Arx Petra Rubra
61st of Glade, Year 123 of Steel
Despite his bulk, Finn could move like a shadow, especially in his Sentinel blacks. He retreated from the room where the man called Lykos was sleeping, and returned to Hilana. He gestured politely to indicate they should stroll along the arcade where the courtyard breezes would be cool from the plashing fountains. It was pleasant out here where Phocion held sway. He removed his veil so they could speak face to face—or, rather, she could see his face as they walked side by side.
He shook his head regretfully.
"I felt a tug of something," he admitted, brow furrowed, "but while I feel like I should know the man, I can't say that I do. There was a House Leukos back in Kalzasi, but that is the closest to Lykos that I can think of. I'm sorry I can't be of more help."
This had been her first question for him after their first greeting and careful, three-armed embrace. His sling had been replaced by a clever contraption—a pauldron, a couter, and a vambrace connected magically with kinetics to allow him his former strength while also stimulating nerves and muscles constantly to encourage growth and strength. It felt like his entire arm had fallen asleep and was just waking up—unpleasant, but a small price to pay to have his music back. At least, he hoped the his fingertips would be as sensitive to the strings as they had been, his fingering as sure. Otherwise, he was going to have to learn how to accompany his voice with something he could play one-handed, such as the cowbell.
But at least the armored artefacts looked impressive.
"But, please... tell me everything! Chronologically, if possible." He offered her an apologetic grin. "Bards need to hear the whole story if they're to make an epic song about it."
61st of Glade, Year 123 of Steel
Despite his bulk, Finn could move like a shadow, especially in his Sentinel blacks. He retreated from the room where the man called Lykos was sleeping, and returned to Hilana. He gestured politely to indicate they should stroll along the arcade where the courtyard breezes would be cool from the plashing fountains. It was pleasant out here where Phocion held sway. He removed his veil so they could speak face to face—or, rather, she could see his face as they walked side by side.
He shook his head regretfully.
"I felt a tug of something," he admitted, brow furrowed, "but while I feel like I should know the man, I can't say that I do. There was a House Leukos back in Kalzasi, but that is the closest to Lykos that I can think of. I'm sorry I can't be of more help."
This had been her first question for him after their first greeting and careful, three-armed embrace. His sling had been replaced by a clever contraption—a pauldron, a couter, and a vambrace connected magically with kinetics to allow him his former strength while also stimulating nerves and muscles constantly to encourage growth and strength. It felt like his entire arm had fallen asleep and was just waking up—unpleasant, but a small price to pay to have his music back. At least, he hoped the his fingertips would be as sensitive to the strings as they had been, his fingering as sure. Otherwise, he was going to have to learn how to accompany his voice with something he could play one-handed, such as the cowbell.
But at least the armored artefacts looked impressive.
"But, please... tell me everything! Chronologically, if possible." He offered her an apologetic grin. "Bards need to hear the whole story if they're to make an epic song about it."