something to assuage the Eclipse; our Sceptre fades, so I wanted to help fix the source of the problem. I do hope that if...if He were watching, that my Devotion meant something.” Æros came across as almost bashful.

For he didn’t do this to seek Their attention; he knew that he was barred from doing so. He embarked on this quest out of the genuine desire to help fix a problem that plagued the whole realm on top of his insatiable curiosity regarding all things arcane. So if his Gods took notice of him in doing so, that would be an incredible blessing beyond what he ever expected.

Regarding the Midnight Mother, “...I’m not sure. It feels…presumptuous to postulate about what She might be feeling.” A half smile drew itself on his lips for a moment.

“I can say what I hope She sees, though.” This felt so strange. To posit like this in a reality he wasn’t even sure was real…but he had his Faith.

“I hope she sees a man who's learned much in the past several months. Somebody whose devotion to his Faith has only grown with each day, whose ambition burns bright, vibrantly and without end. That I’ve harnessed my fear; that I understand both that fortune favors the bold and that, at the same time, I am part of a whole greater than myself. That I serve Her, that I serve Them; that all the power I amass for myself, my entire being is, by proxy, Theirs– and I that I will always strive to get more, to give more.” He paused.

“...and that I hope she sees I fully intend to see through the resolution of that construct in the north.”

He knew that that was not over. What he didn’t know was if he were talking into a void or not– but he didn’t care. Voicing his Faith to a loved one, even if he were a facade, was…cathartic; he’d not spoken much of it out loud in awhile. It felt nice to verbalize what had been so long internal.
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 1040

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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"I've never known you to say 'no' to a drink..." Khyan observed, knitting his brow and studying Æros' face as if with newfound scepticism. "Did Arcas replace mine amatus with some sober changeling?" He cracked a smile to show he was in jest. "No matter, darling. Your appetite will doubtless return in time." As Æros elaborated upon his own story, Khyan nodded along thoughtfully.

"Yes... I suppose it must. Hilana? She returned in a similar state to you. I don't know whether it was some sort of... affliction or curse, but you were both unconscious. The medici saw you nourished... It's possible she woke at the same time as you, but I don't have the inside track to her household as I do yours, so I'm not sure. She's alive, I can tell you that much." He took a sip of wine, then shrugged.

"Well, it's possible I can be yours again, after a fashion. Infertile marriages have been legalised in the Umbrium. Finn proposed to His Exalted Majesty, apparently, so that could clear the path for us..." He blushed, "You know. At some point down the line." He glanced down at his own fingers, fidgeting around the stem of the glass. "If you fancy." He seemed relieved to proceed to less vulnerable topics now that he was feeling exposed.

"I've learnt a lot about Them since the bequeathment of Her Emblem..." Khyan noted, hazarding a glance up to meet Æros' eyes. His own were now aglow with silver light, his voice laced with a whisper from beyond.
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"I know that you have been a Hungry boy, Æros... that your Ambition has spurred you to accrue more and more Power t'infuse the nascent nectar of thy færie vitæ with ever more ætheric influence. Wouldst thou yield up thy blood to Him in the hope that He might accord thee the boon of His Majesty?" It was as if a whispered chant was beginning to crescendo out of the very shadows lurking about the room. Khyan reached to the chain-like belt that rounded the slender waist of his black uniform, and withdrew a simple, silver dagger.

"If thou wouldst bear His sacred Emblem, Æros, thou must give thyself wholly unto Him. As Aværys Rex Regnum hurled himself into Sorokyn to be reborn a God, so should'st thou take blade in hand and spill the totality of thy succulent fæ blood that He will resurrect thee: Æros Sublimis... Æros, The Majestic!" Khyan turned the dagger so the blade was facing his own chest, and extended his arm across the table in offering the hilt to Æros.

"Hast thou the Hunger... th'Ambition enough to risk oblivion on the chance of being graced with His inimitable Pow'r?"
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Æros smiled something soft, a short exhale from his nose as he looked down, unsure how exactly to explain his abstinence…

“I…having a rune ripped from me is more bizarre a feeling than gaining one. The idea of imbibing anything…I can’t.” He was being a bit exaggerative, but it was true enough that his appetite was quite low for the moment, odd as he felt physically, tumultuous as his anxieties were.

“...but I assure you, I am every bit of the same man you remember– just…minus a rune,” he added,
The rune was a precious one, at that.

And though he couldn’t exactly trust the veracity of what was being said in this odd state of reality, it was a relief to hear that Hilana yet lived. Her recklessness getting her killed would’ve saddened him deeply. He did so hope it was true.

Æros tilted his head at the news that infertile marriages had been sanctioned– but he pushed soft happiness to the surface. Almost everything he’d been told thus far had been so…good. The sneaking suspicion that it was all a farce, however, made it hard to enjoy, and thus far? Nothing had given him cause to lean further in either direction. He really didn’t know what to believe.

Khyan’s continued commentary, his coquettish mannerisms, the sweetness in his voice…oh, how Æros longed for this to be real, and yet…

Looking to the boy, “...that so? That gives me much to consider,” his expression reassuring, tone loving.

- - -

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But then, as the subject shifted to the founders, those brown eyes he’d been so used to looking at shifted silver. Not the fog that happened when Khyan utilized his Semblance, no, but a radiant silver he’d never seen on his face prior. Æros blinked, leaning a bit forward, his own vision blurry– but no, the silver persisted, he wasn’t seeing things.

And when Khyan spoke, it was with a voice that was not at all his. The starry senator leaned back, shocked. He longed for his own Semblance, just to glance, glaze the surface of his lover’s Aura…if it were bright, he’d know She were actually there and that this was real, but…he had no such ability.

The possession, Her voice– it all hearkened back to the first time this happened when She’d taken hold of Phocion. And even if everything around him were fake, it was not out of the realm of possibility that She had taken hold of this scenario and crafted it Herself as a test. She was freed– if She’d been watching the entire time, intervention was perfectly within the realm of Her power, was it not? At the same time…was it also within the realm of possibility that a creature nefarious, out to genuinely kill him, was impersonating Her?

Æros had no way of knowing; his next choice was an act of pure Faith.

The last thing he wanted was to die, but in this case, he felt he had no choice but to believe that his Gods would save him.

He nodded to Khyan, to Her, and took the dagger.

“For Aværys Imperator, Divine Sovereign of the Dual Realm of Solunarium and Varvara I Imperatrix, Mother Midnight, I make this sacrifice. My blood is for Him, for Them alone.” It was hard to say whether these words meant anything, but he put the full sincerity of his soul into them.

"...and Khyan? If you're will always love you, regardless of my fate here; always know that." Æros was convinced this wasn't actually Khyan...but he couldn't feel good about moving forward without saying so.

With that, he brought the dagger up to his own neck; the body, survival instinct, may have fought him in doing this, but he quieted his nerves and forced his hand with Mesmer. The blade kissed skin, cutting deep, vibrant crimson rapidly flowing forth down his chest– he soon found that he couldn’t breath, too, stifling the urge to gasp for air…but he was at peace with his choice.

And soon, everything went dark. Was this an end, or a new beginning?
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 856

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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And all light faded from Aeros’ world and it never returned.
 ! Message from: “Aegis”
This thread is now closed to further replies at this time. A review will be done once the remaining associated threads are finished as well.
word count: 39
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Lores: 8 Skill Lores

Loot: See Multifaceted
Injuries: See Multifaceted

Points: 15, may not be used for magic or ghost skills

Comments: It was fun seeing this dynamic up close, especially with the turnabout it came with.

Khyan - Great acting job Void Khyan. Real Khyan gets no rewards from this, but all Khyan posts here will count toward Pharaoh's moderator rewards.

word count: 104
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