Receding Threats: Unexpected Encounters, ii.

The underbelly that lies beneath the city.

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Character Sheet: ... 9875#p9875

Eye's darted between the man and every object in the room until he chanced a peek at where Aurin pointed for his belongings. Indeed he was telling the truth with two daggers, a cloak, and the broken remains of his mask laying neatly in a folded pile. Even looking up to see the two locking mechanisms just as he described gave Yshvold time to think on the situation at hand.

If they were going to kill them they would have done so already, or at least left him where he dropped back in the waterways. He needed to think first and then act or else he risks severing this relationship and everything he could gain from it, the man isn't going to go anywhere anyway from the way he was talking.

It took a few minutes for him to calm his breathing and relax, all the while keeping a close eye on Aurin. In that time the aches and pains from over exerting himself caught up as the adrenaline stopped pumping and slowly left his system. Yshvold didn't collapse but he wasn't exactly steady on his feet either, keeping a hand on the door and the other on a knee to brace himself.

"Hahseu..." Words came out with a visible cringe in his eyes. Not once did he want to stay another night in this god's forsaken place. but it seems like he wasn't going to get anything he wanted.

"I don't remember, did you kill it? Was it your crystals that attacked it?" Much of the conflict was a blur but bits and pieces. Crystals bombarding whatever that thing was, getting hit, and a wet feeling all around his body. This man must know something.

His own hubris led him to this state of helplessness and all he could do is fish for answers. He would run, but his body is betraying him and wont act as he wants. This boy needs rest before he may do anything else.

word count: 369
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"Elwes is in the privy cleaning up," he said, pointing so the kid would know what was going on if she made any noise. He seemed to be processing things, albeit slowly. Aurin stood up slowly and nudged the chair toward the Lysanrin, then stepped back to lean against the wall opposite the door so he could choose to sit while remaining close to his things and the exit.

"It's good she was there. I think we just pissed it off, but she likes poison and that one tentacle she hit went limp as a drunkard's cock." He paused. "It fled. I don't know if it's the Gobbledegook or whatever people call their local bogeyman, or just something similar, but it scared the shit out of those rats. Some of the rats were bigger than dogs, too. I thought the crystals were yours..." He squinted at the kid a bit. "Anyway, if you leave, I can leave and I would rather not stay in Hahseu the night, but she's got some dried rations here for emergencies, so if you need to eat and relax for a while, that's probably for the best. Elwes is planning to stay down here, but I'm going to head topside as soon as I'm sure you're not going to die. We can get to the Low-City together if you want, and then split up. Or not. Whatever. But it'd be a shame I carried you all the way up here only for some asshole to fuck you up because you had something to prove and tripped out of here before you were ready."

He shrugged, arms crossed over his chest.

"So sit a while. Think it over. Let me know. But we're not holding you prisoner or anything."

While he wanted to grin and try to charm the kid, he wasn't some patron that needed calming down. He didn't know what he was, really, except that he was driven. Aurin just tried to be the person he had needed back when he was alone on the streets as an idiot kid.
word count: 360
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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Character Sheet: ... 9875#p9875

Such sympathy down in this forgotten town can be viewed as weakness to be exploited, but it ended up being Yshvold's greatest salvation. He finally recognized Aurin through his voice and aether, even though his face was different. For such a person to exist, and willingly put themselves in a position to have to go to no-man's-land, cracked Yshvold's worldview on what other's should be.

The chair was taken with gratitude and required a bit of a hop for him to sit and watch Aurin, not out of suspicion but of curiosity. His body was still heavy and the fog of exhaustion came and went but he had enough energy to keep focused for a decent conversation and plan.

"I... think we should travel in numbers." Yshvold spoke with a bit of strain. "If it isn't dead, and lived here for a long time, then it may know these tunnels better than I. If it was me I would keep my distance and wait for the group to split up and kill them one at a time."

"I... Um." After he expressed his thoughts on the situation another feeling grips his stomach as he comes to the realization that he was saved once again. "Thank you."

Yshvold's body groaned for more sleep but gratitude must be shown. He felt that he shouldn't leave the comfort of his chair but remembered the way Aurin bowed when they met and gave him a similar expression as he sat, unsure if it is being used properly.

All in all the day is not a complete waste to him. While the expedition ended, in what he would consider failure, and his body left in a sorry state for travel, there was a moment to pause and consider the people he met and how both parties could benefit from each others skills and knowledge should they work together again down here.

"I am called Yshvold. I don't know who called me this first, just that I know it is my name. The woman is Elwes, and you are?" Yshvold's voice grows crackly and he yawns at the end of his question. Traveling through the dangerous sewers is out of the question for him, he knows this, and lets himself sink into the seat to get comfortable.

Most of his body now rests somewhere between the seat and the back as his legs dangle off the edge. Using his arms to keep himself propped up on the seat is all that stops him from fully laying down on the chair, valiant in his refusal to go back to sleep in the presence of someone that did him a boon and may require his service in the future.

word count: 494
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Aurin listened, nodding. He wasn't one to disregard the thoughts of a child just because they were a child. That said, he wasn't really comfortable around children. But Yshvold comported himself like an adult, so he seemed all right—an adult with a deathwish, maybe, but an adult. At least, he wasn't crying because he lost his ball or asking Aurin to explain the birds and the bees.

"You're welcome," he replied. "If it makes you feel better, we needed your knowledge too, so..." He shrugged, not trying to collect actionable favors from a kid.

"Yshvold," he said, always one to repeat a name back to a person if he wasn't certain he would say it right. A little care and correction showed he was paying attention, at least. "I'm Aurin. I'd say that it probably didn't turn around to chase us after it ran away... but you never know with bogeymen. But yes, we can head back to the Commons together, watch each other's backs. Maybe take a different route out of Hahseu than we took in just in case it did decide it wants revenge. But if it's lurking nearby, it might run into more people who are armed, so..."

He shrugged. There were risks in going, there were risks in staying, and they were going to do the best they could to mitigate those risks.

"Look, I don't want to carry you over my shoulder when we go, so you should probably eat something and take a nap. If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead by now. If I was a slaver, I wouldn't have been down there investigating fucked up rumors. I'm not telling me you ought to trust me, but trust logic, at least. I don't have a good reason to hurt or trap you, so... do yourself a favor and take care of yourself so we have a higher chance of getting home in one piece."

He opened one of the tiny cupboards and pulled out some hard tack, tossing it onto the bed where Yshvold had slept. Elwes preferred her food fresh, but had non-perishable rations stashed just in case. Well, today was just in case. He moved away from the bed, but not demonstrably closer to Yshvold, giving him space. If the lad ran, Aurin wasn't going to chase him. He wasn't a hero by any means. But he could do strategic things to set him at ease. He didn't want to have to save him again.
word count: 435
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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Character Sheet: ... 9875#p9875

For once Yshvold was not on edge by his company. Perhaps he was too tired to be paranoid at shadows or the prospect of "what it". Maybe it had to do with what they've done for him so far, even if it benefitted them to help him out.

A nap, that sounds heavenly. Closing his eyes never appealed to him before like it does at this very moment and maybe he was overthinking things again about the monster in the tunnel.

If it was going to come after them then it would have to traverse tunnels much closer to Kalzasi than would be safe for it. Up above are the sky guard and several more powerful individuals that would delight in having their names attached to the fame of killing something that terrorized the city for so long. Maybe it could sense that and remains down below, but for how long he couldn't say.

As for right now he is safe. He has a bed, food, people to watch over him for some time, and a new purpose. The monster must die.

"I think I want a nap." Yshvold's cold gaze softened as he let his thoughts run wild.

What are the odds that he ran into more people of worth, in a moral sense. Who would have thought he would be humbled so swiftly in a single day? Why have these people never shown themselves to him before he met his Lady?

Yshvold always spat at the concept of fate or destiny. To him it is an idea for weak people to cling to for hope and comfort. These fantastic ideas didn't bring food to your stomach, a roof over your head, or reliable companions. All of these things had to be earned through blood, sweat, and tears. Today he shed all three at some point.

With a bit of a hop down, and some tired hobbled walking, the boy made his way back to the bed and climbed up on his own. He shouldn't need much more to be in good shape to head up, and he will eat as his eyes close.

"I will..." Another Yawn escapes as he lays down and nibbles on the food. "Be awake in just a bit and then I'll make my way up, with or without you. It is your choice."

As soon as a quarter of the food had been eaten his eyes finally shut and his body slumped with whatever remained in his hand. This time his sleep looked more restful and purposeful.

word count: 462
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Aurin wasn't a particularly good man, but he often oversold his badness. Where he had grown up, the baddest men and women were the ones who were feared and respected. They were the survivors and the powerful. Since those nights, he had learned to secretly hold space for those who were good. Some were fragile, some were strong. Either way, they needed some space. And so he attempted to balance his badness with doing some good for the right people. He didn't know Yshvold well, but they had a shared mission for the time being, and had experienced a brush with death together. He wasn't about to adopt the kid, but it was something.

He didn't think about fate at all. There was a problem down in the depths, and it would call certain sorts of people down. That was how they had met. If they wanted to deal with the thing, they were better equipped if their skills were working together. That was just the nature of things.

That the boy wasn't the warm sort made it easier for Aurin.

All the same, he nodded and went back to cleaning his gear. He wasn't going to watch the boy sleep, but he would watch over him. When Yshvold's breathing was deep and even, he got up on his bare feet to softly pad over and cover him with an old blanket.

Elwes emerged silently, looking on. He was certain she had heard the exchange and simply chose to stay in the privy to let Aurin deal with it. He was the people person. She was the one who kept him and the boy from getting killed and eaten by bogeymen. They exchanged a look that spoke volumes and she went to turn down the light.

They were quiet, and Aurin let Yshvold enjoy the respite of sleep for as long as the boy's body would allow. There was no particular rush back to the surface, after all. When he awoke, there was food and their path would remain the same one for a while longer.
word count: 355
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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Title: Forge your Legend

Name: Aurin

  • Unarmed Combat:
  • Keeping Balance With Moving Things Underfoot

  • Keeping Concentration When in Danger
  • Holding Onto a Mask When Being Siphoned

  • Leading the Charge
  • Taking Risks for Others

  • Two-Weapon Fighting
  • Using a Blade as a Shield
  • Taking Advantage of an Opening
  • Cleaning Them After

  • Sensing Danger Coming
  • Assessing Magical Damage
  • Looking for Weak Spots

Points: 12
Magic: These points can be used for Semblance (8) and Masquerade (6)!

Injuries: Nothing to report!
Loot: 1 Ebberite Key
► Show Spoiler

Name: Yshvold

  • Aether Siphon: Catalyst: Crystal forming
    Aether Siphon: Catalyst: Volley fire
    Aether Siphon: Aether Sense: Gibblex Recognition
    Aether Siphon: Semblance Siphoning
    Aether Siphon: Masquerade Siphoning
    One-Handed Weapon: Dual Blade Daggers: Cutting restraints
    Acrobatics: Moving While Restrained
    Endurance: Fighting Under Duress

Points: 12
Magic: These points can be used for Aether Siphon.

Injuries: Minor Overstepping with Aether Siphoning's use of crystallization. Yshvold walks away intact but he feels extremely weary for the next week, as if every muscle in his body has endured a strenuous workout.
Loot: Nothing lost, nothing gained!

Comment: Outrageous fun you two, I had been waiting on the opportunity for someone to run into Gibblex for a while now. Hold onto that key for the coming Midden update, Aurin, you'll need it for your future trip down there. ;)

Welp, that's everything I'm sure! If you have any questions, or feel that something actually was missed; please do pm me so we can talk!
word count: 462
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