Nano Quest Masagh

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Title: Highborn
Location: Ecith
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=3798
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?t=3804
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?p=21241#p21241

Approval: Rune

Quest Name: Recipe of a Broken Soul

Questers: Masagh

Goal To obtain the secrets to begin the process of becoming a lich from a necromancer in Ecith.

1. Masagh hears rumors of undead presence in Ecith wilderness and goes to investigate, finding wild undead.
2. After coming upon a skirmish between undead and undead hunters in a camp in the wilderness, Masagh recognizes that some of the undead are not wild, but enthralled.
3. Masagh follows those undead back to the Necromancer's territory where he is ambushed by the necromancer's forces and convinces him to become an ally.
4. Necromancer has Masagh help defend his territory from hunters looking for him with the aid of his strongest undead thrall.
5. The Thrall betrays Masagh after defeating the hunters and Masagh is forced to fight it. Then races back to the necromancers lair to confront him.
6. Masagh and the necromancer do battle and Masagh is just barely victorious/ or is able to steal the recipe before fleeing.
(Add more if needed)

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Last edited by Masagh on Mon Nov 18, 2024 10:36 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 182

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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=3831

Approved. This looks epic and I look forward to reading it!
word count: 11
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