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Al’Kassis had only recently acquired the ability to manifest in a guise similar to mortals, having willed his miasma into a shape that was, anatomically, a copy of a Hytori– given his bond to Hector, this was what was most familiar to him. But that did not mean the features thereof weren’t markedly alien. Speaking, for one, was an oddly cumbersome act, though the more he did it, the more his voice would sound like a single man’s, low in timbre, than the cacophonous chorus it was normally.
The spirit would bring one hand across his chest and the other to his chin in consideration of what Imogen had said regarding a hydra’s Gallstone. A not so insignificant part of him wondered how much power he’d gain if given the opportunity to feed off of something like that ‘till it did finally die– but realism notwithstanding, they were, unfortunately, tasked with not killing the thing.
When Imogen mentioned the deliverance of a ‘comprehensive killing blow,’ they all gave the Orkhan a look of varying shades of quizzical and intrigued, though all three held little doubt, it was more that they weren’t quite sure what she had in mind.
Speaking of the Gallstone, however, Vergil realized something worth noting. “Three of the four of us can effectively use the Gallstone against it; Hector, Al’Kassis and I can all harvest the beast's vitality for ourselves."
Hector would follow that, "...further, I, at least, can sustain my hold on it through, er…its suffering? I'm not sure why, but…a while back I noticed I can harvest aether from creatures in pain the same way I can harvest vitality through blood magic. And much like bigger creatures carrying more blood, size equates to more aether in that case, too." Being utilized primarily as an interrogator in the Imperium might've played a role in the development of this particular quirk.
"...and one last thing! Formidable as you are by default, Imogen, I can grant you, if temporarily, a portion of a vampire's power. It's…kind of similar to Scrivening? I can give you a Brand- draw a sigil in my blood- upon your hand, and with a flex of aether, confer onto you heighted senses and greater strength," the elven vampyr offered.
If she would accept, he'd do exactly that– the mark being similar in design to his Vitalis rune. Vergil would begin the process of creating the bait whilst Hector deferred for a moment to draw the sigil onto her, joining him after the fact. If she declined, the pair would begin crafting the bait together.
The process that would be utilized to make what was, ostensibly, a very large teratoma was…notably grotesque. The nails on Vergil's hands would sharpen into claws and he'd, at first, excise a chunk of flesh from his arm that was about the size of a marble, regenerating what he'd removed right away. Given the fact that it takes a moment for flesh to actually die, there would be a snapshot of time he could freely form it however he pleased. When Hector joined him, he would start in a markedly similar fashion, and keeping the flesh suspended in the air, they'd then combine that which they'd excised. Both invoking rapid growth at once, the flesh from each wove 'round one another until it resembled a singular mass. Bone shards, muscle, skin, hair and all sorts of anatomical anomalies would grow rapidly until the teratoma was similar in dimension to a medium sized dog. It was abominable, but there was no point in wasting both time and energy in aesthetics, here.
Upon Imogen’s indication that she was ready, the two of them would throw the mass of meat into the water; given that there was very little care to give the thing a proper dermis, it would actively seep blood into the water on contact, further alerting the hydra to its presence.
The spirit would bring one hand across his chest and the other to his chin in consideration of what Imogen had said regarding a hydra’s Gallstone. A not so insignificant part of him wondered how much power he’d gain if given the opportunity to feed off of something like that ‘till it did finally die– but realism notwithstanding, they were, unfortunately, tasked with not killing the thing.
When Imogen mentioned the deliverance of a ‘comprehensive killing blow,’ they all gave the Orkhan a look of varying shades of quizzical and intrigued, though all three held little doubt, it was more that they weren’t quite sure what she had in mind.
Speaking of the Gallstone, however, Vergil realized something worth noting. “Three of the four of us can effectively use the Gallstone against it; Hector, Al’Kassis and I can all harvest the beast's vitality for ourselves."
Hector would follow that, "...further, I, at least, can sustain my hold on it through, er…its suffering? I'm not sure why, but…a while back I noticed I can harvest aether from creatures in pain the same way I can harvest vitality through blood magic. And much like bigger creatures carrying more blood, size equates to more aether in that case, too." Being utilized primarily as an interrogator in the Imperium might've played a role in the development of this particular quirk.
"...and one last thing! Formidable as you are by default, Imogen, I can grant you, if temporarily, a portion of a vampire's power. It's…kind of similar to Scrivening? I can give you a Brand- draw a sigil in my blood- upon your hand, and with a flex of aether, confer onto you heighted senses and greater strength," the elven vampyr offered.
If she would accept, he'd do exactly that– the mark being similar in design to his Vitalis rune. Vergil would begin the process of creating the bait whilst Hector deferred for a moment to draw the sigil onto her, joining him after the fact. If she declined, the pair would begin crafting the bait together.
The process that would be utilized to make what was, ostensibly, a very large teratoma was…notably grotesque. The nails on Vergil's hands would sharpen into claws and he'd, at first, excise a chunk of flesh from his arm that was about the size of a marble, regenerating what he'd removed right away. Given the fact that it takes a moment for flesh to actually die, there would be a snapshot of time he could freely form it however he pleased. When Hector joined him, he would start in a markedly similar fashion, and keeping the flesh suspended in the air, they'd then combine that which they'd excised. Both invoking rapid growth at once, the flesh from each wove 'round one another until it resembled a singular mass. Bone shards, muscle, skin, hair and all sorts of anatomical anomalies would grow rapidly until the teratoma was similar in dimension to a medium sized dog. It was abominable, but there was no point in wasting both time and energy in aesthetics, here.
Upon Imogen’s indication that she was ready, the two of them would throw the mass of meat into the water; given that there was very little care to give the thing a proper dermis, it would actively seep blood into the water on contact, further alerting the hydra to its presence.
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Aidolon Speech
"Kathalan Tongue/Speech"
"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Mythrasi Tongue/Speech"