Yeva's Plotnotes

For players to create notes about their ongoing plots and read one another's notes.

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P L O T - N O T E S
☐ ☒ ☑

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Zaichaer Codex

S K I L L S - T O - A I M - F O R

☐ Acting
☐ Cryptography
☐ Cooking
☐ Disguise
☑ Divination
☐ Linguistics
☐ Medicine
☐ Melee Combat: Blades
☐ Melee Combat: Polearms
☐ Spycraft
☐ Summoning

Last edited by Yeva on Sat Mar 02, 2024 12:18 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 70
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S K I L L - L E D G E R
Note: Yeva has been approved to start with three fluent languages in lieu of receiving character sheet approval rewards.

Skill | Gain/Loss | Assignment | Total |
Starting Package | +100/100 | Acting (10), Cooking (10), Cryptography (15), Divination (5), Deception (5), Linguistics (25), Medicine (10), Storytelling (5), Unarmed Combat (15) | 0 |
A Day Off | +8/8 | Divination (8) | 0
Slumdog Millionaire | +8/8 | Divination (8) | 0
Future's Not Set in Stone | +8/8 | Divination (8) | 0
The Riverland Festival | +10/10 | Unarmed Combat (10) | 0
The Throne | +10/10 | Cryptography (10) | 0
A New Endeavor | +10/0 | N/A | 10
A New City | +10/20 | Resistance (20) | 0
Those That Walk Among Paths Not Yet Taken | +15 | N/A | 15
Website Update 6/16/22 | +50/50 | Divination (50) | 0
Ransera Birthday (2022) | +100/10 | Cryptography (10) | 90
The Bees, The Bees are Coming | +30/30 | Detection (30) | 70
Viridian & Scarlet | +10/20 | Stealth (20) | 60
A New Adventure Together | +10/0 | N/A | 70
The Bell Tolls | +10/-20 | Resistance (20) | 60
The Welcoming of a Chieftain | +15/0 | N/A | 75 |
Awakening | +15/15 | Survival (15) | 75
Getting out of Dodge | +10/10 | Unarmed Combat (10) | 75
The Commune of Water | +10/0 | N/A | 85
The Sweet Taste of Memory | +8/0 | N/A | 93
Gunpowder & Smoke | +8/35 | Survival (35) | 66
The Sweet Taste of Memory | +8 | N/A | 74
Boredom & Mischief +15 & +1 Writing/0 | N/A | 89
A Lotus & A Hummingbird | +10 | N/A | 99
Dont Take The Girl | +10 | N/A | 109
Drop Off | +10 | N/A | 119
Who We Were | +25 | N/A | 144
Thunder Road | +10 | N/A | 155
Skill Allocation (Divination) | +0 | 29 | 126 (APPROVED TO GRANDMASTER PREP)
Skill Allocation (Stealth) | +0 | 30 | 96
Skill Allocation (Detection) | +0 | 20 | 76
Skill Allocation (Medicine) | +0 | 15 | 61
Skill Allocation (Resistance) |+0 | 10 | 51
Skill Allocation (Bodybuiilding) |+0 | 10 | 41
Skill Allocation (Leadership) |+0 | 25 | 16
Skill Allocation (Seduction) |+0 | 10 | 16

Website Update (6/16/22) - 10 lores
Ransera Birthday 2022 - 20 Lores
Last edited by Yeva on Sat Mar 02, 2024 1:28 pm, edited 33 times in total. word count: 362
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Searing 5 121 - A Day Off
Last edited by Yeva on Mon Sep 20, 2021 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 26
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Character Secrets:

Searing 121 Registration

Name: Miss Yeva Bleu
Race: Hytori
Likes and Dislikes: Yeva loves puzzles and literature. Art, language, divination, and nature. She wants to know more about cooking, medicine, and unarmed combat (one of her current goals is to win a tournament). She dislikes interruptions, negativity, navigation, and being purposefully ignored.
Reason for Visiting: Zaichaer was so unlike her home, that she felt if she could come here and make a living without any sort of support system, she'd be able to flourish anywhere.
Goal for the Season: I would like for Yeva to explore different things and continue to step out of her comfort zone. IC she wants to find a reliable source of income and make some friends. OOC, I would like her to take a novice skill to apprentice (Divination, cooking, unarmed combat specifically).
Duration of Stay: Foreseeable future
Magic Status: Yeva currently is not a mage. She does however, read tarot cards and tea leaves.
Frost 121 Registration

Name: Yeva
Race: Hytori
Likes and Dislikes: I like all kinds of things. Mostly plots with give and take from both writers, things that aren't overly plotted, and lots of room for surprises. I love when my character's grit is tested.
Reason for Visiting: She's currently a temporary resident, who came to Zaichaer to challenge herself. As an elf in a human-centric city, it has proven an interesting journey so far.
Goal for the Season: FInd more thread partners. Have Yeva create a new relationship (friend, enemy, lover, coworker, anything). I just want her to make connections with people.
Duration of Stay: To be decided. Yeva may be making a pilgrimage here soon.
Commentary Feedback: I want to see more activity.

Glade 122 Registry

Name: Yeva
Race, Age, Sex/Gender: Hytori, 23/24, Female
Requests: NPCs to play with. And monsters. Maybe both, together.
Why here?: Arriving for her pilgrimage. She'll be seeking knowledge of divination practices and especially Galetira.
Goal for the Season: Find a place to stay, try not to spend too much of Franky's money, achieve expert Divination and begin studying medicine. Get a tattoo. Start exercising. Kiss an orc.
PC's Thus Far: Yeva believes to have had a brush with Galetira and is being invited to begin her rite of passage as a true diviner. She is nervous and excited to see a new land, but misses her family in Sol'Valen, and her allies in Zaichaer. She's worried about the war between Kalsazi and Zaicher, but knows that continuing her journey is the only way she's going to keep growing as a person.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor (PC and Writer): Yeva likes strawberry with chocolate sprinkles (are you surprised?). As her writer, I'm always partial to rocky road or a rich chocolate with a waffle cone.
word count: 517
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K N O W L E D G E -- ( A R C H I V E D )

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T I T L E / D A T E

Skill code for CS

Skill Level

Code: Select all

[td][googlefont=RobotoSlab][b][align=center]Skill Level[/align][/b][/googlefont][/td]

[tr][td][googlefont=RobotoSlab][align=center]--[/align][/googlefont][/td][td] [googlefont=RobotoSlab][align=center]0/100[/align][/googlefont][/td][td] [googlefont=RobotoSlab][align=center]Novice[/align][/googlefont][/td][/tr][/table][/center]
word count: 190
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T I T L E / D A T E

Whoever he was, his presence became a regular occurrence and others soon took notice.

He attended many games out in the garden, and it wasn't long before him and Petyr became thick as thieves. Together, they tormented the kitchen with pranks, and flirted shamelessly with the serving girls.

Petyr was there the day she learned to swim, to ride horses, always showing off, always older and better and ready to make a joke at her expense.

She grew to dislike him a great deal, and with her siblings just as teasing, Yeva easily favored spending time in the family library, or with her grandmother in the observatory, drinking tea and listening to stories.

A memory of falling asleep in the library, and awaking to find Asher looking directly at her, until they both jumped, "What are you doing?" she asked, both of them looking at the other in surprise.


"What-" Yeva pulled her legs from the arm of the chair, the book that had been laid across her chest falling to the ground. She was sixteen now, porcelain and awkward, "Where's Petyr?" It was rare to have one without the other, and she immediately looked past the boy, open marble flooring and high walls lined in books.

"We had a row," he answered, face red as shoved his hands in his pockets, "He's not much of a reader, so... didn't think he'd find me here."


An honest answer? Not a snarky response? Yeva didn't know what to say, and smoothed her skirts, "How long have you been here?"

He shrugged, running a hand through his hair, "Not long."

The silence was heavy, like it was weighed down with a lie. Her face warmed, but she spoke before she could think, "You were watching me," she said, "W-why?"

"You were pretty," he answered, eyes lifting to find hers, "And I was counting."

Her voice sounded strange, her stomach flipped, "Counting what?"


Another memory whooshed forward, A tangle of fury and the pulling of hair. Yeva dug her nails into her sister, Solkara, and pushing them both to the ground after a nasty and vulgar exchange of words. Her vision had been red as she threw her fists blindly, kicking like a wildcat. Pain popping her lip as she bled and the feeling of being ripped free. She twisted and bucked, frustrated as her arms were pinned and she was dragged out of the room and into the hall, where the door closed and the sounds of screaming curses and anger was silenced, "What the hell was that?" Asher asked, arms loosening to lower her to the ground. She shoved away from him, hot tears pooling at her eyes, "I don't want to talk to you!"

Unlike Solkara, Asher didn't budge under her attack, "Do you think I care?"

"Go away, Asher!"

"Not until you tell me why you were bashing Silky's face against the floor."

Yeva tried to storm off, becoming more aware of her new injuries. She had landed on her knee when they fell, and each step radiated a sharp pain, making her limp. She leaned against the wall, remembering the bitter cruelty on her sister's face, at how out of place she felt, alone amid such a growing family, and how long it had felt that way. Yeva clung to the wall for support and began to cry, "I can't stay here," she cried, tears rolling down her cheeks and blinding her, "I can't."

He touched her shoulder and she slapped him away, "Don't!" She was tired of his carefree attitude, his flirting, his teasing, his lukewarm loyalty. One day nice to her, the next ignoring her with sharp words like all of the others. When she wiped her face, she made a promise to herself, "I wont."
word count: 670
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