(Hyoga, Nnerka) The Heist Begins

The underbelly that lies beneath the city.

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Title: Dabu
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The Heist Begins
Glade 40th, 121st AoS
At the night's end of Glade 39th, the last of her letters had been sent. Her plans had come together and now it was time, so Hyoga, Nnerka, and all Hannah's little friends found this particular note strangely on their beds.

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Sunlight beamed through a few of the overhead grates of the sewers, but not quite far enough down to illuminate the floors of the cistern. As the stench of foul water trickled down from several of the outputs, one might've wanted to gag at how repulsively pungent the odor was. It was almost difficult to believe anyone would call the sewers down here home, but in some twisted way, there were those who thrived within the shadows of the waterways. As there were four levels of water channels connecting to this large part of the Midden, Hannah was prudent to make sure their suggested route would determine their arrival at the second level. Sure the maps weren't that greatly detailed to begin with, but they only needed to know the one route here no?

Plus there was no doubt in the rogue's mind when she'd sought out these particular individuals, they would certainly be a helpful pair in the time to come. Everyone's role in this was significantly important to her cause, and she had been investing her time in this for almost a while now. Not long after her return to Kalzasi in fact... She was so close now, to the prize she sought, she could nearly see it a reality in her incoming future. She just required patience now, patience and a steady hand. The brunette sat on a pile of limestone bricks with a leg folded over her knee, her brown eyes inspective of her nails after she tucked on her jacket a bit. The leather coat strapped with a holster over the shoulder, with a pistol rested there, while underneath the front of her blouse could be seen as well. More belts wrapped around her waist over the leather trousers she'd worn, with her thick heeled boots matching the rest of her attire as well.

She had arrived not too long ago, enough to know that the sun had just now reached its apex. Noon was here now, and she didn't wish to keep her ace left alone for too long. Patient as he was she did not wish for him to be intercepted by a stray, since rats and slimes weren't the worst of it this further in. The Midden was a place not even she trusted, and she had just a few eyes to help keep her aware of things down below. Still, her determination remained set on the bigger obstacle ahead, and that would be her means of infiltrating the games. From what intel she'd collected over the season, it was possible she could slip in from the Warrens. But that meant she would need to wrap up her business in the Midden quickly, as everything hinged on timing and how punctual everyone could be.

When she finally heard the footsteps of approachers, Hannah's eyes lifted from her fingers as she looked to see who arrived. As she had hoped it had been Hyoga and Nnerka, ready and outfitted to deal with any threats they encountered on the way here. "Well shit. You got here quickly, good, because now we get to go deeper into the Midden." She greeted them almost with enthusiasm as she grinned playfully, her leg's untucked so that she could rise from her spot on the stairwell. "What do you think of the Midden by the way? Grossed out by the smell yet?" She inquired from the two, her eyes glancing from one to the other with volume.
"Gold goes so well with a diamond like me."

"Common" "Synskrit"
"Rickter" "Hannah"
Last edited by Rickter on Thu Jun 17, 2021 7:20 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 794
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One of the cities finest courtesans (she would say), and she was trawling through the muck of the sewers at the behest of someone she very barely knew.

The things she did for a good meal.

Nnerka couldn’t say whether she hated this more than her hunt with Rickter. Then, had been the cold and a juvenile mutt’s dillusions that had kept her from a hearty wolfen meal. Here, it had to be the stench. And the unfortunate problem of her size. Sure, within the first couple of minutes of her trek, she had been fine. But as she got further in, there was a certain discomfort that came with her legs being too close to the mixture of wastes. It wouldn’t do her hair any good, she was sure. Which was what lead to her current predicament.

It wasn’t often that the fae had to find herself on two legs. The adjustment from many to few left her with a strange sort of imbalance that lasted longer than she would have liked. She could count, on one hand, exactly how many times she had ventured to teeter on two legs like the other races did, and loathed every minute of it. In fact, she loathed the very moments that passed as she made her way through the sewers to the appointed meeting place. Her fingers skimmed the walls to hold her steady, other hand holding up the fabric of her dress to keep it from trailing in the filth around her. She should have invested in something more sensible for this — but she’d not that she would be in a fucking shit canal.

The one thing she wouldn’t sacrifice in this guise of a smaller form were her eyes. An advantage she would never truly want to let go. The closed lids looked like fine lines on her face, scattered over her cheeks and forehead. Lashes fanned out over skin, thin as webs. And in her hair, tucked away on her shoulder, was her precious little spider. She could have easily left the thing home, but — she wanted to know what else it could do. Aside from glow. Was it poisonous? Her kin that did glow often had a venom of some sort.

The woman she was supposed to meet greeted her eagerly, along with someone else. Someone familiar, in a way. She studied the other for a moment longer before turning up her nose and holding her dress up a little higher. “Just as filthy as I expected. And you want me to go further? Someone is carrying me, because I am not going any further on these.” She kicked out her feet pointedly, wiggling toes she wouldn’t ordinarily have.
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龍 Glade 40th, Year 121, A.o.S 龍
Company: Hannah & Tall Woman| Thoughts: Let's get going| Mood: Anxious

龍 Hyoga was more than anxious to get to the rendevous spot, so much so he hardly slept. He found himself thinking of the many ways he would kill the ones responsible for vengeance. He was so close to finding them that he was practically giddy. He held a smile on his face as he traversed the underbelly of the city, grateful for his size as many didnt think to make a move against him. He could care less about them and knew better than to goad the desperate, never ended well.....for them that is.

Spear in hand, Hyoga moved with a sense of urgency through the muck and grime of the sewers. He was excited to get there, eager to see this through to the end. He almost wasnt sure what he would do when he got there, or when he laid eyes on them, but he knew he would recognize them when he saw them.

Fixing the armor that adorned his robust build, he was glad he had bought it as it was well worth the investment to the warrior. After all, he didnt want to take chances allowing infection or diseases from the water down here to touch his skin. He could feel his blood lust rising the closer he got, and what better way to satiate it than with a blood sport of a tournament?

As he approached he could see the gathering of two figures and the alluring presence of the woman awaiting his arrival came into view. Looking to them, he could see that one was familiar, Hannah had been here first and awaiting their arrival. She was not his concern, however, as the other female present piqued his interest. The woman's stature made him think that she was of another race, as there was no human he had ever known to be as tall as she was.

He chuckled when Hannah mentioned being grossed out by the smell. "I dont think its that bad, burning flesh is far worse in my opinion." he mused, remember the way they met. "As for the Midden its a shithole, now can we get moving? I'm eager to see what these Death Games are about." he growled, looking to the taller woman as she refused to move further into the midden.

With a wave of his hand, the sewer water solidified, turning to ice. Sending it forward, he froze the majority of the disgusting water and gestured for the woman to advance. "I hope that works for you, otherwise you'll just be left behind."

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Compared to when they had last spoken the Fae had looked quite different in comparison, and for one genuine moment Hannah wasn't sure how to respond initially. Then of course when the response came from her on the filth, and the fact she demanded to be carried added with it. Which of course brought out a giggle of a rather impish nature from Hannah, as she looked down with credible surprise at how normal those legs really looked. It was flawless, absolutely flawless, she was a hunter in disguise this way. Rickter could indeed learn a thing to two from her, which was a good thing since they'd meet with him after the other two arrived. Hyoga followed along nearly right after Nnerka, sharing his own opinions on the smells and about the Midden in general.

Hannah couldn't help but cross her arms toward him as a smirk lingered on her lips, her eyes tilted toward Nnerka as she watched the man enter the cistern with a wave of his hands. He talked of the Pinnacle Games of course, that being his fixation at the moment, and resorted to freeze the running waters within the channels around them. Immediately the surface thickened with ice as the sounds of flowing water quieted to muffled trickles throughout the grates. "Now that will take some time to drain back out properly." She remarked nonchalantly with a stern gaze toward Hyoga, before her attention shifted back toward the Fae next to her. "And trust me beautiful, I have a shortcut that'll get us there quicker."

"Well then thank the Gods," a sardonically suave voice queued in from one of the upper levels, as a man with a black robe custom-tailored to a battlemage design walked down the stairwell next to their junction, "any longer that I might've had to endure that smell... then I might've vomited." As he descended the tip of his staff clicked against the stone-cut stairs, a deep brown wooden pole with a Greater Pyrolith dragonshard resonating a soft amber glow at its top.

Hannah quickly grinned toward the dark-haired man whose mustache seemed finely twirled near the tips. "About time you showed up!"

"Well, now, punctuality is a thing my dear. You, of all people, know that better than I." The black-robed mage quirked his head back as he laid eyes on the other two, as though he suddenly realized their presence just then. "And who are they?"

"These two are your teammates. Nnerka," Hannah casually nodded to the Fae lady first before a following nod went toward the Kathar, "and Hyoga. They're mutual friends with your fourth member."

"No doubt your most favorite of trump cards." Hannah mocked him with a "pfft" before he looked to the both of them, with a lean into his staff as he twirled the hairs of his mustache thoughtfully. "Trevor Reverik, at your service!" After a slight bow of his head for the two he then lifted his eyes back to Hannah, his eyebrows slightly firmer as he seemed a bit more focus on the matter. "Now, about that shortcut?"

"Right, first things first." Hannah's smile quickly diminished as she looked a bit more serious as well, her body turned so that her shoulder pointed toward the center of the Cistern. Down below on the lower levels were there were more drains, certain shafts had numbers painted near their entries as if charted out in order. "Under normal circumstances, you now know where to find the Cistern, and from here, if you ever wish to return to the Crucible on your own? Then the passage you'd need to take is channel thirty-eight. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise, channel twenty-nine just takes you into the Lower Waterworks. And that doubles your venture down there, not to mention the monsters you'd face down there." She looked back to the three of them, her eyes dead serious as she came to turn and face them once more.

"Now, my way, is so much quicker than any other." Then came the slightly impish smirk as her tone inflated a bit, as the rogue cast her eyes aside to focus on the space before the next stairwell going down. At the precipice of the first stair, the air rippled before aether swirled into a ring in the air, generating flash within the gap as a portal opened with shimmering lights dancing around its edges. "Step on through," she then encouraged her companions, "he's waiting for you right on the other side."

"Common" "Synskrit"
"Rickter" "Hannah" "Trevor"
Last edited by Rickter on Tue Oct 26, 2021 1:41 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 814
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Nnerka’s brows rose as the man that approached froze the water solid. A blonde head that was just about the same measure smaller than her, a growl to his words as she asked if the ice was satisfactory. But, of course; he was another creature that walked on two legs — even if he had wings. He surely wouldn’t have understood the stresses of bearing weight on so many less legs when one usually had many. Her smile was congenial as one hand reached out to tap the tip of Hyoga’s nose.

“Save your growls for someone they actually scare, little one.” The words were followed by a lilting giggle, and a smile too wide, too uncanny. Two more eyes, above the ones already bearing down the kathar, opened up to peer down at him. Her attention, though, was stolen by the mention of a shortcut.

The spider on her shoulder tittered in her ear, tangling itself in the safety of her hair as another person approached. His entrance was not quite so grand, but for the tip-tap of his cane against stone and ice as he came closer. Hannah seemed to know him well enough. Yet another person she had to look down at. Considerably so. With a quite literal glance down her nose, her gaze landed on the man and his...interesting facial hair.

Taking her eyes off of Trevor as Hannah spoke of channels and cisterns, Nnerka scowled. “You mean every time I want to travel down here, it must be through filth?” Her family had been right about civilization. Her eyes narrowed to the stairs the human woman pointed to, far from pleased. But the other woman of their group presented an alternative that the Fae wasn’t sure she wanted more.

The swirl of aether had the hairs on the back of her neck, along her arms and legs, rising. Magic was not a foreign thing to her; she’d seen plenty of mages. Had witnessed one steal prey that was rightful hers with it. Her brow twitched at the memory. But the two of them weren’t connected. Hannah would surely be introducing her to a new means of hunting. One that wouldn’t have the Skyguard on her case as she dined on the delicacy her clan had centered their palate around.

So, she stepped through. Ducking her head in the case that she might need to — as simply was always the case with someone of her stature — she entered the portal without further hesitance, and just the slightest stumble.
word count: 450
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Title: Forge your Legend

Name: Rickter

Points: 8
Magic: These points cannot be used for magic.
Knowledge: 4 Lore Points
Injuries: None
Loot: None

Name: Nnerka

Points: 8
Magic: These points cannot be used for magic.
Knowledge: 4 Lore Points
Injuries: None
Loot: None

Name: Hikami

Points: 8
Magic: These points can be used for Elementalism.
Knowledge: 4 Lore Points
Injuries: None
Loot: None

Wowie, sorry this fell WAY off the wayside and drowned into the sea of oblivion! Awarded you both participation points regardless, and hey, at least everybody got to have fun in the Midden for a bit
word count: 96
Templates, Workshop
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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