Clearing out the Trash

The lands of Atinaw surrounding the capital city.

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Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2020 8:37 pm
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⌘ Clearing out the Trash ⌘

3rd of Searing, Year 120, A.o.S

"Common Tongue"
"Kokalath Tongue"
⌘ The sun welcomed Rhea's cloaked form as she road along the merchant road, one used very frequently by Clan Kamdin. Her clan received a request for aid from Clan Kamdin as one of their trade routes has seen a rise in robberies along the route. It was a clear request, one she could handle without her guild.

As her horse trotted down the route, she would begin to sing, her tone hushed, but carrying enough of a tune in order not to sound completely tone death. The lyrics were simple and cute and told enough of a story not to be confused as random sentences strung together. More so, it was bait, in order to lure the robbers in.

Her plan was rather simple like the song she was sing, using herself as bait. Eliminating the highwayman assaulting the merchant road wouldn't be as hard as she hoped, as they where farmers turned bandits due to desperation. Where she understood their plight, she could just sit back and allow it to continue.

She would carry out her mission, but she hoped there would be a way to reason with them, that way no blood had to be spilled. No one had to die from this encounter, she was hoping so at least. In a way, she saw herself as a mercy to these bandits, for if one of her siblings or kinsman had taken the request, it would end with dead bodies abound.

Where she didn't have any qualms doing so, she was not the one to initiate a fight, unlike her brothers and sisters. Part of her wasnt sure if she was even the best one suited for the job, but with her sibling all on other assignments, she was the only one available to handle these thieves. In her mind, she hoped to try and......her thought process interrupted as an arrow flew past her head, immediately cause her and her horse to become startled.

Taking the time to calm both herself and her steed, she could see figures moving within the shadows of the trees and bushes. "I would rather not spill the blood of those merely trying to survive, but if you all don’t turn away from this deplorable path, I will have no other choice but to use excessive force." she warned, keeping her head on a swivel, looking for any more incoming arrows trying to rest within her face or other vital organs.

"You are one brave bitch to come here by yourself. Everything that passes through this road belongs to us. We don't wanna have to hurt you, but if you drop all-important supplies and go, we will kill you and leave you for the buzzards!" a gruff voice shouted, the bandits slowly appearing out of the brush and from behind trees. The words of this man caused Ayane to scoff.

It was obvious their warning went on deaf ears, as Rhea had no intention of doing as they commanded. One such idiotic soul thought it would be best to attack her from behind, a mistake he'd only make once. When the man lunged with the weapon in his hand, it caused Ayane to realize that these ruffians were beyond reasoning. They saw her as prey and planned to deal with her accordingly. With a sigh and a disappointed expression on her face, she immediately dug her heel into the side of the horse, causing the animal to kick behind itself.

A guttural crack echoed in the air as the assailant's skull split and his limply skidded across the dirt road. "It seems there will be no reason reached here." she concluded, dismounting her horse, giving it a slap on the rear to make it run from the area. She wasnt all to worried as she knew it would not go far, but just far enough to where there was no danger.

Seeing the number of them, she chose to close the distance between her and the first bandit in front of her. She took several seconds to impale him on the end of her sword, and as he fell to the floor, the other foolish rogues charged her. She was impressed as some of them were skilled, but they were not on her level, to say the least. By combining what skill she had in bladed combat she didn’t need to use her reaving magic just yet.

No, she rather not waste that on those who didn’t deserve it. Soon the area was filled with multiple bandits as Rhea began the dismember them and slay all the bandits that attacked her here. Parrying each slash sent coming her way, she cleared a path through the horde, turning to face them. Without hesitation, she pivoted to her right and drove her sword into the first body that was in range. Again and again, her sword tore its way through the horde, screams and wails filling the road as Rhea danced around the battlefield as if putting on a performance.

For each one that fell, it seemed that three more took their place, though it seemed that their numbers were in fact dwindling. As she carved her way through each foe before her, one of some skill almost took her head as the warrior almost cleaved it clean off her shoulders. Luckily she manifested her shield in time to block the blow. An air of silence and the hum of metal clashing against her shield could be heard, the bandits now realizing they had a mage on their hands. She couldn't blame them for being surprised, but she took this opportunity to turn the tides in her favor.

Quickly she opted to take the fight to a more suitable battleground and ran into the dense lush of the nearby forest, the rogues giving chase. The further she went into the forest the louder their warcries roared in the air, which made her smile a bit. When she was far enough ahead of them she turned and awaited them to arrive.

Once the group got in range of her she didnt give them a chance to breathe, penetrating their line of shoddy defenses, her blade hand whirling about as her sword removed arms, legs, hands, and heads from their respective bodies. They weren't making it easy, but she was fine with that, it made this all more fun.

It came to her realization that they had never fought an Iulide before, as they began to panic that one lone woman was cutting through them like wet paper. The confusion from her assault was perfect, a nice psychological tactic, as even the most battle-trained warriors would lose their shit in a situation like this. A woman that seemed all too innocent and harmless turning out to be a vicious combatant was always unnerving.

With her shield in hand, she was ready to end this farce once in for all, make sure no one else would be robbed while traveling this road. There was only a hand full left, and she knew she could handle them. With all her strength she threw her shield at the bandit to the left of her, the bladed edge of it digging into his chest.

Lunging forward she dove straight into the other rogue at the rear of the group, burying her sword deep into the man's right side. It was enough to kill allowing her to clash blades with the one next to him, only for it to end in his own death. Now only one remained if she counted corrected.

she knew very well he could handle the last one, so she quickly rolled to her feet and charged the final one head-on, locking blades with the man. Both warriors clashed against one another, a dance to see who could land the killing blow first.

Rhea could see that in terms of skill both of them were within an equal footing, but she knew she had to be better, stronger, in order to live up to the standards she was aspiring to and that her family held her to. That meant besting this fool, and she was going to no matter what.

The amber of Rhea's eyes were alight as the sparks from the clash of steel continued, both unleashing a flurry of slashes against one another, to which she was capable of parrying and deflecting. Rhea was impressed but not by that much, plus she had something the other warrior didnt, she had her shield.

The next time the two warriors clashed, Rhea positioned herself where the bandit's back was facing her shield. Willing it to come to her the shield pulled itself from the corpse it was in and slammed into him. This allowed her to sidestep him as he stumbled forward, allowing her to deliver the final blow.

With a mighty swing, her blade sailed across the man's neck, his head flying clean off and thudding onto the ground. For a few moments, she rested against a nearby tree. Not realizing it, she was startled as her horse came to nuzzle up against her, to which she smiled, and mounted the steed, exhausted calling her shield into her hands. ⌘

word count: 1623
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:03 pm
Location: Lorien
Character Sheet:
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Review Request: viewtopic.php?p=2992#p2992

XP: 5

Magic Experience: Nothing to speak of.

Injuries/Ailments: Maybe next time.

Awarded Lores:
Blades{Longsword}: Cutting through mortals like wet paper
Blades{Longsword}: Parry & attack
Bludgeons{Shields}: Blocking incoming attacks
Bludgeons{Shields}: Shield throw
Tactics: Using yourself as live bait
Negotiation: Trying to reach an agreement without violence

Loot: You'll get lucky someday.

Hi Rhea. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it would seem that you're heavily overplaying your skill level in this thread. Rhea is currently an apprentice in blades with only one lore to back her skill, and you've described her as cutting through hordes of bandits like they're nothing. Please keep this in mind for the future. An apprentice swordsman is just learning the craft, and would really struggle to actually kill an opponent with their limited experience and knowledge.

Otherwise, it was a fantastic read. I hope these rewards serve you well in your future endeavors.

word count: 175

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