Hilana of the Void (Hilana)

Travelers beware, the unprepared are quickly lost to these towering rocky sentinels of the North.

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As Hilana reclaimed her Elementalism rune, she would feel all of the elements begin rushing through her body. A normal initiation was never easy and came with it the sickness that all Elementalists went through. But a Master level rune such as this, returned in such a crude and rapid manner was volatility incarnate. The elements that soared through her were in chaos, and damage was being inflicted heavily upon Hilana's body and soul as they tried to find a natural equilibrium. Her threshold sickness was magnitudes greater than it had been during her first initiation, matching in scale with the power that was returned to her. Her aether was entirely in flux and out of control, her body kept shifting back and forth in sections from flesh to fire to earth and wind and water and all those elements between.

A hand reached out to Hilana, Athalia was in a form fully of fire now, her eyes glowing deep within. She poured her aether into Hilana, seizing control of the elements there, shepherding them to calm and to stop the damage. As she did, Hilana would become intimately familiar with the feel of her sister's aether, her power, her heart and mind behind it, as the elements slowly eased to a tired balance.

Once Hilana was stable, Athalia's arm dropped tiredly, returning back to her mortal form. It was over, they were safe now. They just had to get out and find this Rick of hers. "Hilana.. look." She pointed over to where the Void Hilana had been burned away, and there were two more orbs there, laying upon the ground, shining bright. She looked back at HIlana and jumped back in surprise. She summoned a fireball, ready to hurl it seemingly at her sister. In a low whisper, "Behind you.." Over Hilana's shoulder, was the transparent figure of a face familiar to her but foreign to Athalia.

The ghost of Aeros had been returned and he was tethered to Hilana, having just been deposited there by Shaeoth.

A few minutes later...

There was a whistling slice, as a hole in the fabric of their pocket dimension was sliced upon, opening a wound fifty yards from Hilana, Athalia, and Aeros. The air was whistling into it, erroneously trying to bring balance to the Void, as wind is oft to do. But the edges of it began to move, to darken, to grow. A closer look would see that there were creatures peeking out from the darkness, and they were biting onto the edges of reality and consuming it. The small monsters seemed to be made of emptiness, were a mess of tentacles and a mouth, eyes glowing brightly. As they consumed, the hole grew bigger, and more of them came through. They ate stone, air, corpse, time and space indiscriminately, not slowed by seemingly any substance that found itself in their path.

A human man who had been hiding near there darted away from cover in a panic, and as he did, all eyes turned on him, and the void creatures screamed silently, a noise not heard by ears, but felt violently in the soul, and swarmed on him. He was entirely gone in a matter of seconds. As the edges of the tear grew further and were consumed, a soft, multicolored light could be seen past a long stretch of darkness and void; familiar hues and tones, a million million colors never seen before.

It was only fifty yards of world and a hundred yards of void away.


 ! Message from: Aegis
Aeros is returned as a ghost into this thread, gaining the skills of Materialization, Possession, and Haunting, all at 0 points and 0 lores. He is now tethered to Hilana. For more details, see wiki/index.php/Undead#Ghosts
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Æros did not know what fate awaited him when the winds of change had begun to bluster. So in the aftermath, once his body had been destroyed, his ability to perceive had been massively clouded due to the trauma thereof. Though his soul had still been manifest when Shaeoth elucidated the context of their particular deal, Æros was in a state of great overload, of confusion, of bewilderment. However, it was as he had assumed when the old God had uttered that his plea had been ‘accepted.’ When his mind properly deciphered the words, registered the sentiment, he did feel some solace in that clarification as his soul, now a ghost, was whisked away.

The next thing he knew he was in a strange, distorted reality, surrounded by great destruction. Confused, he did his best to gather what of his perception he could– but then he heard a woman’s voice. Caught off guard, his gaze shifted in the direction thereof, and he saw two figures he recognized, though only one he felt as if he'd met. Æros had met many of Hilana's family in the past. He'd heard stories of her history, too, of how they were in her childhood, of how they'd been in the recent past, so on. So while this Athalia was quite different than the one he met, he recognized the face, the voice. What was this?

Looking around him, he saw the glowing orbs, though he lacked the context to be confident in what they were. He didn’t understand the circumstance, either, but it certainly looked dire.

Manifesting himself enough to speak, “Hilana! Where…what is this? Doubtless you, as well, want an explanation…and that is deserved, and you will have it, but…we must first get out of here. Return to Solunarian sands,” and as he spoke, his gaze darted between the two orbs.

“Can you tell what these are? They appear…important; can you collect them? Take them with us? Please– I…” he sounded lost, desperate.

In this state, he did not know the extent of his influence, his abilities. When he tried to use his cardinal runes, they were unable to impact the world around him as he lacked the aetheric density to make proper use of them. If he couldn’t use his runes, he doubted he could interact much with the world around him.

“Hilana…please, I am…at your mercy; I can’t use my runes. Get us out of here and I’ll be indebted to you. After…after everything, I can’t be lost again.”

After these sentiments, after she had time to respond, the world ‘round them would be sundered; Æros' soul immediately panicked at the tear, his fear increasing as he saw the destruction it wrought. He panicked, and striding towards Hilana, enacted a skill he didn’t quite understand. Desperate to preserve himself, he willed his æther into hers, an act of Possession. However, weak as he was, confused as he was, he had himself subservient to her. He would give her will use of his abilities, if possible.

“I am yours to use; command me and I'll do it, but...I'm weak, just...just– get us out of here. His urgency was profound.
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"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 651

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Hilana had not been prepared for the magnitude of the violence of the threshold sickness of having her Rune replaced within her soul. Everything was hot, cold, hard, gaseous, liquid, and she felt the screaming agony beyond anything she had ever experienced before. She felt rather than heard the scream from her throat, only to choke when she could not get air into her lungs. She felt her limbs paralyzed, then burning, and cracking, her insides turning to water. She couldn't breathe, and then she could. She couldn't feel, and then she could. There was a stabilization as something that had once burned her, that had been the sister she had disliked the most, her Void-shade was the one to guide the Elements that she had become into their harmony. Tears streaked the dirt and blood and soot on her face, and her breathing was ragged. Her arms found Athalia once she was solid, and clung to her like she would never let her go.

She needed to be a better sister. A better daughter. A better family member. She could mend this, she could fix this, she could try... In that union between the two of them, she felt the laughing fire, the passion, love, heat, and warmth that came from her sister, even with the orb that she still held in her left hand. The Traversion Rune, which she did not have at the moment... she didn't dare risk trying to absorb it. Not after that. It was clear that settling the elements within her baby sister had cost Athalia, and neither of them had had Traversion. If not for the ring that was safely in the featherlight satchel in her rucksack, she might have been desperate enough to use it to try to get them out. But for now, she would hold it in reserve. Trying to push through that again would almost certainly be fatal, and after all of this... she needed to get them out of here. Take a minute, recover, and reevaluate.

"Gratias, Athalia," she managed when she was able to speak, her forehead against her sister's. Hilana may have been the youngest, but she was the tallest of the four, though Athalia had been closest to her. Two more orbs? What... Runes were these ones? She activated her Semblance again, feeling her palm with her other fingers to trace the molten gold rune there that shimmered once again. Masquerade and Semblance. Could those have been Dominus Æros'? She blinked away her Sembling sight, and was about to shift her rucksack around so that she could retrieve the satchel from its depths. She hadn't wanted to carry it on its own, what with its glow and she hadn't known what they would have found out and about, much less attract the voidspawn when they went beyond the range of the Sceptre of Avaerys, but stashing the Traversion Rune in the satchel seemed to be the smartest thing to do. In slipspace, the Rune should theoretically be safe.


But when Athalia whispered and summoned fire, Hilana turned, already preparing to blast whatever it was behind her, only to pause at the spectral face of the star-touched fae. "Æros?" she was so shocked that for the first time since she had met him, she had left off his title. "Hold, Athalia," she raised her hand to calm her sister. She wasn't sure she wasn't seeing things, but as the spectral vision of her friend began to speak and plead, the girl was stunned. She had never heard Æros speak like that in her life, and she realized that the Void-self had been telling the truth. The Senator was dead. By their hand, or whatever it was... he had passed in here.

"They are Runes," she told him. "One is Semblance, to the left. One is Masquerade, to the right. This one is Traversion," Hilana explained, only now shifting her rucksack in order to retrieve the glowing Featherlight satchel that Talon had gifted her a month ago. She opened it, slipping the Traversion Rune inside of it, and picked up Semblance and Masquerade, putting them in there as well. "I take it that they are yours?" She wanted to know. The Void had taken her Elementalism, after all. And while she had now retrieved it... She looked at the tear and the creatures. "We are out of time," [/color]she held her hand into the Featherlight satchel and summoned her Mask of Midnight's Mother and the Traversion Ring, before she grabbed the chain whip that the demon had used to create fire. The whip was coiled, and slipped inside the mouth of the sack. She would learn how to use it better, too. As she stood up, though, the ghost of her friend fled, and soon she realized he was fleeing inside of her. "We will talk later," she told the ghost grimly. "And you will need to explain. When we get home."

Hilana had never been possessed before, not to her knowledge, and this was certainly one of the strangest sensations she had felt to date, but as her day had gone... this was nothing. With his panicking, the girl had to take a deep breath, feeling the dread and horror as she looked at her sister. "Do not panic. I'm going to vanish for a breath, but do not panic. I am here, and we are leaving together," she assured her. The ring went on her finger, and she grabbed Athalia's hand to squeeze it reassuringly. The Mask went on her face, only to vanish from sight and become invisible. She opened its protections to her sister. “Occultatio! Integumentum obscurum!” she instructed the Mask, extending the concealment protections to Athalia as well. Her rucksack was closed, the cargo encased within the satchel and closed back up. "A gift from Her Argent Luminescence," she explained. "Now, put out the fire. I need you to trust me," dark eyes searched dark eyes as she held her sister's hands, squeezing them. "Stay with me. Make no sound. Cast no light, no fire, nothing. Light interrupts its protections," she had learned that lesson in Ecith, and with what those...things... had done to the man... No. She would rather keep it from happening again.

She set her jaw, as Athalia fell into step with her. 'Your Argent Luminescence, may Your shadows conceal and your servants through through,' she thought to herself, steeling her nerve as she held her sister's hand. Her head went up, her shoulders squared, and her free hand went into her bunched skirts, burrowing it within the folds of fabric to make sure that no reflection of light could come off of her Elementalism Rune now that it was etched upon her skin again. When you're going through hell, keep going. Don't slow down, and show no fear. But when you're going through hell... keep going. With the spirit taking safety within her own aura, and her Void-shade Athalia at her side, she gathered her nerves and started to walk them towards the light.

word count: 1215
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As the Void Spawn consumed every aspect of the world around Hilana, Athalia, and Aeros, the Void grew. Nothing was spared, matter, energy, space, time, all of it was consumed by these ravenous creatures. As Hilana and crew moved toward the opening, more and more of these beings spilled through and the world around them grew darker and darker. The slithering and chewing and breaking and slurping sounds of the Void Spawn were the only sounds that penetrated the bottomless and empty darkness.

The swarm came in close to the group, their glowing eyes staring right at Hilana. Up close, Hilana would be able to see how they could bite right into reality to create nothingness, which in turn made a vacuum within their mouths, pulling even more air, matter, energy in. Soon they were close enough, their tentacles were touching Hilana and Athalia, and were even finding purchase on Aeros. The limbs were seeking, using their multitudes of sensory receptors to find more to consume. There was a pressure at their touch, one that could only be felt through their aetheric senses. '

But no bites came.

The tentacles passed over the surface entirely of the group's bodies, as they consumed the air and space and sound and ambient aether that was right next to them. But they moved on, leaving only what was within the Mask's protection left. With the swarm continuing on to consume the remainder of this realm, all that was left before the group was unending nothingness, pierced by the opening of light at the end of it.

And the remainder of the travel would find them unnoticed and unmolested further, as the group would spill back out into the cave where they'd first found the Monolith, which was now sundered in two.

However, as the Spawn moved on, a message passed through Hilana and Aeros' mind, "All will be consumed by the Void in the end."
 ! Message from: Aegis
This thread is now closed, do your next replies in viewtopic.php?t=4459

word count: 341
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Lores: 10 Skill Lores

Loot: See Multifaceted
Injuries: See Multifaceted

Points: 15 Exp, may be used in magic

Comments: What a fun PC, this was fun, modding her for the first time.

Lores: 1 Skill Lores

Loot: See Multifaceted
Injuries: See Multifaceted

Points: 0
Comments: Just passing through (heh ghost pun)

word count: 94
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