[open] a light in dark places

a cave-in at a mining site leave miners in need of rescue.

The Jewel of the Northlands

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31 Ash 124

How many?” Talon stood before the excavation site, his brow furrowed as he regarded the devastation.

“Twenty-four unaccounted for, Your Highness.” Beside him, the site foreman worried his hat. He was a Zaichaeri man who had traveled to Kalzasi following the devastation. Talon could see the nervousness threading his aura. From reports to his family's company, he knew that he was relatively new to his position. The man was likely worried that his job was at stake, in Zaichaer it likely would be but from what they had been able to discern, this was not an accident that happened through lack of leadership.

Bertrand, was it?” The man perked up. “Please work with my staff to make the rest of the site secure.

“Y-yes, Your Highness.” Talon looked to one of his retainers. Immediately the Avialae Dawnmartyr stepped forward, gently taking the man by the arm.

Shall we call in the Sky Guard?” Talon looked at the massive cave-in. Novalys Mining Co. was no stranger to cave-ins and had strict safety protocols that went into ensuring the safety of its miners. Dragonshards were the lifeblood of many aspects of not just Kalzasi but of all the Free Cities of Karnor. His family's company supplied the overwhelming majority of crystals across the entirety of Karnor.

The Sky Guard will be concerned with the rippling effects of this cave-in. Undoubtedly it will have stirred up nests elsewhere in the Deeps.” He looked to Aoren. His husband was nodding.

So the Dawnmartyr's then?” Aoren folded his arms over his chest, rocking back on his heels as he followed Talon's train of thought. Talon shook his head.

The knighthood is currently augmenting patrols in the outer townships.” He knew without a shadow of doubt that the knights would answer his request with expediency. Over the past year or so the Dawnmartyrs had been working fastidiously to integrate themselves not only with the guard of House Novalys but to become what many regard as an extension of the Sky Guard's capabilities. It was comfortable alliance primarily because Talon was the patron of both in his capacity as the Daizoku of House Novalys and the Demigod to whom the knights pledged fealty to.

So it'll be freelancers?” Aoren smirked, flexing his raven wings. Talon nodded. “You know, we could just go in and do it ourselves.

We could.” Talon conceded. A simple rescue mission was entirely within their capabilities. “If we solved every disaster that befell our people however, they would soon forget how to solve problems without us.

I will put the word out with the guilds.” As Aoren stepped away to begin putting out contracts to hire freelancers to aide in the search and rescue, Talon stepped forward. He drew in a deep breath, centering himself as he extended his senses to expand over the piles of rubble and rock. Weaving together his kinetic aether sight and the more refined sensory perceptions allowed by semblance, Talon began using kinetic sculpting to carve a massive alchemic Sigil of Dissolution into the rock and dirt obstructing the pathway into the deeper mines. Once the large sigil was completed he activated the alchemic circle, dissolving what was likely thousands of pounds of rock and dirt that would have taken days for normal miners to dig through. Using kinetics, he collected the aetheric liquid created by the Sigil of Dissolution. He sculpted the liquid into square blocks and set them to the side. Beneath them he carved a Sigil of Reconstitution and transmuted the blocks into solid quartz crystal.

Talon ceased concentrating on his arcane craft and turned to look at an awestruck worker.

Would you please send word to the Circle of Spells? Tell them that these are theirs to collect as materials for their spellcraft.” The worker blinked, shaking his head as though coming out of a trance. He nodded quickly before running off to find the foreman.

With that, Talon rest his hands at the small of his back, wings fluttering slightly. Time would be of the essence in rescuing the trapped workers. They would be at the mercy of the hazards of the First Deep, which was never to be taken lightly.

Off Topic
This is a search and rescue mission! It is open to any whom wish to participate. You can assume that word was put out across the Guilded Expanse that Novalys Mining Company is offering a reward for assistance in search and rescue efforts. Participants will receive a reward upon completion of the mission!

Post your introduction and I will move us forward from there! The rescue request will have included a note that rescuers will be venturing into the First Deep of the Warrens, so come prepared!

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The sisters had been busy at home when Hilana received a message in a mirror from Aoren, and the two of them looked at each other, and Lia set her sewing down. Hilana put her pythons back in their terrariums before going to grab her medical bag and checking it for supplies. A few things needed to be added from her home kit and that went into her rucksack before she grabbed her map, their waterskins, additional snacks, and her gloves just in case her hands decided to be stubborn. She packed her Mask as well - she may have need of it, and it would be better safe than sorry.

Hilana activated her Traversion Ring, which had been a gift from Talon, and the two of them stepped through the portal. The two sisters were already familiar with the mine area, considering the events of Searing, and they knew from Aoren's direction where to go. They were coming up the path at a pretty good pace when she saw Talon changing the displaced earth into a liquid, and then into blocks of quartz, and her fingers twitched. One of those might be really fun to play with... even if they were set for the Circle of Spells. "That was incredible," she was delighted, her hands on her rucksack straps, while Athalia kept pace beside her. "You'll have to show me how to do that one another day, please. Good afternoon, Talon, Aoren let us know that you could use some help?" At a look from her sister, she added "Shinsei."

She was colourful as always, with her brightly dyed skirts of purple, blue, and green, and a purple scarf with silvery stitching was wrapped around her hips. Her long hair was bound in a braid, full of trinkets and lodestones as it tended to be now. For once, she was actually in a long-sleeved shirt - the difference in temperatures of the two climates was considerable, after all, especially now that the heat of Searing was gone and Ash was well-established. Hilana may have hated sleeves, but there was nothing for it. Lia's caftan was a deep black, with red, orange, and white stitching on the sleeves and robe to resemble fire. She offered Talon a curtsy, and nudged her sister to do the same. This was his turf, after all, and he was royalty here. Hilana did offer a bow, sweeping her skirts out before she straightened. "That looks like it will be a problem, won't it?" She eyed the entrance, but the young woman's head was up, and she was happy to help however she could. "I don't suppose I could borrow one of those bricks for later Alchemy practice?" she was hopeful.

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Per usual, Aurin heard about an opportunity from someone who had it from someone else. He was people who know people, and most things of note trickled down to him eventually. While he had clawed his way out of the Midden years and years ago, Elwes remained down there and he always kept an eye on her even as she fed him gossip out of the down below. He had even taken a bit of a shine to the dragonborn lad, Uwyn, who might prove another font of information should he cultivate it.

More importantly, he paid heed to news out of the Midden and the Warrens because he held a key that unlocked something that ought to remain closed, most likely, and whoever wanted it might or might not be some revenant of Jacien Novalys. A godling had taught him how to shield it, and he had it shielded away somewhere few would think to look. All the same, if he had learned anything in his years of travel and meeting some of the worlds most fucked up people, it was that there was a work around for almost anything, arcane or otherwise, and he wanted to be ready.

Most people who knew him had seen him in more than one place, and often those places seemed strange when juxtaposed.

He was the boring face of the Golden Peacock, and he was wearing the same face here, whether a concerned citizen (he was not a citizen), a dragonshard seeker, or something else, he was here, wearing older clothes fit for whatever they might get into, or they might have just been glamoured to look that way. Even when he was there, presenting his true face, it was likely as not he had changed something about himself, whether to better fit in or to stand out.

As he approached, he recognized the one who had given him the means to shield the cursed key away and... well, intoxicants might have eaten away at some of his memories, but he would never forget that ass.
word count: 344
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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A light in dark places

31st of Ash, Year 124, A.o.S


When he heard about the rescue mission into the warrens, Hikami didnt hesitate in preparing for the journey. He had been rather familiar with the Warrens as he often used it as a proving ground to sharpen his skills. This time would be no different. He gathered along with the others who answered the call, looking out over the faces that had gathered. He was eager to help, as he knew any time the Novalys called for help it was serious. It also meant Talon & Aoren would be here too. He felt a little relaxed knowing those two would be alongside him in this endeavor, well at least he hoped they would.

Accompanied by his aunt, the two ventured close to watch Talon work. It was always amazing to see him do his spellcraft, to watch him wield magic so effortlessly. He could feel his heart flutter a bit, but quickly calmed himself as there was no time to be awestruck with puppy dog eyes. He was here at the request of house Novalys, one of the many perks he found as a living hero. Many of the noble houses and guilds called to him for aid with things that the Sky Guard couldnt get to, as they had their own patrols and such to handle.

His crystalline wings cast a mosaic of blue and green hues upon the ground as the sun caught them, his dragon scaled arms folded and tail coiling around his waist as he waited for things to begin. Yumeko had been surveying the area as it seemed like many mercenaries and lone warriors were here. This is quite the gathering dont you think nephew? she inquired, looking to the two women who also stood near Talon as he worked. Her face never showed it, but they caught her interest, and Hikami noticed it too, nodding in affirmation of her question. "I agree, those two gave their aid during the Warrens incursion back in Searing."

Both warriors now moved to the two women, giving them a courteous bow. "Well met you two, come to give your aid with us once again?" he greeted, his tail unfurling and swaying back and forth.

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"Synskrit Speech"

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Talon turned to face the two women. He inclined his head with a smile, his wings fluttering slightly as he adjusted them. Nerves were beginning to creep along his spine. On the peripheral of his mind he could feel the urgency of the situation eating away at his patience. People were in danger and that compelled him to act. But he had to be cautious. The Warrens had been particularly volatile in days of late. While he had not been to the Warrens in some time due to having to attend to other matters, he still read reports from the Sky Guard and the Dawnmartyrs that told him of events that had transpired over the past several seasons.

It was a Sigil of Dissolution carved into the rock and stone using the aetheric sight of Kinetics and Semblance.” He motioned to the quartz crystal blocks that were now neatly set to the side with a nod of his head. “Please, take as many as you like.

Talon glanced over the work site. Already miners, guards and leaders were working to organize the site to ensure the rescue operation went as smoothly as possible.

If you have need of supplies, I would recommend speaking to the site quartermaster.” He looked over Hilana and Athalia. “I…would also recommend that if you have more durable attire that you change into it.

He did not doubt the skills of Hilana and her sister but the Warrens was a dangerous place. Talon himself was dressed in the Skyforge Raiment. He wore a form-fitting leather bodysuit covered with a white cloth robe. Various leather belts held accessories that he thought would be useful for the endeavor ahead. On his hands and covering his forearms were a pair of gauntlets encrusted with an ice and fire dragonshard respectively. He wore a pair of heavy leather boots well suited for traversing the hazardous terrain of the Warrens.

With that, Talon politely excused himself so that he could coordinate with some of the site leaders to gather information. He left instructions with one of the guards to establish a central meeting place for those who would be accompanying him and Aoren on the rescue mission.


Talon closed his featherlight bag taking a mental inventory of the supplies that he had collected. Some were rations, some were for shelter, and some were for medical attention. There was no telling what awaited them when they went into the Warrens and it was always best to be prepared. This venture could be as swift as a single day or as long as several days though he was hoping it would not come to that. The Warrens were notorious for being treacherous.

Ready?” He looked up as Aoren joined him in the temporary command tent that had been set up. His husband was also dressed in his Skyforge Raiment though his was accented with more red and black as opposed to Talon’s white and black.

Ready.” Talon stepped out of the command tent and went to the area where those gathered to join their rescue mission. He looked over those who were there recognizing each of them.

Thank you all for coming.” He nodded to Aurin, though he was surprised to see the theatre leader there. Resting a hand on the pommel of his sword, Talon acknowledged Hikami and his aunt.

We are missing twenty-four workers due to a cave-in. They were mining for earth gems and uncovered a pocket of voidrillium. For those who do not know, voidstone is highly dangerous and volatile. It destroys and corrupts much of what it touches.” Talon let that statement linger in the air for a moment before pressing on. He hoped that the survivors had not been mutated by the dark dragonshards. It usually took exposure for a long period of time but given how violent the cave-in had been, the void stone they encountered could have been far more potent.

Where there is voidrillium, there are monsters. If you do not wish to accompany the rescue party knowing this, no one will cast judgement upon you.” Talon waited before moving forward.

Time is of the essence. If you have any last minute needs, the quartermaster is standing ready.” He nodded to a group of men and women near a stack of supplies.

Off Topic
Please list the major supplies and equipment you will be bringing.

Equipment Worn by Talon and Aoren- Skyforge Raiment, Skyforge Gauntlets, Skyforge Boots, Circlet of Warding, Ring of Ice, Ring of Lightning, Alchemy Jug, Featherlight Bag.

First Aid Kit
Jovmandr's Elixir (x3)
Rations (x20)

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Hilana Chenzira
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The Vastiana shifted her rucksack in order to grab her notebook and pencil, and made a few notes. “Sigil of Dissolution, carved into the rock and stone and using the aetheric sight of Kinetics and Semblance. Did you put it back together with the Sigil of Reconstitution?” She would make a note one way or another, and put the notebook where she could reach it again. She also took a number of the quartz bricks, sticking them in the Satchel, absolutely tickled by the offer. These could be a lot of fun to play with. “Gratias,” she thanked him, not about to be greedy or take too many, even if he had said to take whatever she wanted. She really, really needed to get Kinetics from Raithen...

Supplies, well… she could always use more rope. There was no such thing as too much of that. Possibly a tarp or two of sturdy canvas, that would never hurt. She had her medical bag and tools, which was a pretty substantial first aid kit with extra tools in the event she needed to triage in the field.

At his suggestion of getting changed, Hilana chewed on her lip. She had put on a sleeved shirt, her torso was covered, and she had her shawl to hike her skirts… “It will be taken care of,” Athalia assured Talon, opening her own satchel. After what had happened last season with the Shinaegri, she had endeavoured to have something made for herself and her sister, since she had her measurements. And bringing them had been smart - Hilana was used to utilizing her Mask and Elementalism to make sure things did not touch her. But in this case, it was better to be prepared than not. “Will you make us a dressing room to change, soror?”

"Of course," Hilana was fixing to do that when the strange Avialae from Searing approached with a Kalzasern woman. Both sisters offered a small bow as well. "Salve," she returned the greeting. "Lord Aoren let us know about the situation at hand, and we are always happy to help where we can." One good turn deserved another, after all. The more undead horrors that could be wiped out, the better. She had a feeling from what she knew of the Warrens, it wouldn't matter how many were decimated; they would just keep coming back. But Hilana was curious about the place all the same - especially if she wanted to get to the Second Deep to explore the plants there.

Right in front of Aurin, Hilana's shadow seemed to form a copy of herself, and flitted over to the redhead, grabbing his rump and squeezing rather cheekily. Apparently, shadow could materialize for an Elementalist that knew how to work with them, and Hilana's shadow returned to her, pulling Aurin by the hand as it did. "If you'll just give us a moment," the Vastiana looked over the new attire from the wrapped bundle that Athalia passed to her. It was both far more and far less than she was used to, in a number of ways. One of the canvas tarps formed a square, the corners held with poles made of shaped rock and reinforced with shadow, giving the sisters a bit of privacy to switch into something more...well, durable, as Talon had put it.

"Good to see you," her eyes twinkled at the redhead. And Aurin, well, he could enjoy the show with her in the meantime, as quick as it was. The two made short work of their more traditional garb from home, pulling on leather trousers and boots, and reinforced long-sleeved shirts, one that was blue for Hilana, and green for her sister. With the base layers on, the canvas collapsed on itself, leaving the two sisters to add the rest of the pieces, but at least they could keep talking. There was multiple straps along the pants for holding things if need be, and the leather boots went to just below their knees and were quite a bit sturdier than what they had had on. Leather covered the abdomen and chest over the reinforced wool and silk shirts, which were certainly warmer than what they had had on previously, Hilana would admit. Leather gloves and steel bracers covered their forearms. There were cloaks, too, but for the moment, those were put in the satchels lest they catch on something for the time being. The canvas tarp was folded up again and put back in the Featherlight satchel.

However, socializing time was soon over, and they were listening to Talon. Voidrillium. That could be problematic. Just like her bladed chain whip that she still had yet to retrieve from the Sentinels. All in good time, when she had the proper wards installed to keep it. She did wonder how far down they were, but they'd soon see. In any event, it was time to get the party started and the show on the road. Between the Volumen and the group assembled... they would see what all they could do.

Off Topic
The Mask of Midnight's Mother
The Volumen Errantis
Leather leggings, boots, belts, gloves, bodice belt, shoulder belt. Wool cloaks. Steel forearm bracers. Dragonshard gloves for her hands in case of paralysis (frostrylyth, pyrolyth chips, relatively weak).
Masterwork Falcata
Ring of Traversion
Aqualyth dragonshards x 2, average grade
Featherlight Satchels x 2
Large Rucksack

Medical Kit
Canvas Tarps x 2
50' ropes x 6
Waterskins x 2
Rations x 10
Magmabloom Elixirs
Starthistle Restoratives x 10
Jovmandr's Elixir x 6
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Aurin, a seeming wastrel even sometimes when wearing finery appropriate for rubbing elbows with Avialae lords, didn't like dying, so he paid attention. That didn't mean he didn't smirk at Hilana's flirt; he might have tried to glance at the sister if he didn't know whether the sister would try to emasculate him for peeking.

"Nice to be seen," he said with a smirk.

There were plenty of circus attractions around, so he didn't try to stand out, but rather blend into the background. While others changed, he looked over what was on offer, unabashed about his pilfering. Of course, he was hot to go as soon as the demigod and his monster boyfriend came back from a probable canoodle.

Aurin nodded back to the princeling-cum-cult leader, and proceeded to ward himself against those dangers the Avialae laid out for them. Some people had called him paranoid over the years, but then many of those people were also dead. True, he had killed some of them himself, but that was beside the point. He had even warded his wiener before plumbing Hilana's depths. It was just best business practices.

He tried to remember how much voidrillium was selling for these days, doing some internal calculations.
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“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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A light in dark places

31st of Ash, Year 124, A.o.S


Yumeko nodded at the two women as the demigod instructed them to. She took Hikami by the hand, venturing closer to the entrance. You have come to be a staple when it comes to the Warrens nephew. Some would say you are an expert in fighting the horrors that lurk here. she chuckled, her eyes looking into the opening. Hikami nodded as well with a chuckle as well, but stood there resolute, eager to get in there and help find those trapped.

Come, we must prepare. both warriors moved to a tent that was set up for them, and Yumeko came before a large chest that was waiting in there. It took some time, but I was able to have a replica of your father's armor commissioned. I was going to give it to you on your birthday but I feel like this is an appropriate time. she noted as she presented it to him. She patted him on the back as she gave him some time to take it all in. There were a lot of emotions flowing through him as he looked at the armor. After taking it in, he changed into the armor, as it was made to his specifications. Coming out of the tent he went to go join his aunt.

She had procured some things just in case, such as medical supplies, throwing knives, and several Illumicite dragonshards. Hikami began making some lodestones, of water and wind, and even some of ice. Whatever awaited them down there he was eviscerate them all.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

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Talon waited to see if there was anyone among them who would make the decision to step back. When it was clear that none of them were going to back away from the challenges ahead, he nodded.

Master Kavafis, it is good to see you.” He recalled the brief meeting that the two of them had concerning both Rickter's implication in the murder of a noble as well as the key that had been introduced during that meeting.

Hikami.” He smiled at the warrior. The other Avialae's skill with both steel and magic would be a boon in the eventuality that they faced monsters in the Deeps. Before they departed, Talon brought up his hands. Misty streams of aether flowed out of his hands forming a small cloud in front of him. It swirled for a moment before taking on a golden color that eventually coalesced into the shape of several crystals, enough for each person in their group to carry one. Using Elementalism and his own divinity, Talon created lodestones of the element of Light and imbued within them a small sliver of Dawnfire. Each of the crystals shone softly. He held each of the crystals aloft with his kinetics extending them to the members of the rescue team.

There is no telling what awaits us within the depths of the Deeps. Each of these crystals has been imbued with a sliver of my Dawnfire. Use them when you have the need to protect yourself from hostile darkness and fend off corruption.” The presence of voidrillium meant many things. It meant that the Veil was particularly thin in this area. It also meant that the influence of the Void was going to be much stronger. He was not looking forward to seeing what those cursed crystals had done to the area. While he had used them in his workshop before, they were volatile and exceedingly difficult to ward against by anyone short of a master of their craft.

Talon turned then, walking to the entrance of the cave-in.

Aoren and I will take lead. Hikami, you and your aunt bring up the rear. Master Kavafis, Hilana, Athalia, you three stay between us.” Entering into the mouth of the cave-in he cast a glance to his partner. Across the Bond, he felt Aoren give him the equivalent of a mental hug before they shared a nod between them. At the same time that shadows began gathering around Aoren’s form, Talon let the light of his nimbus begin to shine. He felt his husband step from the material realm and into the Void so that he could scout ahead. Between one breath and the next, Aoren was there and then he faded into the dark of the Warrens walking between them and the Void. Light shone out from Talon’s nimbus extending around them in an aura illuminating enough to clearly see the path ahead.

It was a noticeable downward descent as the group walked into the depths of the mine. Venturing past the mine tracks, mine carts and discarded tools, Talon could practically feel the fear and desperation permeating the area. The miners had been running for their lives toward the entrance. Walking further into the mine, they would reach an elevator shaft. By the state of the shaft it was clear that the elevator had been destroyed in the cave-in.

The shadows shifted and Talon felt Aoren send a thread of reassurance to him across the Bond. Immediately following that, Aoren stepped out of the darkness, the shadows of Nyx dissipating after a moment.

Our way forward is at the bottom of the elevator shaft. There is some rock and debris barring our way but nothing we can’t move out of the way. It’s what’s behind all of that debris that’s going to be a problem.” Aoren reached up, tying his hair back behind his head with a leather band. “There are shinaegri and at least one somaval that I can see.

The shinaegri hordes were dangerous enough. Always swarming in numbers but whenever there was a somaval, a huge lumbering creature that was a mass of legs, arms, and tendrils with a bulbous head filled with sharp teeth.

And…” Aoren sighed. He flexed his fingers, looking over his gauntlets to ensure that the crystals in them were ready and charged. “...it looks like they’ve been altered by the voidrillium.

Any sign of the miners?” Aoren shook his head. Talon nodded. For their sake, he hoped they had found somewhere to hunker down safely.

Hilana, you have rope, yes?” Talon knew that the young lady was rarely without it when out in wild places. “Can you affix it to one of these posts?

Talon gestured to one of the wooden pillars that was embedded into the rock.

Between all of us, I believe we all have magic that can aid in our descent but the same cannot be said for the miners. Those who are able will need a way to scale the wall. When you are ready, I can carry us down the elevator shaft unless you would rather slide down the rope to test it?” Once Hilana had tied her rope to the post, Talon would follow their lead. If they opted to slide down the elevator shaft on the rope, he would jump down and glide to the bottom beside them otherwise he would carry them.

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Aurin was impossible for her to miss. He'd certainly made an impression in Solunarium a few seasons back; and Hilana enjoyed his company when he desired hers. All in all, it was a casual arrangement that worked out nicely for the two of them.

Neither sister was going to leave from the warning of the perils that they would be facing down below. Hilana was determined, Athalia was calm - she had come from spending over a decade in the Void, and while she had been cleansed of it and its anchor, she was no longer one of its denizens. But her sister was going to help her friends, and Lia would never let her go alone on something like this. Besides that, she had found Talon and Aoren to be quite interesting - once one separated the Arcas bit, of course. That had taken more doing than it had for her sister, but their upbringings had been quite different. But they were solid teachers, and masters in their own right, and both of them had helped Hilana along the way.

Hilana and her sister thanked Talon for the lodestones, both of them inspecting them and feeling the reassuring warmth within. Hilana's hair had a number of them disguised as beads, but she could draw from them if and when she needed to. But none of them had Dawnfire in them, and now she had one that did. Both of them tucked the stones away into pockets on their leggings to have them close at hand, and their attention was on the leaders of the rescue mission. At the suggestion of a middling position, Hilana nodded, and would take it up. She watched as Aoren faded away, and when the group was ready, she and Lia stayed in the middle with Aurin. As they walked, Lia began to produce her little cherry-sized lodestones in order to fill them with enough lava to cause a severe problem for the shinaegri. It had been a successful tactic in Searing, it may serve them all well now.

At Talon's suggestion, Hilana pulled two hanks of rope out from her Satchel. "A few lengths," she agreed. Rope was one of the most valuable things one could have when it came to survival, right up there with shelter, food, and water. It was also arguably the most difficult thing to replicate in the wild on one's own without wood elementalism, but this stuff was also a good bit more durable than a manifested vine. She secured one end, testing it against her weight, though she was confident in her knots and in the rope itself - the quartermaster wouldn't have had shoddy supplies for them. When she was satisfied, she headed to the edge, crouching down and manifesting a little spark of light in order to get a sense for how deep it was going to need to be, in case another length was necessary to be added. And to judge by it, it did - that was a good bit down, at least, and that required some further knots. "I'll test it," she smiled at the silver-haired Avialae. "We're looking at 100 feet or so, just so that you can make an informed choice," she warned the rest of the party. Lia was fine with the majority - if the rest of them wanted to go by rope, she could, but if they elected to let them be moved via Kinetics or another Craft, she would prefer it. She was not as athletic as her sister was, and where Hilana had scrambled up and down trees and cliff faces like a mountain goat... she was not about it. But she did not want to be a hindrance.

When assent was given to go ahead, the Vastiana made her way over the edge, a good grip on the rope, and started the descent down the shaft. She did add rock foot ledges every ten feet down or so on the side of the rope in order to give them something to be able to feel secure with and rest on during their way up the shaft. If they were injured, a 100-foot climb was going to be daunting, and having ledges to stop on might make things a bit easier on them. She did have to admit that Talon and Lia had been right about other clothing, if it was ever mentioned again - inasmuch as she liked her skirts, it was a lot easier to manoeuvre in pants and boots. But down the ebon-haired young woman went, and at last, her boots hit the ground.

Considering the knots of the ropes, and the additional amount of rope occupied by the post... Hilana pressed her hands to the wall of the shaft, and manifested an earthen staircase so that the end of the rope was within reach of those who would need it to make their way back up, looking at the debris blocking the shaft, and flexing her fingers. Shinaegri and somaval. Lava would burn them all the same, and the shadows were strong here. They would see just what could be done.

word count: 880
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