An Indecent Proposal

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Torin Kilvin
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Title: Runesmith
Location: Kalzasi
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Byres inclined his head graciously, a salacious smile playing at just the edges of his mouth while the rest of his expression remained gamely and open.

The lord and the smith followed the fox, the first without any apprehension and the second with only the barest inkling that something was discussed that he was not understanding. He could open himself more fully to his first rune and suss out the secret meanings but it seemed as though Aurin was enjoying keeping him in the dark and he liked giving the redhead what he wanted.

The two walking side by side, and the one following like a retainer, made their way without hindrance into the backrooms of the Velvet Cabaret, causing Torin to recall the first time he had come there, innocent and teenage and trusting not because he had any reason to be, but because he would have rather been beaten and robbed then spend another night utterly alone.

The set up, when they arrived, seemed to please Byres, both the room itself and the seating arrangement; himself in the backed chair, his host on the lesser one beside and the smith left to stand on display.

The thick curtain that covered the door had just fallen shut behind Torin when he heard the command. A bright flush immediately invaded his face and spread down what could be seen of his chest through his loosely laced shirt. He was so surprised he nearly dropped the drink, which wouldn't have been disobedience but also not at all graceful.

"Oh." Trying not to hesitate, even though every part of him was begging to do so, he ducked his head and made his way over to the little table to place his drink, all the while trying to meet the coppery eyes of his master for reassurance. Once his hands were empty he moved back closer to the middle of the room and shyly began unbuttoning his vest, unable to raise his eyes.

When the order had initially come Byres thought he had made a mistake about the nature of the smith. Worry creased his brow that Kilvin might do this sort of thing regularly but, as soon as he began to move, the lines disappeared into a pleased smile. Eyes darting to Kavafis briefly he protested,

"He can't actually be this innocent. Surely." But his tone was delighted.
word count: 405
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Location: Kalzasi
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Torin had Aurin's eyes to steady him, but the redhead also threaded aether through his rune and across the short distance into Torin's own. He had given him the rune, carved it in skin and blood, and it bound them still. While Torin might not engage his own, Aurin did, and he could feel Aurin inside him, like a steadying hand upon his heart. Aurin was pleased, and Aurin would keep him safe. Torin was made to know this through their entangled runes.

The fox smirked and admired his boy, admiring too how another admired him.

"For whatever reasons," he said with a touch of self-deprecation, "I was the man he offered himself to, body and soul. Face of an angel, body of a wingless Avialae, talent of a genius... I suppose I must have pleased Vhexur somewhere along the way. He knows more of the world now than he did, but I shelter him from the worst of it."

To Torin, "You are a good boy, aren't you?"

While Torin disrobed, he set his drink down and prepared the hookah; even the tobacco was laced with a hint of something extra. He offered it to Byres after taking a heady draught himself.

"Turn around, boy. He will want to admire you from all angles, to be sure."
word count: 222
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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Points: 10 each, may be used for magic

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: A new 'friend'?

Notes: Continued in AF

Mod XP: None
word count: 52
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