Gaining Understanding [Lykos]

In which Hilana, Lia, and Lykos begin the process of uncovering Lykos' past.

"Red Rock Citadel" is a remote outpost of the Silver Sentinels situated in a barren stretch of the Atraxian Desert which serves as headquarters to the Custodes Deorum- A branch of the Vigilia devoted to the divine affairs.

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“I believe that Nyx is very rare,” Hilana told him. “It only just began to appear in Ash, about two seasons ago, I understand. When the Eclipse started. There isn’t one now, and you don’t see an Eclipse here, but there was a great darkness that went all beyond the borders of the Kingdom. The Royals and the Dragons put the Sceptre of Avaerys in the sky in order to protect our realm,” she explained to the other two. “Outside of the Sceptre’s light, everything was dark and cold. Winter reigns, there was no sunlight and one could not use their Cardinal Runes unless they had a special type of dragonshard. But even world magic was not working properly, and dragonshards were taking much longer to recharge. They normally recharge on their own within a decent timeframe, but with the darkness... they weren’t. Void creatures were drawn to the light, and they are harvesting and gathering aether... though we don’t know what for. But now I am wondering if that has to do with those elves that were in the Monolith.” The Vastiana was thoughtful, chewing slowly on her date.

“...For him. His plans. I wonder... I wonder if the aether those voidspawn have been gathering is for ‘his’ plans. Whomever ‘he’ is... and that’s why. That’s... that’s going to be a problem. They’ve been devouring a lot of it,” Hilana realized. She’d have to mention it to Cithaera... along with the the fact that she thought she had seen some sort of Tower to the West when she and Æros had been traveling to the Crystal Tree in the North.

“I’m surprised at you,” Athalia smiled at her. “You’ve come a long way, soror. You had no interest in magic back then.”

“It took some convincing,” Hilana admitted. “But it makes for a powerful tool, I’m learning. But even still... I imagine the High Sentinel has already considered this possibility. I’ll leave a note for Sentinel Phocion when I have my next lesson in the Praetorium.” They’d likely already have put that together with their tales from the day before, but if they hadn’t... it was another connection that helped flesh out the picture.

“You take lessons in the Praetorium?” Lia stared at her, raising an eyebrow. “From Sentinels? Does Father know about this?”

“That’s another long story,” Hilana smiled at her with a shrug. “But no, he doesn’t... I’ve kept that from him. He wouldn’t approve, Lia, and you know that.” Lia only nodded. She knew full well that Hilana was right about that. Their father’s expectations had been that they were raised well, they became proficient in at least one Rune, and learned how to run a household. They would marry properly to a man he chose for them, and they would have children and raise them. Simple. Except Hilana had been the one to defy his plans, and she was determined to wrest some control of her future from him... by appealing to those who outranked him in the hierarchy. Raithen had already offered, and in doing so, that had taken a great deal of pressure off of Hilana’s shoulders in that regard.

That was another long story, and Hilana was building up more to tell her. She didn’t know how well it would go with Lia; but things were certainly better with her than they had been with the one who actually resided in Ransera. It was one complication after another, but she owed her explanations. And lots of them. It was going to take a lot of tea.

With Semblance, he was able to see far more of Athalia, though Hilana...was oddly muted to his attempts to study her aura. She was blank - he was not able to see into her, for some reason, and it wasn’t that she was so skilled that she was keeping him out. She had already said she was a novice at best, a beginner that was still working on learning and understanding, on training her aether and her senses to better understand what she was looking at and looking for. But beyond her, there was far more that he could look at and observe. Each of the prepared foods told a story in its aura, down to what all went into the various recipes to make them. “That was the Rune shaped like a sun on the nape of your neck,” Hilana advised him, drawing the shape of that Rune on his arm with her fingertip as well since he couldn’t see it. “A bit similar,” she turned her right hand over, showing him the sun-like Rune that filled her palm.

“Semblance works differently than almost every other Cardinal Rune in that you are able to manage each of the abilities that come with it from the time you receive your Rune,” Hilana explained. “You can learn about the structure and physical properties, or emotions and focus of a target, its aura, and so on,” she had a drink of her hibiscus iced tea. “The challenge is really in learning how to interpret and guide your focus, and the better one gets at that, the more information one can discern from what they are trying to semble.”

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The story which Lana was telling Lykos and Lia both fascinated the wolf to hear. The Rune of Nyx was something newer than other runes, and it seemed as though this Eclipse event heavily correlated to its manifestation. From what Lykos remembered when he’d first awoken, there was a massive black moon that revealed the sun upon their departure. He couldn’t help but wonder about the connection there, and if perhaps, after everything that supposedly happened, they had something to do with the event.

Needless to say, he was learning much, about The Royals and this Sceptre which just happened to be the artificial sun. It started to make more sense to Lykos now, though, hearing that darkness and winter reign beyond its light unsettled him. Was he not the Lord of Winter? If such were the case, then who was to say he wasn’t involved or somehow… influencing it without intent? The idea nearly unnerved him even more, seeing as how he was only learning to control his powers as they were. If he wanted the name King of Winter to mean something, then surely, he would have to do something to stop the Long Winter that had plagued the rest of the world. The thought rested heavy on his mind and it suddenly showed in his expression.

He let that rest for a moment though, finishing the remainder of what he’d collected on his plate, while the sisters ruminated on things mentioned when they were in the Void. Whoever this mysterious person or entity referenced was, the wolf hoped that they could be reasoned with in whatever shape or form. He did not wish to contend with anything just to release the world from a permanent winter, and if he truly were a King of such domain, then it was only right he step up and claim it when the time truly came.

When the conversation drifted onto more familial matters, Lykos couldn’t help but grin plainly then, admittedly delighted to be hearing more about the sisters and their homefront. Though, their lives did not sound like easy ones living, even if their father went out of his way to provide for them. To Lykos, he did not sound like a real head figure in their Pack, at least, not the type of Alpha that should’ve looked after them in the way they needed. Part of him felt inclined to uphold that mantle himself, to carry out that role and do what seemed best, even if that decision might lead to tensions between him and the sisters.

Truthfully, Lykos just wanted to protect them now. They had been so good to him that he’d felt whatever debt they owed truthfully absolved, then again, he also didn’t want anything more out of them than what they’d already given in turn. It was difficult to put it into context as a feeling, but the wolf treasured them almost dearly, having such admiration as well as appreciation for the pair. At the very least he was able to hide the fact he gleamed ‘something’ off Athalia just now, without raising any concern as to what exactly he’d discovered in the process.

To his understanding, this Lia that he knew wasn’t really the same Lia that Lana grew up with. She was of the Void and so far, that rang true with everything he’d observed. From the scent that she carried, to the very outline of her aura he’d witnessed just then. If Lykos could somehow find a way to, he’d learn of a means of protecting Athalia from the Void. Maybe… just maybe, he could even figure out how to separate her from it entirely. Give her a new life unfettered by the connections that tethered her to darkness… and in doing so, give Lana the sister that she never got to have in turn.

“Huh, a sun-like rune.” He murmured when he watched Hilana trace the shape in his palm, the corners of his lips curving into a smile as he felt the etching on his skin. It was hard not to adore the sort of attention she gave him, the wolf admittedly feeling more ghostly tail wags along the small of his back. Yet he didn’t realize he could glean such information with just the one rune, leading him to realize just how valuable Semblance really was once he fathomed the extent of its capabilities.

“I’ll be damned, that’s actually impressive.” He remarked with a hearty chuckle, giving Lia and Lana both an enthused glance. To them it probably looked as though a light bulb had flickered on in his mind, leading to a very excited wolf when he looked over all the food once more. To think, he’d been so busy observing Lana cooking the day prior, and now he could easily learn how one made such delicious food all through Semblance if he concentrated hard enough.

“Wow, I…” It was hard to believe just how much he had learned from just this one session. In a way the emotion he felt now was genuine, not tied to whatever the lump was that remained in his chest. He actually felt good for a change, and Lykos easily connected it to these two before him. “Thank you both. I know I say that frequently but… You’ve done everything you can to help, and for all intents and purposes I…”

The emotion welled in his chest and for a moment, he worried about affecting the weather again, so instead of allowing that emotion to swell and rise; he committed it to a thought worthy of the feeling. “I intend to return the favor in every way I can. Starting by becoming the Lord of Frost, and hopefully…” He could only wish he had the full confidence necessary to say this. “Putting an end to this Long Winter.” Lykos wanted to promise that and so much more, because deep down, he wanted nothing but happiness for Hilana and Athalia. And if he ever found a means of making that happen, well, he certainly would do his damnedest to strive for it.

Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 06, 2024 12:18 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1054
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“There’s more to it than that,” Hilana smiled. “But that’s as good a place as any to start. One of the most useful uses of Semblance is being able to alter your own aura. That means that you could hide from others who and what you are. So that those who scrutinize you cannot find the truth of your aura, unless they are stronger than you.”

At his statement about his future, Hilana smiled at him, and reached to squeeze his hand. “You will. We will find a way somehow, Lykos. And you need not thank us. We are just glad that we can do this for you. In Varvaerynism, the religion of Solunarium, the worship of Avaerys and Varvara, magic is a gift from the Gods. The ability to use aether helps define us and it is a crucial part of who we are. Understanding your Runes helps us all put together your puzzle. It may take time... and that is okay. It is better to prepare and practice, to build up your strength and your abilities, and understand who you are. Who you are meant to be. We will find your way. I promise.”

“Hilana is right. The honour is ours,” Lia smiled at him, and raised her hibiscus iced tea to him. “To you, and to our Pack,” she borrowed the term that her sister was so fond of. After so long in the Void, left bereft of the familial ties that she had had for so long, a sulphurous hell that in some ways was her own design... having another chance again was a blessing. Second chances didn’t come twice, and the elder Vastiana was not about to let go of this one. They were stronger together than apart, and perhaps it would do her good to learn a little bit of Hilana’s Wildness for herself. “But for now, we’ll take our time, and this does give us an excellent foundation upon which to build. We will see what you can do and how well, and build upon that foundation, brick by brick,” she gestured with two fingers, and on the sand before them, smooth, flat stones began to balance on top of each other, one at a time, forming a pyramid, stone by stone.

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Lykos beheld a brief reaction of astonishment to the revelation, if Semblance could alter his aura then perhaps, he'd be able to mask his identity as a Demigod altogether. That sounded crucial if he wanted to keep his Divinity a secret from the world, which meant he had not one, but rather two magic disciplines he needed to reacquaint himself with. "Wow, something like that would definitely benefit someone of our stature." He mused with a glance to Lia when he admitted the statement, understanding the levity of keeping her existence a secret from those within Solunarium.

The squeeze of his hand and the encouragement he received were boons to his confidence. The wolf honestly hadn't the slightest idea how he'd accomplish these feats, but he did know one thing, he wanted to do it for a multitude of reasons. For the pack, he was missing. For the pack, he'd found here. And most importantly, for himself above all else. Hearing the antics of Varvaerynism, led Lykos to ponder the significance of his own power here. Sure, he possessed an incredible number of runes, and that alone likely brought about great stature within Solunarium culture. But as a living Demigod?

He could only question what that truly spelled for him in the near future. Even so, the fact the pair of sisters found honor in aiding him. Truthfully, Lykos wasn't sure how he should've felt in that regard. Humbled was one word for it but even so, part of him questioned the levity of that humility when he felt it in turn. "Well," he regarded with a partial grin as he watched the stones shift atop one another, "I'll certainly do my best." In a way Athalia wasn't wrong about building upon his foundation, having realized today what he was already capable of, and even then, it felt as though they'd barely even scratched the surface.

One thing Lykos did know was that, in due time, his life was about to get even more interesting than he anticipated.

Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 06, 2024 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 361
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"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
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Name: Lykos

XP: 10 Points, may be used for magic
Lore: 12 Lores
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: None

Name: Hilana

XP: 10 Points, may be used for magic
Lore: 12 Lores
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: None

Notes: Some more pieces are fitted into the puzzle that is the Lord of Frost. Some things fit, some things don't... but the more pieces go together, the easier it becomes.

word count: 85
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