...continued from hither
"Ah." Rhydian's shoulders relaxed slightly, relieved as he was with the subject broached. He hadn't expected anything in particular, but he had thought the hesitation might have been relating to unsolicited advice Karrhei might have wished to confer. That the matter was more about him than Rhydian rather reversed their typical roles. That, he surmised, was likely the source of the hesitation.
"'Tis no trouble. I remember much of that trip... You do not?" Rhydian replied with the faintest of smiles that turned down toward the steamy water as he seemed to draw the memories close and bask in them even as he basked in the perfumed water. Both smelled of vanilla.
"But aye, this is altogether different..." He let that statement sit, but as it did, it bubbled in his mind. Then simmered, then boiled, until his back straightened and his arms descended to join his torso beneath the water, hands sliding up and down his thighs.
"You don't think..." His neck tensed, the veins visibly twitching. "You don't think He intends to exile me to some embassy, do you? Is that the source of your concern?" It was possible that new diplomatic relationships might be fostered on this trip. In stood to reason, then, that Rhydian might be being groomed for a position abroad. Was this some sort of test, or audition? That much was almost certain, but that he was being tested for a permanent position abroad hadn't occurred to him.
The water splashed his own face, causing a wince as droplets got into his eyes, when one hand shot out of the water to worry the ruby earring he'd been wearing non-stop during this trip.