Help & Request Board

As a city that thrives in the harsh conditions of the North, Kalzasi is never short on labor and the challenges that come with it. There is always things that need to be done, resources necessary to do them, and plenty of hands to go around in helping achieve that. The inns and taverns are known to host Request Boards for every bounty and odd job available, while the Guilds and Factions coordinate together to meet the demands of the city's very needs. While members of these Guilds are typically the first to rise in these endeavors, there is never a shortage of workload that others can take on as well.
That is what makes freelancers vital in the effort to accomplish this. Be it a local citizen or foreign mercenary everyone with varying talents are encouraged, and implored even, to partake in whatever requests may suit their fancy. Listed below are job categories that cater to different skillsets, allowing a wide variety of freelancers and applicants to aid in the city's endeavors; while at the same time earning extra cash or resources.
Putting in a Request
As these request boards are utilized by the general public, and maintained by the Guilds and Factions, people are open to put in their requests if they like. They only need to fill out the form below and post it as a request below!
Code: Select all
[style=max-width: 700px; border: 2px solid #2D303F; border-radius: 25px; background-color: #510014; color: #29B579; padding-bottom: 10px; margin: auto; margin-top: 15px; box-shadow: 1px 10px 10px #000000;][googlefont=Cormorant][align=center][size=200][color=#FFFFFF][b][u]Help Request Notice[/u][/b][/color][/size][/align]
[style2=margin-top: 15px; padding: 0px 25px 25px 30px;]
[b]Name:[/b] PC Name here
[b]Job:[/b] Diplomacy, Extraction, Farming, Hunting, Production, or Survival?
[b]Expires:[/b] Is there a time limit for this quest?
[b]Moderation:[/b] Self-moderated or Guest Storyteller-moderated?
Tell us more about the job and what it involves, as well as potential requirements and objectives for the request.
[b]Reward:[/b] What should the participant earn from this request?
Claiming/Completing a Request
The process of signing up for a job is fairly simple, as one only needs to approach a Help Request Board anywhere in the city, and should they desire to take on a job they simply bring the Request Flier to the owner/provider for the establishment the board is within. Tavernmasters are usually the ones who handle the requests in local pubs, while guild receptions are the ones to process the information within their respective faction.
Once the applicant has signed off on the request they then proceed to accomplish the goals of the request, and then return to confirm the completion of the request so that the proper paperwork can be filed. Of course, this is just to give players a general idea of how these requests are processed and handled; and not a requirement to carry out in roleplay.
*It is also important to note that the recommended length for completing a bounty is 1500+ words, though it may be more or less depending on the bounty's complexity. The majority of the thread should be focused on completing the bounty request. Threads may be done collaboratively or solo.
Completed threads should be submitted to the Reviewer's Section forum with a note requesting the award from the bounty.
Active Requests