Monkey business (duck expansion)

The southern highlands of Ecith, largely undiscovered.

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Kaiko Marina
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=3434
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=3463

“My uncle was to me like Yeva is to you. I told him everything and he understood. Some stuff still hurts. And some things only hurt because he is gone.” she said when Norani gave advice and offered to listen. “But I will keep you in mind if I need to talk.”

“I’m Rithari who got magic.” Kaiko said, then realized that would sound so stupid if you did not know her family. “Where I come from magic is tightly monitored, very dangerous, and that is the world they grew up in. They got rid of their beasts somehow when they were young is what uncle says. They claim to never have had a beast. Likewise they tried to get rid of my beast. Finding out I am not human. Finding out I am Rithari with an aquatic beast, was the best day of my life. I was free and they tried to take it. They paid some mage a lot of money to remove my beast. But I would not let him. Instead I asked him to give me Animis. Which he did”

That night was when her life changed. When her family started to despise her and treat her as if she were a curse. All because she went against them. She had to steady her nerves as her anger at the past grew. “I kept away from them at first simply because I was upset they tried to change me. But when they found out I went against what they ordered and got a mark of controle they were so mad. They never got over it.” she would listen as Norani talked of her loss and would give an understanding nod. Loss hurts but it is better to honor the person through how you lived than it is to let the loss bring you down.

When her statement of being out of her element was challenged she would tilt her head and listen. She was amazed at what Norani was doing. Fog from air, water from fog, and a new uncomfortable dryness left behind. The same kind of water that tried to kill her. Then it would be much more comfortable as the water disappeared. The next bit of water was different, it was familiar and definitely more of the kind she preferred. Kaiko would poke the water out of curiosity.

It took no thought to decide what she wanted to learn first. “Can you teach me how to make water?” she said. “Like you just did. Then probably how to catch food. Or stop monkeys.”
word count: 430
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Norani's eyes widened, and her temper rose as Kaiko told her story. She knew places forbade magic, even enslaved, imprisoned, or killed the practitioners, a horrible and despicable practice. But to try and remove the animal side of a Rathari? That made her blood boil, and she was struggling to keep it contained, grinding her teeth. Kaiko didn't need anger right now, she needed a parent and teacher.

Kaiko had the opposite reaction in her family as Norani. Norani had left her family in anger after what they had done, whereas it sounded like most of Kaiko's family had abandoned her themselves. Norani's heart broke for Kaiko, she was still a child, at least Norani was an adult and had made that terrible, rash, painful decision herself. Did her own family hurt as Kaiko was hurting now? Did they hate her? Did they feel the anger that Norani felt toward them?

"I can certainly try. I've never initiated anyone with my magic before. But before we can work with that, we need to work on getting you to slow down, to take your time and to pay attention." She smiled, "It's a problem I struggle with too."

She gestured around her, "Take your time, listen to the world around you, use all of your senses. Tell me everything you feel."

As Kaiko was focusing on this, Norani closed her eyes as well, pulling the water she had been toying with into the air of her lap. She then began to focus it, making it smaller and smaller, while adding more and more water to it. The water there swirled and slowly began to crystallize as Norani formed the lodestone. She didn't want to make one too big, but she needed one that Kaiko would be able to use, and hopefully enjoy.

While Kaiko meditated, or not, Norani finished with her lodestone, then she imbued it with the generated salt water she produced. She cut a strap of leather from her clothing, and did up a quick, simple knotted bracelet around the small, blue lodestone. A gift, one that would allow there girl to venture into the freshwaters without her skin burning, the magic enchantment asking the freshwaters to allow her to breath without pain.

word count: 381
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Kaiko Marino

Loot: N/A
Injuries: Nothing a good night's rest cant help with

Points: 10, may not be used for magic.


Loot: N/A
Injuries: None

Points: 10, may not be used for magic.


word count: 80
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