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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=3625
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Endymion Len’Sælyan Æros

Dryadalis Medium
Cross of Fae, Winter Court / Dryadalis Platinum

6'5"; varies
220lbs ethereal; varies

13th Cinderfall, Ash, 101 AoS

Rune Magic:

Palatium Furiarum Courtier; Prægustator

Family Estate
Aurecine District, Luxium

Populi Ex Re’ha
House Sol'Aværys

Vallenor, Vastien
Valasren, Common



In life, Æros was tall and ethereal; he cut a striking figure- Æros' body was like a sea of stars. The color of his skin was always in flux; from sky to ocean blues, lavender to abyssal purples and dotted with coruscating stars, many found him mesmerizing simply to look at. Other unique features one might notice right away were his horns, the black of his sclera, the fact he only had four fingers, carnivorous teeth, sharp claw-like nails and eyes of bright, reflective gold.

Being Fae crossed Starborn, he had pointed ears and elfin features. Both beautiful and mysterious, people often found themselves enchanted with just a look. Adding to this, his long, white hair would shine in pearlescent hues if struck by light, further increasing the otherworldly nature of his appearance. Given his profession once relied on aesthetics, he went to great lengths in order to both maintain and enhance his beauty.

Just as well, he took consummate care of his figure. Lithe, toned and graceful in build, he strove to maintain the strength and endurance required for his busy schedule. Working primarily as a dancer, his profession naturally lent well to his strength biasing towards his legs, and his body was a great example of this.


Likes: Dance, Music, Art, Alcohol, Drugs, Attention, Trickery, Opulence
Dislikes: Seafood, Abstinence, Humidity, Squalor, Goblins, Cranberries
Attributes: Mischievous, Arrogant, Selfish, Cunning, Manipulative, Guileful, Creative, Erudite

Glade 123 Addendum
After the events of his death, Æros, after having opened himself up socially since Ash 122, has receded emotionally. Traumatized, he now views emotional ties to others to be little more than liabilities. He is reshaping his relationships to others to be entirely practical, slowly stripping away the sentiment in his old ones and striving to not allow for such bonds to form in the future. He is cold when communicating, though internally, he is a vortex of conflicting emotions.

Frost 122 Addendum
After the events of Ash 122 and into Frost, Æros had begun to very deliberately stabilize his moods and emotions with his Mesmer. On top of that, he'd found his faith again, and as such, his religious devotion bleeds into his personality more.

On the surface, Æros is considered by many to be charming and charismatic. Many are as dazzled by what he has to say as they are by his appearance; granted, the reasons for this vary from his wit and intelligence to the outright lies he loves to spin. Whether it's his status, his beauty, his knowledge, his talents, or even the sensuous silk of his voice, he takes advantage of every tool he has to manipulate others.

However, though he has many fans, everyone has their detractors. To them, Æros is arrogant, selfish and vain. He is a liar and a con artist. He is a spoiled brat hiding behind the gilded nature of his status and upbringing to avoid the consequences of his actions and take advantage of others.

But which group is correct? The truth is a bit more nuanced.

Æros is a guarded individual, often playing a character or heavily under the influence in order to run away from his problems. Plagued with myriad insecurities and crushed beneath the weight of familial expectations, he is secretive and prone to obfuscating reality as much for fun as it is for his own escapism. Due to this, his honesty and willingness to be vulnerable are both exceptionally rare.


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After an edifying experience with Varvara in Ash 122, Æros vowed to shift the direction of his life.

Through Ash 122, Æros gained Semblance from a disgraced noble boy he'd, despite his nature, fallen in love with, and acquired this lover of his as a slave.

At the end of Ash 122, the head of House Sælyan, Gaius Sælyan Janus, retired and granted Æros both his prior role in the family as well as his seat in the senate. Janus maintains an advisory role over Æros.

House Sælyan pledged fealty to house Sol'Zalkyrion in Frost 122, Æros shifting his senatorial seat to the Umbrium.

In the middle of Frost 122, Æros gained Reaving alongside Sentinel Finn.

At Glade 123's incipience, Æros gained Elementalism from his closest kin.

In late Glade 123, Æros and a friend of his, Hilana, ventured north in curious exploration of the Eclipse phenomenon; they both wished to, perhaps, aid in rectifying it. This excursion resulted in the loss of his coveted Semblance rune as well as the end of the senator's life and the beginning of a new unlife.





It looks like a tear in the night sky of his skin, outlined in white.
Located in the center of his chest.
Given to him by Danæ Val'Sælyan Selene, his mother.




Drawn in celestial ink, the rune manifests as six marks.
Located on his face, three on each cheek.
Given to him by Cælypso Val'Sælyan Lunara, his sister.




A symbol evocative of magic and boundaries; in this case, seeing beyond them.
Located on the base of his skull.
Given to him by Vinicius Nykara Khyan, his lover.




A symbol reminiscent of resilience and nobility.
Carved onto his solar plexus.
Given to him by Primus Pilus Cyrus Asim Ohannes, alongside Sentinel Finn.




The alchemical symbol for salt, applied with luminescent golden ink.
Painted overtop his navel.
Granted to him by Faunus Val'Sælyan Palæmon, his cousin.
Last edited by Aeros on Sun Oct 15, 2023 10:56 pm, edited 62 times in total. word count: 2782

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Last edited by Aeros on Fri Jul 28, 2023 11:15 am, edited 6 times in total. word count: 36

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Posts: 523
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=3625
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Motif: Elysian

A Solunarian novelty, Æros is the rare product of a union of an ice-bound Fæ-ethalan and Moonborn elf. The resultant offspring was blessed further by the very stars above, his elven blood manifesting as Starborn. Mesmer being his first Cardinal Rune and given to him when he was very young, the rune coalesced into his æther and shaped him substantially as he grew with his blood's elysian influence shaping the rune in turn.

Heavenborne: (affecting Æros himself) Apprentice
Born with the twining of Everwilde magic and star-touched elves, gaining the Mesmer rune also came with heightened intuition. Even without the use of his Craft, his perception of others’ emotions through behavioral patterns, vocal tone, body language and facial expressions is heightened.

Heightened perception does not equate to heightened understanding. If he notices something that he’s never seen before, he won’t magically know what it means, making said information useless in the moment, but perhaps useful again in the future. Perceiving this information can also be both confusing and overwhelming from a sensory perspective.

Heavenly Ambrosia: (affecting Mesmer as a whole) Journeyman
While under the influence of mind-altering substances, Æros has heightened mental clarity when compared to others. In addition, the æther cost of his Mesmer skills is decreased.

While sober, this quirk does nothing.

Cosmic Comity: (affecting Mesmer as a whole) Expert
The weave of Æros’ æther immediately harmonizes with that of the subject. As a result, those affected by his Mesmer cannot, under normal circumstances, detect that they are being influenced whatsoever.

Those who have Mesmer or Semblance at Æros’ skill tier can still faintly detect his influence, but such a thing is still incredibly easy to overlook. Entities with abilities higher than Æros would detect as normal.

Empyreal Influence: (affecting Mesmer as a whole) Master
Æros’ heavenborne blood seeps into the very essence of his Craft. Any time he uses his Mesmer on anyone, regardless of purpose, they are surreptitiously enchanted. While subtle at first, the effect will build over time and slowly bias all affected in the Færie’s favor, making them more agreeable to his influence. As such, this effect stacks with deliberate spell casts meant to bind or sway others to his will.

Using Mesmer is more ætherically taxing than it otherwise would be. This effect is resisted by people and things strong enough to resist magic at Æros’ current Mesmer skill.

Supernal Majesty: (affecting Æros himself) Master
Symbiotic with his first Cardinal Rune, Æros himself is enchanted by the magic of the mark. His voice carries entrancing tones within it, his presence is naturally more imposing, and people find themselves inexplicably drawn to him.

This effect is resisted by people and things strong enough to resist magic at Æros’ current Mesmer skill.


Æros is a ghost.

Fae-ethalan Anatomy:
Wounds suffered by a Fae will remain until allowed to properly heal though most notably, Fae have an increased level of regeneration than other races. This is balanced with the amount of control they exert over their metabolic state. Due to this unique facet of their biology, the Fae do not require sustenance as often as other races and can persist off of far less for much longer periods of time.

The ability to mold one's anatomy and physiology as well as metabolism to their desires.

NPCs and additional information can be found within his plot notes.
Off Topic
I, the author, also write Hector and Jae-Seong.

Last edited by Aeros on Tue Jun 06, 2023 4:36 pm, edited 8 times in total. word count: 732

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Posts: 523
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2022 2:18 am
Location: Solunarium
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=3625
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?t=3636
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=3644

Æros' Inventory
Several Set(s) of Clothing befitting your Class (Nobility)

1. Basic (SP)
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2. Tools

3. General Items
a. Signet Ring of House Sælyan

4. Magic Items
a. Bracelet of Protection
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5. Etc.

n/a for now...

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As of Frost 122
Family Estate
Argentine District, Umbrium


word count: 580

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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