Zaichaer Restoration Information

High City of the Northlands

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Since the cataclysmic events of Searing 34, 122 the government, population, social structure and even the shape of the land itself has changed dramatically. This codex will document the current, and ongoing status of the city, surrounding nation and the factions attempting to gain, or regain control of the State.

The information below can be considered accurate starting on the 1st of Glade 124.

  • State of the Nation
  • Government
  • Factions
  • Faction Struggle
  • Locations
  • Foreign Relations
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State of the Nation

The catastrophic events of the 34th of Searing 122 changed Zaichaer forever.

More people died in the events of that day and the year that followed than now live within the nation’s borders. The city, broken to ruins is now being rebuilt and re-inhabited. The Jewel of the North will rise as a phoenix from the ashes.

Through incredible fortitude, resilience and the stubborn hardiness that has ever been the heart of the people of Zaichaer, their struggle to survive has blossomed into a new chance to thrive. The pockets of resistance have grown to encompass whole districts of the capitol and, for the first time in a year and a half, life is beginning to be lived, safely, in the city again.

Zaichaer Stands.

The government has reformed as a Triumvirate rather than a single head of state. Will this new way prove more stable than the oft-rebellious coups of the past or will sharing power bring only further strife?

Aether is being utilized in new ways wholly unknown before disaster forcing practitioners of both The Order and the Covens of Zaichaer to work together, pooling their knowledge to ensure the continued safety and stability of their land. New laws and strictures are forming around the use of the power that fuels all things. Some are harsher, others more lenient, but what will become of those who find themselves on the wrong side of the new regime?

Some foreign nations who were previously allied to the Brass City have shown themselves to be false friends, seeking cracks they might exploit while Zaichaer was weak. But aid has also come, some from the least looked-for of nations, forming new ties of friendship.
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New Government Information will be posted shortly.
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New Faction Information will be posted shortly.
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Faction Struggle

The outcome of the Faction Struggle has come down strongly on the side of The Dornkirk Contingent with over thirty completed threads turned in by their members! Due to their efforts Order of Reconciliation has been reformed as part of their new government and many of the Generals on the Ground have joined them now that the city is in their hands.

The Anarchists lost their leader under circumstances both confusing and suspicious. Was it foul play? An act of madness? The interference of the Gods? No one knows the whole of the truth. As such the faction has scattered, mostly outside the city. They will attempt to regroup only if a new charismatic leader can be found before they lose all hope and fade back into what new lives they can make for themselves.

The Government in Exile fell to a similar fate, though the end of their leader, General Overmann is less mysterious. The General was murdered in the temporary headquarters provided for him by the city of Kathiid. The clues left, seemingly intentionally, point to a faction within Zaichaer rather than any foreign intervention. There are certainly those who know the truth of his deliberate assassination but, for the moment, no one is coming forward. After the General's death, his troops have mostly returned to Zaichaer, finding their way to a superior officer and reporting themselves for duty therein.

The Covens were not nearly so broken as the rest of Zaichaer, though they have each lost considerable members their goals remain largely unchanged. If anything, those who rendered, and continue to render, aid to the new government are in better negotiating positions than ever. Who can say what their ultimate aims are, which groups are working together, or if their seeming loyalty is real or only a ploy?
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Zaichaer City:

Population: 350,000, Approximation as people are now returning to the city every day.

Zaichaer city is in a state of flux as new areas are cleared of the rubble and the dead, making them safe again for habitation.

Restoration Efforts:The West End is almost entirely habitable again, though it is not the well-organized and posh part of the city it once was. The East End is still almost entirely untouched and sectioned off for fear of what might come out of the new entrances to The Warrens as well as the illness that might spread from all the unburied dead. Fort Cathevelle is now the center of the rebuilding effort, housing people and supplies as they arrive before they can be assigned new permanent homes and organizing the work teams that now pour out over the devastated areas.

Riverland Forts:

Population: 3,250,000

The Forts, being far from the city from whence the storm came, avoided the majority of the destruction of the 34th. They were not unaffected, and have been more significantly affected by the Eclipse as the majority of the population live in small communities surrounding the vast farmlands. Now that the capital is safe for people to live in again many who fled are returning and some who never lived there are going with the hope of making better lives for themselves if they help rebuild.

The four generals who were in charge of the Forts before the fall of the government have taken full control of each of their realms of influence, seeing to it that the work of farming and other food production continued as though nothing had changed in the seasons between Searing 34th 122 and the beginning of the Eclipse in Frost of that same year. Because of this, and due to the negotiations of the Dornkirk Contingent (now the new government), the remaining population of the State, civilian and military alike, survived the rest of the year, and continue to have supplies as the long Frost of the Eclipse stretches out.

Due to the large numbers of soldiers that had been stationed at the Forts, intended to protect Zaichaer’s bread basket from foreign attacks, the Forts were able to fight off the mist spawn that came out from the epicenter of the city, and, later, protect the people from the shadow spawn.

All four of the Fort Commanders have joined the Dornkirk Contingent and, together, have formed a new government. One of them, General Lang, is now the Grand Marshal, forming one-third of the Triumvirate that now governs Zaichaer.

Restoration Efforts:
The farming communities which were pulled mostly into the protection of the Forts due to the unending Frost are now heading back out with the aid of the Covens to continue working. They are able to farm and produce foodstuffs in limited pockets with the hope that, when warmer weather at last returned to the continent, they will be able to return to their homes.

Outer Towns/Border Forts

Population: 2,000,000

The status of the towns outside the city is generally grim. While the initial blast did not affect them the resulting storm still blew through, carving a path of destruction that the citizens had scant enough time to recover from before the Eclipse arrived. Due to a significant lack of magic or practitioners of any aetheric arts, the towns fared very poorly in dealing with the shadowspawn. Those who could do so fled to the protection of the forward bases that had been set up by the military with the intention of defending Zaichaer during the war with Kalzasi. Though the old towns have not been retaken these once-temporary bases have grown into well-fortified permanent establishments with towns of their own protected by large groups of organized soldiers.

Restoration Efforts:
The new government is working in concert with these new Border Forts and the towns that have sprung up supporting them; providing them with desperately needed supplies, reconnecting their soldiers with the command structure and ensuring the nation is a single whole working together once again.

The Sky Islands

Population: 5,000, Approximation as people are now in flux moving to and from the Islands to work

The Sky Islands, as they are called by the populous, consist of The Windworks (and surrounding neighborhood), White Knight Hall, The Greater Institute, and several other pieces of land that were raised by Stefan Dornkirk with the machinery of The Windworks and the aid of his faithful workforce. These places were considered essential for the continued survival of both the citizens that the Dornkirk Contingent was able to protect, as well as Zaichaer itself in the long term.

Due to sensing the wards that had been laid over The Windworks on the 34th, a large contingent of coven members who were unable to reach the safety of their own havens, or believing them to be insufficient to protect them from the onslaught, gathered at White Knight Hall, offering their medical and ecological assistance in exchange for shelter. Because of this a significant number of Coven members were influential in the maintaining of The Sky Islands and formed many useful relationships with members of The Order and the new government.

In the year and a half since Searing 122 the Sky Islands have grown into a sort of airport where all the airships remaining to the ZADC, as well as many civilian craft, are able to dock for repairs and receive their orders from the new government. Due to this, it seems likely that The Sky Islands, in some form, may become a permanent installation above or near to the capital city.

Restoration Efforts:
The Sky Islands stay mainly within a few miles of Zaichaer city, and have the greatest understanding of the status of what goes on within. They house The Order and Ministerial branches of the new government, as well as the currently hosting all officially meetings of the Triumvirate. Due to The Windworks with its airdocks and repair facilities the Islands also house the remnants of the Air Defense Corp and coordinate both military and civilian supply distribution.

The main goal of the Islands is, for the moment, to ensure as smooth and safe a transition as possible between the desperate survival of the first year after the disaster into a new state of thriving growth under the new government.

The Warrens

Population: Unknown

The events of the 34th caused a new opening into the Warrens to be ripped into a section of the area where the Presidium once stood. The previous openings, those that were present before the disaster, have widened, causing Zaichaer to be now riddled with several large entrances to the dangerous underground world.

Restoration Efforts:
These openings are significantly more active than they were before the disaster and one of The Order's current priorities is keeping them warded and guarded so no incursions can threaten the re-population of the city.
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Foreign Relations

While the new government has not been officially recognized by any outside of Zaichaer, as of yet, it is believed that as it is shown that they are in charge and able to maintain that control the other city-states and nations of the north will accept them.

As things stand the war with Kalzasi has been called into a cease-fire as both nations handle their own crises individually. While there is no peace treaty yet in place there have been meetings between a government representative from Kalzasi and members of the new government in Zaichaer.

Lady Kala Leukos, Kalzasi’s Vice-Minister of Finance, has made multiple trips to offer aid and talks with the Sky Islands, opening diplomatic relations with the faction operating closest to Zaichaer city.

The Imperium:
Sometime after the disaster but before the formation of the new government, The Imperium offered military and humanitarian aid in the form of sending one of their Dreadnought Class warships, Die Himmelstadt, to station itself over the city. In addition to distributing supplies and assistance to the survivors the ship was also to combating the mist and shadow spawn, investigate the Rift, and parlay with the various factions. Having completed these goals, at least to the extent they were willing, the shop has since departed.

While the sending of aid might be viewed as a continuation of the cordial relations between the two nations, the sending of this specific ship, with its reputation for conquest and repression, speaks for itself as to the Imperium’s possible intentions.

The implications did no go unnoticed by the new goverment, however, based on the facts that the aid was real, the threats only theoretical, and that they currently do not have the power to do anything about it, for the moment friendly relations are being maintained with The Imperium

After the disaster Kathiid hosted the Government in Exile, working with General Overmann, offering him and his people sanctuary and what aid they are able to give. After his assassination the city-state seems to be waiting to see if the new government is going to be able to keep Zaichaer together before normalizing relations.
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