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Torin Kilvin

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 2:57 pm
by Torin Kilvin


Full Name: Torin Kilvin
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Height: 6'2
Weight: 180

Birthdate: 40 Searing 102
Birthplace: Middling village fifty miles outside Kalzasi

Profession: Runesmith
Housing: House adjacent to his Shop and Forge.
Partners: Aurin Kavafis, Sivan Sunrunner
Business: Kilvin's Forge

Professionally: Master Runesmith
Noble Title: Sir
Factions: House Leukos

Fluencies: Common, knows trade talk in a smattering of others common to the area surrounding Kalzasi
Conversationals: Mythrasi, Valasrin, Synskrit
Ineptitudes: Kathalan


At the juxtaposition between the clumsy child he's spent his life as and the strong adult his training and latent genetics are turning him into it's a toss-up which you'll see if you cast eyes upon him. With a frame that betrays his malnourished infancy to one who knows what to look for, but years of steady feeding are starting to fill him out. The days when he was the shortest lad his age in the village have left him too. The lad has bloomed into a tall, straight-backed youth that he would never have recognized as himself if he hadn't watched it happen one day at a time. Topping off with a set of grey eyes and a shock of blond hair that he doesn't seem to realize should be trimmed.


Torin was always a painfully shy, careful boy, and while he has realized that he doesn't need to flinch away from every hand raised in greeting any longer the caution remains. Due to his country upbringing, he is often unsure what the city-dwellers he now lives with are talking about and is more likely to keep his mouth shut than open it and feel like a fool. He keeps his head down(as much as one with his height can) and his nose clean. When he is alone with others of his profession he'll open up more speaking in a low, quiet way that draws others to listen, often to his own embarrassment. At the forge or with a piece of leather between his hands he will often sing to himself, keeping his rhythm between his hammer and his surprisingly sweet, clear voice.



Torin was born in a small village some fifty miles outside the city of Kalzasi into circumstances not envied by any who knew them. His mother had been forced by her parents into an unhappy marriage as soon as she was old enough; unwilling to support her in their home of too many mouths. She'd become pregnant quickly and barely carried to term due to the back of her husband's hands and the heels of his boots.

Between the abuse and her youth, delivering the child nearly cost her life and rendered her unable to quicken again. The young mother loved her child with a ferocity the burned away any remnants of her own childhood. She did her best to protect her son and show him love, even as his father ingrained the lesson that he would never be worthy of it.

Mother and child shared a life of privation and mistreatment until, when the boy had passed his sixth year, his mother stole him away. Through the long night she ran with Torin's small hand clutched in hers. They traveled only in the darkness for three days until they reached a larger villager where there was a Runesmith of middling skill who'd been seeking an apprentice. Seeing this as the only option of a good life for her child, Torin's mother sold him to the man.

For weeks the boy was too afraid to speak or raise his eyes to the Runesmith or his wife, obedient in all things. As time passed and their kinder natures showed, he realized they would not harm him and began to open up. When he did well at his lessons the blunt but caring Runesmith would praise him, pat him on the back or ruffle his sandy hair. Torin grew to live for these small shows of approval and pushed himself to earn them in every circumstance. The Runesmith could not have hoped for a harder working or more faithful apprentice.

Years passed; the man and his wife began a family of their own, being blessed with several children. Torin knew he wasn't one of them and while he did not resent them he was always careful not to encroach on the family identity. He spent most of his time in the forge area, alone with the Runesmith while they worked. His admiration for the sturdy older man grew to a level the man might have found alarming if he'd been aware of it.

It might have been this hero-worship that led the lad to push himself to perfect everything he was taught but the Runesmith came to believe that the boy's innate talent far outstripped his own modest abilities. By the time the boy was sixteen, the man knew there was nothing else he could teach but much more that Torin could learn. He made inquiries in the city for a better teacher and when, some months later, he received a promising offer he paid for passage and what gear was needed to send the boy off.

When he was told of the opportunity Torin begged not to go, breaking down in a way his teacher had never seen before. Weeping and unable to eat, Torin promised to do better, to obey in all things, to work for no pay, if only he was allowed to stay. The Runesmith was astonished and sat him down to explain that he needed a better trainer and sending him away was meant as a gift, not a punishment. Still, the boy resisted, pleading. For months this went on until the Runesmith grew stern, insisting. Unable to stand the disapproval of the only person he'd even sought it from Torin relented and allowed himself to be packed up and shipped off to the Kalzasi.

He wrote home weekly of his progress and lived for the approving answers he received less regularly. His new master was hard but fair and he fit in quickly due to his work ethic and ability. His fellow apprentices respected him and, as he rarely spoke beyond what was needed, accepted him easily. Though none so deeply as to call him a friend.

Five months after he arrived in the city he got a letter from his old teacher's wife explaining that the village had been raided. While defending his family the Runesmith had lost his life. She wished Torin well and promised he would always have a place in her home but the news broke something fundamental in him.

Throwing himself even harder into his work, till there was no room for thoughts outside it, got him through the next several weeks. When he came out of the darkness he looked at his life and realized he'd never known himself outside the shadow of other men, one hated, one loved. He was almost a man now himself, with the prospect of a good future, yet had never imagined what it might look like.

What sort of man did he want to be? It was time he found out.

Re: Torin Kilvin

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 5:31 pm
by Torin Kilvin

SkillSkill LevelProficiencyLores
Runeforging 200/300Grand Master (2nd)Max
Semblance 150/100 Grand Master (3rd)Max
Blacksmithing 100/100 MasterMax
Scrivening 100/100 MasterMax
Perception 85/100 ExpertMax
Magical Theory 80/100Expert31
Leatherworking 75/100 ExpertMax
Polearms 60/100 JourneymanMax
Unarmed Combat 50/100 JourneymanMax
Business 50/100 JourneymanMax
House Carpentry50/100 Journeyman22
Linguistics 50/100 Journeyman25
Bodybuilding 50/100Journeyman15
Artificing 50/100 Journeyman10
Elementalism 50/100 JourneymanX
Singing 30/100 Apprentice18
Stealth 25/100 Apprentice14
Clockwork 40/100 Apprentice11
Persuasion 9/100 Novice34
Medicine 7/100 Novice22
Climbing 2/100 Novice9
Date: Year 123ThreadPoints Awarded/SpentProgress
1 GladeNew Year's in the Valley 10/0Reviewed
2 GladeRaiment of the Stars 10*/0Reviewed
25 GladeFlow 0/0In Progress
50 GladeFoundations 8*/0Reviewed
1st SearingTorin and Sivan's Excellent Adventure 0/0In Progress
21st SearingPrecocious 0/0In Progress

Year: 123
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Year: 122
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Year: 121
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Year: 120
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Points Breakdown
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Re: Torin Kilvin

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2020 2:17 am
by Torin Kilvin

1. Starter Package:
1 Set of Clothing (Cloak or Coat and footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel

2. 1 Set of forge leathers
3. Trinket gifted by his first Runesmith teacher
4. 1 of a pair of Communication Pendants
5. 2 Minor aetherite shards
6. 1 Minor dreamstone

Torin owns a house that is on the same property as his business. (All Math in gp unless otherwise stated)

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Dragon Shards Owned

Re: Torin Kilvin

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:44 pm
by Torin Kilvin

Crafted Artifacts
ItemCrafting SkillDate Created
Communication PendantsRunesmithing36 Frost 120
Silver LadyRunesmithing40 Searing 121
Illumite LampsRunesmithing32 Ash 121
Timon's DaggerRunesmithing47 Ash 121
Dowsing CompassRunesmithing/Scrivening2 Frost 121
Aurin's BracersRunesmithing/Kinetics/Semblance29 Frost 121
Spellweaver Lute StringsRunesmithing83 Frost 121
Safety NetRunesmithing/Negation83 Frost 121
Cloak of ConcealmentRunesmithing/Masquerade/Semblance60 Searing 122
Negation CuffRunesmithing/Negation70 Searing 122
Communication Pendant NetworkRunesmithing/Semblance55 Ash 122
Door KnobsRunesmithing/Traversion/Negation/Scrivening70 Frost 122
Cloaks of Comfort (9)Runesmithing/Negation/Semblance88 Frost 122
Lightstep BootsRunesmithing/Negation/Kinetics/Semblance65 Frost 122
Illumite BroochesRunesmithing77 Frost 122
Beacon StonesRunesmithing/TraversionVarious
Secret Keeper's BookRunesmithing/Semblance/Scrivening70 Glade, 123
Bags of HoldingRunesmithing/Trav/Neg/Alch/Elem47 Frost, 123
Returning KnivesRunesmithing/Traversion/Negation60 Frost, 123
Reinment GauntletsRunesmithing/Negation/Divine Worship91 Frost, 123
Communication Pendants, 1 Set of 2:
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Silver Lady:
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Illumite Lamps (2)
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Timon's Dagger
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Dowsing Compass
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Aurin's Bracers
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Spellweaver Lute Strings:
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Safety Net:
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Cuff of Negation:
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Cloak of Concealment:
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Communication Pendant Network, 1 Set of 9:
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Cloaks of Comfort (9)
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Lightstep Boots (adjusted by Torin)
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Door Knobs
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Illumite Brooches:
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Secret Keeper's Book
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Bag of Holding x2
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Returning Knives x2
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Reinment Gauntlets x2
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Re: Torin Kilvin

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 5:08 pm
by Torin Kilvin

N P Cs

Name: Timon
Race: Human
Age: 14 (Frost, 27th)
Height: 5'0
Weight: 98lbs

Occupation: Clerk at Kilvin's Forge
Relation to PC: Friend, employee, sees Torin as an older brother
NPC Type: Companion, reoccurring employee
Influence: 6 (Due to their commonly being at the forge and for ease of RP, Sivan Sunrunner, Aurin Kavafis, and Kala Leukos have permission to write this NPC for story purposes.)

Timon is a precocious child who tends to see himself as the equal of adults who are kind to him, though he knows to cow to adults who have power over him or may cause him harm. He has a strong belief in his own knowledge but sometimes has odd notions, as any child might, about the ways of the world. He was raised in Kalzasi and given to be an apprentice to a runesmith with the intention to train him to be a shopkeeper/clerk when he was eleven. Taking the job well he developed a childish charisma for dealing with customers and has a good head for numbers. In his original apprenticeship, his master was nearly indifferent to him unless he caused issues, so when one of the other apprentices, Torin Kilvin, finished his apprenticeship and opened a shop of his own Timon followed him. The older apprentice did ask the boy to accompany him and watch over his shop, but it seems likely Timon would have tagged along after him regardless. The lad has a room on the first floor of Torin's house and spends most of his days minding the tiny shop that front's the runeforge and blacksmithy.

(Due to Timon being only 12 the full 250 skill points will not be used, some will be held in reserve for him as he ages)

Business: Journeyman (50)

Finance: Journeyman (50)

Appraisal: Journeyman (50)

Persuasion: Journeyman (50)

Blades: Journeyman (50)

Cooking: Journeyman (50)

Etiquette: Apprentice (25)

Stealth: Apprentice (25)
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Starting Package+450450
Frost Wages+455905
Glade Wages+4551,360
Searing Wages+4551,815
Ash Wages+6372,452
Gift for Kaus-752,377
Frost Wages+1,6374,014

Re: Torin Kilvin

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 7:46 pm
by Torin Kilvin


Name of Business: Kilvin's Forge
Business Type: Runeforge and Blacksmithy with Alchemical Lab
Items Sold: Runeforged items mainly but Torin will take on Blacksmithing jobs too. Alchemical items can by purchased in the shop or ordered as well.
Services Provide: Custom Magical Item Creation, Torin specializes in creating new things or adjusting the schematics for already existing schemas.

Base Income: Runesmith (Grandmaster 2) — 20 gp/day
Skill Bonus: Apprentice x 1.5, Journeyman x 2, Expert x 2.5, Master x3 = 337

Base Income: Semblence (Master) — 15 gp/day
Skill Bonus: Journeyman x 1.5, Expert x 2, Master x 2.5 = 113

Base Income: Blacksmith (Master) — 15 gp/day
Skill Bonus: Journeyman x 1.5, Expert x 2, Master x 2.5 = 113
Total Income: 563gp/day

Sales Bonus: 20%
Ingenuity/Creativity Bonus: 5%
Loyalty Bonus: 5%
Hired PCs Bonus:
Sivan, Alchemist (Expert, +60%)
Aurin, Personal Mage (Master, +80%)
Hired NPCs Bonus:
Timon: Clerk (Journeyman +45%)
Renault: Personal Mage (Journeyman +45%)
Gadry: Blacksmith (Expert +55%)

Hired PCs Wages:
Aurin - 15gp/day
Sivan - 14gp/day
Hired NPCs Wages:
Timon - 10 gp/day
Renault - 10 gp/day
Gadry - 14gp/day

The property consists of a duel Runforge and Blacksmithy on the first floor, and Alchemical and Artificing labs above them. The yard is large enough to allow for horses or similarly sized animals to enter for shoeing and the like. A small shop, a single room for the sales floor, and a small backroom for storing items not on display, is the only part of the property that shows to the street. The forges as well as the two-story house with a basement are all behind a large fence that circles the property as a whole. All four work areas are well stocked with the gear needed to pursue the professions they support. The house is well furnished, though simple, with four bedrooms, a large kitchen, and a common area with a dining table and places to sit around a brazier.

In Frost of 122 Torin added a second story to his work area which is divided between an Artificing workshop and an Alchemy lab.

Torin has taken on a binding contract to provide his working hours mainly to house Leukos for the first two years after he opens the business, with the option to renew if both parties agree.


Seasonal Interest Rate: Currently not applicable.

Description of Business:

The shop front is small but inviting with a large window of displayed items next to its wide door. A wooden sign with the business name and logo swings above the door. Inside the shop, there are display cases, the window case, and stands for displaying weapons or larger tools. The items in the shop are all for sale but are meant more as example pieces of the work offered since the runesmith prefers to work for clients who need specialty work or new things invented. The shop is manned by an eager young boy, who can explain the items in the shop or fetch 'Master Kilvin' if the customer wants to discuss having something made. Torin Kilvin himself spends most of his time in either his runeforge or the attached blacksmithy out behind the shop where the work of his hammer can be heard ringing most days. It is obvious to anyone used to shopping for runeforged material that the owner is just starting out with none of the grand decor or ostentation that is seen in runeforges that have been around for any real length of time. Though young, the smith is a serious and intentional man who knows his craft and loves it. His feelings for the work can be seen in the carefulness and detail of even the simplest of tools that come out of his forges.

The business was started with all his own investment money, in fact, it was nearly every penny he had managed to save, so he eats and lives by what he can now make in the business. There is no room for failure, lest he find himself with no home and no means to provide for himself, so he is doubly motivated to work hard and succeed.

After being in business alone for the first three seasons Torin expanded the business to include the alchemical lab and artificing forge. At the same time he hired his friend, Sivan to run the alchemical side of the business.

Business NPCs:

NPC Name: Renault
Location Link: Kilvin's Forge
Profession: Personal Mage
Base Wage: 12gp
NPC Skill Level: Journeyman
Skill Breakout:
Negation (Journeyman)
Kinetics (Journeyman)
Elementalism (Journeyman)

Description: Renault was chosen as a child to be trained as a Circle mage in Kalzasi. Due to his belligerent nature and unwillingness to follow the rules he was continuously censured by his teachers and, eventually, once he reached adulthood cast out of the school and Circle alike. Because of the reputation he had earned and because he had no references he was unable to find reputable work as a mage and was forced to work either at an extreme discount or working mundane jobs.

In Frost of 121 Torin Kilvin met him and, realizing that he was in a dire situation, started hiring him on for single jobs at his Runeforge. Though Renault's personality was an issue with most people, Torin was laid back enough, and kind enough to continue to hire him for enough work each season thereafter that the young mage was able to afford a place to live and take care of himself. In Searing of 122 the mage and Runeforger had formed enough of a working relationship that Torin asked to hire him outright.

NPC Name: Gadry
Location Link: Kilvin's Forge
Profession: Blacksmith
Base Wage: 25cp/day
NPC Skill Level: Journeyman
Skill Breakout:
Blacksmithing (Expert)
Carpenter (Journeyman)
Leatherworker (Journeyman)

Description: Gadry was apprenticed to a Blacksmith at age six, which was common in the region where he grew up. He was able to see his family regularly but the majority of his time from then on was spent in or around the forge that he was apprenticed to. It was a large establishment and there were several craftsmen working together as well as multiple other apprentices at various levels of skill. Gadry took to the work with a will once he had gotten over the initial homesickness that most apprenticed so young endure and, by the time he was twelve, had shown a remarkable aptitude. Because he learned quickly he managed to take on the professions of several of the other craftsman as well, though his main interest was Blacksmithing this manifold education allowed him to fully craft tools without needing to rely on others to finish the non-metal parts.

As he began to grow towards the end of his apprenticeship (a term of twelve years) his master began to grow discontent with his advanced level of aptitude and tendency to experiment with the tried and true methods of alloy mixing and metal folding and various other lessons he had been taught. Due to this the man began micromanaging him or relegating him to tasks far below his ability. When the apprenticeship came to it's conclusion the Blacksmith who had taught him offered him a job, which, lacking a better immediate offer, he accepted and spent the subsequent three years chaffing under the yolk of his over-watchful employer.

Due to his abilities he was offered several other positions during those years but none of them had offered higher pay than his current and most of them would have required him to move quite far away from his aging parents. He had three sisters but they had married and moved on with their lives while he had been an apprentice and he did not wish to leave his parents, though they were not impoverished, without his support should they need it.

At the tale end of his third year as a journeyman, frustrated and discontent in the work he was allowed to do, that the redheaded man had come to speak to him. The man explained that he was an agent for a runesmith of great renown who was looking for good blacksmith who wouldn't mind experimenting with new ideas. The job sounded ideal but was in a very remote location but, once the man understood his reluctance, explained that the compensation for the work, which was considerable, included a goodly house which could accommodate Gadry's parents in their retirement as well as himself. The agent waxed poetic about the virtues of the valley he would be working in, the healthful air, the close-knit community, the generous lord (who was the Runesmith) that Gadry agreed, on the spot, to at least come tour the place and see if he thought it would be a good fit.

It was everything he had been promised and more.

Re: Torin Kilvin

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 9:53 pm
by Torin Kilvin

Granted: Here

Region: Kalzasi

Land: Mountainous/Valley

Type: Undeveloped


Obtained: Granted to Torin Kilvin by Lady Akshara, Head of House Leukos, as a reward for service rendered.


Being surrounded on all sides by high, nearly sheer mountains explains why, despite its beauty and fertility, this valley hidden high in the mountains has never been settled before. The location, far from any large towns or cities, is another reason why the location has gone, not only peopled, but unnoticed. Getting to the valley under mundane circumstances involves a climb that even a skilled and experienced mountaineer wouldn't undertake without proper gear.

Torin Kilvin fell in love with the valley when he stumbled upon it in late Ash of the year 122. Awed by the seclusion and, to him, overwhelming beauty of the trees decked out in their red and gold finery, and the little river that runs the length of the space between the mountains, ending in a little lake, he took the trouble to climb down the cliff-like mountainside and spend the day within. When he returned to Starfall he extolled the loveliness of what he had seen to his benefactors and patrons, the rulers of the territory in which the valley stood.

When, later in that same season, Kilvin risked himself to see that the people of Starfall's remote farms were safe from the horrors of the Eclipse event of 122, House Leukos decided to grant him the right to the land of the, then as of yet unnamed, valley that had so enthralled him.


Long and narrow, the valley lies between several high mountain peaks. At its most accessible point it must still be climbed down into, presenting danger to any without adequate safety gear and a good anchor. Despite its inhospitable location, the valley itself is made up of gently sloping green hills and fields during the months of Glade and Searing, dotted with copses of trees throughout and more heavily wooded around the edges. During Ash the forested areas turn from green to every shade of gold, orange and red, particularly attractive during the hours of sunrise and sunset when the whole valley can appear as though it were aflame or gilded.

The soil, unspoiled by foot or plow, is particularly fertile, and receives enough sun in the unforested areas to be ideal for growing crops or grazing animals. The timber land is old and though not massive enough to provide for a city, it is enough to support a village or small town if well cared for. Wild game ranges through the valley, mostly small herds of deer, with the occasional wild boar appearing, quail and other fowl abound in the forested underbrush, as well as rabbits and various other rodents that might be useful as food or for their pelts. The river and lake do house some fish, but surprisingly few; it may be that, due to lack of diversity, some species died out or have failed to flourish. Various plants and herbs grow naturally that are good for both eating and medicinal uses, even, perhaps, some that are varieties of known plants unique to the isolated environment of the valley.

In addition, the valley boasts hot springs, that though small, might provide some comfort to the inhabitants; more so if they are tended and developed.

Costs and Development

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Re: Torin Kilvin

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 3:36 pm
by Torin Kilvin


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Re: Torin Kilvin

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 10:26 pm
by Torin Kilvin


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