
Duck expansion

The southern highlands of Ecith, largely undiscovered.

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Kaiko Marina
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Pond words were still land words in her mind, but she didn’t continue the argument. But a land word did pop up. “Mosquitoes.” She said it with a deep Ecith accent. Why? Because anything said in that accent is fun to say. It is also the only way she had heard the word. She went back to cracking open clams. Not arguing was getting harder as she was learning his logic. Salt was used to prevent food from spoiling. To salt something already bad would make no sense. “Preserved. Like salt cured ham.” She said deciding preserved water sounded better than spoiled water.

She listened as he explained that he was the thief and not the monkey. But he tried to right the wrong. And almost payed his life for the theft. His lesson was learned.

“Don’t foolishly think that by walking on land that you will be safe from the sea and its inhabitants.” she looked at a small crab as it shuffled past. “The sea knows no bounds and has no logic.” and with that she was done with being serious and smart. Fluff suddenly jumped up and began running towards the woods. Kaiko immediately got to her feet and began the chase. Was she ever going to learn that chasing was going to lead to her death? Probably not. But the baby otter did not get very far before she had caught it. Luckily this time it only got to the tree line.

She pulled fluff close and looked around. What had spooked the pore baby. Nothing in the trees and nothing in the sand. She looked over the gleam of the sea. Something big dipped below the waves. With its disappearance came knots in her stomach. “I think we should avoid the beach.” She said, “Which means I'm going to half to sleep on land.” she said that knowing it was something she had never done before. Sure, she had slept on a ship many times but never had she slept on actual land.
word count: 341
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Destyn set his jaw.

"It is little wonder you are on such good terms with the sea." Destyn decided, "You are both very salty." As she began to wax didactic, her cute little otter companion seemed to have the sudden urge to quit her company in favour of the jungle. He could understand the impulse, his qualms with the ocean being as they were and his love of the jungle's comforts being profuse.

He rose, and took lazy steps to slowly close the distance between them.

"I am happy to avoid the beach..." He knitted his brow, confused that this ocean apologist was keen to do so after posing such a vehement defence of the briny deep that bordered it. He hadn't noted the motion in the ocean which was now situated behind him, but the curiosity that had drawn him down was now sated.

He also seemed to miss the implication that sleeping on land was atypical for the girl as sleeping in water, particularly in those of the treacherous sea, was complete anathema. Besides, many if not most of those who'd travelled here via The Duck were encamped deeper in the jungle at this point. He tended to sleep alone in the branches of the trees when he didn't portal back to Kalzasi to cuddle with his friends, but he knew other more social creatures had established campsites.

"Well..." He stretched his arms and both sets of wings simultaneously in a high-pitched yawn. "So long and thanks for all the clams!" He squatted slightly, before launching up into a leap and catching himself in mid-air with the rapid, thunderously loud beating of his translucent wings.
word count: 368
“Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?”
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Kaiko Marina
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Did he just call her salty? He did. Yet she wasn't mad about it. Actually it was kinda funny. She was a sea slug, a seaman. A sailor. The definition of each included salty. Though she had always seen herself as more playful than anything else. But if she was salty, so be it. She smiled and laughed after she pulled the little one close. "You don't know many sea people do you?" She said, "We are usually proud of our saltiness."

At the thought of sea people, she began to think of her boat. If only she had it here her new problems would have been solved her ship could easily catch the new threat. She could be in the deep waters. She could fill fully free. This beach life was starting to mess with her. She knew it but it's not like she could just leave. She had to help the ship.

When he thanked her for the clams she gave a nod. "Next time perhaps you can bring some tree fruit," She said. Despite her kindness she was not convinced she liked this person. He wasn't kind or smart or playful. Or at least not that she could see.

She had turned away from him to let him leave. But she was not expecting the sudden loud thunder or a sound. Her skin immediately turned dark blue as she covered the pup. She was not going down without stinging someone. It's how she reacted to fear. And she was definitely afraid and confused. Was he attacking? What was that sound? When she wasn't attacked she slowly got back to her feet. She looked at the waves. What she saw as safe but did not go knowing there was a worse danger there. She moved slowly towards the trees but her dark color stayed as she convinced herself she would be okay.

She remembered the shiny cluster and her color faded back to normal as she got water in the bucket and put the cluster in it. Perhaps one of the others could inform her what they were and then help her take out the threat. If that failed, perhaps the art mage could help her figure out this land living thing. She took a deep breath, turned her back towards the water and started walking.
word count: 394
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Destyn shook his head in the negative.

"No. I do not know many sea people. I was never near the sea before The Duck. My clan wandered always near water, but only brooks, rivers, lakes... Freshwater sources. The sea was known to me only in stories." He tilted his head, mantis-like, at her expression of briny pride. He looked bemused at the sentiment but, unable to think of a useful reply, remained mum with his lips pursed and brow furrowed.

"I could do, yes... I did not know I would see anyone here, or else I would have broughten some for you and the baby." He nodded toward the little otter. "Do... can they eat fruit, I wonder? I do not know what nourishes them, but if it is anything from the jungle I can bring also that." The otter, like the meat of the giant buggies that crawled at the bottom of the ocean, proved that there was sweetness to be found in the ocean as well as the saltiness in which the girl took pride.

As Destyn took to the air, his focus was skyward, so he didn't note the shift in the girl's complexion until he was fully aloft and about twenty feet above her head. He looked down curiously, but thought little of it. He had learnt enough on the beach for the day, he thought... That sea people are salty, and sea otters are sweet. What clamses were and how to open them, and that the ocean is scary sometimes even to its dwellers. The jungled could be also, he reckoned, but it felt safer to him and so he was contented to return to its warm embrace.
word count: 371
“Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?”
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Hilana Chenzira
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Name: Kaiko

XP: 10 Points, no Magic
Lore: 12 Lores
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: None

Name: Destyn

XP: 10 Points, no Magic
Lore: 12 Lores
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: None

Notes: Sometimes wires get crossed, especially when characters have such different points of view and life experiences. It was very interesting to read about the two of them going back and forth!
word count: 79
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