A Lotus and A Hummingbird (Yeva)

Norani and Yeva go to Ouno'uve in preparation for the Duck's Expedition

The many small villages of the Ecithian Commonwealth.

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As Yeva acknowledged that she scared Norani, and apologized for it, Norani nodded, still working through her heavy tears. She didn’t try to hide it, not from Yeva, never from Yeva. The nodding was her own acknowledgement and her giving thanks in return.

As Yeva draped herself around Norani, the Orkhan leaned into her dear friend, finding that inherent comfort of physical touch that was so crucial to her people. She smiled through her tears down at Yeva, then wiped away her tears with her braid.

As Norani heard what Yeva proposed for her own tattoo, she found herself stunned. She remembered when she was a wee lass, hiding in a thicket of Gurndle Roses, just to watch a family of hummingbirds feed. Many times as a young girl she had said that she would fly like one with Ruvaf one day, which always brought encouraging laughter from her family. The idea of the hummingbird, and Yeva’s reasoning resonated with the Ork, and she felt paired perfectly with the lotus as well.

She couldn’t have thought of a better symbol if she tried.

As Yeva began pondering where to place the tattoo, Norani’s eyes following Yeva’s hand, her heart already swelling, feeling so touched at just how well Yeva knew her.

”You may choose. I want you too.”

Norani’s eyes went wide in surprise. She opened her mouth a bit, but no words came out, only some nervous stammering. For a long moment, her jaw hung open, in awe of this gift Yeva was presenting to her.

In Ecith, asking another to place or choose a tattoo on one’s self was an extremely personal and intimate action, often reserved for partners and friends of many years. It was more personal than taking a lover or even sharing in the parenting of a child in her culture.

Norani’s entire face flushed a dark green, something Yeva would have rarely seen, if ever, on the normally bold and daring woman. Norani was working through shaking off being stunned in such a manner, and finally managed to find her voice. And she was not going to insult Yeva by asking if she was sure. Yeva sounded sure.

She spoke in Ecitharese, needing to convey the emotion in her native tongue, one that Yeva was fluent in now. “I am… deeply honored, Yeva Bleu.” Her voice was heavy with the gravity of this.

Norani reached out with a gentle hand, her eyes locked on the side of Yeva’s body that Yeva had indicated. She gently grasped the bottom hem of Yeva’s chest wrap, raising it slowly, exposing her mid drift, stopping it beneath her breasts. Her fingers sidled slowly down Yeva’s ribs to the waist of her skirt, tugging the side of it down a hand’s length, exposing Yeva’s hip and some of her thigh.

Her calloused fingers lifted once more, touching light on Yeva’s ribs, “The humming bird, looking up toward your heart, your love.” Her fingers slowly slid down, lightly tickling at her ribs, “Wings extended, always moving” her fingers slid down further, “Her body extending downward along your hip and thigh” Her fingers finished there, gently pulling Yeva’s skirt back up into place, and her wrap back down once more. She knew her friend did not always like to be exposed too much, especially in front of new people.

She looked at Yeva, smiling softly, “That is where I like best.”

Seer Vuka nodded, smiling. She would record this moment in a short tale for the Ecithian Archives, as Seers are oft to do. After giving the pair of women a long pause to enjoy this powerful moment, she spoke up, she looked at Norani first, then Yeva, “Who would like to go first?”

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Where do you like best?

Norani’s eyes widened significantly, her mouth dropped and there was such a shocked expression that Yeva’s eyes darted between her and Vuka, smiling faltering slightly as a curious confusion took its place.

Did I say something wrong?

She wanted to find the words to ask, unsure how to do so without drawing attention to the strange look that darkened Norani’s face to a forest green, but it was the orc who found her voice first.

“I am deeply honored, Yeva Bleu.”

Honored? And her full name? It was such a simple choice to the elf, especially after what Norani had said to her. Her head tilted and she laughed, pleased, the light airy sound breaking the tension. Norani had a strange way of making her feel at ease and embarrassed all at once. With everyone else, it was almost always one or another. Such was the evolution of their relationship. It was good to see that her friend was no longer crying.

“This is my first tattoo,” she explained to Vuka, feeling Norani’s body heat as she move closer, visible in her peripheral. To Yeva, it made all the sense in the world to ask for help when choosing the location, “Even though Norani is younger than me, I am learning-“ a warm hand touched her side, nudging the hem of her top higher to expose more skin, to the underside of her breast. Yeva had given her friend permission to pick a spot along the side of her body, high or low, and it was a request clearly taken to heart. She had expected a quick verbal response, such as 'your upper arm, your thigh', not the exploration of touch, let alone the weight of Norani's gaze upon her. The orc ran her hand down her waist, stroking softly at her ribs. Her hand moved lower, across the curve of her hip, to tug at her skirt, exposing porcelain and pink tan lines where the waist of her skirt usually hung, narrating her choice.

...looking up toward your heart, your love.

Wings extended, always moving...

Norani's attention lingered, dark lashes flashing as she looked up and smiled, "This is is where I like best."

Her clothing was readjusted and it took a minute for Yeva to realize she had been holding her breath. She nodded, too much, face blooming pink like a bed of roses. The color spread to her ears, the top of her chest. There was no running away a second time. She swallowed, voice small, strangled, "Ok."

What was she talking about?

Any coherent thought was jumbled and lost, swept away like the breeze. She had been so distracted by Norani's attentions, by her touch, that suddenly she was unable to focus on anything but the absence of them. Thankfully, Vuka spoke, and the poor elf was given a chance to ignore the clenching in her belly, "I'll go first," she offered, pretending that she wasn't ready to leap up again. It wasn't panic... but it was something.

"Or-It was your idea,"
she stammered, glancing at Norani, "I don't mind. I can watch, or- Wait, does it hurt?" Her heart was pounding again, "I think I might be... nervous. W-what does it feel like?"

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Seer Vuka smiled politely and Norani smiled in adoration as Yeva both took initiative and stammered nervously. Vuka held out her hand, palm up, “The markings we Seers give do not cause pain like traditional tattoos. That which we create upon your body is permanent and unyielding, it will not fade, will not scar, and will not be removed. It will adjust itself should your body change. The Gift of Word is a powerful one gifted by Galetira and it will not be denied.”

Vuka glanced down at the tattoo of a feather, iridescent and highly detailed, from her wrist to her elbow. She rubbed two fingers together and the tattoo lifted from her skin, forming the image into something real. It was a quill, now held between the same fingers.

“It might tickle a bit though, especially upon your ribs.”

Vuka grabbed a few more cushions, setting them before Yeva. “In using this gift, I am a conduit for you, for you both. Yeva Bleu, if you’ll lay upon the cushions and expose the skin I’ll be working on. You and Norani should continue to be close, touching works best. But most importantly, I want the both of you to remember. Walk through the memories you have of one another, of the emotions you shared, of the goals and desires you have moving forward. These are what will be written into your skin, the weight you carry, they will carry.”

Norani smiled, grabbing the offered pillows from before Yeva, lining them up that Yeva might be able to rest upon them, to allow space for Yeva to rest her head in Norani’s lap. Norani reached out, finding Yeva’s hand, squeezing it, offering comfort and strength to her dear friend, before interlacing her fingers once more.

Vuka nodded, “Whenever you are ready, Yeva Bleu.”

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She had witnessed tattooing before, when she had received her piercings, but there had been no seer in sight. Instead, the artist had been an eclectic elf with shaved eyebrows and ear lobes so stretched, she could have stuck her thumb through the hole. It had been a thrilling sight in a place like Sol'Valen, where discourse from standard beauty was eyed with suspicion and backhanded kindness. She remembered the reassurance to the teary-eyed recipient who endured the procedure.

Pinpricks of blood had pooled to the surface of the skin like beads.

"Really?" she asked, more out of impulse than doubt, "That's... good."

She watched the cushions being shifted before Norani. Outside of Ecithean natives, was getting a tattoo by one of Galetira's seers common? Was this something she would be expected to do if her pilgrimage proved successful? The tension in her shoulders relaxed a bit more, like the uncoiling of a snake. Vuka presented her tattoo of a quill and rubbed her fingers together, the image pulled upwards and came to life, solidifying in her grasp.

Yeva gasped.

"Okay," she muttered, nodding in resignment. Laying forward, she shifted and squirmed, tugging on the pillows so that they supported her hips and pulled her hair out of the way as she slowly laid her head in Norani's lap, letting her curls spill across the orc's thighs once settled. She blinked, deciding if the position was comfortable. Relax, she told herself, a look of concentration sneaking upon her face while she tried to take conscious inventory of any muscle that still felt tense, Even if it hurts, this is a good thing.

As if just remembering, Yeva tugged at her top and waist band, exposing more of her skin and settled once more. Norani took her hand, offering silent comfort and she gave a small smile, looking up at her friend, "Hi."

There fingers interlaced again, their palms pressed together.

"Whenever you are ready, Yeva Bleu.”

She nodded again, turning her head and spying a small freckle on Norani's leg she had not noticed before. A few faint scars, likely collected in a childhood game, "I'm ready."

Thinking back to their first encounter and the wine they shared, Yeva began her retelling, while a small smile crept upon her face, "Do you remember..."
Last edited by Yeva on Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 405
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As Yeva relaxed into Norani’s lap, the Orkhan relaxed as well. Norani had come here in a whirlwind of defiance and determination, to state to the world that she would not lose another friend and she would not allow anyone, family, chieftain, fellow citizen, to lie to her and make her forget. But as Yeva relaxed, as she began to speak of their shared memories, Norani found herself once more as she was before the hurt and pain inflicted upon her.

Smiling brightly, “How could I forget?”

It might seem like a cute and harmless statement, but in a culture plagued by the Unknown, such a statement carried an even heavier weight. She remembered how they first met, less than a year ago now. Norani had been exhausted by the journey to Drathera from her village, still new to flying and even more so to flying for such long distances. She’d fallen asleep at a table in the tavern. And when she had awoken, Yeva was there, as though having come from the Land of Nod to find her.

Norani smiled at the thought, her free arm cradling more in Yeva’s nest of hair. She remembered enjoying teach Yeva more Ecitharese, even laughing together over some of the errors in her little translation book. And she remembered Yeva standing up for her at the rudeness of the city Orkhan.

“We didn’t care for the wine,” she said chuckling.

She remembered their first flight together. She had spent the better part of the morning finding a craftsman to make Yeva a flight visor so she could see the magic of the world they soared through. And she remembered the warmth of their bodies pressed together, Yeva’s, soft and curvy, against her own of hard muscles and straight lines. She remembered seeing the sun through Yeva’s scattering curls and thinking that it was one of the most beautiful things she’d ever see.

There was the time when Yeva was terrified at the foreign customs regarding dead bodies in a village, and yet Norani’s dear friend still came to terms to accept it. Norani loved how Yeva always tried, always put in the effort to understand and to care, it was a truly magical quality of the elf.

Norani flushed red at the memory of Yeva by the lake in Norani’s village. It was the first time that Norani realized that Yeva’s beauty was something more. Something she desired and craved, forming a longing within the Orkhan she’d never experienced. Yeva made the world more beautiful simply by existing in it, and Norani’s eyes had been opened to it.

There was the terrifying events of the storm, followed by the appearance of the door after days of Norani seeking to shelter herself inward and Yeva making sure she knew she was not alone despite her family’s betrayal.

Which brought them back to now. Every memory with Yeva was a cherished one, a beautiful one. And she knew that with each and every single one, her love for the elf grew stronger. And so she focused on that warmth, that burning, that heat that was produced between the two of them. For to her, Yeva was the sunlight on that first flight, the warm water in the shallows of the lake, the comfort of a hug while she cried, the heat of wine passing through her, the shelter from the storm.

That’s what Yeva was to her, and she would never allow that to be taken from her. And she hoped she could make Yeva feel something similar.

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Together they recalled memories, Yeva sharing the stories with surprisingly clarity which allowed Norani to add details if and where she wanted. Much of her focus was on the vast differences of the places she had been when compared to Ecith, how the culture varied, how nearly through it all, Norani had been a steady comfort and patient teacher from the very beginning. Stories that painted Norani as fearless and in return, Yeva as brave, curious, and beautiful. As each retelling occured, the freckled elf relaxed into Norani's lap, her voice growing softer after every story.

Seer Vuka worked diligently, painting magic on her skin, and despite her fears and tension, little of that remained by the time color was being poured into the hummingbird. Yeva was smiling, eyes half lidded as she lounged within the tent, sunlight filtering in through the flap that had been tied back to allow enough light for proper tattooing. The redhead was basking in it, rolling her head to the side to try and peer down, past her chest, to the ribs and hip, where Vuka was adding more detail. As promised, the act did not hurt, and in fact, when going along the underside of her rib, Yeva's body tensed and she errupted into a series of giggles that rang like the chiming of bells.

Vuka kept her attention on the artwork, but smiled, and Yeva had to grip Norani's hand tighter as she tried not to squeal and twist, as the same spot was gone over again. In response, Vuka chuckled softly as well, and Yeva looked up at Norani, grinning amidst stray curls that had fallen across her face in shifting, "It really does tickle," she breathed, pressing her lips together for a moment, until the Seer finished the area and started to color the wings. Yeva exhaled slowly.

As Vuka moved further from her ribs again, Yeva's gaze travelled around the space, "This will be another memory for us," she acknowledged, rubbing her thumb across Norani's in idle thought, "You are good to me... For me."

Her face flushed, suddenly feeling quite embarrassed, but in comparison to so many others on her journey, Norani had treated her with such high esteem. The kind of respect and promise Franky had tried to teach her to expect, "One day I will take you to meet the others in my life."

"Maybe," she added with a flashing grin, that grew a touch solemn. There were many things unknown in this world, but it sounded of a promise all the same. To Yeva, it was, "I would like to, at least. The Lion - that's Franky. The family-around-me, remember?" she was looking at Norani now. She would have heard the name already, shared in recollection at the lake where they had swam together and talked of the taboo, where Zaichaer had become a topic of interest, "He would like you, I think. He'd probably watch us from the other end of the bar, smiling, or laughing softly to himself," like when Vincent had tried to chat her up. The hobgoblin had given space, amused and contented to watch the unfolding of youthful interaction. She had been told he had changed, but it was difficult to imagine, so she continued with the train of thought, "I could make you a Zaicherita..."

Yeva decribed something akin to memories, not of the past, but of the future. The could-be, "It's so much better than the first drink we shared together."

"It's sweet, and lingers...Well... it's rather strong if Haroth makes it. He's-"

Yeva could hear the deep rumbling laughter of the x at her reaction to trying some of his richer concoctions, not long after she had won her position as "queen". Always expertly made, but not often for the lighthearted such as she, the drink had caused her to believe firebreathing fully possible. His eyes would twinkle, and he'd offer smooth compliments and sweeter apologetics that always toed the line between flirtation and plausible deniability. It was his eyes though, that would catch hers when she helped with running drinks to tables, or offered to polish the silverware after a particularly long evening of customer service, that made him equally transparent and obscure at the same time, "He's a good bartender," she whispered, a bit more shyly than when she started up again, "Glasha too. More so," The woman had been head bartender, after all, "She always made sure I had something on my stomach before she served me. Of course, then, that would usually get Evzark involved... and that is something else entirely."

In truth, the smaller goblin with the twirled mustache had scared her more than once, screaming profanities at others in the kitchen who dare interrupt his process, more than once launching a cleaver at Dirdy, missing, and having the blade ricochet off the nearest wall towards Yeva, who had picked the wrong time to enter the kitchen to inquire about a meal. If it hadn't been for Weston, who had caught many a blade midair before it could harm a hair on her head, Yeva might have sported a few more scars.

The general manager had never strayed far as he managed the (sometimes literal) fires, always making sure to take the time to ensure everything - and everyone - was taken care of.

"They would adore you, I just know it."

It did not occur to her the military differences or promises to never suffer an enemy. Yeva only thought of how wonderful Norani was, had been, and how those who had become dear to her would see and appreciate that. There simply was no other option.

Vuka began to wrap up her handiwork and Yeva sat up to try and admire the piece. Speaking of those in her past, but focusing on her future, on what she wished for, it filled her with a radiance that made her earlier nerves burn away to foreign thought. Norani would be next, "Thank you," she said to Seer Vuka as she looked in awe at her reflection in a silver mirror. Then to Norani, through the glass with a spirit of vow, "We will do so much together."
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Norani watched with rapt and loving eyes as Seer Vuka drew upon Yeva's ribs. The sight of her dear friend lounging in the sunlight, more relaxed than when she slept, it continued to spread warmth across the Orkhan's chest. Norani was broken from the spell of admiration by Yeva's mirthful laugh, with a smile and a chuckle of her own. It was a sound that she would never tired of hearing, and always lifted her spirits, dispelled her worry and anger and anything else that might be plaguing her.

Yeva spoke of this being another good memory, and Norani agreed. This would be one of the most precious for the Orkhan, one she would hopefully look back upon when she was old and grey. She found herself wondering how old Yeva actually was, since elves live much longer lives than Orkhan. A tiny cloud of an intrusive thought tried to wriggle into the moment, the thought of one friend old, the other still young, but Norani dashed it upon the rocks of their hands in one another's. Growing older together, whatever it might look like, friends, companions, something more, something less, it mattered not to Norani. She simply wished to spend time with her dearest friend and share the world together with her.

In response to Yeva's family-around-her, "They sound like fun and exciting people, so greatly different from one another. I look forward to meeting them with you." She'd never been to a foreign city before, and Yeva had already met Norani's own family-around-her. There was a sigh as she kept that painful bit away, and she smiled as she listened to Yeva wax softly about those that mattered so dearly to her. It helped to ease some of Norani's own anxieties about leaving Ecith for the Duck's expedition. Yeva had already left the family-around-her for the amazing adventure that brought her to here and now in Ecith. If Yeva could be brave enough to do that, then Norani thought that she might be able to be as well.

And before long, the tattoo was complete, and Norani now looked upon it as a whole, and her heart leapt into her throat, a gasp coming out between her tusks. Her watery eyes followed every careful line, every curve, every transition of color. She wasn't sure if Yeva could yet grasp the nuance of how Ecithians communicate through these markings, but this wove a beautiful story of love blossoming from a seemingly innocuous crossing of paths. It shared more than simply the physical details of their memories, but also the feelings that each of them had, even those that they may not have admitted to each yet.

Or to themselves.

Norani had always been very open and exuberant with her emotions, as was often the Ecithian way, but she'd never seen them so plainly laid out and described in incredibly intimate detail like this. The seamless merger of art, history, and emotion was stunning to the Orkhan lass and she was left utterly speechless. She was awoken by Norani's vow, and she smiled, nodding back, "Yes, yes we will."

Seer Vuka smiled, pleased that Yeva and Norani were both pleased, then she looked to Norani. "Your turn." With that, Norani returned back to where they'd sat, positioning herself upon a cushion, legs crossed before her, sitting up straight, seemingly to provide a more proper canvas. Then she untied her breast wraps, bringing a hand up, "Over my heart, please." Vuka gave a knowing nod and a comforting smile.

The Seer knelt down next to Norani, and prepared to work. The Orkhan cast out a hand, seeking Yeva's own, a small tremble in her arm as she did. Something about this was scarier and more exciting than when she'd been initiated into her magics. She was feeling raw, exposed, but in the best of ways, with the best of people around her. Voka waited before touching pen to skin, recognizing the timidity in Norani. The Orkhan lass squeezed Yeva's hand tight, urging her to come and sit close to her, against her side and then nodded her head.

Norani was building a new family-around-her, with Yeva at the core of it with her, and for that, she was proud and happy and hopeful. She was silent as Vuka did her work, her voice still caught in her throat as the gravity of all of this, of what it truly meant to them both, settled in with her. She gave a squeeze to Yeva's hand, looking over at her, smiling softly, her voice croaking a bit in her current state, "I am... deeply touched, honored, to have come into your life, and for you to have come into mine."

And before they knew it, Vuka was finished with the lotus over Norani's heart. The Orkhan stood up, moving to before the mirror. When she saw it, when she read it, when she understood just what her own heart was saying, what Yeva's was saying in kind, she was overwhelmed. Her hands clasped over her mouth, tears beginning to stream down her face. She raised an arm to her face to cry into her elbow, her body shuddering. This was the first time since she and her family parted ways, the first time she knew, absolutely knew, that she was loved, accepted, wanted, trusted and bestowed trust.

And for Norani, that was everything, to know that she was never alone and would never be alone again.

word count: 940
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Loot: 1 shiny new Seer-permanent tattoo of a hummingbird
Injuries: None

Points: 10, may not be used for magic

Comments: Yeva always a picture of beauty and grace and bravery.


Loot: 1 shiny new Seer-permanent tattoo of a lotus
Injuries: None

Points: 10, may not be used for magic

Comments: Norani was there, as usual.

word count: 100
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