Deep End

A Diplomatic Envoy rises from the deep

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Tyrann Xekourassi
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Despite of his nerves, Tyrann was pleasant and personable. He was an enthusiastic conversationalist with a facile sense of humour that could occasionally cut through even the most formal of affairs without being off-putting. At least that had been his experience amongst his own people, though he was not altogether certain how his japes came across amongst their long lost forebears. The king was so subtle, it took Tyrann a few minutes to even notice he'd withdrew and that was notable, as he tended to be very attentive to and deferential toward figures of such power and prestige. Though he did glance up to gauge the expression worn by the monarch upon his throne, his easy smile remained as he turned his attention back to the prince.

"I wish I had arrived better prepared but, alas, your culture is as cagey as my own and so I know passing little about Your Highness, save what I've learnt thus far today." And that was too little for Tyrann's taste and comfort.

"May I inquire as to what position you hold at court, aside from dashing prince of an august ancient lineage?" His grin was rife with mischief, and its crooked bent hinted at the slightest trace of flirtation, though he was careful enough not to push beyond the boundaries of propriety. He was much too cautious, and far too much of his future rode upon this moment for him to muck it up with indulgence, even if that did tend to be his yen.

He glanced askance to check on his honour guards, who seemed to be holding their own in conversation with some of the courtiers... which amused him, given both were quite aloof, which made them perfectly suited to their roles in his retinue, but rarely ideal social guests.

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"Many are the branches," quoted Sorononar, "but we tend the roots." His smile was friendly, yet restrained. He too had grown up in a royal court, but was young enough to be curious about the outside world. There were unkinder sayings, and some would rather uproot the entire Enclave like an eyesore weed in the Hytori garden, but this was none such hardliner.

"My siblings and I have no official position at court. Unofficial advisors, perhaps, as our father continues our training in statecraft. As we are, I think, of a similar age as Your Excellency, we might be called upon to help you settle in."

To that end, when the serene elf who had guided Tyrann et alia through the palace returned to ferry the Neptori to their new home, Sorononar offered to join them.

"As you wish, Your Highness," he said, bowing, then bowing lower to the throne. The prince bowed to his father as well, and the king's hand came up to acknowledge their parting.

The doors through which Tyrann had entered now led somewhere else entirely. Though he wouldn't know it, perhaps, until he saw it from the outside, an embassy had been established for them on the top two floors of a fine insula in the Enclave. It might have been a tower for how tall it was, offering views of the palace from whence they had come as well as the sea down the long road. There might have been some phosphomancy at work, bending light such that the view was more perfect than it ought to be.

Though windows could be closed against inclement weather, the place invited the outside in. Breezes came from the sea and from the mountains, and it was comfortably furnished, fine without being ostentatious. The edifice was constructed around a central peristyle with a saltwater pool, and there were huge saltwater aquariums tended by happy little sea spirits.

"They were rehabilitated by summoners who found them injured and brought them back to good health," the prince explained. "Some choose to return to the sea, but others are happy to create these little sanctuaries. I hope this will feel like a home away from home for you. You will likely be invited to a feast at the palace within a few days, allowing you time to get settled and perhaps explore more of the city."
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Tyrann Xekourassi
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"And roots are something our cultures do share..." The Neptori knight noted, "And roots are the part of the tree that seek out water, whilst leaves and branches reach for sunlight." He further mused, the last bit of the comment gaining a bit of resonance as it was spoken into the cup of the goblet he was drawing up to his lips.

"I am five and twenty." Tyrann clarified, "And would welcome it, should you be thus assigned. May I ask how many siblings you have? I have five half-siblings. Three princes sired by him who bore me, and two keepers sired by him who sired me." He was quick to offer up his own information, before Sorononar even had a chance to respond as to whether he would consent to answering Tyrann's question.

After a moment, it seemed they were being conducted elsewhere. Tyrann turned to execute a low and flourishing bow to the king, before gesturing for the prince to join them as he fell into step with the servant. He sensed the slipspace ahead of him had been manipulated, so it was no surprise to find a threshold already crossed no longer led to the place from whence he'd come. He was, however, surprised at what he did find. He hadn't been told it was an embassy, which would have surprised him the more.

"What a charming guest house! And so serendipitously suited to our needs. Your father is an host of remarkable acumen, Highness, and we are honoured to receive his hospitality." He bowed to Sorononar, fair beaming at the offerings. This was more like it! None of the other landed realms he'd visited had rolled out quite so lavish a red carpet as Sol'Valen, and he felt truly vindicated for the first time since embarking upon this mission.

"I should be very pleased to do so. Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ, Υψηλότατε!"
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"An elder sister and a younger brother," he supplied with a smile, "and I have five-and-twenty summers as well."

Later, at the residence-cum-embassy, "You are quite welcome." His grasp of the Neptori language was inexpert, something to do with lungs made for air rather than water. "I fear your accent is more accurate than mine."

The pink that bloomed on his cheeks was faint, but apparent.

"Would His Excellency the ambassador like a tour of the premises," the elder elf cut in primly, "or ought we to leave to allow you to settle in, sir?" The prince remained silent, allowing his elder to attend to the proper protocols. He didn't know how far Tyrann had traveled that day, though he did know how long he had been kept waiting, and knew that glad-handing the Val'Hytori could be taxing even on the vitality of the young.

Whatever Tyrann decided, Sorononar decided he would check in on the morrow to show them around. Perhaps someday he would be able to visit a city under the sea himself; that would be something.
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Tyrann Xekourassi
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"Our tongues share roots withal..." Tyrann replied, cordially if not consolingly. "Though ours has been influenced by the songs of our cetacean neighbours amongst other things. Nevertheless, I would scarcely expect you to be acquainted with Nepthal, outside of the phonated cognates..." The physical gestures were a whole other matter and, not wishing to compound the prince's ostensible embarrassment, he would let that matter lie.

"A tour, yes." Tyrann did not seem remotely weary, however far he may have travelled. Perhaps it was the stimulation of being in a high-stakes situation and the sharpness of being in unfamiliar surroundings, or perhaps Neptori were just balls of aquatic energy.

"But we shall not detain His Highness any further, this long after dessert... Though I do hope he will deign to visit our humble envoy again?" Tyrann noted, with an overly deferential bow. He smiled warmly upon confirmation that Sorononar would, indeed, be returning and soon.

"I am most glad of that..." Tyrann was not so guileless as to believe a prince of Sorononar's status was as bashful and green as he presented, but he still felt markedly more comfortable in the son's presence than he had in the father's. He could ask questions of Sorononar that he would not dare pose to Ailuin, and he had much upon which to inquire.

When the prince excused himself, Tyrann would gesture for the steward to show him about. Of a servant, he would ask even more questions and he was certainly interested to know why a building like this existed in the first place. Had one of the other Neptori Nations sent an envoy that wanted for lodging? The Tidal Nation was really the only one that would want for this much saltwater, with the possible exception of his Coastal cousins.

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"Ah, very well," Sorononar said, taking cues from Neptori and elder Hytori. "I shall bid you good day and perhaps call upon you on the morrow."

The punctilious elf nodded approvingly.

"My friends call me Soren," he added. "I invite you to do so."

While the young prince had carried himself with gravitas and aplomb in the audience chamber, here he was decidedly less urbane. The elder elf managed not to sigh at the breach of etiquette. Sorononar offered a shallow bow that, to another elf, showed remarkable familiarity.

Tyrann's keeper bowed to his departing prince, then turned to gauge the envoy.

There actually was quite a bit to do. He showed Tyrann et alia the entire place, answering questions put to him. While the building's bones were ancient, this penthouse had been the apparent folly of an architect later redeemed when Prince Sorononar himself had purchased it, then offered it to the crown for uses such as this, or any other purpose it might fill. Thálassa ston Ouranó was a marvel, indeed.

They were introduced to the three full-time servants who served them at the king's pleasure: a chef, a housekeeper, a butler. He oversaw discussions with each of them. The chef would know what and how Tyrann and his entourage would like to eat, when, and how. The housekeeper suggested a timeline for cleaning and maintenance, asking for their opinions on whether that suited them. The butler was warned to expect Prince Sorononar at some point on the morrow, as well as an invitation to dine at the palace within the next day or so.

He was thorough, so it was entirely possible Tyrann was worn out by the time he quit their presence.

In any case, there was more to come in the days ahead.

 ! Message from: Hekatos
Huzzah! I hope you enjoyed meeting Ailuin and Soren and that I gave you enough information about the locale where he will be staying that you feel comfortable playing there. If not, I will endeavor to do so next time.

You are hereby awarded 15 xp for a moderated thread. Use them wisely.

Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, criticism, etc. You know where to find me.
word count: 423
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