Power II

The capital of the Kingdom of Lorien, and seat of House Revenlow.

Moderators: Principal Author, Regional Author

Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:03 pm
Location: Lorien
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=745
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=760

64th of Searing, 120 : Continued from: here.

Arkash had been on his way to an Inn in Outer Nivenhain with Cojack in tow when he encountered the Thompson brothers again. They had no home to go back to, as Arkash had set it ablaze after he killed a human there. The plan was to lay low in an Inn for a week while Arkash gathered the necessary funds to depart Lorien for good, but the brothers complicated things. Arkash had started off strong and refused to pay them, but his mental scars gave way to Brodie's prying. The wind was stolen from his sails and he inevitably submitted to the human.
[indent=20]There, in the moonlit streets of Lower Nivenhain, Arkash stood before the older of the three brothers. He'd just surrendered his stolen money and dropped his weapon to Brodie's demands. He was defenseless, and it was all because of his weakness.
[indent=20]Arkash was shivering. His head shrank closer to his body and his arms moved to wrap his clothed chest in an effort to protect himself. Finally, the Rath's eyes fell from Brodie's, and his ragged breathing streamed tears down his cheeks, but he made no sound. "Hey," spoke the human as he took Arkash by the shoulder. "You made the right choice. No sense in getting hurt, right?" he spoke his assurance. Arkash slurped again and sniffled in tandem. His venom was pouring rampant.
[indent=20]Most of him prayed that he wouldn't be harmed. The rest, a very small portion of himself that rested in the back of his mind, was disgusted. How could he give up another massive amount of money to the humans that had tortured him, the humans that hadn't starved a day in their lifetimes? How could he be so weak as to obey Brodie, the ring leader of the three, and the one that had tortured him so mercilessly?
[indent=20]"But," He spoke suddenly, and Arkash's heart skipped a beat. Hesitantly, he looked up to the human and froze. "You should know better than to tell me no, Newt. Grab the horse." He spoke his criticism and command in one. Alec put the bag down and moved with Chad to grab Cojack. The old horse stumbled backward, but he couldn't escape the two younger men.
[indent=20]Arkash looked in horror at the both of them, then finally turned to face his father as the two passed him. "Don't!" he cried at last, and took a step forward, only to be gripped around the neck in a firm hold by Brodie. His other hand came to grip Arkash's mouth shut like a muzzle while the Rathari's hands held onto Brodie's arm in a desperate effort to pry it off. He could breathe, at least through his nose, but not speak. Ragged breaths ran through his flared nostrils as his adrenaline kicked into gear.
[indent=20]"I think you've had enough of getting your shit kicked. I'm not sure you learn anything whenever I beat you senseless, anyway," explained Brodie. "So, you can sit tight and watch. If you weren't my favorite, I'd have fucked up the both of you for the way you spoke to me and my brothers. This is a kindness." Arkash shut his eyes tight and tried to scream, but he couldn't move his mouth. Brodie's grip was too strong, and Arkash was too weak.
[indent=20]His eyes finally opened to settle on Cojack, who was surrounded by the brothers. Cojack lifted his cane as though it were a two-handed blade as they closed in, then swung it at full force for Alec's face. The swift strike knocked the youngest of the brother's off-balance, but it wasn't enough to cause any serious harm. Chad closed in from the side and threw a hard push into Cojack's side. The thin, gaunt Rathari fell to the floor in a heap with ease.
[indent=20]Arkash's struggle continued as Alec gripped his sickly father by the scruff, and began to beat down on his face. Chad booted the frail Rath in the stomach once, then twice. Arkash continued to scream through his sealed lips as a manic, desperate panic washed over him. He had to do something. Cojack couldn't take that kind of punishment. What could he too?
[indent=20]His claws ran over Brodie's arm as it rested around his neck, then dove into his flesh in a vicious squeeze. Arkash hissed violently in his maw as he broke the human's skin, and drew a cry of pain from the oldest brother's voice. A moment of weakness saw Brodie release Arkash's maw, and the lizard hooked his claws deep in Brodie's Arm. He could feel the Human's bones with the tips of his natural weapons. Brodie growled as he fought the burning pain, and moved his arm with Arkash's pull, only to drive a sloppy punch into the side of the Lizard's head with his free arm.
[indent=20]Arkash barely felt it with all the adrenaline in his system. He'd freed his neck, but Brodie was pulling back against him. So, Arkash opened his maw wide, then dove his jaws forward and bit into the Savant's wrist with his maw of sharp, serrated teeth. There, he injected the human with his potent venom. Brodie cried out and punched Arkash in the head repeatedly. But the angle and the lack of room made for sloppy, weak punches that barely fazed the Rath in his state of blind rage.
[indent=20]Chad and Alec was too caught up in Cojack's cries of pain to notice the scuffle. Cojack wearily looked to his son between strikes with a beaten, bloodied face. The two brothers continued to lay into the older Rathari as Arkash's venom worked into Brodie's blood. Fatigue and weakness overcame the oldest brother as his blood pressure dropped. Arkash finally ripped the arm from his maw and took shreds of clothing coupled with chunks of meat from the human. As Brodie fell into shock, Arkash drew the human's dagger from his belt, turned on a dime, then ran at Chad.
[indent=20]He was going to kill them. Everything inside him had shifted from paralyzing fear to boundless wrath. Chad turned to the sound of claws clicking against cobblestone in time to see Arkash swing at him and dove aside only to receive a slash across his arm. "Fuck!" Howled the largest of the Brothers as Arkash came at him again, swiping the knife with murderous intent. Chad scrambled out of the way, and Alec was quick to follow, where they knelt at Brodie's side. Cojack was safe, but Arkash wasn't done. They had to pay.
[indent=20]"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Roared Arkash with flecks of blood-colored drool, skin, and linen dangling from the side of his maw. Alec looked about ready to piss his pants as he collected his brother while Chad was shaken, but not nearly to the same degree as the youngest of the three. Arkash saw their fear and reveled in it. That, what he saw, was true power. The power to bring those above him to broken, quivering lumps.
[indent=20]"His arm's fucked," Warned chad.
[indent=20]"He needs a doctor right now, I can't stop the bleeding!" Cried Alec in a panic, who'd been trying to squeeze his wrist.
[indent=20]They collected their brother and began to move him. That was Arkash's chance. He could attack them while they were busy... But Cojack. Arkash forgot his hate long enough to look to his father, who laid on the floor while he stared at his son's bloody features. Again, Arkash looked to the departing brothers and hissed briefly. As quickly as it has washed over him, his rage departed and left a sorrowful void.
[indent=20]His lips were numb, his claws were wet and there was gunk hanging from his mouth. His arms and legs were still shaking and he hadn't stopped crying yet, even if he'd not had the chance to sob at all. In one motion, he sheathed the dagger on his leather belt, then knelt at Cojack's side. Chad and Alec had to die for what they did, but Cojack needed him more. "It's okay," Arkash spoke quietly in assurance as he pulled his Cojack's wounded, woozy form to rest against him. "I'm so sorry, dad..."
[indent=20]He rested his head against Cojack's while the horse breathed weakly, and continued his silent cry of despair. Again, he cursed himself. If he hadn't been so weak, if he hadn't allowed Brodie to frighten him, the vicious assault on Cojack wouldn't have happened. "I's okay," replied the older Rathari, who steadied himself some. Arkash blinked and looked over his father's injuries.
[indent=20]He had a cut on his brow, a fat lip, and a bloodied nose. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, for sure. But it shook Arkash all the same. It wasn't the time to lament Arkash's actions or lack thereof, however. The pair had a problem fast approaching, as Arkash had let the boys live.
[indent=20]Arkash had killed a man, sure. But now he'd injured two Savants and left witnesses. If they didn't leave Lorien that night, Arkash would be sentenced to death by the Argents, and a squad of Hollows would be sent to kill him. Cojack was in no fit state to travel, however. So, Arkash carefully lifted his father to his feet and supported his weight as they moved to an inn. On the way by, Arkash collected his bag. They would get cleaned up, then leave the city. They had no other choice.

word count: 1696

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