Hear Me Out!

a party held for politics

The Umbrium is the lower half and secondary seat of the Solunarian Capital and one of the dual-cities that comprises Solunarium Proper. Before the rise of Aværys, mining revealed the site of a ruined, underground city which they dubbed Oblitium “The Forgotten City”, the foundations of which were incorporated into what is now The Umbrium. Warmed by the magma that churns just behind the walls, the Umbrium houses the Palatium Umbrarum (The Shadow Palace) which was constructed directly beneath its sunlit counterpart, the Blazing Palace. This palace serves as the primary seat of government when the sovereign is moonborn, and houses the headquarters of The Silver Sentinels.

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TIMESTAMP: Hunter's Bounty 17, Year 123 (Glade 77)
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All manner of frivolity was not uncommon at any given time within the houses of Solunarian nobility. The purpose of such events varied, from causes minor to major to being held for ostensibly no reason at all– House Sælyan were known to be fans of revelry for revelry’s sake, but this particular event at Glade’s waning wasn’t without purpose. Internally, it was to help push the agenda of Æros’ return to the senate. Externally, the phrasing varied, but it mainly boiled down to turning the peculiar nature of Æros’ return into something to celebrate the fact that he’d returned at all as opposed to dwelling on the more tragic aspects thereof.

Aside from the members directly involved in politics, House Sælyan had a few offshoot branches and those mostly consisted of artists and æsthetes– little expense was spared on the fronts of entertainment, decor, and food, thought much of those indulgences were sourced from within. And for guests, many friends of the house were invited alongside all of the Umbrian Senate. A longer guest list served to obfuscate the true purpose of the party being held, but in the same vein, many within the house just wanted their friends to be present.

Standard fare for security was present, with the house itself warded as it had always been. The walls and floors were scrivened to block both interference and information gathering up to an expert level– that is, Sembler’s sight and teleportation were blocked, plus soundproofing. Normally, this was fine enough, but Æros had brought some rather paranoid concerns to his uncle; he wasn't quite able to explain the intricacies of his situation in the fashion he wished he could, but his sincerity about the potential incursion of, say, another spirit rang genuine to the senior Mesmer.

In addition to what was standard, they'd also hire a trio of Sentinels; two to wander the grounds, with the third to keep an eye on Æros and those directly around him. Two of these need only be specialized in Semblance, with the intent that they'd alert the third should they detect ought be awry. The third would have that same mastery, only they would also require a mastery of Summoning.

Æros was not wholly confident of his wayward lover's fate, but he'd not yet to make a return thus far at all, and he'd pleaded with Shæoth for a chance at vengeance of his own. If the patrician was returned in a state of unlife like this, something within him felt as if the other would share a kindred fate– dead, but not gone. The Sentinel Summoner would be given Khyan's name, and with it, should the spirit show, they'd be able to call the boy's spirit to themselves. Should they not be able to contain him with their magic, Æros would also pay further for the mage to bind him by use of Daemithillium– which he'd also requested be given to him afterwards, should such a thing end up being used. Little context was able to be given about the type of spirit or why, but provided the Summoner wasn't isolated to any one Sphere, none of that mattered, only the spirit's name.

With everything in place and at the appointed hour, Æros and all those invited who’d shown had already begun to enjoy themselves– guests able to do so in a myriad ways. House Sælyan was known for particularly creative practitioners of both Mesmer and Masquerade, and as such, the decor and performances throughout the house bloomed ever the brighter in their vibrance. The ghostly patrician himself occupied the body of a cousin of his, one who he’d been able to convince that the gift was worthwhile through an elaborate series of persuasive pleas, though the biggest reassurance was that the possession itself was temporary and Æros wouldn’t dig into the man’s personal life. This being the case, Æros had adorned himself similarly to how he’d done at the citadel tour with the prince some days prior, only he was slightly more modest and the elf he’s possessing is sunborn. He’d resolved himself to mingle primarily amongst the guests of the Umbrian Senate, though it’s not as if he’d shoo others away.
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"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 842

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Between Æros and Janus, Gens Sælyan was able to assemble quite a guest list of the Umbrium's magnati. Although some senators had made their excuses and declined, there were several of significant influence who'd committed to attend. It would be naturally assumed that each of the senators present was warded after some fashion though the specifics of how would remain vague without further scrutiny and such attention might well be detected by mages or alarums built into their particular wards. At their level such things were expected, given the privileged information to which they were party per their functions in the senate. A few lesser-known senators were the first to arrive, but about twenty minutes after the start of the event, the senatorial magnati would begin to trickle in between the other guests.

"Senator Val'Olean Lyrios!" A nomenclator heralded, as a dashing Silver Senator entered the chamber. Notably the moonborn was a former member of the Sentinel Order before retiring to take up the senate seat of his late father, who had been a loyal Sanguinist in the Solunarian Senate for many years. Lyrios' own leanings were, true to Sentinel form, kept close to his beautifully embroidered vest and even after he assumed his position in the senate, many were unsure of his leanings until he swore fealty to the Zalkyrians early in the transition. His cageyness and known ties to the Sentinel Order were enough to curry a great deal of attention and respect for the discreet legislator. He wasn't a member of any particular voting bloc, but he was frequent tie-breaker and a bellwether for shifting opinions.

"Senatrix Val'Amneris Cællia!" Was the next to be announced. The Sunborn Senatrix cut a striking image in gold and green as she descended the steps. Caellia had spent her young adulthood as a Lady-in-Waiting to the Solar Sovereign herself and, for reasons unknown to most, was summarily dismissed from that service in the prior decade. In the intervening years, she became a strident Immaculist... or perhaps she always had been and that was the source of the rift between her and the Luxian Crown. Whatever the case, she'd been quick to forfeit her fealty to Sol'Aværys and bend her knee before the dragons of the Umbrium.

"Senatrix Val'Cyryth Rhoenna!" Another Moonborn entered. Rhoenna had been a fixture of the Umbrium for many years, preferring the dim light of the Undercity to the blazing desert sun that beat down upon the Luxium. Janus was as nervous as he was relieved to host her, as this Silver Senatrix was known to be an impeccable hostess who threw some of the most lavish parties in the whole of the Umbrium. She would certainly scrutinise every detail, but to impress her would go a long way with the other families who'd resided primarily in the Umbrium even before it became a separate capital.

"Senator Val'Mordryn Evandrys!" Was a striking, Sunborn senator whose mother had been one of the two Consuls of the Solunarian Senatus Major for over a decade before retiring in the aftermath of the centennial jubilee. Deciding that she was too old to preside over a transition period, she gave up her seat to her brash, young son Evandrys. Having only ever served in the Umbrian Senate, Evandrys was selective in his participation. His seat would often remain unoccupied if his mercurial attentions were drawn afield of his political duties, but he was a passionate voice for causes that interested him. And his interests were as unpredictable as they were varied. Although some regarded him as an indulgent libertine, he served in the The Collegium Magistratuum up until he was called to duty in the senate.

These notable nobles greeted their hosts and moved to mingle with the other senators and sundry guests as the arrivals began to dwindle. When it seemed no further guests would arrive, another name would be called as a Sunborn stepped into the archway.

"Consul Val'Faradin Fenryl!" The Starborn Senator cast his heterochromatic gaze across the assembled guests, before approaching the hosts and inclining his head.

"My apologies for arriving late and without warning, Janus. My other engagement ended earlier than anticipated, so I decided to make an appearance." He offered with a dashing smile, before catching the eye of the Lady Val'Cyryth. "Please excuse me. Senatrix! My cook is still waiting on the recipe for that Arcasfood cake you served at your Novi Anni Vesperum!" He said, eliciting a conspiratorial chuckle from the group surrounding the Moonborn he was addressing.
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Hilana had not been sure her attending this gala was such a good idea, but the fact of the matter was, her presence was required as something of a safety measure in case anything went wrong with Æros' present host. She knew from experience that being possessed could be an unusual experience, and while he had managed to convince yet another cousin to play host to him, this was still new... and it was not particularly comfortable. If there was one thing nobles tended to universally dislike it was being uncomfortable, and the ghost of the half-Fae was still working on his ability to possess bodies. He still needed a willing host, and it didn't take much to be kicked out of the corpus that he was inhabiting. The initial moment of possession was a bit challenging, as Æros got orientated in the new form and body, and so the Vastiana and her tinctures and teas was on hand from the start to make sure that the transition went smoothly.

It was also so that she could get dressed there and servii could assist her with the final touches. As happy as Lia would have been to do it, she was staying with Lykos for the evening while Hilana attended the party, and the less she had to travel with the lavender and gold outfit, the better. The sheer amount of golden crystals and beads and stitching on top of the pale purple fabric made for a considerably heavy skirt, but she had Enmeshed it to make it to make it flow beautifully and take care of some of the weight so that it was not so cumbersome. The sleeveless blouse was much the same, exposing her tanned, toned midriff, and the matching lavender veil-like scarf was draped cross-body, accented though it was with similar beads and crystals at the edges and swirled throughout the gauzy scarf. long dark hair had been perfumed and oiled, woven into a long, many-stranded braid with a number of beads and pins. Her traditional mix-and-matched earrings had been replaced with a few golden ones, and bracelets adorned her wrists.

For the most part, she stayed by Lunara, Æros' eldest sibling, doing her level best to be on her best behaviour. She wore her pendant from Cithaera hidden under her shirt, helping keep her symphony and aura away from prying eyes. She kept her head high, though she was polite and bowing as needed, murmuring titles. Somehow, this gala felt like it held more stakes than the ball had at the Aurisian Embassy, and at least she could find some of her own - the Equestrian Caste had been present, and plenty of Patricians. Here? This was almost fully Re'hyaeans, and it was all she could do to not let herself start talking unchecked... even if Lunara and Palaemon were friendly. When Lunara was ready for continue with the crowd, Hilana could find another Vastii to talk to. She didn’t know who was watching and listening, and considering the current Consul was here...

Oh, Founders. No guts, no glory.

Last edited by Hilana Chenzira on Wed Aug 02, 2023 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 538
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As the Umbrian Magnati flowed through the Saelyan estate, and the esteemed guests were announced, all eyes were on those who had elected to come. There were words spread, of course, about the reason for this party, and the fact that the Saelyan Senatorial seat was presently empty for some reason, and had been for the last couple of weeks... well, the ulterior motives would surely be discovered and cogitated upon. Even if the reputation of House Saelyan was elegant parties for the sheer sake of throwing them and putting on masterful displays of artistry that tickled the senses in such a pleasant fashion.

Caellia, with her sweeping gown of green and gold accepted one of the proffered flutes, eyes roaming the gathering. There were but a few humans present, mostly Patricians and Equestrians with deep pockets and known businesses. She smiled at a number of Re'hyaeans that chose to approach her, greeting them warmly. She noticed a scant few who had not sworn fealty to House Zalkyrion, but saw no need to comment upon them yet. The political stadium of the Senatus Major may have been where she made the most impression, but after so many years of social situations, she was perfectly comfortable with this party, both in the number of guests and the stature thereof, exchanging greetings and laughing as her eyes found the form of the Sunborn cousin that Æros was presently possessing. She recognized enough that the Sunborn's mannerisms were more alike those of her former colleague than the noble. Hm. But the look might well have been enough for an invitation for Æros to approach her, and see if she might in fact hear him out.

Senatrix Rhoenna was already holding court within a knot of Elves, both Sunborn and Moonborn like herself, when the Consul approached her. The relaxed demeanour hid her investigative gaze that was roaming over the room, taking in every detail. Everything from the colours, to the lights, to the sources and spells used for them, to the singers and musicians on hand... she missed nothing. Her smile widened, and she inclined her head in a gesture of acknowledgement and respect. "Ah, Consul, what a pleasant surprise to see you tonight... but I thank you, you honour me. I am flattered that you remember it, and I will need to see that it is written up and delivered to you. With the scarcity of chocolate available considering its source, it seems to be worth one's life to get it these days, but such is the way of things. Do join us, old friend."

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It was novel to take on even one body that wasn’t your own, so to do so several times in the past few weeks? It was certainly something— but Æros was adjusting. He had to. If he had any desire to be more than just a shade, a shadow tethered to another, there was no other choice. In the body of another, he stood beside Janus as the evening's festivities began, intent on both welcoming their guests and also monitoring who all decided to show up. The guest list itself was long– it included an array of parties, the vast majority of which were both Re’hyæan and of houses pledged to House Sol’Zalkyrion, but there were some others.

House Sælyan was an old house and Solunarium’s split was recent; consequently, there were still some relationships remaining between them and some few who’d chosen fealty to the Luxian Crown. Further, there were a couple human attendees– those of high status and deep pockets; with these families, their ties were almost entirely business oriented. Æros had also invited Arvælyn, and he’d told the draconic princeps that should he come, he could bring along additional guests as he pleased. He did hope that the princeps would show, but knowing how busy the man’s schedule could be, he wasn’t entirely sure. The wide array was, mostly, to distract from the point– if they’d isolated their guest list to any one primary group, it’d be ever the more obvious the true intent– that being to bias members of the senate in Æros’ favor.

He knew that Hilana was there– in part because she was his friend, but also because should something sunder his possession, her being nearby was necessary for his overall wellbeing. One of his sisters, Luna, was happy to pass some time with the Vastiana. However, because much of the Masquerade that’d be employed throughout the night was hers, she’d oft be distracted by weaving her spells. And beyond that, she was a charismatic, bubbly moonborn; a natural entertainer, she had a lot of people that would want to speak with her. Or, in some cases, simply watch her casts; the woman had a lot of admirers; some for her spellwork, some for the otherworldly way she moved, and some drawn in by her charisma and beauty.

This would apply similarly to Palæmon, who, while his primary craft was Elementalism over Masquerade, was doing his level best to work alongside Luna. The house’s halls were alight with the brilliance of magic, most of the decor being fashioned to honor the draconic crown. While there were some physical pieces of art put out on display, it was the mages that made everything come to life. Because House Sælyan housed a lot of mage-artists, most of the night’s visuals would be live-casted as opposed to runeforged. As such, there were a couple different ways this manifested.

The most abundant was the ambient glow of aether that gave the house’s dark, obsidian interior an almost otherworldly glow. This was meant to beautify the surroundings whilst working alongside floating, colorful motes of magefire to keep the scenery bright and festive for their guests. Some colors and additional effects stayed static to give the correct ambience to a particular piece of art or entertainer, but in other places, the aether’s glow would shift languidly as time passed.

The second most prominent were embellishments and flourishes to specific, larger pieces of art themselves. Paintings would animate beautifully, statues would appear to breathe with life, move, cast spells, and so on. Some of these things a Masquerade artist would set and leave, while others, the mages would stand nearby to modify the magic live for guests’ amusement. In several of these cases, the artist would also serve as storyteller for the piece– most of which was their own work, and their passion would shine brilliantly through their efforts.

And lastly, there were those that were in charge of the lightning and scenery for the musicians and other performers. Luna, for example, mostly did this– she loved to bring music and stageplays to life by weaving her magic to accompany, highlight and enhance the performances. Nothing brought her more satisfaction than bringing joy to others in this way.

Then there were the victuals– on this, too, it would appear that very little was spared. The finest of spirits, confections and foods were being served, options aplenty to appeal to a variety of palettes. And for the most esteemed guests, there were rarities; strange, yet delightful foreign fruits and cocoa products included.

Like everything else in the room, both Æros and Janus were touched by magic; Janus’ accoutrements being runeforged while Æros’ were his own magic. While Æros was not a complete facsimile of what he once was, his skin was alight with the cosmos, and as stars rolled over his sunborn cousin’s skin, the man was the picture of an evening sky– just before night set in. The metal of his accessories was a prismatic white gold, and of the same material, he wore a delicate-half pauldron modeled to look like dragon scales. Janus was dressed darker; he wore obsidian toned fabric with cracks of roiling magma throughout. His was designed to make him look beautiful yet intimidating, not unlike mount Sorokyn itself.

They would greet their most esteemed guests together, both men pictures of charisma. Despite whatever insecurities Æros had, he’d squelched them through a fine blend of alcohol and magic. Further, his Symphony would be shrouded by his own Mesmer and his Aura by a pendant he bore– only those who’d ascended above master would have any chance of deciphering either, with Janus being protected to the same degree, if not higher– Æros hadn’t the faintest idea by what methods beyond his own runes his uncle might be employing to protect himself.

While Æros was keeping himself protected, he, like always, kept an ambiently open Overture. To that end, he’d pick up the Symphonies of those who a master could hear on their own. However, due to his quirks, this would be nigh undetectable outside of Mesmers that match (or exceed) his skill or warding composed by those of like parameters. Æros almost always kept himself open like this, always scanning for any information he could– even the silence of another’s Symphony was useful, because the degree of silence, exactly how muffled it was, could clue him into the type of protections they bore. But against those barriers, he would not push; in contexts like this, he knew better than to try and lift those veils.

When Consul Val’Faradin Fenryl showed, Æros wasn’t surprised, per se, but it was always a gamble when it came to inviting those of status whether they were able– or willing– to show. As such, the man’s presence was a delight.

To his apology, Janus would give the man the appropriate bow in return before saying, “...nonsense, Consul! There is no need to apologise; the party has only just begun. Your presence just makes it ever the brighter.”

Æros would perform the same degree of decorum. “Truly– we’re delighted to have you, regardless of timing,” he’d add.

But then, the platinum elf would become distracted and wander off to meet with Senatrix Rhoenna. At first, Æros had half a mind to join him; it’d behoove him to speak with both Rhoenna and Fenryl. But then, he caught onto the gaze of Caellia– something about the look on her face had his intuition telling him that he ought to read the expression as an invitation. His hesitation was only milliseconds, because, as Janus had said, the party had only just begun.

Having made his choice, he approached Senatrix Caellia. His expression was bright and he carried with himself a naturally alluring aura, though only part of this was natural charisma. The way his Mesmer rune had blended with his soul gave him an almost otherworldly appeal, too.

“Ah, Senatrix Caellia! Full glad am I that you came,” he’d greet her. “How have you been?”

He intended to exchange pleasantries first, hoping he could glean anything off of her that was useful prior to broaching anything near what he truly wanted to talk about.
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 1508

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Senator Val’Mordryn was keen to explore the artistic and culinary elements presented before greeting his fellow legislators properly. He seemed taken with Lunara’s ministrations for a while, though he would eventually make his way over to Senators Val’Faradin and Val’Cyryth whose festivities also tended to amuse him.

“Good eventide, Uncle.” The dashing young Evandrys executed a flourishing bow to the Platinum Consul. Though he was no nephew by blood, they were distant cousins like most members of the Re’hyæan senatorial class. The designation of ‘uncle’ came about due to his mother’s service alongside Val’Faradin when they’d been co-consuls in the curia above.

“And Milady Val’Cyryth, ‘tis as ever a pleasure.” He would place a kiss upon her hand before returning his lips to the rim of his wine flute.

“Evandrys, why am I not surprised to see you at another lavish party? If you would attend our senate sessions as often as you indulge your decadence, you might do the realm and your liver some good.”

“If the Zalkyrians wanted sober senators, they oughtn’t have established our curia a stone’s throw from the Noctis Æternæ district!” Evandrys protested, with a conspiratorial glance to Rhoenna.

“At any rate, Senatrix, I shall hold you to that this time and don’t even think about making any motions on the senate floor before that recipe is in my cook’s hands.” The Consul playfully threatened.

Meanwhile, Senator Val’Olean Lyrios seemed content to flower the walls. The former Sentinel remained true to form and, though he employed no magic in the doing at present, his years as a spy made him quite adept at going unnoticed. Though he only made the most cursory of greetings to the hosts and had yet to greet most of his senatorial brethren, he wasn’t seen to be particularly rude. Unless someone thought to actively look for him, he took advantage of the many diversions presented by House Sælyan to avoid too much attention.

Actually, what seemed to interest him the most was the prominent pair of veiled Sentinels hired to look imposing as they surveyed the scene. He approached the pair and began to quietly converse with them for a few minutes, just as he stepped away Evandrys’ eyes fell upon the Vigils.

“Arcas’ twat! Did you catch the argent honour guard? I’d say that seems like a bit of overkill in the security department, but I suppose dying once might warrant an exorbitant investment in safety protocols.”

“There is indeed something queer about this festivity. I’m curious as to its pretext. Was there any sort of announcement before I arrived, or are they being intentionally mysterious?” The Consul wondered.

About that time, Senator Val’Olean found his attention falling upon another who seemed to shirk it. She was a grey spot in a room that glittered, easily overlooked by those who hadn’t a keen eye for that which dwelt in shadow.

“You are a rara avis…” He mused to the Vastiana in a raspy voice barely above a whisper. “How did you find yourself at this event?”
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When Lunara and Palaemon took their leaves to circulate and tend to their own handiwork of the elegant displays of arcane craft that filled the room, Hilana circulated here and there, talking with a few of the Vastii that were had come together, and as Equestrians did, sized each other up and compared their outfits and therefore, their wallets and accounts with the Guild of Coins. Hilana’s shimmering outfit was on loan to her because of the event; it was far fancier than anything she needed. Gold and lavender were not always her usual colour choices, but it was Æros’ party, and if that subtle colouring choice was what the Re’hyaeans wanted to see her in, then that was what she would wear.

As she admired Luna’s efforts with Masquerade, Hilana sipped her wine and listened to the shadows. She always found it interesting how the shadows communicated compared to the other four elements that she enjoyed - they presented words and whispers to her, giving feelings and sensations of their moods and sometimes, what they needed or wanted. Slowing down to listen to them was necessary. Once she attuned to Wood, that would likely bring a whole new meaning to the term “Stop to smell the roses.” But what shadows offered her, was trails and images of the guests that were circulating the room. The shadow spirits liked to be acknowledged, as they were so easily and regularly forgotten and ignored by most of the world at large, and the Vastiana found them fascinating. They were an education all on their own, and befriending them was proving an enjoyable endeavour.

While she did her best to kind of keep tabs on where Æros’ present host was, there was so much going on that Hilana just accepted that so long as she was in the same room - and hopefully the late Senator would not go off on a stroll outside of it - then he would be fine. It might catch the eyes of someone if she was constantly spotted watching him, and the last thing he needed was for her to embarrass him at his celebration of life. But when Senator Val’Olean approached her, that was unexpected as she immediately bowed low to him. “Gratias, Senator Val’Olean,” she was also quiet, taking her cue from his own volume. She had rehearsed the answer to that question over and over - she couldn’t very well tell anyone that she was there because Æros needed her nearby in case something upset his host, and he found himself booted out. She knew, further, she was to do her best not to stick out too much, or embarrass the half-Fae. “His Lordship is a frequent client at Sweet Remedies, in Porta Vasta, where I am an herbalist, Your Grace. I’ve been fortunate to enjoy the patronage from some of his other family members as well,” Hilana smiled up at him. “Are you enjoying the gathering, Senator?”

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Caellia watched his approach as the possessed Sunborn came her way, smiling along at those she had been talking to and letting them carry on while she drifted in his direction. She would let him be the one to close the gap between the two of them while she looked him over. As he approached and addressed her, the Sunborn had a sip from her wine flute, the greens and golds of her gown, not to mention her jewelry, shone well in the crafted lights around them. The only notes he could gather from her symphony were pleasant and friendly ones, but those that were deeper and more informative were blocked from his delving.

“Lord Æros, what a lovely party your House has thrown,” Caellia greeted him in turn. “I have been well, thank you, busy as ever, but I am glad I came. And how are you doing? You have been busy, I see. What unfortunate incident led to this?” she gestured at his form, her expression denoting her curiosity.

Where Rhoenna stood with Fenryl, her eyes danced at Evandrys’ words, a knowing smile on her lips. “All work and no play makes Evandrys a dull boy, wouldn’t it?” she joined in the teasing. “But he does have a point, cousin. There are many wonderful hangover cures available to you to get you to our Senate sessions now and then. A bit of work makes these events more enjoyable, dear.” She raised an eyebrow at the Starborn’s words, amusement dancing on her pale features. “My arm has been sufficiently twisted, Consul, I will endeavour to have the recipe delivered on the morrow.”

She followed the Sunborn Senator’s gaze to the pair of veiled Sentinels as they strolled on through. “It is enough to make the mind wonder just what they would want Sentinels here for amongst so many. There was no such announcement made, either. It is just another Saelyan occasion. But the timing is interesting, isn’t it, a party to celebrate Æros’ return as a ghost as Senator Janus has taken up the seat again as of a few weeks ago?”

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Gaius Val'Sælyan Janus

ImageRole: Æros' uncle, Head of House Saelyan
Race: Dryadalis Argentum
Age: 203

A brilliant mage, Janus has served as House Sælyan's head for over a century. Though he is usually a calm, even-tempered individual, many also consider him to be mercurial and esoteric. His motivations are typically very guarded along with his opinions making him a hard man to deliberately please.

Martia Val’Sælyan Thessia

Role: Janus' Wife
Race: Dryadalis Aureum
Age: 189

Thessia has always been a quiet, introverted woman. Her marriage to Janus was arranged due to the consummate mastery of her magics. And while she wasn't initially best pleased by this, the two of them have forged a bond nigh unbreakable over the years.

Danæ Val'Sælyan Selene

Role: Æros’ Mother, Sister to Janus
Race: Dryadalis Argentum 
Age: 117

An arrogant woman, though due to the consummate mastery she holds over both her runes and her skills as an actress, she has every right to be. She is cold and quiet to most aside from her husband and children, with one son, Æros, being an exception to this. There are myriad rumors as to why, from her relationship to the boy's father and to how difficult he was as a child and even, some suspect, that in the aftermath of his birth, discord was sowed within her otherwise harmonious marriage.

Zopyros Val'Sorokys Scipio

Role: Selene's Husband
Race: Dryadalus Aureum
Age: 112

Scipio is a man whose interests veer more martial than artistic, making him an odd fit with a woman of House Sælyan. Nevertheless, for most of their marriage, it appeared to be a case of 'opposites' attract, with him being far more introverted to her extroversion, as well. Nevertheless, he's found that over the years, he prefers the company of his wife's house over his own.

Hortensius Val'Sælyan Hespæros

Role: Janus & Selene's Younger Brother
Race: Dryadalis Argentum
Age: 102

Hespæros is an odd, introverted yet charming painter. His works are widely regarded as brilliant and he brings them to life further by weaving his magic into them. When his siblings married and began having children of their own, he made every effort to fade into the shadows in that regard, as he is both gay and possesses zero aspirations for fatherhood. He often says his one and only love in life is his art, and that he simply doesn't have room in his heart for offspring.

Faunus Val'Sælyan Palæmon

Role: Eldest Son of Janus, Horticulturist
Race: Dryadalis Argentum
Age: 168

Palæmon is an eccentric man, one who differs from the rest of his kin regarding magic. While his house is known for Masquerade and Mesmer, he possesses a contrasting yet equally potent connection to the elemental spirits. He is a horticulturalist, the large garden in House Sælyan's Luxian estate being his and his alone.

Gaius Val'Sælyan Januarius

Role: Janus' 2nd Son
Race: Dryadalis Aureum
Age: 107

Though Masquerade was his first rune, he has taken much better to Elementalism. Januarius was originally groomed to be Janus' successor, but like many within the house, he finds himself drawn away from politics. Instead, he finds his passion in sculpting, possessing an arche of Earth. His masquerade is used in large part to enhance his creations the results are highly praised.

Luciana Val'Cyryth Eulælia

Role: Januarius' Wife
Race: Dryadalis Argentum
Age: 122

Part of House Sælyan through arranged marriage, she, for one, was happy to do so. A brilliant violinist and vocalist, she quickly found herself bonding with those of similar proclivities within the walls of her new family's Umbrian estate. Her love of music knowing no end, she is intent on spreading it to anyone in the house who will listen...especially those who don't have a choice, her children.

Agape Val'Sælyan Sabina

Role: Janus' Youngest Child
Race: Dryadalus Argentum
Age: 74

Taking well to both of her house's favored Runes, she combines them as much as she can with her artwork. A painter, Sabina was taught alongside Hespæros as they both became of age, though their styles vary greatly. While he prefers surrealism, she favors the grand recreation of tales from Solunarium's history.

Cælypso Val'Sælyan Lunara (Luna)

Role: Æros’ eldest sibling, Masquerade Artist
Race: Dryadalis Argentum
Age: 97

Lunara is a gentle, compassionate, extroverted woman who took immediately well to Masquerade. There is nothing she loves more than dazzling a crowd from behind the scenes with it, bringing stage plays to life as she creates backdrops and props to accompany the actors on stage.

The antagonistic relationship between her youngest sibling and her mother troubles her, however, as she and her mother have always been close, even so far as them insisting that they work together. Despite her mother's disdain for the half-blood, Luna adores him and is trying her best to mend their relationship, though it often feels futile.

Rhæ Val'Sælyan Vesta

Role: Æros' 2nd Eldest Sibling
Race: Dryadalis Argentum
Age: 54

For her runes, she takes to the Elements, much like her cousin, Palæmon. An odd yet bubbly and endlessly charismatic poet, Vesta claims the spirits she communes with through her Elementalism are her ultimate inspiration. Amongst those who appreciate the written word, her work is oft lauded with high praise. She used to be not too big of a fan of Æros, though after his more recent integration back into the house and hearing Luna out, her mind has begun to change.

Calix Val'Sælyan Cicæro

Role: Æros' 3rd Eldest Sibling
Race: Dryadalis Aureum
Age: 35

A performer at heart, Cicæro weaves together Mesmer and Animus to perform on stage in unique and wonderful ways. He and Æros have never been close; though the older of the two had always wanted to be, Æros would insist upon pushing him away. More recently, however, the half-siblings have been attempting to repair this bond.

Agapios Val'Sælyan Nero

Role: Januarius' Son
Race: Dryadalus Argentum
Age: 58

Taking after his mother, Nero is a wonderful vocalist, though he plays cello to her violin. Like many mesmusicians, he utilizes Mesmer to enhance the experience of his music. More recently, he's taken Masquerade as well and is working on incorporating it into his performances.

Gaios Val'Sælyan Vitus

Role: Januarius' 2nd Son
Race: Dryadalus Aureum
Age: 32

Vitus grew up a musician and vocalist much like his mother and brother, though as he comes into his own, he finds that he prefers the art of composition above all else.

- - -

As Æros approached Cællia, a shimmering, radiant spirit would sail above the pair’s heads, its ephemeral glow casting an almost cosmic light over the two of them for just a moment. There were two notable Summoners within House Sælyan and a few more of lesser skill, those being Æros’ cousin Palæmon and his sister, Vesta. Of the two, Palæmon was much more experienced, but Vesta was learning beneath him, and as such, she was a practitioner of similar techniques. While her favored art form was poetry, for this party, she was helping to orchestrate the spirits that danced upon the ceiling to create a brilliant, ethereal mirror to the attendees making merry below.

Not unlike Luna, Æros’ other two siblings, Vesta and Cicæro, were charismatic, pretty people, set about the floor to both manage magic and charm guests. All three of them were told to try and catch the attentions of the senators when they could and to strike a balance with their enthusiasm– they wouldn’t want to come across as over-eager. Attracting the eye of Senator Val’Mordryn, Luna would do her best to entertain him, her magic as effortless as her skill in conversation. And when they parted, she'd step away with a wink, telling him he was free to seek her out again should he wish.

Notable visual artists Hespæros, Sabina and Januarius stayed in the vicinity of their work, happy to wield their own Crafts for guests' entertainment. Musicians such as Eulælia, Nero and Vitus were all occupied with their respective instruments. Æros’ mother Selene and her husband Scipio wove through the crowd, sometimes together, sometimes not; the two of them were mostly socializing, working their conversational skills and magics when applicable to ensure those they interacted with were having a good time. Much as Æros’ relationship with his mother was strained, she knew better than to allow that to bleed into her affect at all for an event like this. Janus’ wife, Thessia, was performing a similar role, though she mostly spoke with attendees of political or more academic affiliations.

When interacting with members of house Sælyan, the guests would note that they, for the most part, were acting as they normally would during parties like this. Entertainers, artists, hedonists– if one knew not the context with regard to Æros, it’d be hard to tell that anything was amiss. And yet that’s the thing; such context was impossible to forget. Nevertheless, if asked about it, Æros’ kin would express relief, pleasure, joy, so on, about the spirit’s return, but that the details of the man’s fate were his to share and his alone– they would then skillfully redirect the conversation in some manner or another.

It was of little wonder, then, that Cællia would’ve beckoned Æros over with her gaze and that upon his approach, she’d be direct about her curiosities. Of course, this was not unexpected.

“I do hope you’re enjoying yourself,” Æros started, beaming; he was always quite proud of all of the skill involved in putting together these parties.

“But oh, must we dwell upon the tragedies of the past?” he’d continue, his words light, playful. “The exact circumstances of my death are grim and I feel would ruin the evening’s mood…but as for what led to my continued existence? Well, that part can be attributed to the endless radiance and boundless grace of the Founders themselves.

“In my final moments, I spoke a prayer, giving myself unto Them should that have really been the end– but instead of death’s cold embrace, They did deign to preserve my soul; I reawakened still very much myself…only incorporeal. And so now do I stand before you– galvanized to make the most of this gift however I can."
On this, he spoke with a voice threaded brightly with both gratitude and reverence.

“Given that, I loathe the fact that I’ve been absent from House Sælyan’s seat the past few weeks,” he'd shift the subject slightly, a soft sigh at the end of that sentiment. Cællia would have little reason to doubt this– Æros was not one to be absent often since taking up the position. “I understand this, ah…state of existence is unprecedented, but to me, it’s such a shame I cannot work– is it not?” the deceased patrician would lament.
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 2295

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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The Moonborn Elf stared at the human at length. His gaze was penetrating without being intense. The lingering silence that pursued Hilana's words would feel sharper than his eyes, but by and by it would pass.

"You do well to practise such discretion." He observed, inclining his head. And it seemed fortuna had favoured her with one who would not take umbrage to her omissions. At the question about his reception to the Sælyan soiree, his light eyes rose to scan the room.

"It is an intriguing gathering, to be sure. The circumstances are passing bizarre and, being unremarked upon by our hosts, there is a precarious energy humming through the room. I speak not of the spectral sort, mind you, but of the proverbial 'elephant in the room'. Does your... frequent client take you into his confidence?" His eyes darted back to meet Hilana's, viper fast and firmly fixed as he posed that question.

"Pish posh!" Evandrys grinned impishly, "I have a good Elvish constitution and Your Ladyship's frequent fetes have kept my tolerance high enough that I can dance with the grace of Raella, even after drinking with the thirst of Vymeshis. As for the senate sessions, my clerks keep me abreast and I am always present when issues of importance to my house are up for review or vote. If I seem unconcerned with affairs of state it is only the immense faith I have in the steady talons of Their Exalted Highnesses to guide us." He said with a playfully pious downcast glance.

"Your deference is commendable." Was Fenryl's facetious reply, but his expression and tone would sober as Rhoenna broached the question of the hour. "Is there aught to celebrate in that, I wonder? Not that I wish the boy ill, but there is something unsettling about a dead thing borrowing the bodies of its former blood-relations. I cannot fathom yielding up my form to be used after that fashion."

"I hadn't thought of it that way..." Evandrys pondered. "...I hadn't thought on it much at all, in sooth... Did his cousin volunteer or was he under orders from Lord Janus?" He inquired, wrinkling his nose in distaste at either notion. His expression slackened for a moment as he caught the eye of Æros’ stepfather, but his visage soon adopted an inviting smile to the handsome Sunborn Scipio.

"Look alive. Scipio is heading this way..." Senator Val'Mordryn cast a conspiratorial grin toward Senatrix Val'Cyryth, "Would it be insufferably cheeky to just ask him outright?"
word count: 429
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