Rolling Out the Red Carpet [Closed]

In which the Umbrian Crown Prince tours Red Rock Citadel.

"Red Rock Citadel" is a remote outpost of the Silver Sentinels situated in a barren stretch of the Atraxian Desert which serves as headquarters to the Custodes Deorum- A branch of the Vigilia devoted to the divine affairs.

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"Portals are efficient, I'll grant, but sometimes too much efficiency is exhausting. Now that I'm more practised at it, I'm able to clear my head when I fly. It's nice to be able to literally rise above it all for a trice to a place that's more peaceful..." Arvælyn explained in answer to Æros' observation, as his eyes scanned the spread on offer. A canapes, cheeses and smoked meats rose from their trays and hovered to set themselves delicately on a plate which floated into the prince's grasp.

With his half-brother momentarily distracted, Phocion took the opportunity to meet Lykos' eye and offer an approving nod at his dutiful obeisance. The Sentinel sighed, as the lupine peregrinus seemed more focused on feasting than formalities now that it was open season on the buffet.

"Ms. Chenzira positively insisted upon contributing to the menu in spite of the perfectly competent staff we have devoted to such things." Phocion noted through taut lips and an otherwise flat expression. After a fashion it almost felt like an acknowledgement of service, albeit a compulsory one bogged down with his editorialising commentary on the tail end.

"She is fastidious and high-spirited." Arvælyn said, with a nod to Hilana. Folding his wings closer against his form so that he could glance over his shoulder, he looked at the one called Lykos. His Symphony was so loud, and rich with bombastic themes. He was an emotive creature, to be sure, and the draconic elf was a bit surprised at the awe he felt directed toward himself. That wasn't something he often gleaned from the Symphonies of foreigners who hadn't been brought up in this culture and conditioned toward those very sensations. Part of him... probably influenced largely by Finn... chided himself for focusing first upon the motif that pertained directly to him, when there were other, stronger themes in play. Foremost, Lykos was lost... a stranger in a strange land with no anchor to his former life, whatever that had been. His observation had only added to that, it seemed, as a direct question from the man was posed.

"I grew up there... Spent my latter teens and the dawn of my twenties in Kalzasi itself..." He sensed further confusion, "Kalzasi is the source of the Kalzasern dialect that tinges your speech. It is a city-state in the land of Karnor ruled by Avialæ. Alas... without knowing more about you, I'm not sure how helpful I could be... My mother or sister might Semble more to go on, but then I expect the Sentinel Assessors her are already about that work." He smiled and glanced to Phocion whose expression spoke volumes, albeit to him alone. When the Sentinel next spoke it would be in Common, incidentally spoken in the same Kalzasern dialect that accented Lykos' tongue:

"Shall we sit?" Phocion suggested, gesturing to a table and leading his half-brother to the high-backed seat at its head. He would claim the seat at Arvælyn's right hand and, though he hadn't made a plate for himself, he did Pull a flagon of honeyed wine and a tray of cups directly from the hands of a servus with his Craft and begin to pour for them all without ostensibly paying attention to the act. It was as if the wine was pouring itself, as he continued to address his royal brother.

"As you will see the Custodes Deorum are far better equipped to handle Divine visitors and intruders than we were before the jubilee. The Exalted Dynasty has been most generous in devoting resources and knowledge toward these endeavours and I am confident that, in time, we will revolutionise new arts and artefacts to contain and combat threats to the sacred realm." The cups would find their way to each person at the table and set themselves down if they weren't plucked from the air first.

"Ms. Chenzira, as you are passing fond of playing host... even outside the purview of your own events... perhaps it would please you to lead us in a toast to welcome His Exalted Highness?"
word count: 699
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
['faɪd,ɹɪn solˌzæl'kiɹi,on ɑɹˌvɛɪˈlɪn]
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Hilana fully agreed with Arvaelyn that flying was good for clearing out the head. She’d found the same when she was out with Hayima’el, or flying on Nagas or another wyvern. Being out in the open and able to travel and let go and focus if she wanted to, but there was a wonderful peace that came in the endless sands. For some, it was monotony, for others, that understood it and how to survive in it, it was so much more.

Phocion was Phocion. He had his own way about things, and he would make his comments. “Thank you,” she beamed at the two brothers. It may not have been seen as a particular compliment, but Hilana took what she could get. “They’ve been very kind about letting me into the kitchen.” Both to utilize it, and to watch what they were making, too. Hilana had no problems sitting there in the corner with her notebook if she was not welcomed to pitch in, but it was easier to work there, and then clean up after herself than it was to prepare meals at home and then bring them back to the Citadel for reheating. Was it necessary? No. but Lykos liked her cooking, and it was entirely possible that she was spoiling her big wolf. Lia had suggested as such, but Hilana was not worrying about it. They’d all had a frankly traumatic experience, Lykos more than the rest of them, and if he found comfort in her food, then she was happy to make sure he was spoiled.

The Vastii would sit with Lykos between them as they tended to do once they got to the table with their own plates. When the cups floated over to them, Hilana and Lia took up theirs, and Hilana made sure that the Rathari had his as they listened to Phocion’s words. Combined with the brief mentions of what Phocion and Æros had indicated some time back when they had first returned from Tertium about Æros being involved with similar figures before, and now the Jubilee - she had seen Daemon there, after all, and understood what he was - this made more sense to her, and Lia glanced at her around Lykos. Hilana just nodded in answer to her; this was something to be explained later.

But when the Moonborn Sentinel turned his words and attention to her, the girl recognized the barbs as a reminder that she should keep her hands and nose out of things more regularly... but it wouldn’t surprise her if that jibe was also a stab at Æros. In any event, it was also just how the Prince was; it was better to let it lie. Hilana was hardly used to making toasts in such a setting: being around the campfire with her friends would have been a different story and much less formal... but she wasn’t afraid to try. In any event, she raised the glass of the wine to the Dragonborn seated at the table. “To His Exalted Highness, Princeps Draconum Coronam. For your generosity, foresight, and patience, may He of the Sceptre and She of the Scourge guide you on your path in the light and in the darkness. To your health, happiness, and honour. Sit saluti.”

word count: 567
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Lykos liked to think of himself as simple if anything, even with the complexity of his Divine being, there were things which propelled a nature such as his. Food in particular was one of them, of course, but the lupine demigod hadn't forsaken his etiquette for the sake of a meal in the presence of royalty. With the reception he earned from Phocion, albeit briefly, he nodded briskly in appreciation regarding the acknowledgment. Suffice it to say there might've also been a few ghostly wags to his invisible tail, since Lykos wore no such thing in his Zoan form.

The talk of flying here had intrigued the wolf though and led him to wonder, even with something as simple as magic, if he could entertain the idea with the use of Kinetics on its own. The thought wasn't entirely out of range of possibility, but he would certainly need to test his limitations with control at best. Regardless, he paid mind to the conversations that flowed, sharing a bit of a humored grin in regard to the reputation that Hilana had garnered for herself. She certainly lived up to it in his eyes, Lykos had almost never seen the woman otherwise, save for the night they went out on his little run across the sands.

Arvælyn's response evoked a lot of intrigue within the wolf when he listened, having wondered what life was like up there before he became the Exalted Prince. He took note of the name Kalzasi diligently, as that undoubtedly had to be the home he missed on occasion. Not that he would remember where to find it specifically, nor anyone who might've remembered him either. From what he had learned thus far his part in the crystal tree took more than just mere memory, as Lana had explained his connections to others might've been lost in part as well. If such were the case, then whatever life he had prior might as well have been lost to the Void itself.

Not that he wanted it. But the wolf was determined to focus on where he was now, rather than linger on the loss that he carried over his shoulder. One day things would sort out in time, but for now, spending time with Hilana and Athalia was all that mattered to him. "I only hope my Divine presence doesn't hinder or deter them, your grace." Admitted graciously in regards to the Semblers who were likely assessing him diligently, since he had fairly recently used his own Semblance to water down the aura he radiated naturally. Whether that helped or not he'd likely find out soon, but until then he would merely continue to treat with officials here in the citadel.

As they were invited to sit at the table, it was only natural that the wolf found a spot between the Vastii sisters. Whether it was a pack mentality thing for him or not, they were both his guides through these new experiences. Truthfully, hearing Phocion talk of the Custodes Deorum were interesting for Lykos, not because of what he was, but due to the part he might also play in the long run as well. After all, he wanted to contribute in a beneficial manner for all their hospitality, and if it helped both Solunarium and all other Divine beings that visited; then why not do what he could to aid in their effort?

When prompted to share the meal with a toast, Lykos looked over to observe Lana in turn. He certainly didn't feel qualified for the task but if anyone, she certainly had the tact and grace to serve the request. The wolf smiled gently before he noticed the cup that floated toward him, and in one gentle stroke his hand gripped the beverage while he glanced to Lia and then Lana next. "Sit saluti." He reiterated softly with a raise of his cup to share in the toast, admittedly still baffled by the display of everything before him. The show of Kinetics serving food and drink, the talk with royalty present, and of course the fact he was present for the banquet itself.

All of it felt like much for Lykos to take in, nonetheless, he held nothing but appreciation for those that he gathered with here today.

Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 06, 2024 1:47 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 749
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- - -
- - -
To Arvælyn’s words, Æros would at first nod. “I imagine it is,” he’d say, though he hadn’t much first hand experience with flying. He’d ridden wyverns before, though never piloted them, and frankly he found the experience not all that pleasant. He did, however, think that if one were flying utilizing one’s own wings, that such a thing would be as the princeps stated– refreshing.

To Phocion’s comment about Hilana’s insistence when it came to cooking, Æros would smile, though he had nothing to add. He knew the Vastiana well enough that it wasn’t any sort of slight against the staff, it was just that she loved to cook and share food in general, especially in the company of friends.

When it came to Arvælyn’s words to Lykos, part of Æros was disappointed that the princeps had no recollection of the foreigner. Of course, it wasn’t as if Kalzasi was tiny, and people could easily miss one another, but Lykos was divinity, no? Surely, the divine would be hard to miss…but unfortunately, the apparition lacked any of the necessary context to puzzle out why that was. Yet another mystery about Lykos to add to the pile.

At Phocion’s word, Æros would sit down along with the others, watching the wine pour and the cups float through the air before plucking one for himself. It tasted odd– good, but odd, if only because the was tasting it through the tongue of another…not quite what he remembered wine of this type tasting like, yet pleasant all the same. It was both a fascinating and uncanny thing to experience sensory inputs anew like this.

And when Hilana made her toast, he would respond in kind: “Sit saluti.”

In so doing would his eyes slip over to Lykos, observing the man was still so awestruck by everything. In many ways, it was rather cute.
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 427

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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“‘Your Exalted Highness’” Phocion corrected Lykos archly, “‘Your Grace’ is a form address applied to full-blooded Re’hyæan aristocrats beneath the station of our Exalted Prince. Forgive him, Exalted Highness. This is all a strange education and a quick one for our Lykos. We haven’t spent long on the forms of address yet…”

“It is quite alright,” Arvælyn chuckled, “I feel as though I only just learned them myself.” He adopted a warm, comforting smile as he looked to the foreign demigod. “I know all too well how esoteric the ways of this realm can seem to a newcomer.” He looked to Phocion,

“Surely we need not observe all the pomp and circumstance of a military parade when we’re sitting down to an intimate meal…”

“As you wish,” Phocion bowed his head to hide his smirk as he added: “...Your Exalted Highness.”

Arvælyn cleared his throat quietly and turned his gaze downward, inspecting the contents of his cup as the compulsory flattery was imparted by Hilana and ratified by the others. He hadn’t grown accustomed to such obeisances— least of all amongst friends like Hilana and family like Phocion. It just felt gratuitous, but such were the expectations of the realm. He drank, as odd as it was, to himself and placed the cup down. Lifting his eyes once more, he cast them to Lykos.

“Tell me, Lykos… I realise that you are a bit out to sea here in the desert, but do you anticipate making a life for yourself here in Solunarium?”

“If so…” Phocion interjected, “This would be a splendid opportunity to express your fealty directly to a living member of the Hallowed Zalkyrian Dynasty. A rare blessing enjoyed by passing few of our citizenry…”

Arvælyn shifted slightly in his seat, an awkward sidelong glance finding his brother smirking in the periphery.
word count: 313
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
['faɪd,ɹɪn solˌzæl'kiɹi,on ɑɹˌvɛɪˈlɪn]
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Lia leaned in slightly towards Lykos when he used the term 'Your Grace', but Phocion beat her to the correction. Neither sister was overly worried; if anything Arvaelyn seemed to be in a rather decent mood and considering they had a shared connection in Kalzasi, some additional grace would hopefully be extended. But she just patted his forearm reassuringly. He was getting better at it. There was countless rules for interactions with royalty, and in another land 'Your Grace' would have been appropriate... just not in Solunarium with this company.

With the toasting out of the way and the dragon-blooded Crown Prince speaking to Lykos, Hilana wisely kept her mouth shut. Lykos heard from her when she wasn't at work or at lessons; it would be good for him to be able to talk with Arvaelyn and with luck, improve his standing and stock here. There was only so much that the sisters could do for him in that regard; the rest of it would have to be on his own merits and determinations. The question regarding fealty was an interesting one, and it was something Hilana had talked with Lia and Lykos about in order to catch her sister up to speed with the separation of the cities and Crowns.

It was not required, as he was Peregrinus... but it meant choosing a side and considering where they were on whose hospitality, it was rather one-sided indeed. He had, as Phocion said, a unique opportunity if he chose to take it. These were the benefactors who could do far more for him than an Equestrian Vastiana, who may have had some connections and opportunities... but these were the sources of the connections, there on offer. They didn't know how long Lykos would be staying, either... At the very least, until Hilana and Lia figured out from where he came from, and where his people were. More and more signs were pointing to Kalzasi, and that meant they were going to have to take a field trip abroad at some point. Though the question of what would happen when they got there was something else entirely, and Hilana was not prepared to turn over her charge to the hands of someone who may or may not be able to protect him until his memories were back.

Not when he was safe here. A guest of the Citadel and the Custodes Deorum, yes, but safe and well-protected from anyone who might be seeking to use him for their own aims rather than helping him recover what he had lost.

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There came a look of awe when Phocion had elected to correct Lykos, leading the wolf to briefly glance from Sentinel to Prince before he felt a hand on his forearm. It had been an honest mistake that Arvælyn didn't seem to take any offense toward, given that the lupine demigod was still learning the ropes of their culture at large. "Apologies," he offered anyway even with the pardon, "and I appreciate you for understanding." Though now he questioned how often, or frequently, he ought to refer to the Exalted Prince by his moniker. Lykos could tell he was no former diplomat in his prior life, that much was for certain from the way he felt just now.

Regardless, the playful banter wasn't lost on him between the two brothers, and while they both smelled of the desert, there weren't any pheromones that indicated a change in the mood between them. In fact, he'd found it odd that the scents he did trace were entirely different from what he expected, given that the two seemed to be brothers in a way the wolf failed to perceive. The Exalted Prince smelled vaguely of a metal that Lykos couldn't place, as the aroma of lilac washed over the subtlety of the scent. From where he sat though there were also tones of a hearth that stemmed from the man's breath, almost like Arvælyn breathed fumes of fire naturally. Phocion on the other hand smelled of something, however, the presence of it was so vaguely there it felt nearly nonexistent.

Not so surprising since the Sentinel was so damn good at hiding every facet of his presence. In drinking with the others from the toast, the wolf simply sipped from his cup as to avoid overindulgence. He would've hated to imbibe too much, and lose his edge enough to where he'd embarrass himself almost like he did earlier. When the Exalted Prince had addressed him, however, he looked directly at the man with a bit of a baffled expression initially. Wait, a life here? He had to silently reiterate within his thoughts as Phocion pointed out a rather genuine opportunity, one that his pack mates discussed before but hardly anticipated to happen so soon.

"Ah, well..." He chuckled almost nervously but felt reassurance from looking at each of his packmates. "I had never thought of it before honestly. But since my time here I've grown attached to these two, and while I have no idea whether I'll return to my old life or not, building one here does not seem out of the realm of possibility either." He admitted with a warm smile before he looked back toward Arvælyn in turn. "I'm not entirely sure the best way to appropriate this to you, Prince Arvælyn, but I would be honored and humbled to live and serve you during my time in Solunarium."

As he expressed this he rested his eating utensils on his plate and scooted his chair back, only to rise to a full stand before he bent his head and shoulders forward. "I swear fealty to you and the Zalkyrian dynasty, if there's anything the Lord of Frost can do on your behalf, for all the hospitality you and your kin have provided, then I will do my best to see your will enforced." Lykos hoped that had been a rather appropriate address, having never formally given much thought to fealty until the present moment. It led him to wonder if there were others he might've served in his previous life, and deep down, he hoped this promise wouldn't cross those old ties even if they still existed.

Finished though he resumed sitting in his chair, taking a moment to hear what his hosts had to say, before continuing to graze further on the roasted meat resting on his plate.

Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 06, 2024 1:48 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 671
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"Truly. Think nothing of it..." Arvælyn happily dismissed the matter of titles. While he could appreciate the formality at times, in this instance it just seemed awkward to make a thing of it. He knew firsthand the feelings associated with faux pas and, being a Mesmer of his capability, he was particularly sensitive to those Symphonic motifs when he was open to such. As Lykos contemplated Phocion's urging, Arvælyn tasted of the wine on offer, and lifted both eyebrows as the Lord of Frost seemed inclined to assent.

The Princeps Draconum parts his lips to speak, but once Lykos began to give voice to his pledge he froze, his eyes rolling back as a silver Mark that rounded his tanned throat began to glow with lustrous, lunar silver. Phocion clenched his teeth, gloved hands gripped into fists as a similar glow emitted from between his glove and his sleeve on one hand. Both of their eyes also took on the silvery sheen as their bodies were wracked, as if they were trying to hold their footing while being pulled by some unseen ætheric riptide.

As the last of Lykos' vow was uttered, a tether extended from Arvælyn's glowing collar, shooting forth like a harpoon that plunged into Lykos. To the lupine demigod it would feel like nothing. It might have appeared to be a trick of Masquerade utilised for effect, as was often done in this magocratic realm. But both Phocion and Arvælyn appeared to be affected by something either euphorically pleasurable or agonising. Arvælyn's wineglass shattered under the force of his clutch, its shards tumbling to the floor, but within moments whatever it had been passed and both brothers were released from the hold that gripped them. Both were gasping for breath.

"Fuck..." Arvælyn rasped, checking his hand for cuts from the broken glass.

"Right?" Phocion half whispered, a wry grin spreading across his pale countenance. Still panting, he looked to Lykos almost hungrily, "Well done, you." He gestured to the nearest servant, "Fetch His Exalted Highness another wine, and I'll need more as well." He gulped down what remained in his own cup, then slumped in his seat, relishing the afterglow.
word count: 373
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
['faɪd,ɹɪn solˌzæl'kiɹi,on ɑɹˌvɛɪˈlɪn]
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- - -
- - -
Events as they unfolded weren’t entirely surprising to Æros despite the spectacle involved. Lykos had, for any of the time that he’d interacted with the fledgling god, shown a propensity for great loyalty in return for what care was shown by the nation he’d found himself suddenly lost within. Plus, Solunarium having the fealty of another demigod pleased Æros twofold; for one, he’d now have few qualms when it came to fraternizing with Lykos, as there would be no question of allegiance or motive; for another, there was power in a demigod’s allegiance, and power gained by the Umbrian Crown brought the deceased patrician as much satisfaction as power acquired personally.

Still, watching both brothers be overtaken as such was a fascinating sight to behold, and it gave Æros pause for thought. Were there others marked by the Midnight Mother, or just those two? He’d guessed, upon realizing Finn had been marked, that there would be similar such gifts upon Solunarian nationals as well, presumably royalty; but if two were upon two brothers, was Varvara isolating her gifts in an insular fashion on purpose? Or were there more?

Further, his mind went, that in death do many things change– tangentially, Æros wondered if in his new unlife, the chain that had him bound to his gods was altered in some form or fashion. He imagined, given the circumstances of his tenuous ‘revival,’ that such a tether would not have been severed; it was more that he wondered if it was changed. There was, ostensibly, no way for him to test this as the only two who could were unlikely to offer an answer, but the thought pulled at him all the same.

He would, however, offer no input; he had half a mind to, but anything that sprang to mind at the moment didn’t feel quite like it’d serve any real purpose. And really, he was curious more so than anything else to see how the wolf would respond.
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 439

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Hilana Chenzira
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At Lykos' words of being attached to the sisters, the Vastian women smiled at him. They did intend to find his people and his home, but in the meantime, they were determined to make one for him here anyway. Making sure that he was sponging up as much of the culture that they could was part of it. When he rose, Hilana and Athalia shared a glance. Hilana remembered well the reactions of Avaelyn and Finn when Deus Avaerys and Domina Varvara made their presence known through their chosen at the Frost Festival.

Would this be similar?

As Phocion's and Arvaelyn's eyes went silver, the women frankly stared. It may have been inappropriate to do so, but it was impossible to ignore. Wether that was Masquerade or something else entirely it was hard to know, but there was no denying the presence of the Bride of Bridles in the royal brothers at that moment. Lia did touch Lykos' arm to make sure that he was alright when the silver harpoon seemed to vanish inside of him. What was done was done. Prices paid and choices made, as Hilana sometimes said.

Either way, Phocion and Arvaelyn did seem to be fine, although the younger sister was definitely also looking at Arvaelyn's hand to check for shards of glass or signs of bleeding and injury. She had risen partially out of her seat, keeping her lehenga away from the table, big eyes looking him over around the table. "Are you alright, Your Exalted Highness?" she did seem concerned for him, but that was nothing out of the usual with Hilana. She might have been less formal had Phocion not been present, but since he was and she knew better... not to mention she knew she still had a lot of work to do to get herself back into Arry's good graces...

word count: 329
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