
Filled with people both proud and poor, the Imperium is a land of ambition, glory and a belief in the power of the mortal spirit.

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Searing 75, 123rd Year, A.o.S.


Kira sat on the park bench, her gaze fixed on the vastness of the perma-winter sky. The park around her was tranquil, with only the sound of pieces of paper trash rustling in the gentle breeze breaking the silence. She was there to meet Hector, having invited him for a unique session of flying practice. It was an opportunity for her to test the limits of her kinetic abilities, something she hadn't dared to push too far yet.

Her experiences with self levitation were limited to several feet at most, briefly suspending herself in mid-air before cautiously lowering herself back to the ground. The thought of using her kinetics to fly was both thrilling and intimidating. Today was about stepping out of her comfort zone and exploring the potential of her magic.

Kira picked up a fallen twig, twirling it between her fingers, lost in thought. The concept of self-levitation required more than just the ability to lift. It demanded precise control, balance, and an acute awareness of the energies around her. The challenge was not just in the ascent but in maintaining altitude and navigating through the air.

The serene environment of the park was a perfect contrast to the bustling city beyond. The sway of the leafless trees and the soft whisper of the wind seemed to harmonize with the flow of energy that kinetics tapped into.

Kira was dressed aptly for the winter chill, her outfit a balance of practicality and comfort for the outdoor setting. She wore a thick, insulated coat that fell to her mid-thigh, its deep green color standing out against the stark winter snow. Underneath, she had layered a woolen sweater over a long-sleeved shirt, ensuring warmth even as the temperature dropped. Her legs were clad in durable, dark pants, tucking into a pair of sturdy boots ideal for stepping on slick surfaces. A knitted beanie covered her head, her hair tucked away, while her hands were kept snug in a pair of fleece-lined gloves.

Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying
word count: 410
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Location: Gel'Grandel, Gelerian Imperium
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=3187
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?t=3339
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=3335


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Hector’s work schedule was semi-turbulent and, for the most part, he worked inconsistent hours mostly functioning on a sort of ‘on-call’ basis. Useful as his talents were, they were niche– but he didn’t mind the inconsistency. Rather, he thought it was nice, because on his end, it gave him a more than reasonable amount of free time. And being as he was, he valued that part over money (but even despite his priorities being as such, the Inquisition still paid him well).

On the other hand, Vergil’s hours were fairly extensive– in the medical field, Vitalis was invaluable; if it were at all ethical, his superiors would prefer he never leave the hospital. Luckily, the Inquisition did not allow for work hours quite that heinous. At least…not yet.

But because of this, he was not free on the day that Hector had agreed to meet up with Kira, the two of them parting ways earlier that morning when Vergil left to where he was, everyone claimed, ‘needed.’ That wasn’t a big deal, really, because Hector was meeting this new friend of his for a purpose the other vampyr wouldn’t really be able to participate in– he could not fly, at least, not really. In theory, one could travel through the air via Traversion but none of those potentialities were quite like more ‘traditional’ definitions of flight.

Hector might’ve questioned Kira’s choice of location, since some people in the Imperium were cagey around magic. It was legal to have runes and to use them in public, it was just that it scared the public sometimes, which could result in one getting asked for one’s license to practice and that was sort of a pain. Hector, however, could carte blanche dismiss scrutiny by virtue of the fact that he was an Inquisitor. One might argue that is something of an abuse of the powers afforded to him, but the elf was not one to care.

Although, Kira did at this point not know that about him and he debated whether or not he wanted to actually point it out to her. Was there even a point, he wondered? Over the course of the year he’d been here, he came to realize that people had a wide array of reactions when it came to them figuring out his affiliation with law enforcement…and especially the Inquisition, given that organization was several steps ahead of the average member of the Imperium’s police force. Some people didn’t care, sure, but others became cagey, as if they were afraid of opening up to him after the fact, and others sometimes tried to manipulate him into doing things for them. It was all just a bit of a hassle, so half the time he just found it easier not to say anything about his job at all unless it was directly relevant.

As such, he arrived in the park in plainclothes. His coat was thick, suitable for the weather, cut off at the hip and of a slate gray color; black, insulated woolen pants; black boots that looked like leather; woolen gloves and a winter hat of the same material. He’d be warm enough like this, at least, he thought.

The day was cold, really rather dreary, with gray skies and blustery winds. Perhaps not the most friendly weather for flying? Oh well, he supposed; they’d have to learn to fly in inopportune weather eventually, anyways.

When he arrived, it didn’t take him long to find Kira already there.

“Hello– I suppose Kinetics doesn’t need to prepare much for flight, does it?” He asked, realizing that he still had to manifest his wings.

He’d not done so prior lest people look at him and take him for a short Kathar that for some reason didn’t have a collar; that would be weird, wouldn’t it?

Nevertheless, he did so in the moments after saying that, his torso shifting somewhat uncomfortably as the second set of shoulders pushed his existing anatomy out of the way. Almost all of his clothes had, at this point, been amended to accommodate wings should he so desire to bring them out and what he was wearing today was no different. Once grown, he flexed them for a moment before folding them behind his back.

“You ever think about how much of a pain it must be to be an Avialae? Having wings out all the time seems so…inconvenient,” he remarked off-handedly.
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Aidolon Speech
word count: 857
"And as you lay down your grace to me,
the skies begin to bleach red,
and the stars begin to fall,
I feel myself changing,
as my world starts dividing–"
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"Hey Hector," Kira greeted as she observed his transformation, her expression was one of fascination and slight discomfort. Watching the physical contortions involved in his shape change, she couldn't help but wince subtly. "That looks... intense," she commented, attempting to keep her tone light despite the strangeness of the transformation. “And yeah, the thought of having wings out all the time does seem like it could get cumbersome,” she added with a light chuckle. She did not think that shape shifting was a magic that she ever wanted to have. Not unless she could use it to turn into someone very attractive.

Hector’s comment about Kinetics prompted a nod from Kira. "But yeah, theoretically, Kinetics should make flying straightforward, but I've yet to really test its limits. I've only managed brief levitations a few feet off the ground." She glanced around the park, her gaze reflecting a hint of unease about their public setting. "Choosing a spot for this wasn’t exactly easy. I didn't fancy a long drive out of the city just for a practice session," she explained, her voice carrying a faint note of apology for the lack of privacy in their current location. Jesse was unavailable so portalling somewhere like Trash Town was out of the question.

As Hector flexed his newly manifested wings, Kira observed them with a curious eye. "Those wings... they're really something…. You must have at least some practice with them. Any tips for a novice flyer? I'm not exactly equipped with wings, so I'm curious about how I should approach this with Kinetics."

She adjusted her stance, preparing herself mentally for the task ahead. She thought about how tough balance was going to be as her fingers absently playing with the hem of her coat. Kira's eyes shifted back to Hector, eager for any insight he might offer.

Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying
word count: 371
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