Character Registry: Frost 120 AS

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Character Registry for Ash 120

Seasonal Weather Forecast
Frost 1-7: As the Frost season arrives in full, scattered snowstorms will spread throughout Karnor. Kalzasi will have spells of constant snowfall paired with clear sunny days during this period. As the temps drop from the increasing cold, people are advised to bundle up in layers.

Frost 8-18: While snowfall has stopped and the temperatures are at their lowest, cloud cover remains a constant over the city of Kalzasi during this period of the season.

Frost 19-27: The lingering overcast of clouds gradually eases, allowing the sun to help melt only a portion of the snow. The streets of Kalzasi are swept clean during this time, and as we approach the first quarter of the season; the Frost brings with it the Great Northern Lights to the city of Kalzasi.

Frost 28-34: Clouds begin to roll back in as a front from the east brings more moisture, showing more signs of overcast as the occasional flurries will fall throughout this time period.

Frost 35-43: More snowfall for the region of Karnor as temperatures seem to drop just a little more, making it a risk of freezing if one stays exposed to the cold for very long.

Frost 44-50: As Frost has halfway progressed the temperatures still remain incredibly low, snow is piled high across the region of Karnor in most places, and the Great Northern Lights begin to recede into the sky on their final night.

Frost 51-62: Cloud coverage significantly increases to where no sun can filter through, temperatures are still frigid as animals and crops are bound to be tested during this part of the season.

Frost 63-72: A final snowstorm batters the region of Karnor with a vicious blizzard, spanning along the southern reaches as it blankets Kalzasi in snow and ice. The storm lasts for nearly the entire duration of this time period, covering much of Kalzasi in piles of snow that citizens have a hard time cleaning.

Frost 73-81: The sun makes its brilliant return and starts to generate a small warmth, allowing some of the built-up ice and snow to gradually melt over the next span of days. Temperatures marginally rise but the cold still threatens those exposed to it for too long.

Frost 82-90: As Frost draws to a close, the sunlight returns with clouds frequently covering it over the course of the season's end. Temperatures begin to fluctuate finally as the Glade season approaches, marking the beginning of a new season and in turn; a new year.

Seasonal Event Calendar

Frost 19: Dire Wolves spotted in the Astralar Mountains
Hunters are warned to be wary when traveling into the mountains. It has been reported that a pack of Dire Wolves has made their home somewhere among the peaks. It is uncertain what has driven them this far south from their normal hunting grounds.

Frost 24: The Great Northern Lights
The Great Northern Lights begin to make their appearance all throughout the northern expanse of Karnor, filling the night sky surrounding the Astralar Mountains with an aurora some would say is magical. The Northern Lights are a sign that Frost is almost halfway over, and that Glade is right around the corner as well. The lights will remain visible at nighttime until mid-Frost, before they recede during the turning point of the season.

Frost 28: Rockslide in the Atralar Mountains
A rockslide occurs on the West side of the Astralar Mountains. This is accompanied by rumbling shakes in the earth, and a deathly silence for several minutes. The Rockslide itself cut off one of the major trading routes for House Veyl, and stalls some of their activities for the season. A team is put together to clear the damage before mid-Frost.

Frost 31: The Shokaze returns from his travels
Word reaches the city of the Shokaze's soon return to the city of Kalzasi. These rumors are quickly confirmed, and the city stirrs to action as preparations for the next day begin and continue into the night.

Frost 32: Celebration of the Shokaze's Return
The Shokaze is welcomed back to Kalzasi with great fanfare and celebration. A festival is held, and stalls of food and wares fill the streets as the music plays and all drinks are discounted significantly. Performances pop up across the city, but especially within the Commons and the Plaza of Jeweled Arches. Festivities continue long into the night, and the Shokaze himself attends several local pubs and bars to be with his people in person.

On this day it is announced that another event will be hosted later in Frost, but the specifics are as of yet unknown.

Frost 38: Unusual Dragonshards
A rumor has begun to spread of unusual dragonshards appearing from locations around the Astralar mountains. These dragonshards are reported to function much like normal, but their color is slightly off. As of yet, there is no explanation for the cause of these 'corrupted' shards. The Circle of Spells recommends to avoid their use until more is known.

Frost 43: Winter Requiem
A seasonal holiday in Kalzasi, the Winter Requiem is hosted on the frozen Lake Udori near the middle of Frost on the coldest night. It is a night of remembrance for those who have passed the previous year, and an acknowledgment that despite how cold everything is now, Glade will return once more to warm the hearts of those left behind. Each of the Great Houses attends, setting up offerings to the lost and burning prayers to symbolically light the way to the next life.

Frost 47: Aetheric Graffiti
Within the Low-City of Kalzasi there have been various locations with graffiti showing up within the morning, a few shops and warehouses are found with a cryptic message being washed off by owners "True glory awaits those within," and "the Crucible is calling," being the only phrases found written. The odd thing is that the ink used to write it was Spellwright's Ink, leading the Sky Guard to question whether it is a simple prank, or if there is some meaning to this cryptic message.

Frost 50: Annoucement from the Circle of Spells
An announcement is made that the Circle of Spells, funded by House Senue and House Veyl, will be hosting a grand event that will last from the 80th through the 85th, to mark the end of Frost and the start of the new year. Further details can be gotten from the Circle of Spells, or from one of the Great Houses who fund the event.

Frost 56: Explosion in the Plaza of Jeweled Arches
The Polished Emerald, a jewel crafting shop in the Plaza, explodes violently in the middle of the night. Surrounding shops and businesses are damaged, notably Jacun's Alchemical Goods as well as the Roasted Hen which were both on the same street. The shop owner and young apprentice both died in the explosion. The Reconcilliators were the first on the scene, followed closely by the Skyguard. No explanation for the event is given.

Frost 63rd: Icewing Mating Season
This time of year is both beautiful and potentially dangerous for those who interact with the Icewing Eagles of House Dahshida. At this time Icewing Eagles are allowed to roam outside their normal housing structures, under the careful supervision of experienced handlers, so they may perform their traditional mating rituals. Those not of House Dahshida are warned to avoid the areas around Yorunorei, the Night Haven. Icewing Eagles are known to become quite aggressive during this time of year, and even their handlers take care and tread lightly.

Frost 74: Aetheric Graffiti
More cryptic messages surface within Kalzasi, this time in the Common District and Plaza of Jeweled Arches. It's clear that this is a coordinated stunt done by multiple people, however, nobody else can recall seeing a person there at the time these messages appeared. "The Midden welcomes you," "Come the Strong," and "Seek the Crucible," are the messages that are found in various locations throughout the two districts. An investigation is being mounted as members of House Dahshida and House Zatrian look into these cryptic messages, and locals are advised to avoid The Midden at this point in time.

Frost 80-85: Kalzasi's Celebration of Inginuity
The events of the Celebration are divided into 3 categories: Single Combat, Team Competitions, and Crafting Exhibitions. The goal of each is to utilize magic in ways to overcome the challenges presented. The three events take place in parallel over the course of 5 days. Participants may participate in either Single Combat or the Team Competitions but can choose to participate in the Crafting Exhibition if they wish as well. The Circle of Spells provides the majority of structure for the event, with influence coming from the Reconcilliators on the subject of the safety of the common people. House Senue and House Veyl provide logistical support. The competition is held in the Guild Expanse, utilizing space provided by the Slayers Keep as well as the Circle of Spells.

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[b]Name:[/b] [url=Character Sheet Link]PC Name[/url]
[b]Race:[/b] Character's Race
[b]Likes and Dislikes:[/b] What do you like to write about? What do you not like?
[b]Reason for Visiting:[/b] What brought you to Kalzasi?
[b]Goal for the Season:[/b] What are you hoping to achieve this season?
[b]Duration of Stay:[/b] How long will you be with us?
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Location: Kalzasi
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Character Secrets:

Name: Finn the Fantastic
Race: Human
Likes and Dislikes: To every thing, there is a season. I like a variety of things.
Reason for Visiting: Well, when a man and a woman love each other very much within the vicinity of Kalzasi, sometimes a child is born in the vicinity of Kalzasi. :)
Goal for the Season: 1.) Find some juicy lore in the Academy archives for Lyra. 2.) Work on the "Paean to the Shinsei." 3.) Get into trouble with Mesmer.
Duration of Stay: Indefinitely.
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Kala Leukos
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Name: Kala Leukos
Race: Avialae (Human)
Likes and Dislikes: Intriguery. Politicking. Magery.
Reason for Visiting: Academic and political education.
Goal for the Season: Warren March. New Rune. Trouble.
Duration of Stay: Indefinitely.
word count: 32
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Name: Aurin Kavafis
Race: Human
Likes and Dislikes: Skulduggery!
Reason for Visiting: Sometimes you have to run far away to escape your problems.
Goal for the Season: Learn everyone's secrets.
Duration of Stay: Indefinitely.
word count: 35
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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Title: He Who Stands Tall and Proud
Location: Kalzasi
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Character Secrets:

Name: Pahoran
Race: Avialae
Likes and Dislikes: Adventure, magic, I am actually fairly open.
Reason for Visiting: Been living here for a number of years.
Goal for the Season: Progress Skills and gain a real rank as a skyguard.
Duration of Stay: indefinitely for now.
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Title: Dabu
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Name: Rickter Maze
Race: Half-breed (Human, Rathari)
Likes and Dislikes: Exploring the character nuances and personality, as well as plot driven threads, but I don't really dislike much of anything.
Reason for Visiting: Rickter lives here
Goal for the Season: Joining the Argent Hand, getting Elementalism, Hitting Expert (maybe Master) Negation, revealing layers of thicc plot material
Duration of Stay: For-e-ver, For-e-ver, For-e-ver

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"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Hershey Valentine
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Title: The Fixer-Upper
Location: Your Heart <3
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Name: Hershey Valentine
Race: Human
Likes and Dislikes: Conversation and patronage! Come on by to visit!
Reason for Visiting: Business
Goal for the Season: Grow Valentine's Solutions
Duration of Stay: Until the wind changes
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Location: The Northlands of Karnor
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=151

Name: Talon
Race: Synnekar Avialae
Likes and Dislikes: Anything, really! Just discuss it with me.
Reason for Visiting: This is Talon's homeland.
Goal for the Season: Finish some runeforging artifacts.
Duration of Stay: For the foreseeable future.
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Location: Kalzasi
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Name: Leith
Race: Rathari/ Druskai
Likes and Dislikes: Really anything with a general focus of cooking, magic, swimming, and general socialization
Reason for Visiting: Hunting for other Druskai that may or may not be related to Leith
Goal for the Season: Get a job, and begin establishing Leith in the city
Duration of Stay: As long as it takes!

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Title: double bubble disco queen
Location: kalzasi
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Name: Nnerka Vesti
Race: Fae'ethalan
Likes and Dislikes: Open to pretty much anything!
Reason for Visiting: She lives here lol
Goal for the Season: Skill progression! Looking to be a top billing courtesan.
Duration of Stay: Indefinitely.
word count: 38

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