A Visit Returned [Kala/Kaus]

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Rather than turning to observe Kaus as his sister teased him, the dux turned his storm-colored gaze upon the lady, examining her petite, lovely form with no little admiration nor interest.

"And you do not swell, when I look at you, my Lady?" One eyebrow quirked up briefly in a way that he knew to be particularly fetching. When he had seen her reaction to this volley he did turn back to Kaus and kiss him again, because he was finding it very difficult to spend much time at all not kissing one of them, and the Lord's attraction to him was itself very attractive. When their lips broke apart again and he heard what was said he turned carefully onto his back, splayed his legs, as well as what obvious interest lay between them, out in front of him and leaned back on his elbows.

"I would do anything with you that we both enjoyed, anything at all. I don't enjoy receiving sex in that way, but," He paused, reaching out with one leg so it too was touching Kaus, "If it did bother you, if you wanted it especially, I would let you. Either of you."

This last was accompanied by a glance at Kala that showed his sincerity.

"I wouldn't enjoy it but I would sacrifice that if it was needed." There were men, and even some women, who felt degraded if their lovers did not physically submit to them in that way. He had experimented with the act and it did not agree with his body, nor was he mentally or emotionally inclined to it. It did not cause him harm though, and if it was the price of continuing the relationship, he was willing and able. It would not be much worse than enduring a terrible opera to spend time with someone, and almost certainly wouldn't last so long.

When he was sure they both believed him he resumed his comfortable spot between them, arching into Kaus' kisses even as his hands cradled Kala to trail over her back. The movement of the masculine twin between his cheeks didn't bother him at all, it felt nice, connected, intimate. If more was to come of it, so be it. Perhaps, if it was needed, Kala could distract him from the physical discomfort with the comfort of her sex. There was even something pleasant about the idea, like a deepening of what they were currently doing. It wouldn't really take much for it to become thus, as they were currently situated and he was just beginning to wonder if it would be so bad when the Lady's question pulled his blood back up into his brain.

"Aroused." He said the first thing that popped into his mind, thoughtlessly honest, before his thoughts started again and he answered more properly.

"I think my answer would depend if it was a gift you wanted me to give you, or something you wanted us to share, or something you were offering to give to me."

His upper hand came to run from the swell of her chest down over the valley of her waist and up again over the rise of her hip, coming to rest there, steadying them as he used a single motion of his hips to tease them both.
word count: 567
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Kala Leukos
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Title: Lady
Location: Kalzasi
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If she blushed at his riposte, he only knew it deep within where their souls were tangled. The light was too dim to ken. As for sacrificing for pleasure, they didn't speak on it, but he could sense they were thinking on it. In any case, it wasn't likely to happen that day.

His reply to her query was not what she expected, but she laughed softly, delighted all the same, especially in darker parts of her that lay hidden.

"Well," she said, voice lower than usual, "my womb is prized in Kalzasi now but even were I not the daughter of a noble house and invested with Mother Naori's grace, I would not deign to be a brood mare for the Great Houses. But the grimoire proves difficult to tease open... and I think it would be better I were a mother before I grow too accustomed to what I will become. Mortal children need mortal parents. I think. I have the support of my family even if I couldn't manage on my own. This is a thing I want to do, but I want to do it on my terms. You, I think, would give me beautiful, intelligent, and talented children, and you, I think, would not seek to use them against me or wrest them from me. So, I suppose, I am only asking for the gift of your seed, your trust to raise your children. If you would like to be involved with them at all, you would be welcome, of course."

She kissed him sweetly.

"Something to consider for now, is all."

Then she fell to kissing him more earnestly, and while Kaus continued to caress the man, he considered as well. Not attracted to his sister in that sense, there was still a strange pang to the thought of major life events done separately. Perhaps he would be present for that. Perhaps that would be the day he asked Raithen to sacrifice his comfort for Kaus' enjoyment even as he sacrificed his seed to Kala. And perhaps they could so intoxicate Raithen's mind with their own feelings and impressions that whatever discomfort he felt would be so far in the background that he didn't even notice.
word count: 378
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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The three Avialae snuggled together in the safety and warmth of each other, enjoying on many levels, some of which were still very new to Raithen.

"You could make the contract out however you liked." It was not uncommon in his homeland for people to want offspring from those who were not otherwise connected to them. Kala was a significant Scrivener, which he knew from the reports he had been given before the pair had arrived on their diplomatic mission, and could do the work herself if she didn't want anyone else involved. With their bond in place, he would be tempted not even to read it before affixing his consent but such a foolish faith would get him into trouble with his family so he would make at least a token effort to please them.

Open as he was to what they were all feeling he caught hints of the minor sense of disconnection Kaus was feeling. Not knowing from whence it came he reached back and wrapped a hand around his new lover's hip, pulling them even closer together. With no knowledge of what Kaus wanted out of his life, he had no way of connecting the feeling to anything concrete but he wanted to reassure him of their connection however he could.

When he was with either of the twins they felt like the only thing that mattered in those moments. This emotional intensity became a little muddled when they were all three together except in those most, post-sex or falling into or out of sleep when they all three felt like something of the same being.

His time in Starfall was coming to an end but the sting of loss was tempered by the knowledge that he could return much more quickly should he choose to. There were Traversionists in Solunarium who could deposit him in Kalzasi in an instant but Raithen himself could make the journey in a couple of hours of jumping with a few minutes to rest between. He would be aetherically exhausted when he arrived but then he could fall into the twins and let them rejuvenate him. Such an experience would be worth the journey on its own.
word count: 377
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Posts: 988
Joined: Tue Oct 20, 2020 4:20 pm
Location: Kalzasi
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=916
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=925


Experience: 10 xp for use at your discretion

Injuries: n/a

Loot: n/a

Notes: Second date: wanna mate? Wow, Kala.
word count: 43
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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