Zaichaer Codex (Updated)

High City of the Northlands

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For centuries, the High City of Zaichaer has been the epicenter of politics and power in the Northlands of Karnor.

Once the largest in population and second in wealth across the Free Cities it is now an unknown quantity in the region. For centuries, the city maintained hegemony over the loose federation of city-states and territories that make their home in the region. The High City of the Northlands maintained a tight grip on power through its powerful military and is at the forefront of technological advancement across the region.

In the aftermath of a terrible disaster that tore the Brass City apart, physically, politically and socially, Zaichaer now attempts to rise again, better and stronger than ever.

The information below may be considered accurate starting on the 1st of Glade, 124.

About Zaichaer
  • Landscape
  • People
  • Government
  • Magic
  • Industry
  • History
  • The Ministry
  • The Military
  • The Order
  • Covens of Zaichaer
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Zaichaer has traditionally been bordered on three sides by natural barriers; dense forest to the East and West and mountains to the South. This has led to a sort of unintentionally isolationist culture that, over time, became part of the social structure.

Since The Disaster of 34th Searing 122 drove people out of the capitol city and its surrounds, the territory held by Zaichaer has actually expanded to include the large forest to the East of the capitol. Additionally, the national hold on the Northern territory has solidified in the form of several Forward Bases that went from being supply dumps during the war with Kalzasi into permanent military structures surrounded by towns in the disaster that followed.

The Riverlands, the area between the two major rivers that run through the center of the land, is the breadbasket of Zaichaer; containing vast stretches of fertile farmland, four large forts and several prosperous towns.


The mountain ranges that surround Zaichaer are both a blessing and a curse in terms of seasonal weather. Glade and Ash are the beautiful seasons, with mild weather, comfortable temperatures and gentle, occasional rains to keep the land green. Searing and Frost are another matter, with strong storms rushing in over the mountains, often with little warning, dropping the temperature significantly and, in the case of Searing, often threatening flooding and the loss of crops.

Natural Resources:
In addition to the hearty crop yields of the Riverlands, Zaichaer has significant metal mining operations in several areas; near to and even inside the city and further away in the mountain land both North and South. Iron, copper and zinc are the most common metals mined but silver can be found as well.

A trade from Dragonshards mined in the Warrens is also available for those with both the courage and the skill to find them.

Though timber was previously not one of the main industries, now that the nation has taken possession of the forest to its East some attempts are being made to begin logging in earnest.

Towns and Cities:
Zaichaer, the State, is named after its capitol city. The capitol is the only metropolis within the borders; the central hub around which all industry and society is gathered. There are villages surrounding each of the major forts as well as mining towns in both the North and the South but none of them are large enough to have their own separate governments, outside of perhaps a mayor. Mostly these outposts are run much as forts are, by the military escort sent to ensure the safety of the people and their work.

Zaichaer is known for its airships and while the most famous incarnation is its Air Navy there are also a significant number of ships, professional and personal, that serve the needs of civilian travelers.

There was an attempt to bring trains in from other cities before the war and subsequent disaster halted those attempts and destroyed the infrastructures already in place. The roads were well maintained before the fall of the government, and while some remain intact others were destroyed. Thus, ground travel within the borders is unreliable and sometimes dangerous. This is likely to remain true for several years until the rebuilding effort is complete.
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Zaichaer is a human majority nation with only small populations of other races.

Racial Relations:
The Zachaeri have always believed in the superiority of humanity over that of other races, who are believed to be given unfair advantages, mostly via magic, that will eventually lead to their downfall due to their reliance on something other than their own resolve and hard work.

While all other races are considered lesser, Avialae are hated in particular due to their having been created intentionally to be unable to function without magic. Individuals of other races can prove themselves respectable and even earn citizenship through a combination of work ethic, shunning of any racial magic and showing loyalty but they will probably never be viewed without suspicion.

The Lysanrin Project:
A program was started within The Order to recruit and train Lysanrin in their Aether Siphoning ability to aid in magical law enforcement and in dealing with dangerous magical artifacts and creatures. The project, along with everything else, was forced to wait until Zaichaer returned to a level of normalcy that allowed it to continue but since the destruction of the Mistspawn and the rehabitation of the city the project has restarted.

As of Glade 1st 124, Zaichaer has begun an active recruitment campaign to attract Lysanrin immigrants, offering them a safe haven free of the prejudice and abuse they experience elsewhere. If a Lysanrin proves themselves they are treated with equal respect and social standing as a human.

Lysanrin who wish to receive this Honorary Human status must commit to assisting The Order, often joining The Order outright. They are given licenses to use their Aether Siphoning, both in their work for The Order and outside of it so long as they follow the normal rules and laws concerning the use of magic.

Social Structure:
Zaichaer society is fairly insular with an emphasis on pulling together in times of need and supporting each other. Above all, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the self.

Society is organized into three spheres: The Nation, The Family and The Self. Promoting the needs and ambitions of any of the three is considered a very good thing so long as the needs of the inner circles never outweigh the needs of the outer ones. Personal ambition is always a worthy trait unless pursuing it damages the ambitions or welfare of the family. Supporting and furthering the goals of your family is always worthy unless it damages or detracts from the ambitions or well-being of your local community or Zaichaer as a whole.

The Family is considered the heart of Zaichaer and usually includes extended groups of blood relations. Married couples are the core of the family and, though romance and free choice are encouraged, marriage is considered a commitment that one makes to the State, to strengthen and provide for it as it protects and provides for the citizens. The vows one takes in marriage are made to The State as well as to one's partner.

Zaichaer considers itself a meritocracy where every man (and woman) has the opportunity to climb the ladder of success. Those outside of the race of humans will find their climb to the top of the ladder of merit somewhat steeper and with more rungs, but they are allowed to attempt the climb.

No nobility or hereditary titles exist as part of Zaichaer’s society.
There was, long ago, a king and some still claim some connection to the royal family. Additionally, some nobility from other nations that are recognized by the State still claim their noble titles, but that has mostly gone out of fashion. Since the new government has formed, use of such titles has been specifically discouraged as one is to think of every citizen as equal to any other. The status of a citizen should be judged by their ability and willingness to work for and live up to the ideals of their nation.

Due to having spent the majority of its national life as a military state, and believing that to be no bad thing, Zaichaer is considered rigid in its laws and enforcement by the standards of most of the other Northern cities. Every citizen is supposed to know who they are and what they owe to their nation, their family and themselves. While this can chafe outsiders, there is a pride and comfort that comes from knowing what you are supposed to do and being given the means with which to do so.

Work in Zaichaer is often hard, particularly after the loss of over half their total population, but the general mood of the people is one of dusting themselves off and getting right back into it. Taking pride in their labor, in what they can achieve, is one of the major tenets of belief for every true Zaichaeri citizen.

While having children was encouraged before, as the State moves on from barely surviving into rebuilding and thriving, there is a massive baby boom beginning. It is seen as a duty for anyone who is able to marry and have children to do so. The State provides extensive assistance to all citizens now but those who have children are given special incentives.

While it is socially acknowledged that sexual preferences outside of vanilla heterosexuality exist it is not done publicly. The generally accepted belief is that, if one wishes to engage in personal indulgences one may do so, so long as one is quiet about it and does one's duty to their family by marrying and producing children. Close family members or very close friends are usually comfortable knowing of alternate sexualities and it isn’t entirely taboo to speak about them. The practice only becomes taboo if one tries to be openly public about their preference or refuses their duty because of it.

Preparedness: Most young men, and many young women, undergo military training, usually in their late teens. Nearly half of the men choose to continue with a career in the military, either part or full time, and every citizen is expected to be able to take up arms to defend their nation should the need arise.

Zaichaeri fashion is similar to that of Victorian England, both in rich, middle class and poorer society. Since the establishment of New Socialism fashions have become more uniform but that is mostly due to the lack of resources while the nation is being rebuilt.

When given full choice Zaichaeri fashion tends toward darker, earthier colors; greens, blues, blacks, greys and browns. Throwing in a single article of brighter color was just coming into fashion before the disaster and is beginning to show itself again. A bright yellow sash or shawl over a dress or an emerald colored waistcoat or jacket lining are examples of this. The emphasis of clothing is on the person, not the garment, thus cuts and shapes are to draw the eye to the best features and to the face.

Zaichaeri architecture was quite severe and utilitarian before the disaster. Because a lot of buildings were destroyed the city being rebuilt is a combination of these severe buildings alongside similar but more artistically and hopefully designed ones.
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Zaichaer was a capitalist military state before the fall of the previous government. In light of the fall and the forging of a new, more equal government the State has transitioned into a Socialist Triumvirate. The three branches of government are; The Ministry, The Military and The Order. Each branch is led by a single person with a pyramid structure of officials under them. The three heads work together to make decisions that affect the nation as a whole, such as when to go to war and how to allocate resources. All three take part in the creation and enforcement of the law. The head of each branch is chosen differently as best serves their needs.

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The Ministry:
The Ministry is the civilian branch of government. Headed by the First Minister, who is chosen by a general vote of the citizens once every six years. Six Under Ministers serve directly under the First Minister, each with a specific area to oversee to ensure the well running of the State and its citizens. While these six ministers are appointed by the First Minister their duty is to meet with groups of citizen representatives who have also been elected from among their peers (one representative per thousand people). By meeting with the representatives each Minister can gain an understanding of the needs of the nation and how to best serve them. Meetings between the First Minister and the six under them are regular and detail the well-being and needs of the nation. There is significant collaboration between the Ministerial Branches to ensure the machinery of government remains well oiled.

Ministry Structure and NPCs Coming Soon.

The Military:
The head of the military is the Grand Marshall; a career military individual who has obtained the rank of General or Admiral in at least one of the three branches of the military. The Grand Marshall is chosen by a simple majority vote among the generals of all three military branches when the previous one retires or dies. Under the Grand Marshall are the leaders of each of the three branches. These leaders are also generals who were chosen by a simple majority vote of the other generals in their specific branch.

Military Structure and NPCS Coming Soon.

The Order:
The Order of Reconciliation, now called simply The Order, is led by the High Sentinal who oversees The Order both inside and outside of Zaichaer. The High Sentinal is chosen by the Sentinals, both the four that serve directly under them to oversee the running of Zaichaer and those who run the chapter houses in other cities and nations. A three-quarters majority is required and the same level of vote can be used to remove the High Sentinal if required. The High Sentinal can serve for life or until retirement but due to the corrupting nature of the magic that most members wield for the good of all, the ability to remove the High Sentinal is an important check on potential madness.

Order Structure and NPCS Coming Soon.

The Covens:
These groups are considered essential places for the government to funnel those who either have magic or are drawn to magic in ways that are not useful to The Order. Having no outlet for such people leads to rebellions and destabilization. Thus The Covens are tolerated and even considered, in their own way, useful and honorable.

The governing of The Covens is both inside and outside of that of Zaichaer as a whole. Each Coven is expected to police and control their own members and if there is an issue with a member the government will go to the Coven to deal with it before enforcing Zaichaeri law, assuming they are registered legally as a member of the Coven and the infraction or issue is not endangering any citizens.

Each recognized Coven must maintain a licence to operate within the borders of Zaichaer and each member must be registered to that Coven.

At least, that is the law. It is known that most Covens have secret members who are not registered and there are illegal Covens who have not received government sanction to operate. Both unregistered members of sanctioned Covens and members of illegal Covens are considered enemies of The State and will be hunted down by The Order if they become known.

Coven Structure and NPCS Coming Soon.

Zaichaer adheres to the concept of New Atheism; the belief that while the gods are real they are not beings to be worshipped or revered, but rather arbitrary forces of great power who give and take where they wish without any controlling force to keep them in check. Such beings can ultimately have only negative and destabilizing effects on sentient beings.

While the worship of gods within the borders is not technically illegal it is strongly socially discouraged and anyone openly preaching or practicing a religion will face significant prejudice.

Education is considered a vital aspect of social duty as well as a privilege to strive to achieve. All children, regardless of gender, are educated from the age of four to the age of sixteen in State run schools unless their parents choose to put them in one of the few private schools or are wealthy enough to afford to educate them with tutors. Throughout this period students are observed by a variety of job placement advisors from the various branches of the government to assess their abilities.

Once a student has graduated there is a mandatory period of two years in the military for men, with the option for women to join if they choose, after which is job placement. The wishes of the student as well as their parents or guardians are taken into account as part of this placement and there is never only a single option. If one of the government branches makes an offer this is almost always accepted as this carries the highest honor and social standing, unless the student wishes to go into a family business. After that, military postings are highly sought after and always available. Even students who are not offered something special and do not wish to continue with the military are considered honorable citizens in whatever work they do. There are a variety of honors, medals and prizes that are given out every year to exceptional performers in every industry so that even a miner or mill worker can rise in esteem over their lifetime.

Higher Education Information Coming Soon.

The Law:
The basic laws of Zaichaer are similar to those one might expect to find in any ordered nation. The tenets center around the idea of harm reduction; thus murder, theft, sexual or physical assault and destruction of property or means of livelihood are the crimes most often investigated and prosecuted.

While aether is thought of as a useful but volatile tool, use of, or even possession of, personal magic without specific licensure is illegal within the borders. When one crosses into the country one is to declare any and all Runes and either show their license or be escorted to the capitol to obtain a license. If one crossing into Zaichaer refuses to obtain a license, either outright or by concealing their Runes they will be immediately considered a criminal and enemy of the State.

Those who are licensed must adhere to a strict set of laws concerning how and when they may use their Runes. As the influence of using personal magic is believed to be corrupting, licences must be renewed every two years, the process of which includes mental and moral evaluation.

If a citizen wishes to renounce their use of personal magic they can apply to be permanently cut off from their Runes by a Master level Negationist and will no longer have to maintain a license thereafter.

Use of World Magic is less regulated with renewal of licenses only required once every five years and with the evaluation centering on what the one requesting the license or renewal has created (or intends to create if they are just starting) rather than their mental state or moral compass.

Any new inventions must be submitted to the correct branch of The Order (Office of the Sentinel of Ingenuity) to be reviewed for safety concerns and possible applications before it can be manufactured or sold. Most ideas for new creations can be submitted to the same branch for evaluation which, if the idea is sound and useful, will often include a grant of money or materials.

Law Enforcement:
Each section of the Triumvirate maintains their own law enforcement. The Ministry enforces the mundane laws and polices non-magical crimes, The Military enforces military law as well as aiding the Ministry in major issues, and The Order maintains all laws pertaining to magic and Rune licensure as well as having a special branch specifically to ensure The Order itself does not become corrupted.

The three groups all work together on an everyday basis and while there are occasional disputes concerning jurisdiction the relationships are, overall, cordial and beneficial.

The Economy:
The new government has instituted the nation into New Socialism. This economic principle states that every citizen should be provided with what they need while recognizing that the rest of the world exists and operates under capitalist governments. As such citizens are provided for according to their needs in terms of food, shelter, clothing and other necessities as part of a voucher system. Each person owes The State a certain amount of work (which can be taking care of their home and children for a mother or father, or going to school for a child), if they choose to work beyond the minimum they are given currency that is able to be spent on luxuries both inside of and outside of Zaichaer.

Though this does not create a wholly equal society it allows the people the assurance that they will never be allowed to starve or be homeless while incentivizing working, innovation and bettering one's position.

Not everyone is a genius in their field but anyone can live a comfortable life and earn the things they want.

In terms of game play applying for wages will be the same as anywhere else, the amount deducted from the seasonal wages to cover lifestyle is to be considered the amount of work the citizen performed for the government in exchange for their basic needs. If they have higher level lifestyles the deduction is a combination of what they are given and what extra they pay for luxuries.
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Within Zaichaer Aether is considered a form of energy, much as heat or kinetic energy are. As such it can be used for good or for ill and requires supervision and oversight to ensure the safety of society and its citizens. In the same sense that one needs a license to own a gun because it might be used to harm, threaten or kill someone, in Zaichaer one requires a license to use Aether, whether it be in Personal Magic, World Magic, or items.

Having any Rune is considered dangerous to the person who has it as it is etched into their soul and will corrupt them over time. The bearer of a Rune is thought to become reliant on the use of aether as opposed to handling problems naturally. Over time they may become addicted to the use of aether and be unable to fully control the urges. If left unchecked this addiction can change the personality and affect their judgment to the point that they become unstable and dangerous.

Due to this belief, taking on a Rune is seen as either a selfish act that harms the nation or, if one chooses to take a Rune as part of their dedication to The Order and thus to aid the state even at the peril of their souls, a noble sacrifice. Either way, anyone with a Rune is closely monitored for signs of loosening morals, intentional acts of violence or harm, and madness.

Certain Runes are considered too dangerous for civilian citizens or guests of The State under any circumstances. In the same way that one might be allowed to own a rifle for hunting or a handgun for protection but owning an assault rifle or using hollow point rounds is prohibited.

While all uses of Aether require licensure, how difficult, or even possible, it is to acquire a license, and how society will view the magic are very dependent on what the magic is; see the list below.

Accepted Forms of Magic:
These are uses of aether that are generally considered safe for society so long as the users remain within the law.

1. Aether Siphoning (This has only just been added to the list so some citizens will still be wary of users)

2. Alchemy (Fairly Common, which for Zaichaer is still rare among citizens)

3. Artificing (Rare even among The Order but currently undergoing a surge of innovation)

4. Runeforging (Fairly Common, which for Zaichaer is still rare among citizens)

5. Scrivening (Uncommon as the use of mundane lawyers and contracts are preferred, mostly only used to aid in another World Magic)

6. Owning safe Magical Items (Allowed on a case by case basis though there are classes of items that are generally accepted)

Restricted Forms of Magic:
These are uses of aether that are allowed to citizens only under special circumstances and are usually only used by members of The Order or The Covens.

1. Animism (Rare as it is considered not useful to The Order and dangerous for citizens, typically only used by The Covens)

2. Elementalism (Rare outside of The Covens)

3. Kinetics (Common among The Order, occasionally granted to a citizen for use in their work)

4. Necromancy (Commonly used by Order healers, sometimes by civilian doctors and extensively by The Grymalka Coven)

5. Negation (Very common among The Order, sometimes granted to citizens to use in protection)

6. Traversion (Used sometimes by members of The Order, by some Covens and occasionally granted to a citizen who must travel often)

7. Owning indirectly dangerous Magical Items (Items without the intention to do harm but could be turned that way or accidentally used to do harm, each requires its own license)

Prohibited Forms of Magic:
These are uses of aether that are forbidden to citizens and granted only to members of The Order. Covens members may make use of them but if they do not do so within the confines of the law they risk losing their Coven License and being hunted as witches.

1. Masquerade (Rare among The Order, frequent in The Myshalari Coven)

2. Mesmer (Entirely illegal outside of The Order, extremely rare for The Order with high levels of restriction on use)

3. Reaving (Considered inferior to normal weapons and thus shunned by most Order members, required to join The Sunsingers Coven)

4. Semblance (Used extensively by both research and Seeker members of The Order)

5. Summoning (Rare for Order members, required to join The Kindred Coven)

6. Owning intentionally dangerous Magical Items (Magical weapons or similar, or items that aren’t created with the intention of doing harm but which, if used incorrectly, could cause great harm)

Forbidden Forms Magics:
Having or seeking these uses of magic always carries a death sentence. Items of this level are destroyed on sight if possible or taken to be destroyed safely as soon as possible.

1. Affliction (Illegal even for Coven members, Affictionist are hunted and publicly burned)

2. Vitalis (Illegal even for Coven members, characters who have Vitalis must have a way to hide it from mundane and magical citizens else they will be hunted and publicly burned)

3. Owning Magical Items capable of mass destruction (These are considered too dangerous for even high Order officials to own though there are rumored to be some hidden in the Artifact Archives, anyone found with such and item will be taken out instantly)

Unknown Forms of Magic:
These uses of aether are unknown within the borders of Zaichaer, players need moderator permission to use them in the setting even if they have already received moderator permission to obtain them.

1. Aeternus

2. Entropy

3. Dreamwalking

4. Nyx
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Zaichaer, before the disaster, always maintained a robust trade network with its regional counterparts. Despite the tensions that exist between the Brass City and some of its counterparts, the nation maintained relations that were amicable enough to promote commerce. Any and all trade that headed to the southern parts of the region passed through the city, causing it to maintain a bustling trade even in comparatively slow seasons.

Trade was disrupted during the eighteen months between the disaster and the establishment of the new government but it is, now, beginning to trickle back in. As Zaichaer’s trade partners, large and small, regain confidence in the Brass City’s ability to protect and aid them in their endeavors it will, inevitably, become a hub of business once again.

Due to the fact that Zaichaer is situated predominantly on grasslands, the city is an ideal stop for merchants headed further north or east. Zaichaer was, before the disaster, the second wealthiest city in the region, where it falls in the rankings in years to come is yet to be determined.

Zaichaer is the most advanced nation in terms of pure technological advancement. While The Imperium produces many wonders of combined mechanics and magic, Zaichaer strives to create wonders that require no overt use of aether so that, should disasters like The Eclipse continue to happen, their nation would not falter.

Zaichaer is interested in the use of aether in its technology but sees it mainly it as a renewable power source, rather than the focus of invention. As the factories of the city are rebuilt it can be assumed that Zaichaer will begin exporting what technological advancements and manufactured goods they are willing to share with the wider world.

Zaichaer has traditionally been an importer of Dragonshards and has already begun to seek out favorable trade alliances to procure them again. The opening of the new Warren’s entrances throughout Zaichaer present a unique opportunity to explore and possibly discover previously unexplored Shard locations but this is not currently a priority.

Due to Zaichaer’s strict magic item policy the call for imported magical items is almost nothing and any magic items created inside the nation are typically either custom made for citizens or else new inventions not to be shared.

Because of the vast farms and herd pastures of the Riverlands Zaichaer has long been considered the breadbasket of the North. With the aid of the Covens it has maintained the ability to produce food even during the devastating effects of The Eclipse. Feeding its own people was the main priority at first but now, as a new year begins to dawn without any sign that the long Frost has abated exporting food to the starving city-states surrounding has become a strong point of trade.

Once the effects of The Eclipse are lifted, should they ever be, it can be presumed that Zaichaer will again take its place as the main exporter of foodstuff in the region.
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Pre-War/Disaster of the 34th, 122:

Disaster of the 34th, 122:

Post Disaster:

More Information Coming Soon
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The Ministry



First Minister
This is the highest ranking civilian officer, though most men in Zaichaer have at some point served in the military. When one joins the Ministerial branch they give up their military rank for one within the branch.

All other Ministers answer ultimately to the First Minister

Minister of Finance
This minister is in charge of managing the flow of income and expenditure of the nation, collecting taxes and writing budgets with the input of the other ministers and branches.

Minister of Foreign Relations
This minister oversees the ambassadors and diplomats, as well as ensuring profitable relations are maintained with Zaichaer’s trade partners.

Minister of Science
This minister oversees the nation's scientific and technological advancement, handing out grants for research and licensing all non-magical inventions and improvements.

Minister of Welfare
This minister oversees the welfare of the citizens, ensuring all basic needs are met, families are incentivized and no one is left wanting.

Minister of Labor
This minister ensures a continuous stream of production, enabling, assigning and managing the work force.

Minister of the Interior
This minister runs the non-military law enforcement of Zaichaer: overseeing the police force, non-magical investigations, and homeland security.


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The Military



Grand Marshall
The highest military officer in the land, they have final say over war, military actions and coordination of the military branches. Additionally they are the military member of The Triumvirate government of Zaichaer.

High Admiral of the Air Defence Corps
The highest officer of the Zaichaer Air Defence Corps, they are ultimately responsible for the skies of the nation as well as aiding the other branches of the military with troop movement and supply.

High Marshall of the Defence Corps
The highest officer of the Zaichaer Defence Corps, they are ultimately responsible for protecting the sovereign soil of the nation as well as maintaining the army in readiness at all times.

High Quartermaster
The High Quartermaster is in charge of ensuring that anything needed by any branch of the military is available when it is needed. They are also tasked with maintaining enough basic survival supplies that the entire nation could survive for a year in cases of emergency. The vast network of supply movement of all kinds throughout the nation is under their control. They oversee the Riverlands Corps, overseeing the vast farmland that lies between the four Riverlands Forts.


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The Order



High Sentinel
The High Sentinel is the highest level of authority in The Order of Reconciliation, all other Sentinels answer to them and they set the tone for The Order. It is also their job to maintain relations with the legally recognized Covens of Zaichaer, ensuring a smooth running of the aetheric dealings within the nation, as well as any relations with foreign nations having to do with magical exchanges or deals. The enforcement of the law concerning aether use is considered their highest priority, both inside and outside The Order.

Sentinel of Information
This Sentinel is responsible for information gathering which is then passed on to the High Sentinel, who decides what to pass on to what other branches of government. All those who work for the Sentinel of Information are known only to the Sentinel themselves or other members of the Ministry of Information, at least, officially.

Keepers of Information:
Though no one outside of the Ministry of Information knows who these men and women are, they are each given assignments by their Sentinel and, presumably, there are lower level Seekers of Information below them.

Sentinel of Integrity
This Sentinel maintains and oversees the militant and law enforcement branches of The Order. Ensuring aether never comes to dominate the lives of the citizens and never allowing non-human races to attempt to repress humanity within the nation's borders is their highest goal.

High Watcher of Purity:
This Watcher ensures the purity of Zaichaer by stopping, containing and, where possible, reversing the taint of magic wherever is appears. This includes intentional and unintentional magical infection, whether the subject is an object, a person, a plant or an animal.

A sub-branch exists within the Watchers of Purity which concentrates its efforts on supporting the continuation of the pure human race, and aiding those who wish to become more human in doing so.

Various Vigilants of Purity are assigned to work under the High Watcher, usually each is given a specific project to work on and assigned a number of Seekers of Purity to assist them.

High Watcher of Truth:
The Watchers of Truth are responsible for ensuring the integrity of the Order itself, they evaluate and observe each member to ensure they are not being corrupted by the aether they wield in the service of Zaichaer. They are also in charge of new recruits to The Order, giving them basic training and an understanding of the laws of The Order and the State before sending them to whatever branch of the Order they are intended for.

Various Vigilants of Truth are assigned to work under the High Watcher and each are given a number of cases, or a department within The Order, to keep watch over. Each Vigilant is assigned a number of Seekers of Truth to assist them in their work.

High Watcher of Licensure:
The High Watcher of Licensure maintains the records of all licensed members of The Order, the Covens, and the individuals outside of both that have licenses to practice either runic or world magic within the borders of Zaichaer. They also investigate all potential breaches of the licensing laws with the power to enforce those laws without input from other branches of the government in most cases.

Various Vigilants of Licensure are assigned to work under the High Watcher and each are given a section of the population to oversee. Each Vigilant is assigned a number of Seekers of License to assist them in their work.

Sentinel of Preservation
This Sentinel ensures the preservation of knowledge, both of the past and going forward. They oversee the writing of the curriculum of the schools, give grants to historical studies, and maintain and keep track of all artifacts, magical or historical.

Conservator of History
This Conservator is in charge of maintaining and interpreting records or all historical events in as much detail as possible. A Zaichaerian core belief is that, without understanding the past, there can be no future. They give grants toward historical research and archaeological expeditions, maintain an ongoing record of all events of note inside and outside of the nation and preserve documents of import.

Under the Conservator of History are various High Historians who are assigned projects, expeditions or conservation efforts. Each High Historian has a number of Historians assigned under them.

Conservator of Education
This Conservator works with several other branches of the government both within and outside of the Order to put together a curriculum for the schools to ensure that every citizen of Zaichaer receives an education worthy of the State.

Under the Conservator of Education are a number of High Curriculers, each is in charge of a different branch of education (History, Maths, Geography, etc). They evaluate new information as it is learned and integrate it into what is handed down to the Professors who are in charge of the school districts. Each Professor has a group of teachers beneath them who run the schools they oversee. In addition to the teachers (which are usually not members of the Order themselves) each Professor is assigned a number of Observers based on the number of schools and students in their district. The Observers will keep track of the progress of the students to ensure the teachers are doing their jobs and staying within the curriculum guidelines. The Observers are also in charge of marking which children show aptitude for various vocations and will pass their suggestions and notes up to the Professors who are in charge of job placement or further education assignments once a child has finished their preliminary education.

Conservator of Artifacts
This Conservator keeps track of all artifacts, magical or mundane that are of import or value to the State. Meticulous records are kept of each item, who has permission to use or study it, and where it is at any given time. While various branches may wish to study or use aetheric artifacts it is, ultimately, up to the Conservator of Artifacts, even if an Order member has used an artifact for years it can, at any point, be retrieved from them on the orders of the High Conservator.

Under the Conservator are a number of High Curators who are each given a section of artifacts, usually related to each other, to keep track of and ensure the safety and preservation of. Each of these has various Curators assigned to assist them.

Sentinel of Ingenuity
This sentinel oversees magical advancement in both runic and world magics, giving grants for research and projects as well as writing the laws that govern any new discoveries therein.

High Researcher of Cooperation
This High Researcher is tasked with seeing where aetheric and mundane technologies can intersect, enhancing each other or coming up with entirely new creations based in both.

The High Researcher has a number of Lead Researchers under them who lead the individual teams, each has a goal or specific area of study assigned to them. Each of these has a number of Researchers assigned under them.

High Researcher of Innovation
This High Researcher is tasked with advancing aetheric technology in all it pure forms. They are in charge of furthering knowledge and new uses of both runic and world magic, in conjunction with other magics and individually.

The High Researcher has a number of Lead Researchers under them who lead the individual teams of Researchers, each has a specific rune or world magic assigned to them to study.

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