...And Listen [Memory]

continuation of a tale

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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Moon Jae-Seong
Posts: 121
Joined: Tue Sep 13, 2022 7:17 pm
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=3722
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=3802

TIMESTAMP: 3rd Solace, Glade 122
NOTES: continuation of this.
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The Rathari primarily occupied his time with the work of a mercenary during his sojourns from Kalzasi proper. As such, the jobs he accepted ran the gamut from hunting to guard work to assassinations, often paying little mind to the type of work he was doing. Some jobs would be declined, though if so, it would be due to whomever made the offer or the identity of the victim in such cases where he was asked to kill somebody. While rare, he'd even taken on a few jobs wherein which he was tasked with torturing others for information, vengeance, or both. A bit of a strange bird, he was, his moral compass his own.

All the same, he was wont to keep the more cruel and vicious aspects of himself quiet, intent on leaving most with the true, but incomplete, impression that he was a kind and gentle soul, if a bit austere. To hide predilections of this nature was largely the most practical choice in most situations he found himself in and in the presence of most of the company he kept, but that wasn’t the main reason he kept those things hidden. In reality, it was guilt; he had trouble accepting those aspects of himself. But at least, he’d rationalize, he could sate his bloodlust in…productive ways.

The impression the mercenary had given Iaphos, the tavernkeep, was in line with these preferences. The Siltori man saw Jae-Seong as a noble soul guided by a strange, innate sort of altruism that he himself was incapable of empathizing with; it was beyond his understanding. He did, however, have experience with this sort. The elf knew that people like this were incredibly useful, if nothing else. If he could take advantage of that, he could compel the swordsmen to solve some of his problems– maybe even for free, if he could appeal to the man’s morality well enough…or simply charm him. And being a traveler’s inn a ways away from the nearest settlements, Iaphos’ establishment was not devoid of problems.

Iaphos was a mage himself, tricky and potent in his arcane arts, but he was only one man– and he lacked offense. Negation and Masquerade were his Crafts of choice, and they offered him a great deal of protection from that which might avail him, but deflecting threats did not get rid of them. Of course, that’s what men like Jae-Seong were for. Warriors were tools to be used as much as they were people with hearts and minds of their own.

His inn was targeted periodically by bandits, fools trying to rob him of coin, victuals, and so on. Many of them would try once, becoming lost in his illusions or realizing that his wards were beyond their capabilities, and then they’d move on. However, there was a small group that must’ve camped, set up a makeshift hideout, something of the sort, nearby, and they were…getting a hair obnoxious. Iaphos could not quite decide if they were deluded into thinking he hid a vault of untold riches or if they had simply decided they hated him, specifically, but the distinction didn't matter in the end-- they were a nuisance he wanted to be rid of.

“Say, crow–” Jae-Seong had entered in Lycan shape, but rescinded his beak and feathers after he’d sat down in order to converse. “–you any good with those blades?” The elf began, his voice carrying an almost musical lilt to it, visage displaying an innocent curiosity despite his playful tone.

The mercenary had spent most of the evening listening to Iaphos and others speak to one another, only interjecting here and there.

“I am, yes,” he’d respond with a light nod; simple, solemn.

“What’s your price?” Iaphos followed up.

Some mercenaries had a flat rate for their time, additional fees based on job type if required. Others based it entirely upon the job itself. There was no real standard– each set up his own rules for himself.

“Depends– what needs doing?” Jae-Seong preferred the latter option.

Given his familial ties, he was not one that wanted much for money. Sometimes, he’d help out just to help out. Others, he’d do jobs simply because they were interesting or the reward was something other than coin, so on.

“Oh, you know– nothing special, something classic– just bandits,” the barkeep responded, rolling his eyes.

“They’re…persistent. Usually, my wards serve to demotivate people enough to give up. But these?” The pale elf would sigh, something theatric. “They won’t give up. They must think I’ve a dragon hoard beneath the floorboards or summat.”

He’d giggle. “–which, that’d only be true in my wildest dreams. My wards are for my own peace of mind, for the protection of my clients.” The latter bit being said with a sweeping gesture of his arms.

The elf would roll his shoulders, his gaze drifting away for a second, searching for a piece of information within his mind. “I can give you the general direction I think they’re in…always tend to come from the same area, but I’m no warrior. It’d be a pointless risk for me to go out and look for them myself.”

Then, giving Jae-Seong a sweet sort of smile. “Would you mind going in my stead? I don’t care what you do; just get rid of them. Have a peaceful talk, threaten them, scare them with theatrics, torture them, kill them– it doesn’t matter. They’re…fraying my nerves.”

Part of him hoped the mercenary might just agree, forgetting the mention of payment. Iaphos wasn’t hurting for money, not really, but he was cheap. And with his history of running a variety of scams, he had few scruples with regards to shorting adventurers. Of course, he’d pay if asked if only to avoid conflict, but a man can dream, no?

Jae-Seong’s features are naturally sort of stoic no matter what, making him hard to read by default. Iaphos, however, was adept at reading others, and he could see the gears turning in the other man’s head. At the very least, the swordsman was interested, and that made his smile broaden, if only slightly.

“Sure, I’ll look into it. We can discuss recompense after– if I find something in their camp that’s worth my while, I might just settle for that.” The nobleman gave the barkeep a knowing sort of smile, subtle though it was.

Jae-Seong was not an idiot. He knew a shrewd businessman when he saw one, and from the tales the man had spun for the last few hours, he wasn’t daft to the fact that the other would certainly try and haggle the price down. Of this, he didn’t care– he had half a mind to have just said he’d do it for free, but it was more fun to bait the other man a bit at first.

“Oh, are you sure?” Iaphos began, feigning surprise. “I’d absolutely hate to short you,” he lied.

The swordsman closed his eyes in tandem to an exhale that sounded eerily similar to a laugh. “I’m sure,” he’d reply.

“You needn’t worry about me. This profession is a choice, not a necessity,” he added with a wan, friendly sort of smile.

That simple statement said a lot in the mind of the tavernkeep, and this was by design. Before him sat somebody that either hunted for sport, so to speak, or was truly a bleeding heart altruist. Sometimes, it was both. Either that, or somebody with a death wish. Nevertheless, the mercenary not initially edged into the career by desperation was always ideal. Oftentimes, they were the most competent whilst charging the least for their time. The psychology of these folks, as well of their circumstances, often fascinating Iaphos. He hoped that the Rathari before him was as competent as he’d said– more than simply being rid of the bandits, a not insignificant part of him wanted to see the other again.

Iaphos pursed his lips. “That so? Fascinating, was all he’d add on the subject…for now.

“Well! In any case, would you prefer to rest for the night and head out tomorrow? There is no rush– and I promise, you are safe here.” The smile he wore creased his eyes, something genuine, his tone almost gracious now. He wore these emotions somewhat strangely. “Consider the fee waived for that, too.”

The tavernkeep was cheap, but not so cheap that he couldn’t be led by his emotions.

“That would be wise, I think– I’ll head out tomorrow’s twilight,” the nobleman replied, his voice warmer than before.

Iaphos tempted Jae-Seong into drinking more for much of the rest of the night– coincidentally, he had a rarer spirit that the mercenary was ever so fond of and he'd pay handsomely for. His tolerance was high enough that he didn’t feel there was much of a risk in terms of his competence being affected the next day. And despite his apparent stoicism, the man was not one to deny himself what epicurean indulgences he could find on the road.
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"Synskrit Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Inandoth Tongue/Speech"
Last edited by Moon Jae-Seong on Tue Nov 07, 2023 11:57 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1670
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Posts: 355
Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2022 4:19 pm
Location: Gel'Grandel, Gelerian Imperium
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=3187
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?t=3339
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=3335



Moon Jae-Seong

Points: 7 skill debt, 1 mundane
Injuries/Ailments: n/a
Loot: None

Notes: Jae's skill debt is cleansed! Whee!
word count: 52
"And as you lay down your grace to me,
the skies begin to bleach red,
and the stars begin to fall,
I feel myself changing,
as my world starts dividing–"
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