"'Passive' makes it sound like the easier job..." Arry mused, though Aurin made it sound anything but. His Hytori eyes rose to gaze into Aurin's. They darted back and forth from one to the other, trying to read something deeper than their words had ever dared dive.
"In a way I get it." Arry explained, "I feel like I'm not... expression myself well, right now, so I'm coming off like some sheltered little innocent, but that ain't the case. I'm not a little kid, I'm a man grown. It's not like I don't have desires of me own. I understand that bit. I guess I've just... I don't really fancy people what I don't know." He wrinkled his nose, and paused for a beat. This was a revelation for him, and the words had come out before the thought was even fully processed. After taking a moment to acknowledge this new realisation about himself, his eyes darted away from Aurin's- down to the bed below them.
"It's awright, Aurin. I know it's rather silly, really. By rights, I probably should have been about this sort of work already. You'd think I would've been, but I was raised to be so scared of being examined. In the neighbourhood where I grew up, people really, really weren't keen on Elves. I learned to keep me eyes down and the ears covered. Bit of soot to smudge my cheeks offset the 'ytori colouring enough, as long as someone wasn't staring at me. So I did my best to make sure nobody stared at me." He grimaced,
"You don't make me feel small, Aurin. You're the only one what doesn't." He squirmed his body a bit closer to Aurin's, perhaps unconsciously.
"Do you ever pay for those sorts of comforts?" It would ease Arry's mind to know people like Aurin might be amongst his future clients.