[Imperium] G.I.M. Co

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G.I.M Co
Company Profile
Goring Imperial Motors (G.I.M) Corporation was founded in the early years of the Age of Steel by Donavon Goring the Second. It began as a small shop that tinkered with the new technologies being discovered and funded by a backer within the Imperial families. What began as a small shop quickly rose to prominence as the capital city of Gel'Grandal grew in size and the general populace, as well as the nobility and military began to adopt these advances in magical technology as the norm. It was not until 23 AS when S.M.I.L.E Inc was founded that G.I.M Co became the large conglomerate that it is today. With the invention of S.M.I.L.E Inc's Liquid Aetheric Fuel (or L.A.F) the potential of G.I.M Co's operations was fully realized.

Primary Sectors
G.I.M Co has grown beyond providing just automotive technology, and as of 120 AS has now branched into three primary sectors.

Their primary, and most well established sector. Any vehicle used by the masses or by the military has the stamp of G.I.M. Co on it. They provide everything from small personal vehicles, motorbikes, construction equipment and airships.

In 113 AS G.I.M Co opened their medical division, providing both refined materials and medical magitech equipment to hospitals and research facilities across the Imperium.

G.I.M Co receives significant funding from the Imperial families to invent and manufacture military technologies. Every year new inventions are made and tested in various facilities across the Imperium, and it is the military that receives the latest in cutting edge technology.

G.I.M. Co Factories
There are two large Automotive factories located in Gelerand and Tranal. The one in Gelerand is located 10 miles outside the city of Gel'Grandal, and provides many jobs to the citizens of Northside. They have even constructed a railway which runs directly from the edge of Northside to the factory grounds. This factory in particular boasts a large number of Goblinoids in their workforce.

There are three Military grade factories located in Tranal, each set in tactical positions, while several smaller facilities in Gelerand and Dardouen provide guns and ammunitions to the major cities, non military grade.

Currently the only research factory dedicated to medicine is located in Tranal, however, cities across the Imperium have smaller branch labs which this factory provides the technology for.

-Donavon Vick Goring the Fifth
-Bryan VanGraffe
-Alice Olman

-Goring Type 3C
-MT Pursuer

Medical Technology

Military Technology
-G.I.M War Walker
-Irno Avialae

Miscellaneous Inventions
-Roller Runners


Credits to Brother for concept and artwork.
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Imperial Car Magnate


Donavon Vick Goring the Fifth

Race: Human
Age: 33
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 195 Lbs

Occupation: Ceo of Goring Imperial Motors or G.I.M. Co
NPC Type: Important Imperial city Nps

Influence: His family is the foremost in vehicle production in the Empire. Something that Donavon has every intent to keep that way. Well liked among the citizens due to his campaigns to make vehicles available to the Every man, while still making elite models and lines for the well to do so that they can differentiate themselves from the rabble. Donavon also has his fingers in the pockets of the military where he continues to try to further ingrain himself in their structure.

Description: A cunning man, Donavon wears the life of an eccentric playboy well, well liked by both the citizens and the powers that be. The man is shrewd and his smile hides his cauculated agenda, Investing in the empire and using his money to support ventures he sees as worthwhile while simultaneously crushing any competition that rears it's head.

The man has a very low tolerance for any critiques to his vehicles.

Skills He's a masterful tinkerer and engineer with an education in aesthetic design.

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Master Gun Smith

Bryan VanGraffe

Race: Human
Age: 62
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 206 Lbs

Occupation: G.I.M. Co's Head weapon designer (begrudgingly)
NPC Type: Important Imperial city Nps

Influence: Not well known outside of gun enthusiast circle Bryan led a mostly solitary life working in a small shop in the well to do end of the imperial markets. His designs are coveted by those who know his handiwork as the quality is near unsurpassed in the empire.

Description: A stubborn if quiet and solitary old man, He resisted Donovan's increasing offers to buy his shop and his designs for years, but after finally securing an offer to oversee Donovon's gun manufacturing endeavors with limited input from Donovon, along with a significant chunk of gold and a very expensive workshop, Bryan began working for Gim Co. Within only a year of hiring Bryan VanGraffe Gim co secured its first small arms contract with the military. Bryan continues to make his masterwork prototypes to this day, while he allows his designs to be mass produced now he never works on any of the mass produced modes by hand only ever working on his prototypes wich he either bids off or gives to the odd person who impresses him.

Skills He's a masterful tinkerer and Gunsmith

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Alchemist Savant

Alice Olman

Race: Half Human
Age: 28
Weight: 134 Lbs

Occupation: G.I.M. Co's Lead alchemist researcher
NPC Type: Important Imperial city Nps

Influence: Another Talent scalped by Donovon personally little is known about Alice Olman other than the fact that Donavon seemed to magic her out of thin air one day and never discussed at length her origins or how they met. Some say that she was a criminal given a new name and face by the entrepreneur but any such rumors are denounced by the company as ridiculous.

Description: A strange woman who rarely leaves the confines of the laboratories provided for her by Donavon she's often called his pet scientist behind her back. An expert in the field of mind altering substances most of her time is spent either concocting new drugs or testing them on the text subjects provided by the company. While not overtly cruel she's far more interested in results than ethics when it comes to perfecting her concoctions. its said that an apprentice once tried to escape with her recipes and that he now serves as a favorite test subject in her lab.

Skills An alchemist savant with an extensive history in botany and mild altering poisons.

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Type 3C

Name: The Goring Imperial Motors Type 3C (Comfortable Cultured Cruiser)
Also Referred to by the well to do as a Cheap Commoner Carrier.

Description: One of the most affordable offerings from GIM Co, the Type 3c is a relatively stylish and reliable vehicle, tho anyone over the height of 5'9" would call it cramped. The Type 3C Standard model reaches 25 to 30 mph with relative ease and due to its light build is considered to be one of the most fuel efficient passenger vehicles

Size Comfortably seats 2, uncomfortably seats 4, the car is only 8 feet long from front to back, and while tall, much of the foot space is lost due to the space needed for the motors mechanisms.

Notable Abilities: Using fuel to go places, Bright Eye Lamps, New and Improved Reverse View Mirrors, now adjustable!

Threat level Light enough that none of the hit and runs, or running overs, have been fatal as of this models inception.

Habitat: The Emperium

(Re)production They are produced in the GIM Co foundry and factory complex. Sadly at this time all Type 3Cs are considered sterile.

Reasons to interact

Recommended Stats for encounters Driving exp at Ten or Higher, Knowledge of Vehicles being a thing.

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The Brutallo

Name: Gim Co Brutallo

Description: A sleek and sturdy car for the elite. Armored with lightweight Aeravicite Alloys and replete with an Aura glass windshield to keep would be magic assassins in check. Furthermore this vehicle operates on state of the art hover technology that will keep you a foot above most any surface, including calm water. Each Brutallo is made to Order for the rare few that can afford them and come in a myriad of different finishes. Gim Co does not offer a platinum finish as that was reserved for the second Brutallo that was produced for exclusive use of the the emporer.

Size: Large

Notable Abilities: Levitation, Heavy armor, Relatively slow, Maximum speed of 35 Mph

Threat level Low (protection level High)

Preferred Habitat: The Empire with those that can afford them

Reproduction/Lifecycle Produced By Gim Co and Fueled by LAUGHS, The Brutallo will last a lifetime with proper servicing.

Reasons to interact Armored magic car

Recommended Stats for encounters Due to enhanced controls only those with at least 50 exp in vehicle piloting should attempt to drive one.

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Name: GIM Co MT (Multi Terrain) Pursuer

Description: Sturdy, Solid, and Now with Lights, the newest in Imperial light transport, the MT Pursuer. From narrow streets to open fields the Pursuer will get you there, and get you there quick. Reinforced steel frame, new spring coils to absorb the shock of rough terrain, wider tires than the previous model. Comes in military and Citizen Models.

Size seven foot long, the seat is three and a half feet off the ground, weighs about 500 lbs

Notable Abilities: Heavy duty shocks and tires make it one of the most effective offroad vehicles in the empire outside of walkers or vehicles with treads. can reach speeds up to forty Miles an Hour.

Threat level Medium, most injuries caused by these bikes are due to operator error.

Habitat: The Emperium

(Re)production The Pursuer is produced in the GIM Co industrial complex.

Reasons to interact Tough and durable, this Cycle will get you wherever your heart desires.

Recommended Stats for encounters Minimum Apprentice driving/Piloting.

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Roller Runners

Description: High mobility gadgets one can strap to their feet to gain all the speed of a bicycle and twice the mobility options. They come in two forms, one with a boot pre-installed and ready to go out of the box, and a self assembling kit for if you wish to fix the roller runner to a boot of your own choosing. these skates allow people to comfortably reach speeds of (15 Mph/24 Kmh) and for beyond with some practice and effort.

Size: Small Foot gear

Notable Abilities: Allows high mobility with some finesse. Non magical, mostly sturdy. Comes with a one year warranty.

Threat level Low, unless someone gets creative.

Preferred Habitat: mostly flat surfaces.

Reproduction/Lifecycle Produced by Gim Co, mass produced with relatively little fuss by a gnome toy company bought out by Gim Co

Reasons to interact Go fast?

Recommended Stats for encounters I'd say like real roller skates a level of physical prowess is required but even children can start learning. I'd recommend associating a stat with it however.

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Name: G.I.M. Co war walker

Description: The Bipedal Hunk of steel you see before you is none other than Goring's own invention, Primarily run on fuel the machines only use of magic is in an artificing rune and shard in charge of keeping it balanced. Seated for two soldier, one pilot one gunner, the Walker is an all terrain war machine capable of twenty Mile per hour sprints and leaping hurdles as high as eight feet.

Many in the feild have been painted with war imagery by their field mechanics and operators.

Size Fourteen feet in height, seven in length, weighs two tons.

Notable Abilities: Twenty Mph Sprints, 15-10 mph marching speeds, Modular Frontal gun mount, half inch steel carapace. Auto stabilizing Balance core. Eight foot verticle jump capability.
600 Lbs weight limit on the standard model.

Threat level High

Habitat: Imperium Garages, most infantry units have at least one for support

(Re)production Built in the Industrial foundries of GIM Co

Reasons to interact Fighting for or against the Empire

Recommended Stats for encounters To properly Pilot one would need to be at least an apprentice, and a Journeyman to use the jumping and sprinting features without risk to their own life.

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Iron Avialae

Name: GIM Co, Iron Avialae

Description: A heavily armored suit with mounted weaponry and limited flying capability. While the suits can be mass produced each must be adjusted to its wearer and requires considerable amounts of training to use. Meaning that the presence of soldiers in these is a dreadful occasion for whatever it is they seek. The armor is capable of withstanding almost all small arms fire without seeing any functional failure.

Size: Large

Notable Abilities: Flight, Twin Automatic rifles mounts, capable of being switched out by Gim Co.
Capable of reaching speeds of about 20 to 25 miles with a competent pilot. The suit contains enough fuel for about an Hour of uninterrupted flight. Suits are equipped with 2 fuel tanks and one small failsafe tank that activates if fatal descent speeds are detected.

Threat level High

Production Location: The Emperium GIM Co foundry

Reproduction/Lifecycle Each suit generally takes three months to build from start to finish.

Reasons to interact Flying Armor?

Recommended Stats for encounters Competency in both vehicle piloting and Flying, not either Or. but both. to effectively use the weapons one must similarly have the skill to use those as well. A modicum of strength is also required to comfortably maneuver within the suit.

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