At the Feet of the Master

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Title: Slave
Location: Kalzasi
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The blows and words probably should have disturbed Rivin but while the one was painful it was also interesting. While the suggestions held the potential for significant unpleasantness they were also intriguing. The Lysanrin's curiosity was at least as great as that of his Magus and when the slaps paused he turned enough that they could see one another's faces to confer. The gleam of excitement, of desire (neither sexual) in the wide, dark eyes that met Aurin's looked more like those of an eager accomplice than a man being quietly threatened.

The idea of being caught and tormented was so normal in his thoughts that he all but brushed it aside in favor of entertaining the new ones being presented.

"I too, also want to know these things." There was no reluctance in his tone and his tail flicked a bit as it did when the Magus dangled some now bit of tantalizing information before him. When he was excited he often added unnecessary words to his sentences in Common without seeming to notice.

Instinctively he shook his head at the suggestion that he would leave his apprenticeship before realizing that the redhead spoke of a time significantly in the future. Rivin could not know what it held and so the musings were fair, if currently unpleasant. Perhaps the suggestions were another form of discomfort for him to endure.

"I will stay so long as I can learn." That there might come a time when Aurin had no more to teach him did not occur. He squirmed a little under the slightly ticklish touch but made no objection, except when he was broken he never made any about anything. He still bled from the accidentally self inflicted knife wound but it was not currently important so he put it in a back part of his mind to ask Sivan's help with later.

The blinked in surprise as his tail was held and examined but it made sense, the Magus did not have a tail, he would want to study it. The tugging, when it came, was actually rather pleasant, straightening his spine and causing him to arch into the stretch. If it had been yanked hard, or closer to the tip, it would have been painful and worrisome, as with any tailed creature.

"It is wise to," He paused as the Magus's hand once again brought him the sharpness of it's pain, "To learn these things."

Rivin would have trusted him less had he not wanted to ensure the sanctity of his secrets.

"We should," He gasped as another blow fell, "Test in various ways. I also should know this for my own safety."

Breathing slowly was no longer keeping the pain within easily accepted confines. He slid back down enough that he was more easily accessible but could not longer see his mutually agreed upon tormentor. The warm pain was becoming a hot, difficult thing, making his belly tighten and his teeth clench to keep himself quiet.

In moments he was wincing and moving but very obviously somewhat annoyed by his own reactions as they might hinder both the application and his own study of them. He would ask the Magus to show him later, with his magic, what he had seen.
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The Magus grunted in agreement, and then was silent for a time, though his breath hitched. While his sadism could be sexual in nature, it wasn't always. Just now his blood tingled as though he were about to be struck by lightning. His attention was keener than any of his blades, and he studied Rivin's reactions even as he carefully gauged the amount of pain he was dealing, the type of pain he was dealing.

After a few minutes of silence other than the smack of flesh on flesh, he began to describe what he saw. Later, he would push his impressions into Rivin's mind, sharing his experience so the Lysanrin could study his own reactions with the objectivity that came with no longer experiencing them.

Time dilated. Eventually, his hand probably stung as much as Rivin's rear, but he did not stop. He grit his teeth and continued, perhaps challenging himself to ensure Rivin broke here in the safety of his presence so he could put him back together again, closer to being his creature. But perhaps Rivin would endure without breaking, perhaps he would have to change tactics, select a new weapon of choice.

"You are perspiring," he said, intentionally using more formal language. "You cannot control your shaking any longer. Sometimes, you no longer have the strength to react. Curious."

The loyalty and self-control Rivin demonstrated were key features to this arrangement. His Magus didn't trust indiscriminately, but rather wanted to know how far he could trust any given person, and under what circumstances. Anyone could be broken given enough time. He had been broken, knew he wasn't invincible even now.

"I think, perhaps, just now you might not be capable of speech, or entirely rational thought."
word count: 297
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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Title: Slave
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The Lysanrin settled in, as did his master. It was as though, having come to an understanding they were both putting all their concentration onto the accomplishment of their mutually agreed upon goal. Which was exactly what was happening. The interconnected feeling Rivin got from the interaction grew intense and gratifying even as the pain he was choosing to endure grew intense and difficult.

'Difficult' was the only word his mind used for the ever-increasing sensations that required him to pit his instincts against his hard-won endurance. Many tasks were difficult and he intended to succeed in all his endeavors.

Time dilated. Both men fought through it with gritted teeth and steely determination until, at last, it was done. It took a few moments for Rivin to realize that the pain had stopped increasing. At some point, his endurance had won over his instinct enough to enter into a trance state where what was happening to his body could be known without feeling like there was any pressure to make it stop. As he came back to himself, facts that had not been noticed in the trance began to come to him. His clothes were damp with sweat, more so where his body lay limply over Aurin's. Glassy eyes turned to look up at his tormentor a little confused as though unsure why the sensation had stopped.

The words made sense. After long moments in which his mind carefully sorted them, searching for the meanings and then putting them back together but they were correct, he wasn't capable of answering them. Later he would decide that it was a form of breaking, being forced to enter a state in which he was not fully capable, in which he was hardly capable of anything. If an enemy forced him into the state he might slip out with things without even realizing he was doing it but he wasn't sure what to do about it. Later he would also wonder why he hadn't slipped over into the red space, but at the time all he'd been able to do was blink up at Aurin like a sleepy fawn wondering at something it had never seen before.
word count: 378
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"That is enough for now, I think," he said, hazel nearly eclipsed by the black of his pupils as he gazed down at his pupil. "But it won't be the last time."

Aurin said a great many things, many of which didn't seem to catch in either of their minds. For the moment, he exuded a satisfied aura, protective. His apprentice could shelter under the hand that had hurt him, knowing no other harm could come to him.

Sometimes his hot hand stroked the Lysanrin's hot, inflamed flesh, and sometimes it petted him more generally, more gently, though always firm. The fawn-like remains of Rivin were nurtured like a sleepy pet. His voice continued to meander, an aural stroking. When Aurin found himself listening to what he was saying, it was complimentary.

"I am pleased with you, Rivin. You are holding up your end of our agreement well and, I hope, learning more about yourself."

He almost laughed at how steady was his voice, how confident he sounded. Perhaps it was the fake-it-'til-you-make-it boldness that had kept him alive this long. But he didn't laugh. There was something deadly serious about this, even holy. Perhaps he would speak to Eshar about it, ask what they thought about him using Rivin's desire to learn to bind him to Aurin's own desires for dominance and power.

For now, though, he curled his fingers in Rivin's hair, stroked the elegant curve of his horn, told him that he was doing well, pleasing his Magus, and waited for his words to return. If they didn't, well, Aurin would put him to bed so his body could recuperate and his dreams could make sense of the trials Aurin put him through.
word count: 300
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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Title: Slave
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The Lysanrin floated but he did not lose awareness. The sweat covering his body cooled and then dried but it didn't irritate him. The heat in his skin faded but did not leave entirely. His body shifted over time, seemingly of its own accord or the will of the animal instinct that he knew lived inside of him. It was a part of himself that he liked, despite his normally analytically inclined demeanor. The two sides did not fight one another but existed in harmony.

Eventually, he was sort of sitting in the Magus' lap, curled up so that one whole side of his body was leaned against the redhead's supportive chest. When his full mind began to come back into control he found that he was making a sound, a low, steady humming-thrumming sound inside his chest rather than his mouth. Rivin had heard a cat purring and it wasn't that but it was similar and it meant the same thing, he thought.

None of the things the Magus had been saying were likely to have caused any sort of emotional reaction, aside from a sharp pride, had he heard them from the analyzer side, but they had been exceptionally satisfying to the animal. Stretching a little, arms going over his head and then settling back down, not ashamed or embarrassed even as his thoughts returned, to remain where he was for the time being. Leaning up a little so that his mouth was near to Aurin's ear he spoke quietly. It was not the hiss of a whisper but the calm invisible quiet of a person who knows how to share a secret without drawing attention.

"You are a father."

After a moment his still slow mind caught up to the fact that imparting this secret would require more information.

"Or, you are to be one."

The Magus must already know this, of course, but it was still a secret that Rivin had managed to uncover implementing the very arts that he had been learning and his master had never said the secret he must share had to be about someone else.
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For a moment, he thought Rivin was trying to call him daddy. The first time someone had done that, he had been a bit perturbed. Now, he took it all in stride. But now, he realized that wasn't the case, and he connected what was said to what could be—what likely was.

"Well, I haven't exactly been circumspect about where I sow my seed, so I suppose you are probably right."

Aurin glanced down at Rivin. He could have taken a dive into the Lysanrin's thoughts and followed his investigation from beginning to this moment, but he didn't. The ginger had no qualms rooting around in other people's thoughts and emotions when it suited him. He hadn't even asked before enjoining Sivan to help him capture the soul-bound demon within his horned apprentice.

Better to let Rivin investigate, let him hone his skills, and then follow up on it. Aurin wasn't exactly the paternal type—at least in his own mind; he didn't really allow himself too much self-awareness when it came to the strays he collected and made his own.

"I will let you investigate this one," he said, smiling almost bemusedly as his arms supported Rivin's body in his lap. Perhaps he felt the urge to lean down and claim his mouth. Perhaps not. Aurin let Rivin see that he was thinking, if not sharing those thoughts all the time. And, of course, statistically speaking, he was frequently thinking about kissing and what kissing led to, but whether the floating feelings post-abuse were the sort that would easily morph into the sexual was more a matter of who Rivin was than who Aurin was.
word count: 289
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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Experience: 10 xp for use at your discretion

Injuries: n/a

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Notes: This one seems done and it's my understanding Rivin is going on the back-burner for a while so just doing some housekeeping!
word count: 61
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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