Breaking the Surface

Tyrann emerges & meets Imogen

The vast, wild, and largely undiscovered and untouched tropical jungles that dominate the majority of the Ecithian Continent.

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Tyrann Xekourassi
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Joined: Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:36 pm
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=4604
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=4658

“A… Cold War, then?” Tyrann was grinning a bit too brightly as he posed the question. Not because he was pleased about a conflict so much as he was proud to have recalled such a niche term in a language he rarely had cause to speak.

At the second mention of the so-called ‘High City of Zaichaer’, Tyrann’s interest was roused. That was certainly a promising mantle, if designated in truth not in irony. He parted his pale lips to pose a query, but Imogen’s further clarification voided its purpose and answered it keenly enough. Zaichaer and Kalzasi could be scratched off the list, as well. The dirt-dwellers were proving markedly disappointing in Tyrann’s estimation. Things had truly decayed since the days of Old Nepthalia.

“This seems a sound suggestion, Advisor Imogen. I shall do this.” He agreed with a firm nod to her recommendation of writing to request a formal audience of the emperor. “Are you familiar with the proper form of address, or… I’m certain I can find that out on my own, if not.” He tilted his head, bemused at the news of her personal ambitions.

“Are you not Ecithian? Forgive my ignorance, but does this imperium permit citizens of hostile nations to own property within their borders?” The incredulity with which he expressed this query bespoke disappointment in the sole serious contender on the world stage that had yet been broached amongst the landed nations.

“It is little wonder the war has gone cold, with such cavalier allowances. But this is, I suppose, to your benefit… and perhaps mine, so I will not grudge them their shortsightedness.” He noted with a smirk.

“Our chance encounter has proven most propitious, Imogen. You may serve the Seas quite well.”
word count: 311
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Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:21 pm
Title: Most Unemployed Janitor In The World
Location: Ecith
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"Ah, no, you've got the matter aright, Highness." the witch rubbed at her chin with one thumb, "I expect that if I present myself at customs in Gel'Grandel and ask for a realtor, they'd summon a Kathar to haul me into prison, or perhaps just shoot me. But I see no need to have my name on the deed." She wondered if underwater kingdoms even had deeds. How did one demarcate territory when concerned with more than the bottommost slice thereof? "I have associates in the capitol who can work within the letter of the law; I'm content with de facto possession at arm's length."

The prince's question about the cold war was interesting for more than his pride in use of terminology. Imogen wasn't much accustomed to pondering why affairs of state were transacted as they were, and she decided to take a moment to sit back and ponder the current slate. Why wasn't there an active war, when the animosity had only festered in the past twenty years?

"The war has gone cold for want of will to wage it, I suppose." the witch said, slowly, "I have related to you the fractured governance of Ecith, but my understanding is there is a stalemate in the Senate between those chiefs who want revenge and those who prefer to enjoy peace. The latter, by the nature of the continent, are favored, for Ecith must spend its forces internally in guarding its people against the Primals- a war without would undoubtedly see whole regions destroyed in their absence."

"The popular opinion in the Imperium is that they won the war, though there is a certain mystery at the heart of that." she frowned, practically squinting at the table as though the furniture could produce the answers she sought, "The empire justified the assault as the result of Arcas' knights, the Dawnmartyrs, working with traitor nobles to overthrow them. But the few survivors of that order--those with whom I have spoken, at any rate--seem adamant this was subterfuge."

Another little mystery which she wasn't liable to figure out, anyway. Imogen shrugged, her smile returning. "But perhaps they were working together in secret, or perhaps the invasion was spurred by unfounded rumors alone? I doubt I'll ever know."

Well, enough of affairs of state, there were far more important matters to hand. The ork waited for her host to finish his statement, then nodded amiably.

"Your highness, whatever it is you may need done, rest assured- there's nobody in all the lands above as capable and reasonably-priced as me."

word count: 462
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