Aurin in the Sky with Reiner

Reiner introduces Aurin to the Dornkirk Sky Islands.

High City of the Northlands

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Reiner Dornkirk
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"Aurin in the Sky with Reiner"
The Dornkirk Sky Islands
Zaichaer Territory
65 Glade 123
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Reiner was at much greater ease with Aurin once Captain Seeker Angevin had given him the go-ahead to visit the Islands. Feeling as though he could tone down his suspicion, he spent the trip on the Noble Gambit being downright hospitable to the foreign ginger. If Aurin wanted to rest up, he'd allow it, but if not Reiner would seek to keep him entertained with stories or card games until they reached their destination.

He'd spent enough time on airships at this point to know the early signs of approaching a destination. He could feel it in his bones when the deceleration procedures began. Reiner would alert Aurin to their impending arrival, and suggest they head up onto the deck to take in the striking sight of Minister Dornkirk's airborne headquarters.

Reiner would take advantage of being charged with accompanying a guest and see that they were among the first to disembark. He would guide Aurin to offices near the shipyard where he could be processed and register for paperwork. While Aurin was occupied with that, Reiner would send word to White Knight Hall that a guest known to the Minister was found and extracted from Forward Base Schiller, and requesting a meeting at the leisure of their fearless leader.

Reiner would check Aurin's paperwork once it was rubber stamped and skim across the important bits quickly.

"All right. It looks like you've been issued a temporary apartment while we figure out what to do with you. I know the neighborhood. My friend and I were bunked over there when I first showed up. This way!" Reiner gestured, and started to walk at a steady clip toward that district.
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Having napped at Schiller, Aurin was happy to play cards, share stories, and get to know Reiner Dornkirk better. He might be a low rung on the ladder, but if he had an ounce of ambition, he could parlay his name into a career, especially in times of turmoil like those in which they found themselves. Had he been a resident of the flying islands, he might have taken him under his wing. Others so shielded had turned out well, after all: a prince of dragons; a prospering wunderkind of runeforging; et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

The longer they spent together, the more of his jokes landed, and by the time Dornkirk beckoned him abovedecks again, he thought they had a sort of rapport. He only saw the Captain Seeker from afar as he was hurried toward the front of the line to debark. The sight of the place was impressive. He had only once or twice been allowed up onto Kalzasi's naturally occurring sky islands, and to see ones created by human hands was certainly impressive. The tingle he felt passing through the wards almost put his back up, but none of his artifacts or Runes set off any alarms, and so he was able to keep his game face on as they proceeded toward Dornkirk's old neighborhood. If it was this easy to get airborne and get temporary housing, he wondered how long it would take him to get citizenship if that was his aim. But he didn't get ahead of himself. Eyes on the prize and all that.

Anyway, several were the eyes that glanced askance at the man wearing an officer's greatcoat without the officer's insignia.

The weather up here was surprisingly warm and stable, though, most likely on account of the masterworks of Negation wards. For an anti-magical society, their magic was on point. Eitan Angevin, he'd be bound.

"Well, at least you don't have to bunk with me, hey?" He laughed, sure the Schöngling would be pleased to be rid of him when the time came. "I suppose someone will let me know if I need to do some work to pay for my supper."

Hazel eyes looked around in appreciation. This was a nicer part of town than he had been allowed in back when he was a resident, even if its wear and tear had yet to be remedied. Clearly, survival was still the goal paramount of this government-in-flight.

"Although, if I don't wear out my welcome... I'd be happy to spend more time with you and your friend. I only really know Minister Dornkirk, and that's an acquaintance more than a friend. I don't want to put you out, but I don't want to be lonesome either." He chuckled in self-deprecation.
word count: 478
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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When the Minister had received the report from Captain-Seeker Angevin, a note which Kuno had delivered as part of his new role as sort of messenger, assistant and glorified go-for for the Minister and, occasionally, the rest of the noble family. He didn't have a new title, and he certainly wasn't a servant at the High-House (as those who weren't ever invited to White Knight Hall as guests tended to call the floating manor), but he was expected to report for duty to the Minister, at home or at the Windworks on all days but his once-per-week free day. It was a decided step up, as far as he was concerned, and he had named himself Attaché to the Minister when he'd been asked about where he'd been by other military types. He was no longer being sent into the line of fire, or claws, or acid spit or any number of other unpleasant and dangerous things that were always attacking the armed forces sent to the ground to scout or in the re-taking efforts that were now underway.

He saw less of Reiner than he had, but not so little as he probably would have if he hadn't been assigned a bunk in the manor at the same time that the Minister's wife had insisted (after the incident that had left PFC Dornkirk with a great bloody hole in his side) that Reiner have a room of his own. The house was always quite full, and Kuno figured they would expand it at some point when it didn't seem like ill-use of resources, but for the moment, his attic room was still a step up, socially speaking, from the room he'd shared with Reiner. That he missed their shared bed was something he would have to think of a remedy for in time. The food was better and there was a whole new group of women to work his charm upon.

The Ladies of the house were not excluded from the group, and though both were now mothers, that did not stop them from being young and exceptionally attractive. Not that Kuno had any designs in their direction other than making himself as indispensably useful and charming as possible. If either Lady Delia or Lady Lucrece had approached him with salacious intent he would have flattered them but nobly declined, as, however pretty they were, a tumble with either was not worth his place or his head.

The contents of the note were known to Kuno, as were the contents of all of the Minister's correspondence that he delivered, coming or going, but he never made the slightest indication that it was so. Showing no surprise when the Minister ordered him to go intercept Mister Kavafis and be his escort on the Islands was not suspicious as it was a officer's job to take all orders with a stoic acceptance and militant enthusiasm.

That Reiner had been back down to the Schiller, and was now returning with no additional wounding was a relief, finding out that he had taken the Minister's guest on a tour before Kuno had been able to arrive at the ship was less so. Annoyed, but hiding it, he took off in the direction that the airmen of the Noble Gambit informed him the pair had left in. It did not take him very long to find them, as, having the address for Kavafis' assigned lodging, and being able to easily follow the trail of a new person on the islands almost without even asking by the conversations that followed in their wake. He spotted Reiner easily enough when he was close, and could assume that the redhead in the stripped down greatcoat was his assignment for the day. That the youngest Dornkirk would assume the role of guide made sense, he was generous and brash in that way, and Kuno let the annoyance of having to track his job down leak out of him before he approached the pair.

Stepping close he saluted Reiner,

"PFC Dornkirk, I have been assigned to escort the Minister's guest during his time on the island. Thank you for fulfilling the role until I was able to arrive." It was formal, letting Reiner know that Kuno had been assigned without doing him the embarrassment of explaining it as though he didn't already know. It was the sort of thing they did with each other when in the company of strangers and he could reasonably hope that it would be understood in both the literal and the implied.

Turning slightly so he was more obviously facing the redhead he snapped another salute,

"Lieutenant Kämpfer, at your service for whatever you might need during your stay. The Minister sends his greetings and compliments and has issued an invitation for you to dine with him this evening at the Windworks." It was an invitation, but the notion that Kavafis might refuse it hadn't even entered Kuno's mind.
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Reiner Dornkirk
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"Heh..." Reiner chuckled, "None of that is necessary. It only took the Doom of Zaichaer for me to finally get my own bedroom." He offered with a grim chuckle. Indeed, he'd gone right from a one-room cottage into military barracks into Kuno's apartment. It was only recently that the lady of the manor saw plucked him out of the world of cohabitation and saw him lodged in a room that was, to his reckoning, fit for a prince.

"If you only know two people in Zaichaer, you could do worse than have both of them be Dornkirks!" Reiner noted, with a playfully supercilious smirk. There were still tinges of imposter syndrome beneath the jest, but at least he felt confident enough to make it in the present company. Maybe it was because he was more comfortable or maybe it was because he figured a foreigner wouldn't know any better than to accept it unquestioned.

"So, this part of the island was actually-..." The sound of bootsteps moving apace to catch up with them, drew his attention over his shoulder where he noted Kuno. At first he would smile, but noting the salute and the officious expression, he would pivot to return it.

He pursed his lips taut, a bit disappointed at being usurped now that their guest was finally growing on him. However, the chain of command was the chain of command.

"Aye, Lieutenant!" He stood by, realizing that he no longer had a reason to continue toward their old apartment.... 'Their old apartment'. He smiled to himself, as rose-tinted reveries about their time in that room filled his mind. It had been his first homestead in this brave new world, and Kuno Kämpfer had been his anchor to keep him from floating away on the Island breeze.

"Permission to hitch a ride with you back to White Knight Island, sir?" They were all heading to the same place, after all.
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Whatever the case, Dornkirk's company was more enjoyable now that he had loosened up a bit. He had the redhead laughing, though his augmented senses twitched as they approached his soon-to-be lodings. This whole hallway smells like cum, he thought to himself, though it didn't register on his face. He was turning attentively to whatever detail Dornkirk was going to add when they were interrupted by a supercilious fellow. He saluted in Zaichaeri fashion, then looked embarrassed and offered a simple bow.

"Leutnant Kämpfer," he greeted. "Aurin Kavafis, as you... already know. Thank you. I was happy to have Dornkirk show me around; one familiar face for me, at least."

Why the fuck does it sound like he's a poltergeist dragging chains along behind him? he asked himself. The worst witch was trying not to do more than his Semblance trick than hide his Semblance trick, as well as the others, but he could still sense some things. It augmented years of reading people to see whether they were likely to slip a knife between his ribs for a couple of coppers or a scrap of bread, or trying to outwit him in a business transaction or to tumble a comely lass—or lad; any hole was a goal, after all.

"Ah... the last time I met Minister Dornkirk, I had... slightly more impressive clothes. Not that an officer's greatcloak isn't impressive, that is, but ah... Well, I hope I don't..." He fell off lamely, insecurity showing. "I'm sure it will be fine. He likely wants news of Kalzasi more than an impressive dinner companion, anyway."

Aurin almost kicked at the ground, but at least Dornkirk wasn't alone with his imposter syndrome. For all his easy bravado, Aurin was only human. At least he was in a human stronghold far above the messes wrought by rift and eclipse.

"Oh, d'you think... I mean, I don't think it's classified, but... do you think someone could let me know how von Heune is doing from time to time?"
word count: 350
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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It took Kuno a moment to realize where, exactly they had ended up, in the entrance to the same apartment building that had been his home in the initial months after liftoff. The whole place had an air about it of young, single men, officers and enlisted men who didn't have families of their own yet. In one way it was nice to be living in significantly better accommodations, but in another...

Glancing over at Reiner, Kuno's expression changed to something considerably less formal, an expression which he then turned on Kavafis with only moderate changes in lessening familiarity and affection.

"No reason we can't all spend the afternoon as you two are already acquainted. The Minister was unaware that you were already filling the role of guide and simply did not wish our guest to be forced to make his way alone."

The Minister wanted Kavafis watched, of course, but that didn't mean he didn't also want him comfortable and well looked after. Realizing that Reiner had misunderstood the intended place of the invitation and that this Aurin had taken the same route he offered the sort of understanding smile that only men who have grown up on the streets give to other men who also have and said,

"Nothing to worry about there, the Ladies of the house are otherwise occupied this evening so the Minister is hosting you at the Windworks. It'll be everyday uniforms all around, luckily for us." Not that Kuno himself, or ever Reiner had actually been invited to dine. After dropping the man off at the end of the afternoon the two would likely have to find their way back down to the communal kitchens to enjoy whatever was in the pot. But that in itself would be nice, a return to how things had been. Sharing meals with the staff at the Hall wasn't at all bad, and Reiner was with them sometimes, but he was also with his cousins sometimes, and out on duty elsewhere others.

"But, if you want something to wear that feels like a better fit," Socially or physically, "We can head down to the clothing reassignment after we get you set up with your apartment. Which is it?"

This information hadn't been included in his orders but he assumed it had been in Kavafis' paperwork. He also assumed that someone had given the foreigner the standard talk about keeping the peace and there being no unauthorized use of aether. The man seemed both human and normal, but seeming like someone one was not was the first thing any witch would try to do.
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Reiner Dornkirk
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"Ah! Good." Reiner grinned at Kuno's consent for him to tag along. He was a bit relieved that the lieutenant was in an agreeable mood. It wasn't often, but he had a streak in him that made him act out in mixed company. He'd even pushed the envelope in Vonnegut's office, in that regard. Not that this random stray he'd picked up at the Schiller was anywhere near as influential as the Vixen, but he still wasn't inclined to be embarrassed in front of him if it was avoidable.

"Ah, the Windworks. Sorry." Reiner noted the correction, and figured that made more sense. Aurin wasn't some general or dignitary to expect the red carpet. He worked in theater for Mist sakes. He'd probably be over the moon with table scraps. He wanted to ask whether he was invited, but he didn't for two reasons. Firstly, it would have been embarrassing for him if he wasn't invited and he found that out in front of Aurin. Secondly, it would have pissed Kuno off something fierce if Reiner was invited and he himself was not. That seemed like a quick path toward the aforementioned berserker Kuno he hoped very much not to introduce Aurin to.

"There's actually a lot of good stuff down there." Reiner said of the clothing reassignment hub. "They clean everything up real good before it gets hung up and it's all free!" He offered, seeming boyishly chipper. He was a very different Reiner than the one Aurin had met on the ground hours earlier. He stood by, clasping his hands behind his back and bobbing absently from foot to foot as Aurin rendered his decision.
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Well, he would ask after von Heune again later, perhaps of the Minister himself. It might score him extra points that way, and he did want to know that the man he had risked life and limb for was worth it, had survived. In any case, he relaxed a bit, relieved.

"Ah, good. So long as Dornkirk doesn't mind babysitting me a while longer, I wouldn't mind riding with a posse." He grinned. "And I suppose if the tour were to take me that way, I might look for something more appropriate for meeting a minister, even if ladies aren't present. Do you think he might invite you both as well? We got on well enough, but that was ages ago and I don't want to overstate my impression upon him. Of course... my own clothes ought to be mended when I get back down to Schiller..."

Aurin shook himself briefly like a wet dog. He smiled sheepishly.

"Whatever happens, happens," he said. "I don't suppose my clothes will make all that much of a difference and I don't want to take away from the good people of Zaichaer. But I would be happy to see whatever you'd be willing to show me while I'm here. The pidges have their flying islands, but they didn't make flying islands. It's like we're walking on a peak of human ingenuity and just... it's like we're so blasé about it." He laughed.

"Me, I wouldn't know the first thing about how to make something like this happen. Airships are brilliant enough, but air... islands..." He shook his head. "Sorry, I'm a rube here. Let's go, shall we? I don't have anything to set aside in whatever rooms I'm allotted. Might as well go see what's to be seen, hey?"
word count: 315
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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It took Kuno a moment, after sorting out the confusion, to recall that Kavafis had asked after someone with a decidedly Zaichaeri name.

"I'm sorry," He said with a confused smile, "I don't know who that is." Turning the expression on Reiner, hoping his friend might have an explanation.

"We'll be around, no doubt." Was his response to whether or not he and Reiner might also be invited to join the pair for dinner. If the Minister had important things to ask of this man then it was unlikely polite company would be appreciated. If he did not, then why would he be taking dinner with this handsome, but by all accounts not in the least bit influential Kalzasern? If they were personal acquaintances it might make sense, but by Aurin's own words their acquaintance had been barely more than in passing. The answers to these questions were things Kuno hoped to gain over the course of the afternoon, and, if not, perhaps he might glean something after the dinner itself.

The throw away insult against the Avialae of Kalzasi put one part of Kuno at ease enough to give a short laugh of acknowledgement, while another part of him narrowed its eyes at the redhead. The man was certainly handsome, and had an easy way about him that seemed intended to put others at their ease. Kuno recognized it because it was just the sort of thing he did, often. Kavafis was good at it, enough so that he might even be being honest. He bore watching, for one reason and another.

"Their are more than enough to go around." Was his jovial, if a bit macabre response to the notion of not taking from the citizens. While food might need rationing, there was far more clothing now without owners than there were living bodies that needed dressing. It could easily be said that nearly everyone on the islands now wore finer things than they had before the 34th. There were a few families and individuals who had been well heeled enough to afford the finest before they'd lost everything, but even they weren't complaining. Not that everyone was going about wrapped in lace and frippery, Zaichaeri were sensible and there was always work to be done.

Leading the way back out of the apartment building into the fresh air Kuno considered what could be shown off that wouldn't give anything away that wasn't already known but would still reflect well on the Islands. As such the tour was a bit rambling as they passed the well organized streets filled with a working force that included all races and both genders equally. The only discrimination was based on age, with the children below sixteen having been sent to a school on the insistence of Lady Dornkirk.

The efficiency of the mini society was remarkable, with all needs being provided for by utilizing the talents and abilities of everyone who required the providing. It was like a circle, everyone put in, and everyone got back what they needed, and even a good deal of what they wanted.

At the end of the tour of the outer city, that is, everything not inside The Windworks, Kuno ended back in the square that housed the apartment building.

"Over here are the dining kitchens, you can get something any time of the day, but the three major meals are when you'll get something hot." He listed the times for these, then turned a little and pointed, "There's the nearest pub, you can get a drink any night, no charge, same as everything else, but it'll depend on what is available. On the two off nights there is usually a dance to be had, if you're light on your feet and... that's about it."

The last words might be humble on the surface but they were anything but in Kuno's head. What they had built was a miracle of modern intention made real.
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"Hm?" Reiner blinked, having one of those moments where his ears heard something before his mind did, but with Kuno's prompting he registered. "Oh! Um, von Heune was the injured private he helped to the Schiller." He explained, before turning to Aurin. "We're in regular communication with the forward bases. I'm sure that's achievable. I'll check for you tomorrow morning."

Right after Reiner had resolved not to broach the matter of whether or not he'd be attending tonight's dinner, Aurin did. It was better coming from him, he supposed, and at least his curiosity might be sated. It was not, however, as Kuno's response was nebulous. He highly suspected that either meant they weren't invited or Kuno didn't know the actual answer but wanted to seem like he did. Classic Konrad Kämpfer, either way.

Reiner tilted his head, surprised to hear this Kalzasern resident (not citizen as he'd been quick to correct), use the favourite Zaichaeri pejorative for the master race of his city: Pidge. It wasn't that he'd particularly defended the Avialae overlords or even the city itself, but he had shown more sympathy toward the ancient enemies of the State than Reiner had been comfortable with when it came up earlier. He wondered if the man was adapting... Perhaps his work in theater taught him a few tricks, he mused inwardly, as they proceeded down to the street.

Reiner just smiled as Kuno led the little tour and ended on a comment about the occasional dance nights.

"Don't get any naughty ideas, though, Red! The girls up here are good, honest Zaichaeri maidens, not the mongrel whores you're probably used to seeing walking the streets of the... what's it called Kuno? The Plaza of the Loose Old Wenches?" He grinned broadly to the lieutenant, unabashedly seeking approval for his jape.
word count: 333
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