Celebrate Reguardless [Aurin, Kaus]

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Torin Kilvin
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Title: Runesmith
Location: Kalzasi
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9 Glade, 123

The week that Torin and Timon had spent with the twins and the rest of House Leukos had been one of the most eventful of either of their lives. Though there had been joy there was also a fair amount of awe and even some disbelief for Torin at the turn his fortunes had taken. They had turned the night he met Aurin, in his mind, but being elevated to nobility, even to such a low degree that most wouldn't consider him nobility, hadn't featured in his wildest dreams. In fact, had it featured in his younger dreams it would have likely been the feature of a nightmare rather than a fantasy.

But Torin wasn't alone anymore, he had others who could help him with the parts of managing the allotment of land he'd been granted that he wouldn't understand. Perhaps he would learn as he went; certainly he would try, but should he fail Aurin and Timon, as well as Kala, would be there to help him. Sivan could help with the farming, though Torin did know enough about that to at least get his people started.

His people. Another daunting thought even if he didn't have any yet. Still, he had realized that taking care of people he cared about brought him a kind of peace he didn't get anywhere else.

Pushing aside thoughts of the future and reminding himself that he was trying to celebrate the present he straightened his vest, which was new, a green brocade with silver buttons that Timon had given him for the New Year. Torin felt like a boy wearing his Lord's clothes in it, but he had to admit that it fit him well. Opening his door he was bombarded by an array of scents, most of them savory or sweet added to the bright smell of burning Frost herbs that were traditionally added to the hearth fires for the New Year's holiday in Kalzasi. It was a week after when most people celebrated. Torin and Timon had been in Starfall to celebrate on the day, but they had both still wanted to have their own party, as was becoming tradition, and Aurin wanted to show The Whispers a good time and give them the gifts he'd commissioned for them.

So, a week late or not, they were following their pattern of decorating, buying and preparing far more food than any of the guests could eat as Timon tried out increasingly complex and elaborate new recipes, and spending a day with their loved ones. Sivan had already received his gifts from both of them and if he couldn't drop by on that day he knew he was expected to help them eat the mountain of vittles that would be left over.

Presents were stacked to either side of the large hearth in the main room, which was festooned by garlands of evergreen plants as well as ribbons and candles. The tables, kitchen and dining both, were decorated and already covered in treats. Timon was in the kitchen, chatting away with the two members of the little coven that shared his same age, they had been thick as thieves (Torin hoped only metaphorically) since practically the moment they'd met. The rest of the coven would be along soon, as well as Aurin and the twins.
word count: 575
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Now that Aurin had been to Starfall and Torin's valley, there were permanent gates between Starfall and the Cintamani Pavilion, and between Torin's forge and his valley. Aurin didn't know the first thing about making things permanent, but Torin knew scrivening and Aurin was only too happy to offer his tricks. But he had taken the day off for yet another New Year celebration; he was the boss, so nobody was going to tell him not to. His voice was clearly audible through the door before it opened. He nudged the littlest Whisper through, then counted them quietly as they entered, his eyes flickering to the two already present. Then he pushed Jacq through and followed, slinging his arm around the leader of the young coven.

"Joyous week after New Year!" he said loudly, cheeks and the tip of his nose rosy from the enduring cold.

Huntress made a noise of welcome that definitely wasn't a bark, snaking her way through the Whispers, sniffing here, licking there, and then jumping up on Aurin's hip until he showed her some attention.

"It's cold as—" Aurin stopped himself. He cursed in front of children on the best of days, but he didn't want to ruin Torin's little party, nor did he want to use witch's tit in front of a coven of witches. The phrase didn't offend him, but then he hadn't integrated being a witch into his sense of self, much the same as he wasn't a mage; he just had some magic tricks—powerful magic tricks. "It's cold."

Some kids focused on Huntress. Some kids focused on the smell of sweet baked things. Some kids were respectfully greeting Master Kilvin. Aurin disengaged from Jacq, ruffled heads of hair as he worked his way around the milling crowd of short people to give Torin a kiss on the cheek and a proprietary slap on the ass. With a smirk that dared him to say something about it, he wandered past and into the kitchen.

"Oi, Timon. Where's your boyfriend?"

He ruffled his hair, too, then proceeded to peruse what was cooking and backing still; with all likelihood, he might ruin something.
word count: 374
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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Torin Kilvin
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Title: Runesmith
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Something about having a house full of children, or, at least people younger than Torin himself stirred emotions in the smith he didn't fully understand. Similar feelings had come up the first time he'd hosted this party and all the people he'd come to know and care about in the city had shown up to offer him little gifts and well wishes and share the bounty of his new-found ability to provide.

It was different people this year, as the world had pulled his little family to the four corners, but the new faces were still ones he'd come to care about, each in their own way. Turning in a slow circle he watched as Timon boasted about something to Clover and Ruhig who somehow managed to look suitably impressed while maintaining the aloof expressions that only certain ages of puberty seemed able to manage. Vivi was setting aside her coating, eyes brightening at the sights and smells that greeted her, Bastion was pushed in gently by Aurin, who brought up the rear with Jacq under his arm but the youngest Whisper walked over to Torin on his own and offered a quiet greeting. It was an effort not to squat down to the boy's level to answer him but, having been made painfully away of how being treated as a child could be at that age instead he offered his hand and a return greeting.

As soon as his would-be apprentice (they had discussed it with Jacq and Bastion and decided to let him try out an apprenticeship once Torin settled back to his work for Glade) moved away Aurin was there, smelling of himself and making Torin's mouth water in ways even the holiday feast could not. He flushed when his man smacked his backside despite both the occasion and the company, but said nothing as the redhead continued into the kitchen.

The conversation between the teenagers therein cut off abruptly as An Adult arrived but when asked Timon turned back to where he'd been stirring a bubbling pot and said,

"Kaus is at the Pavilion." This caused Ruhig to grin wickedly and Clover to outright giggle. It also caused Timon to fail to see what Aurin was poking at just long enough for the man to get a finger right into the center of one of the beautifully decorated pies. Fruit had come very dear, it was unlikely anyone without plenty of gold to spare would be able to afford fruit pies this year.

"Oy!" Timon tried to sound affronted but his voice broke in the middle of his exclamation. As soon as he'd overcome the indignity of a childhood speech impediment real puberty had caught up to him and there was no telling how his voice would sound one moment to the next.
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As they were among their people, Aurin liked showing off that Torin belonged to him. Nobody seemed to mind particularly, though Jacq did have a thoughtful expression on his face. In the kitchen, Aurin sampled his fingerful of fruit filling, then smirked at Timon.

"Don't worry. Once you grow a foot or so and some hair on your chest, he'll be yours." He winked. Then, to Timon's audience, "Careful. He's going to be a charmer. He can already persuade a customer out of their gold and their smallclothes. Won't be long before he's talking people out of their virginity."

All the same, he ruffled Timon's hair once more, inordinately proud of the lad even if not for the correct reasons sometimes. Then he left the teenagers to it and returned to the main room where people were following their various interests. His arms closed around Torin from behind and he gave that barrel chest a squeeze.

"I sent some presents to your subjects back in the valley, your Majesty."

Aurin had to make jokes. Torin had built something here that Aurin couldn't admit he craved. It was easier to whisper I love you in the dark than to even consider he enjoyed the simple warmth of a room full of food and people who took care of each other without ulterior motives.

"Is Sivan coming?" he asked, no note of teasing in his voice. He did want Torin to have the best possible day, and he knew that included the tow-headed elf. He was glad his boy had good taste. It was only a matter of time before one of his valley lasses took a shine to him. That would be interesting. Lord and Lady Kilvin.
word count: 295
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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Torin Kilvin
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Title: Runesmith
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Timon's response was a grumbling mutter and clearly not intended to be heard by anyone at all but he wasn't truly angry with Aurin, and knew that, in their own way, they had a relationship built on respect and mutual appreciation. Also as he was still determined to learn all of Aurin's darker arts (of the non-magical variety), and thus wanted to stay on his good side, he just patched the poke-hole in the pie with a bit of decoration and said nothing else about it.

"You're one to talk." Was the boy's audible answer to the warning, moving his eyes between Aurin and Torin and raising his brows as though everyone in the room wasn't already made fully aware of that relationship. That Aurin had taken the smith's virginity was not something Timon had ever had confirmed, but as, until Sivan finally decided to trip him, Torin hadn't had any other lovers since coming to the city, Timon didn't really consider it a question. Timon well remembered the week Torin had met the redhead, and the changes that their 'friendship' had caused.

Torin smiled when familiar arms enfolded him, enough of the shyness of his boyhood had slowly peeled away in his years in the city that he wrapped his own arms around the ones around him, keeping them close without shame. Leaning his head back to rest beside Aurin's he just let himself watch the party and feel safe and good in himself and his home. Grinning at the teasing he answered,

"I sent some along too, house warming gifts and such." He didn't know the families well enough to gift anything personal yet and he didn't want to be extravagant enough to make them feel either insulted or beholden. Taking a sip from his glass of mulled wine he shook his head in answer to the question,

"Not today, he'll be by to help eat the left overs tomorrow, and I gave him his cloak and brooch already." He'd wanted the brooches on his friends as soon as Timon had suggested the idea of them. As things were, the world all sideways, he wanted those he cared about able to at least defend themselves against the shadows that attacked. Though Timon's original idea had been intended for Kaus, the twins had been better protected than most people in their citadel city. Now that they were back he would be getting his, though Timon had his own plans for that, of which Torin knew nothing.

The smith had no thoughts to the sort of plans that most young noblemen his age might have, thoughts for family and heirs to carry on their legacy. If he imagined a legacy for himself it was in the things he made, the work of his hands and his heart. The he might further the knowledge of his crafts and pass that knowing on to his apprentices.

"Are any of your other employees coming?" It was dangerous to travel without magical protection these days, so it didn't seem likely. Torin had only met the others that worked for Aurin's shadowy organization a couple of times each but he liked all of them. Well, almost all.
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Huntress went into the kitchen to stare at Timon until he gave her a treat; she brought more than one Whisper in her wake. If any of them had been scared of dogs—or wolves—Huntress had quickly disabused them of it, at least with regard to her. Aurin had tried to do the same where he was concerned: wanting them to at least trust that his violence would be used to protect them rather than harm them. He wasn't sure he wanted the children to take too much of a shine to him. There were already too many chinks in his armor.

Sometimes he considered giving Jacq a tumble, but he wasn't sure the young witch was the type. He wasn't sure he was much of a sexual creature at all, but he seemed loyal enough to his savior, and if that were true, then the Whispers would follow and that was what was most important. For a moment, he imagined taking Jacq for a tumble along with Torin, but he shook his head and smirked one of his regular smirks. Perhaps if they asked what he wanted for his nameday...

"My lord is a generous lord," he quipped, swaying his hips a bit such that his crotch caressed Torin's backside.

"I did offer, but most of them took me up instead on my offer to open portals to their family homes while the theater is dark. Just running the rails in Kalzasi..." He winked at Jacq, who would certainly know who the Railrunners were, and Aurin's connection to them.

"Oh... don't tell Timon, but I managed to persuade Lord Kaus to drop by. He told the lad about his lordly previous engagements, but when I told him how much it would mean to him, he managed to move things around. I can't wait to see his face." For Jacq's benefit, he added quietly, "The lad has a massive crush on his friend. Thankfully, he's too noble to take advantage of him. That is... if he's even aware."
word count: 349
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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Torin Kilvin
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Title: Runesmith
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As the rest of the coven removed themselves to the kitchen to begin snacking Torin, Aurin and Jacq formed a little circle together, though, as Aurin was standing directly behind Torin it was really more of a line.

Torin had began blushing when Aurin rubbed against him but whatever Jacq thought of that did not come out in words. The coven leader seemed interested in their conversation about the Valley and it's inhabitants, and of Aurin's other employees, though he too had met most of them at this point. When he was addressed directly he listened to the explanation without any hint of surprise on his face. It wasn't that he didn't show emotions, when he had them, but there was a sense of knowing about the Jacq that did not fit at all with his youthful face, even when you looked long enough to see the traces of hardship that had settled onto it.

"The feelings are not all one-sided, though I do not think Lord Leukos has realized this yet. They are already...close." Was his addition to the conversation, eyes moving to rest momentarily on Timon before returning to Aurin. His ability to not only see what others were thinking and feeling, but put the random chaos of input together into useful, and uncannily accurate pieces of information made it difficult for normal people to have a conversation with him unless he was intentionally trying to mask his abilities.

His smile, belated, when his eyes traveled back over Torin and Aurin, as though he were pulling himself back from wherever else his mind had been, was gentle and approving, as if he could see the whole shape of their connection and thought well of it, and perhaps them, because of it.

"There are many kinds of gifts, not all of them can be wrapped in paper and ribbons." At this he flashed a look at Aurin that said he wouldn't put it past the man to try and wrap Torin in ribbons just to prove that he could.

A moment later Timon, with the assistance of Ruhig, came from the kitchen bearing a huge platter upon which sat a roasted turkey with all the fixings arrayed around it. Clover followed after with a boat of gravy, Vivi with the fruit pie, and Bastion with a plate of rolls shiny with butter.

When Aurin loosened his arms so they could join the others at the table Torin turned and kissed his mouth, briefly, but not shyly.

The meal awaited them, and then the gifts, and then, if they had any room left even hours later, dessert.
word count: 451
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Aurin just smiled. He was adept enough with his Semblance trick to know that the connection between Timon and Kaus was an entirely good and healthy one; whatever the two of them chose to do with it as it matured was up to them. Perhaps Timon had more in common with him than he had initially imagined; both of them were capable of handling themselves, but both had set their sights on lovers who could support them if all else failed. The fox-faced man had suffered nightmares where he was an invalid and Torin wore out his youth caring for him, and he thought he would rather die than be a burden, even if it was a love's labor rather than charity. But he didn't let that thought settle.

It was good to know Jacq thought similarly. He had warned the Whispers not to look too far into Lord Kaus' aura, and to leave Lady Kala's well enough alone. The contract with House Leukos was Torin's past, present, and future, and he wouldn't let anyone jeopardize that. And he, at least, knew the latter was a budding goddess and he didn't want his little coven to get on her bad side.

His thoughtful look in response to Jacq's other statement certainly hid the thought of Torin wearing nothing but bows and ribbons, but his lascivious smile settled back into his usual smirk when the children returned to the room. He kissed Torin good and hard, then clapped at the sight of the food. While everyone was oohing and aahing over it, he slipped surreptitiously back into the now empty kitchen and opened a portal from the back door to a door in the Cintamani Pavilion that was prepared for such things and warded against unwanted intrusions.

And so it was Kaus' hilt-callused hands that fell upon Timon's shoulders and declared it, "A culinary masterpiece!"
word count: 324
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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Torin Kilvin
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Everyone was settling down at the table with Torin at one end, with Aurin's place to his right, Timon at the other, and the Whispers arrayed on both sides. The space at Timon's right, and one more beside that were empty, kept open should the twins have found their way to the party before the meal was severed, or for dessert after.

When familiar hands landed on his shoulders the youth turned to beam up at his best friend. He might not be Kaus' best friend, as he had a twin, not to mention an older brother and who knew how many close non-relations, but that didn't matter to Timon. He got to spend a good deal of his time with the twins when they were in the city, which was most of the time, learning from one or the other and did not feel the slightest anxiety about their connection. They did both treat him as a child but not in a negative way, and he knew that it was something he would grow out of.

Pushing the chair out for Kaus to sit he stood to carve, rolling his eyes at the way The Whispered all seemed to zone in on Kaus as a unit until Timon loudly asked what cuts of meat everyone wanted.

At the other end of the table Torin, who was flushed more from the attention Aurin had been giving him than the alcohol reached under the table to place his hand on his master's most personal area and meet his eyes as if to explain exactly what meat he wanted to devour.

An hour passed with long minutes of near silence as everyone stuffed themselves punctuated by jokes, laughter and conversation. When no one wanted to eat anymore, or couldn't, the party moved to the chairs that were situated around the fireplace in the wide living space. Torin had invested in half a dozen comfortable armchairs, which the elder half of the party took. The younger ones pulled chairs over from the dining room as they all settled again, this time to rip into the messily wrapped gifts gathered in a pile in the center of the space. There were small things for everyone (candy, tiny clockwork toys or devices, boxes of tea and bottles of mead) and more substantial ones for The Whispers, who had not been given their gifts early as the rest of Torin's found family had been.

Each of the coven had new pair of boots and a new cloak, which is the least that could possibly be said about the sets of extremely enchanted clothing. The wrapping of the gifts had themselves been warded against Semblance by Torin, because, he had said, everyone deserved surprises on for the New Year. He intended to keep the velvet wrapping after, as it might be useful should he ever need to quickly hide something from a Sembler, but even if it never was used again it was worth it for the looks of shocked surprise on the younger faces. Jacq looked at his own, and then, as he realized that all of his people had been thus equipped, looked at Aurin, concern painting his features. The coven was well paid for their work, but Runeforged items, even lesser ones, were extremely expensive. Torin caught his look and their eyes met. There was a sort of communication possible between people who had mastered the rune of Semblance, when they chose not to block each other out, and several things passed between the two young men, who were of an age with each other, that, even if they had been speaking aloud, would have been difficult to articulate. At last, Jacq gave a small nod, accepting whatever it was he'd found inside the runesmith, and let his attention return to the party; at least, as much as the coven leader ever let his attention settle onto one thing.

Timon opened his own gifts, exchanging ones that were mostly jokes with Clover and Ruhig, exclaiming over Aurin and Torin's offerings, but part of him was distracted. He had a small package in his pocket, and he kept glancing over at Kaus as the evening wore on. When there was a lull where most of the others had stood up to either find the privy or refill their drinks he leaned closer to the Avialae and said,

"It's kinda hot in here, want to get some fresh air before dessert?"
word count: 762
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Aurin never let anyone entirely past his barriers, but he allowed Jacq in more than most. If he questioned Aurin directly, he would have his answers: they were his people, whether coven or family, and he meant to see them all successful and happy. If it was tinged with his own trauma, well, that was too complicated for anyone to get a lock on without years of experience. He took his cut rare, certain that all the gold that went into Torin's food budget meant Timon was getting fresh enough meat that it was safe to consume.

The ginger used his trick and his knack for charming people to delight the little ones, and he was quite touchy with Torin, who was going to get some meat after most everyone went home.

It was an evening of delight all around. Kaus told Timon to surprise him, and he enjoyed the cut of meat as well as the rest of the meal. While still considered a runt among Avialae, it was clear he spent hours training daily; bare forearms were whipcord muscle under skin. He was lithe, but made of muscle grown compact as well as long. Kala was the dancer, but he had a grace about him as well. Even the little Whispers seemed to trust him and his sunny disposition. Not for the first time, Aurin gazed askance at him; he put away so much food and never gained an ounce of fat, only slowly developed more muscle mass.

When Timon suggested fresh air, Kaus was amenable. His kind were nigh impervious to the cold, and after a large meal, the warm room was a touch too warm with all those bodies in it.

Kaus stood and when they were at the door to the yard, he held the door open for the lad.

"Just don't ask me to spar quite yet," he said, rubbing his belly. "I need to digest the half of your banquet I ate out from under your other guests."
word count: 337
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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